Star pov
I was slightly upset with amber last night, she clearly made Marco uncomfortable while I talked with mother. I actually have a good feeling about him even if I just met him. I got up pretty early and did my early workout, I checked on amber to see if she's awake as I checked she was snoring and still asleep I chuckled and took off.
I had my phone on my arm and put my headphones on as I took my run, I looked at all the beautiful places, never in my life have I seen such a place. As I stop at a coffee shop I smiled and start remembering about the small coffee place next to the palace I used to sneak off too. I wonder if they have what I like?
As I entered I received stares here and there but mostly from couples and I didn't want to intrude. I quick went to the worker and check the menu "Hello.." he sounded lovestruck as I looked down at him, he was blushing quite a bit and I smiled "Hi, can I get a caramel latte with chocolate syrup drizzled on top?"
He just stood there a little nervous, I raised a brow at him "Are you alright?" I asked nicely, he looked frozen "Um.." I looked around and poked his face "I'm s-sorry I'll get your order" he rushed off and I began giggling as I waited a girl with short raven hair came towards the counter beside me looking at me
"Sup" I nodded "Hi" she smirks a bit "You're not from here" I smiled "Yeah I'm not, how did you know?" She laughs and looks at me "You have a slight accent, and your super gorgeous" I smiled "Well thanks for calling me gorgeous, I'm Star" she looked at my hand and took it
"Janna, welcome to California so why are you here?" I thought about the fake story "For a wedding, helping my cousin out" she nods "Cool, how long your staying?" Should I tell her? She doesn't look that bad right "About 6 months" she nods "Thats pretty long, well if you like we could hang out when your not busy"
I slightly tilted my head "Um, sure I guess we could" she smirked "So innocent, I love it" I was a little uneasy "Hey, give me your phone, text me your number so I know it's you" I nodded and waited for her to put the number after she did I texted immediately and she smiles as she gets it "Thanks" I smiled slowly
"Your welcome" as I look back the guy came back with my drink "Here you go, have a nice day" I nodded "You too, bye Janna" she waves too "Bye Star see you around" as I looked the barista was shocked she knew my name but I ignored it and walked home.
As I did I passed by little shops as I did I noticed a very mysterious guy playing a keytair, it was bad but it wasn't good either. I stopped in front of him as he stopped and looked at me, as he moved his hair from his face I was stunned to see such beautiful real eyes, he looked hot! He smiles as he stood up, he was taller then me Thats for sure
"Hey" I blushed looking up at him "Hi.." I was just drooling over him for no reason "I like your eyes.." I managed to say as he chuckles a bit "Thanks, I like yours" I giggled a bit as we stayed there in a silence "Oskar, and you?" I shake my head "Star, nice meeting you" he smirks "I like your accent, its cute" I smiled even bigger
"Thanks, everyone has been saying that since I got here" he chuckles while he grabbed his instrument "No problem, hey since your new and all would you like to get some ice cream sometime?" The blush on my face got worse and I nodded "Yeah..you can put your number in my phone"
he took my phone and I texted him so he can save it "Thanks, well I better get going later Star" he walked off and I see more names on my phone, so far 2 guys in my phone and one girl? I shake my head and quickly head home before Amber wakes up stressed out.
