Lesson One
Hermione went to her common room after detention with a strut about her. She didn't expect Snape to offer her private lessons and offer his office to her for work. She always thought he hated her. Although she never knew why. He seemed very intelligent and skilled.
When she stepped in the common room, Harry and Ron were by the fire waiting, debating what Snape would have her do. "Lines is a common thing. I bet she's cleaning old trophies like I had to in second year."
Harry shook his head. "No, I had to rewrite old slips of detention notes once maybe she has to also."
She giggled silently as she stood there. They haven't seem her yet. What would the imposter Moody say? CONSTANT VIGILANCE! "Or maybe since it is first day he had me work on homework." They turned to her. She shook her head ash she walked to them.
"I don't believe you. Snape wouldn't just have you do your homework. He's too nasty." Harry said in a shocked voice.
Hermione said nothing. Instead she took out her work that she was unable to finish with Snape. He did tell her to keep whatever they agreed on a secret. It was best to let them believe what they wanted. "Believe what you want. I'm finishing my work then going to bed."
Ron amd Harry went up to bed to leave her be. They didn't want to get on her bad side this early in the year. Once the two were gone, Hermione sat back. He could have made her do terrible tasks for detention. Why did he just have her do homework?
Severus didn't sleep a wink that night. It was like their minds kept in tune with one another. He couldn't hear her thoughts but he somehow knew she was thinking of him. He wondered if she knew he was thinking of her. She reminded him so much of Lily. He hadn't allowed himself to think of that fact before. He had to take care to not let himself think too much on her otherwise when the Dark Lord summoned him he would have to work harder to shield his thoughts.
Yes he was a master at hiding his thoughts, however he had to be strong to do so. Sometimes the Dark Lord tortures his subjects for fun. Or for not completing a task. He has had it easy. His task was to stay close to Dumbledore. Easy.
He tossed and turned all night, finally getting up to take a walk in the corridors. Somewhere on the 6th floor he found himself staring out the window. He saw the astronomy tower and a familiar know it all standing outside on the Terrance. She looked up at the stars and took a deep sigh. 'Snape has to have a beauty to him.'
There is was again. The 'beauty'. She wouldn't let it go. Unknown why, he found himself walking to the tower to meet her. It was like his body started walking without his consent. "Can't sleep Granger?" He asked moments later.
She turned to face him. Keeping her guard up she shook her head. "No, never tried. Seems pointless at the moment."
He walked to stand beside her. They both stared at the same star constellation. "Why would it be pointless?" He watched her wrestle for an answer.
"Harry and Ron. I told them you had me do homework and they, in so many words, called me a liar. I hate being called that." Severus felt his blood boil. He told her to not say anything to Potter and Weasly. Although he quickly settled himself down. He said not to say anything about the lessons. He watched the Womping Willow swing it's branches around as a bird flew too close, feeling her eyes on him. "I know you can sometimes hear my thoughts, sir."
"Its dangerous to have that weakness, Granger. You want to learn, should have come to me in the first place." He muttered. "And I don't have any beauty about me. I'm a greasy git."
Huffing loudly, she responded hotly, "No, you are a skilled professor. And the reason I didn't come to you was because I thought you hated me."
True. He gave off the impression he hated her and her friends. Although he didn't. He disliked her need for approval and spraying the textbook back at him. He shook his head. "I don't hate you. Your need to prove that you're smarter than the world, yes. I hate that. Do I hate your talent, never. Am I impressed by your talent in class up until this point, yes. In the years I have known you, you have shown so much talent. Anyone would be a fool to not be impressed."
She looked shocked as if he just kissed her. He studied her face as it contorted between shock and other emotions. Her mind was jumbled with different emotions that even Severus didn't need to hear her thoughts. Hissing with pain he gripped his left arm. The Dark Lord beckoned him. He stared at her for a long moment before dipping his head. Still holding his arm he quickly left out of her sight. He didn't want her to see him depart to Voldemort.
Hermione watched him grip his arm and depart in a rush. She knew it was his dark mark. She knew he still worked for Voldemort. Whether on his own or by Dumbledores orders she didn't care. He was smart enough to know what he was doing. She hoped.
He had told her a lot of things she never knew. He actually didn't hate her like she thought a these years. Amazingly enough she felt slightly tired after she heard a Crack and went to her dorm to get what little sleep she could.
Hello I am writing from my phone mostly so if I miss something like italics or something major let me know. I'll try to fix it.
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