The Battle of Hogwarts
While Harry went to talk to the Grey Lady, Hermione and Ron went to the Chamber of Secrets to find the basilisk skeleton to get rid of the cup. When the water rose up and dowsed them, Hermione completely thought it was her last day on earth and she would never see Travis again. Ron and Hermione looked at each other after the water died down, soaking wet. They rushed to each other and kissed.
She didn't feel anything when their lips touched. In fact it was like kissing a brother. She didn't know why she kissed Ron either. However, they didn't have time to dwell on the matter. There was still the battle ruling outside. They quickly found Harry and the diadem, saving Malfoy from Goyle's out of control Fiendfyre curse. The three rushed to where Harry saw Voldemort at, the Boat House.
Severus was there. Hermione's heart skipped a beat at seeing him for the first time in almost a year. Actually, come to think of it, it was a year. He looked stressed, and quiet frankly disgusted to be so close to the Snake Man. Harry, Ron, and Hermione crouched on the outside of the boathouse, listening to them talking about the elder wand.
Voldemort thought that Severus was the owner of the elder wand, and since the story of the wand went that the previous owner had to die, Voldemort told Nagini to kill Severus. Hermione clasped her hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. She wanted to be in there. When they were sure that Voldemort had left, Harry was the first one in and knelt beside Severus. Hermione couldn't move. She was afraid if she moved, that Severus would die.
"Hermione, quickly, give me a flask, anything!" Harry held his bloodied hand out for the flask, who quickly took it and bottled his tears. Hermione realized what they were at once. His memories. Most likely something that Dumbledore told him to tell Harry.
Severus looked towards Hermione, face paler than normal. She slowly moved towards him, taking out her beaded bag. She had saved this since the night that Dumbledore was killed. She had sneaked back into Dumbledore's office where fawkes was waiting for her. He knew what she wanted as a precaution for the war. Hermione pulled out a small vial and poured three drops on his neck. His neck started to heal itself.
He didn't say anything, although he didn't need to. "Hermione, we need to go," Ron said, a certain tone to his voice. Hermione's blood started to boil. She glared at Ron, who backed away.
"Go," Severus whispered. Hermione shook her head. "I'll be okay here," he said.
Harry pulled Hermione away from Severus and they rushed to Dumbledore's office. Or technically, Snape's office. Hermione wasn't fully there for the rest of the battle. She just wanted to be with Severus in the boathouse. She didn't have the capacity to even comprehend the deaths. Tonks, Lupin, Fred, Colin, Lavender. She hoped that Severus wasn't one of the deaths. Even though she saw him start to heal, she didn't fully believe that he was healing.
Hermione sat on a bench alone while Harry was with the Weasley's grieving over Fred, Tonks, and Lupin. She was upset at their deaths, but didn't feel like being near anyone at the moment. At least no one that was here. Suddenly, the great hall got quiet. Hermione's eyes followed everyone's to the doors. Severus had made his way up from the boathouse. Why Hermione didn't go find Severus? She was a little afraid to find him.
Severus' eyes searched the room until they found Hermione's. He slowly walked over to Hermione, who was dumbstruck. She stood and met him half way. They didn't speak right away. Hermione could feel every pair of eyes on them. She wrapped her arms around Severus and he stumbled back for a moment.
He felt awkward being so near her after a year away. Especially in front of the whole school that still thought him as a death eater. However, he wrapped his arms around Hermione, also. She had saved him. He buried his head into her neck and breathed in her scent. Still so familiar to him. Hermione pulled away from him and kissed him. Severus was shocked she would do that in public, but relaxed into the kiss.
After they pulled away from each other, Madam Pomfrey came over and started to fuss over Severus. "Now, Severus, you might have gotten phoenix tears to heal you, but you are still weak." Severus sat on the bench and rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, Severus!"
Hermione smiled at the exchange and sat beside him, partly unsure whether to tell him about Travis now, or later. Luckily, she didn't have to choose. "So, how was the birth?" He asked lowly.
"It was great. Painful, but amazing. Your son was 7 pounds even, and 20 inches long. I named him Travis Severus. He's in Australia with my parents. I'll have to go and break the charm on their memories now that the war is over, though." Hermione beamed as as she told about their son.
Severus looked both happy and upset as he listened to her. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," he said.
Hermione shook her head. "Don't worry about it. We all had a job to do. The important thing is that we survived."
After several weeks in St. Mungo's, Severus was released and he followed Hermione to break the charm on her parents. Although Severus still had some legal issues to deal with at the Ministry, he was happy to finally have met his son.
Sort of short and all over the place. I might rewrite this later, but for now, enjoy reading it.
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