What Understanding?
Hermione felt a little let down. Severus hadn't come to see her since he dropped her off at the Hospital Wing. He's sent her work with Harry and Ron and told them to tell her that their tutoring sessions on Saturdays have been cancelled until future notice. She was a little upset by it. She enjoyed their time together in a peaceful environment. She wanted to find out why he decided against it.
If only Madame Pomfrey would let her out of here. She was still sometimes bleeding at the wrist and while Snape was giving the required treatments to the nurse, it wasn't working all that much. Snape had mentioned to the nurse that it would take a while before the wound would heal.
"Hermione, Snape will not come visit. Just ask us the question you want us to ask for you," Harry said exasperatedly.
Hermione shook her head, "It's okay, just keep trying. I really need to talk to him." Harry groaned loudly. If only Ron hadn't been with Lavender, he would be here to help him keep his cool. Shrugging, he agreed to go try once more.
Severus was in his office working on the latest papers from the 3rd years on werewolves. Not as bad as he would have thought, but they needed to read the book more carefully. "Professor, could I talk to you?"
The unmistakable voice of Potter. Holding back a sneer, he let him in and kept grading. "Yes, Potter?"
Harry was nervous, and tired of asking the same question. "Hermione really wants to talk to you, sir. I will gladly do a detention for whatever you wish if you will only go and see her please. She is driving me crazy with the constant begging." The green eyes bore truth. He needed Severus to go to Hermione otherwise he was going to break down.
For a long while, Severus finished grading a paper while Harry stood there. "Fine, Potter, I will. Now go."
Severus didn't need to tell Harry twice. He scrambled out the door and Severus heard a loud 'Woohoo' as the door closed. Severus knew that it would be impossible to stay away from Hermione for long. She's too stubborn. He slowly made his way to the Hospital WIng to see Hermione. He needed to block his feelings. The anger he felt at Bellatrix for hurting her. The relief that she was okay and the realization that he was not good for her. They may be paired as a couple in the most ancient love prophecy, but they didn't have to be together. They couldn't be together. Severus wouldn't allow anyone to hurt Hermione.
"You keep asking for me Miss Granger?" he asked in his deep uncaring voice.
Hermione gasped happily. "Thank you, Sir. Why did you cancel our Saturdays? I loved those times."
"You will not be better for a while, so I thought best to cancel."
She scoffed. "You've been distant since I woke up. What is going on?"
I cant' let her know that I've grown to care for her. Swallowing hard, he sighed. "Because I've changed my mind. I don't want this."
Hermione raised an eyebrow. Severus prayed she didn't hear what he had said in his head. "There is no going back. We have to within a certain range and or have spoken at least once a day or we become pained. At least until we marry or have sex. Which, I want neither for years."
Severus couldn't believe it. "I dont want it. I will talk to you once a day to tell you about your work but that is it."
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