Star Pov
I woke up to the sound of Amber singing from the kitchen. I groan as I cover my face with a pillow "Princess~" she said hitting the note pretty bad "Amber go away, can't you see I'm trying to sleep?" I covered my face again but she ripped the blanket from me and pulled me up "Well, isn't today that Christmas party? We should get you ready right? Don't want to feel depressed now"
I sigh and rolled my eyes "Yes but that party doesn't start until 7 at night? Why are you awake? It's not even 10?" She shook her head as she made my bed "Because a girl your age shouldn't sleep so much, that's not how a queen should act" how I dreaded becoming queen as soon as I get home
"Has mother called?" Amber turned around and nods "Well, she's coming over on new year's eve, with your father to check your husband to be" I gasp and grabbed Amber "What!? No she can't come! I haven't told Marco about my secret!"
"Star, you need to tell him? Your parents are going to ask questions about you two and if they ask about him marrying you...you'll be sent home to marry a random Prince" I slowly loosen my grip on her arm and sigh "Can you tell mother not to pester him about the whole royal thing? Please until I'm ready to let me feelings get hurt?"
Amber nods "Alright princess, I'll tell her but get on that and tell the poor boy, you don't have a lot of time" I hate that word 'Time' it seems every minute I'm away from Marco seems like an eternity "I know, please don't remind me" I walk into my wardrobe and look for a nice Christmas outfit. Something that his family would like?
As i search and search I see a bag with my name on it. I pulled it out and see a card on it and pull it off and read it. "Merry Christmas Star, I thought this was a cute outfit and I hope you think about your choice- Amber" I smiled and pulled out a beautiful outfit
A red skirt with a long sleeved black crop top, black tights and a pair of wedge heels. I smiled and lay it across my bed and went to look for Amber. As i did I hugged her from behind and she giggles "Thanks Amber..I love it" she turns and moved my hair from my face "Your welcome Star, you mean a lot to me, your like my own kid since I basically grew up with you"
I giggled and hugged her "I love you" she held tight and giggles "Love you too, now I made breakfast" I quickly get her gift and she looks at me "What's this?" "Open it silly, I bought it for you" she smiles as she open it and shes awe at what I bought "This is beautiful Star, thank you" she held my hand and smiles "Wow I hope it didn't cost so much" I shook my head
"Nah..I got a discount on it from a friend" she gave me an odd look but shrugged as she placed the bracelet back in its box "I'll wear it later" I nod and I wondered if she met anyone here "Amber?" She looks at me and nods "Yes?" "Since we've been here have you? Like met anyone that you seem intrested in?"
She sighs and blush "I did, well I still do..a guy at the coffee shop we always go to on Sundays" I try to remember his face and then i smile "The owner right?" She nods "His name is Cullen, he's very charming" she says as she swoons over him "Ask him out on a date"
"What?! Are you insane? He wouldn't want a 36 year old woman, he's probably in his 20s" I rolled my eyes "I've seen 20 year olds and I'm in that age group..go on I'll help you" I say holding her hands "Star I'm not sure..what if he's married of something?" "Well we'll find out when we go to him, come on Amber I want you to be happy too"
she sighs and nods "Alright..ugh the things I do for you" I have her a grin "But you love me..now let's go, time to get you a date with Cullen" she blushed and nods "Alright" as we dressed casual we walked towards the coffee shop and thank goodness there was 2 people dining in "There he is" I said excitedly
"I don't think I can do this" Amber tried to run away but I caught her hand "No you don't, come on Amber please?" She looked at me and through the window shop noticing Cullen smile at us "Oh my god he's hot! Oh dear did that just come out my mouth?" I giggled and pulled her in as we entered Cullen had a sweet smile
"Hello again ladies, ordering the usual?" I nod "Yeah but my cousin wanted to ask you something" Cullen looked at Amber who was bright pink and extremely nervous "She does? What did want to ask?" He leaned on the counter as I have her a sweet and relaxing look.