As I jogged to the gate I heard someone calling me as I turn its marco, I smiled and ran towards him into a hug "Marco!" He chuckles as he puts me down "Hey Star, were you working out?" He asked noticing my outfit "Oh yeah earlier I was, what are you doing?" He runs his hands through his hair and I blush a bit
"Just came out of school, I just wanted to ask if you want to hang out with me for some nachos? I make the best at my place" I smiled and nodded "Sure um, let me take a quick shower first, you don't mind waiting right?" He shook his head "Not at all"
I smile and head towards my apartment as I entered with Marco Amber was awake eating a bowl of fruits "Star! Where have you been I was worried.. hello again" she said as she glared at Marco "Relax I went for a jog and stopped by a coffee shop, a met a couple new people and the most handsome guy"
I say blushing of oskar "You already having crushes?" Marco said as he chuckles "I do, is that a problem with you?" He shook his head "Not really, if I were you I'll check them out first because they could be a psycho killer or whatnot or in other terms and player"
I playfully rolled my eyes at him "Okay I understand but at least I have his number.." Marco seemed unimpressed and took a seat "I'll be back okay, amber be nice" I said glaring at her she nods and leaves the room with her bowl "I'll be in my room if you need me"
I sigh and took a shower, after 15 minutes I got dressed in a short dress and cute sandals and a bow on my head "Ready" Marco stretch his arms revealing a small pack and I averted my eyes and blushed "Yup come on"
we walked a couple blocks and we arrived at his apartment complex, it looked run-down but it had a warm feeling "after you" Marco said as he held the door like a gentleman "Thanks, wow so colorful" he nods "Yeah, my aunt is very colorful" wait aunt? "Your aunt lives here?" He nods
"Yeah down the hall with her 2 kids, she's amazing and has a beautiful soul" I smiled thinking about my family, my parents always had time for me but as I grew up everything changed "That's wonderful" I say as we got to his door and the girl I saw earlier was there I had a smirk as she looked at us
"Oh hi star, guess you met my roomie" I giggled "Janna? How do you know her name?" "Relax Marco, we met at a coffee shop didn't know you moved on already?" He blushed and pushed beside her and I entered, his apartment was small but cozy "Moved on?"
I asked Janna and she held a wide grin "Yeah, his ex they broke up a week ago, something happened so.." "Nothing happened, we just drifted apart it happens in relationships" he said a little annoyed "Oh, sorry I asked" I walked towards the combined kitchen and living room while Janna went into her room
"I regret asking her to be my roommate, I'm sorry I acted a little rude" I shook my head "its fine I understand" he nods softly and starts making his nachos he talked about, I watched him a bit closely, he seemed a little quiet but also caring "There you have it, Marcos Famous nachos" I took a piece and as I bit it, I was in heaven
"This is good, wow I wish they served this at home, I mean-" he raised a brow "You mean a resturant?" I nodded as I stuffed my mouth "Okay, well I can always teach you how to make it" I shake my head "It won't taste the same, also I'm a horrible cook" we laughed a bit and he sat beside me
"Hey, maybe you want to go to a place that has trampolines?" I had stars in my eyes "That sounds amazing! Of course I do, when can we go?" I asked a little eager "Maybe this Friday? Around 6?" I nodded "sweet, I'm going to keep bothering you and remind you that we have a hang out that day"
he chuckles and nods "Please do, I tend to forget sometimes" I giggled and my phone dinged. As I checked it was oskar "Is that the hot dude? You were talking about?" I rolled my eyes "A matter of fact it is" as I show him which he just turns the other way
"The hot ones are usually the crazy ones, just saying" I laughed a bit as I looked up at him "Your weird, he's not crazy" he rolled his eyes and walked away "Sure.." he sounded a little jealous or annoyed? "Wait, are you jealous?" I say with a smirk on my face "No, why would I be jealous if I met you a couple days ago? I'm just warning you some people aren't as nice as me"
I sigh as my smile fades "Oh.." he noticed the tint of sadness in my voice and walked towards me "Hey, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything I just want you to be safe that's all? Okay?" I smiled and nodded and pulled him into a hug "Thanks Marco" he hugged back "No problem star"
After a couple hours Marco took me home and we talked about random things. It made me know more about him I didn't even know and that's exactly what I wanted to do in finding someone "Sometimes I wish I could travel the world" I smirked, because I've done that already but not really in America
"Me too, hey what type of music you listen to?" He tilts his head as he thinks "I listen to pop, or anything that is any good, especially Love Sentence, they are my jam" I squeal when he said the last part "Love Sentence is like my favorite band, I used to hear it when my parents weren't around because they said it was horrible music, but I think they just didn't understand"
he chuckles "Wow, to be honest I didn't really see you as a person into that kind of band" I smirked a bit "There's things that you don't even know yet, I listen to others as well but not as much as LS" he nods "Well, I'll see you Friday okay?" I nodded
"Okay, remember it Marco" he laughs "I will, bye star goodnite" I hugged him tight and giggle "Bye Marco, night" as I let go I kissed his cheek and entered my apartment, I blushed as I held myself. I missed his cheek maybe he might- " "There you are I was going to go find you! Your mother keeps calling asking me where you were?!" I rolled my eyes and headed towards my room "I'm tired amber, goodnite"
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