She took a deep breath "I would like to ask you out for a date? You could say no if you like because all I know is that your married and have kids and can't date or whatever-" "Yes" I smiled as Amber froze "Wait did you say yes?" He chuckles and nods
"Yes, first I'm not married, second I don't have kids and thirdly..I find you very pretty and attractive" Amber began to blush and giggle and felt relieved she asked "You think I'm pretty?" "I do, I also like your accent it's very adorable" Amber smiled "May I ask how old are you?" "I'm 35 turning 36 next month"
I gave her a thumbs up and she smiles "Thanks for telling me, would you like to come over for our date? Movies at my place?" He nods "I would love to, here's your order" as Amber went to pay he said free of charge "I insist on paying" "No, it's on the house" Amber smirked but she put the money in the top jar
"But I would rather feel better I paid for it. See you later Cullen" he waved and nods "See you soon" as we walked out I was tackled into an embrace "Thank you!" I laughed and hugged her "No problem Amber, now you can get your happy ending" she nods "I just might"
As it was getting towards 7, I got ready and waited for Marco to pick me up, as i walk towards the living room I see Amber and Cullen talking on the couch "Wow don't you look pretty" "you look gorgeous" Amber quickly came towards me and hugged me Thanks, both of you really I hope my boyfriend finds me pretty as well"
"Oh he will, if he doesnt then let me know" Cullen said and I giggled "Oh stop it Cullen, take good care of my dear cousin" he nods "Of course I will" he gav her a smirk and I knew what he meant "I won't be back until the next day, staying over Marcos place" "Okay, careful"
I nodded and heard the door "He's here!" I quickly walked towards the door to reveal my handsome boyfriend, in a nice dress suit "Wow your gorgeous" I smiled and kissed him "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself" we chuckle and he hands Amber a small gift "Here Amber, Merry Christmas" Amber was surprised and opened up the box which had a necklace
"What?! A necklace how thoughtful Marco" she pulled him into a hug "I wish I gotten you a present wait a minute" she went towards the Christmas tree and handed him a bag "I did, enjoy" he thanked her and we took off "What's in the bag?" "A couple clothes and a hoodie" he smiled "Did you help her?"
I nodded "I did, because she had no clue what to get you but I did" we continue to talk as we arrived at his parents house which had cars everywhere "Wow full house" he nods "Don't worry just stay close to me and we'll be fine..maybe we'll escape into my old room~" I smiled at him
"If I didn't know any better you seem a little frisky~" he shrugs "More or less" as we entered I was embraced by his aunt and his cousins and then his parents "Welcome back! Wow look how beautiful you look" "Thank you so much you look lovely as well"
they smiled and continued bantering. Me and Marco went towards the back to get free air. We say on an old swing set, he moved side to side as I stood still "What's on your mind?" I look at him seeing him look concerned "Just thinking" "About you leaving?" I nodded
"Yeah..Also my parents just dropped a bomb saying they are gonna visit me to see you" I said a little afraid "Your parents want to meet me? Why do you sound upset about it?" I sigh "I don't know, maybe I don't want them to meet you and ask you millions of questions..and also they'll think I made a wrong choice"
Marco lifted my chin up and I saw his brown eyes "Hey, it's okay I don't care what your parents think of me, as long as you love me then we're good" I smiled and he kisses me "What did I do to deserve a guy like you?" He chuckles "I have no clue"
as we spend more time alone Marco decided we leave and go over his place for some wine and movies since Janna left to Paris with Tom which I still find hard to believe they even became a thing. As i we reached there I took my shoes off "Thank goodness they were killing me"
"Then why didn't you wear your flats?" "Because it didn't match my outfit" he chuckles "Alright, here" he handed me a glass of wine and we say down on his couch and watched movies on the tv "So Amber has a boyfriend?" I smirked "Yeah..I find it cute she's happy now"
"That's good..hey want another glass?" I looked at my glass and nodded "Yes please" he got up and went to get more. As he did I pulled off my tights and rolled them up and put it on the couch "Star, I was meaning to ask, you know that donut shop we walk by?" I walked towards him
"Yeah what about it?" He still hasn't noticed me "We could go tomorrow in the afternoon if you like?" "Sure that sounds like fun~" I wrap around his waist and nuzzle in his back "Seems someone is frisky~" I giggled "Well we basically drunk a whole bottle of red wine.. of course I'm feeling frisky"
he looks down at me and noticed i didn't have my black tights on "Are you in a mood?" He asked staring at me slightly "I may be in a mood but..I could always go?" He pulls me closer and I smiled as he kisses me slow and gentle "No..stay here.." I smiled unbuttoning his dress shirt revealing his chest.
I let my hand roam as he roamed my back, feeling his warm hands rising ever so slightly up my back "Okay.." I say as he slowly pulls me towards his room, did I want this? Or was I forcing it? "What's wrong? Changed your mind?" Marco asked as we stood meters away from his bed "No, I'm ready" he smiled
"You don't have to continue if your not comfortable" I shake my head and pull my top off revealing my exposed chest "I'm fine" he nods as he kisses on my neck and slowly leave small marks "Not too big don't want my cousin to find out" he chuckles "Don't worry their not" I giggled as we finally make it towards his bed.
The next morning I woke up to soft snors as I realized I slept with Marco. To be honest it wasn't even that scary? When I was with Tom he was rough and rude and didn't respect my choices..he just did it like a brute. But with Marco he was kind and gentle and even asked me if I was okay.
I really needed to tell him my secret because my time is running out "Star.." I look over and see Marco eyes look at me, he looked cute and seeing his bed head was a bonus "Hey.." I managed to say as I kissed him "You feeling okay?" I nodded "Yeah.." he pulled me closer and held on me "Okay..you still up for the donut shop?" I giggled as he chuckled "Yeah..later though" he nods "Fair enough"
A/n Finally updated this book! Hope it was worth the wait? Lol so some fluffly moments not really into detail as I said before I don't really write smut cause I can't sorry but anyhow I hope you liked it!
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