Knowledge is Power
Dumbledore stood up at once, eyes worried. "How, Severus?"
"This stupid prophecy, Albus. It weakens me if Hermione's weakened," Severus stated angrily as soon as the door was shut behind Hermione. She paused when she heard him call their prophecy stupid, a little hurt and more so angry. Stupid is it, she commented in her head with a huff.
Severus turned to her, his expression softened slightly. I didn't mean it the way it sounded. She looked into his eyes, forcing a tear from her eyes. She wasn't going to break down now. He knew he'd screwed up things for himself tonight with Hermione. All because of his worried mind. He couldn't talk to Hermione about it now, though.
"Now, Severus, I know you don't think this prophecy is stupid," Dumbledore stated with a twinkling eye.
Rolling his eyes, Severus thought to himself, Not his love for Hermione, but the weakening of their power I find worrisome.
"Headmaster, I think our magic makes us stronger. Whenever we touched when I was in the Hospital Wing, I felt a surge of power and healing within me. It helped me heal faster than Madam Pomfrey ever thought." She didn't look at Severus at all throughout her simple explanation.
"Regardless if I think the prophecy is stupid or not, it surely is dangerous. The Dark Lord wants me to date her simply to distract her from helping Potter. I have to tell Malfoy of it so he can make trouble in my presence to draw her to me." Severus stated, pacing the room angrily. He was angry with himself for letting Voldemort in his mind. For showing weakness. This was a dangerous mission the Dark Lord wants him to do. If he doesn't give the right information to his master about his relationship with Hermione, then he could end up in trouble again.
Dumbledore thought for a moment. "Severus, it is imperative that you and Miss Granger find out more about your magical abilities. You and Miss Granger have something that Tom will never have."
Hermione walked towards the headmaster, intrigued. "What would that be, sir?"
Severus knew what it was. He'd heard about it for years from the old man. He stood back and listened while Dumbledore simply replied, "Love." She looked a little bemused, but didn't ask questions. Upon seeing her face, Dumbledore started to explain a little more about the boy who once was Tom Riddle. He watched Hermione's face change with each new detail, drinking in the information like a thirsty kitten.
Almost an hour later, Severus and Hermione left the headmasters office, ignoring each others presence as they got to the Great Hall. Without looking her way, he went to his office on the third floor, knowing that she'd be there to talk to him soon. He'd just finished the lesson plans for the third years before a knock sounded at his door.
"Enter," he said dryly.
Hermione entered, closed the door, and walked over to Severus who had leaned back in his chair, watching her. She leaned close to him and kissed his pursed lips. It was a sweet kiss, not like the last time they'd kissed, which had been yesterday morning. Severus cleared his throat, clearly aroused at the thought of yesterday still. Hermione smiled at him, knowing where his mind went.
He needed to change the subject. "You don't have to spend every waking moment with me, Love," he said.
She shrugged. "We do need to work on my Defense lessons. After all, I'm a little behind in this class."
That was true. This was a slightly weakening class for her. He knew it was because it was a practical class, not a book class. However, she was still passing with flying colors, she wanted a straight O in all classes. For the first time, Severus noticed her book bag, stuffed with books to the brim. She sat it on the floor next to her as she took a seat herself. "Very well, darling. Tomorrow we will be working on non verbal spells once more. I know you know how to do those, however, try to manifest a patronus non verbal."
Hermione looked at him, slightly scared. She wasn't great at the patronus charm. Nevertheless, she got out her wand and started to try to conjure her otter. She'd done it last year in DA, but it was a rare occurrence. Severus watched her scrunch her face up like Longbottom, trying way too hard. He couldnt' take it. "Love, just think of the happiest memory you can." He waved his wand after thinking of himself and Hermione, being able to be a couple in public. A blue white mist shot out of his wand.
Severus was shocked himself. His doe wasnt there. Instead was an otter. It was a cute little thing, however, Severus severely missed his doe, his Lilly. It was the only thing that he had of her that was left, except for his memories. Even those didnt' seem enough anymore. He held his tongue, looked at Hermione as the otter danced around her. She smiled at it and reached out to touch it. The otter flipped over in the air, egging her to try the charm.
She did. An otter floated out of her wand as well and the two otters bounced about the room, happy as can be. Severus' otter faded as he heard the familiar jabs of Malfoy sounding through the door. He didn't knock yet, he was arguing with Zabini about the duel the other day. He was stating he could have hurt Granger if she hadn't ducked behind a statue.
"I want a one parchment essay on the patronus charm for you to hand to me tonight," Severus stated, as he headed to the door. Hermione's otter faded as well and she nodded, setting down to grab her stuff she'd need.
Severus made sure that she didn't look at all like they'd been doing anything, even though they hadn't, before opening the door to face his Slytherins with a scowl of disappointment. They'd think she was here for a detention for dueling, he hoped.
"Zabini, Malfoy, what do you want?"
Zabini swallowed hard, not answering. Malfoy gave a sneer at him and turned to his head of house. "I heard you wanted to talk to me, Professor," he stated.
Severus nodded, "Yes, however, Zabini was not needed, so run along." Zabini didn't object. As soon as he was out the door, Severus waved his wand, closing the door with a loud clunk. He walked down the stairs to give himself time to think of how he was going to word this. Malfoy was following. "The Dark Lord wants you to attack Granger in my presence to draw her to me. He wants me to date her to distract her from helping Potter," he explained sourly.
Malfoy smiled with a happy sneer. "You date Granger under Dumbledore's nose?"
Severus nodded once more, slightly uncomfortable with the plan the Dark Lord gave him. He loved Hermione and didn't want anything to happen to her. What if Malfoy used a Dark curse on her? He'd make sure that didn't happen. "Yes, however, no dark curses. She would suspect something and relay it to Potter. He's already suspicious of you as it is."
Malfoy shrugged, "Let him be suspicious." Severus was pacing the room casually. However, he halted his steps when his godson sounded as if he didn't care if Potter knew his loyalties. Rushing over to grab his shirt collar, Severus hissed lowly, "You better care, for the Dark Lords plan requires your discretion and silence."
Malfoy torn himself from Severus' grasp. "I'll handle it," he stated with a dark voice. He didn't ask to be dismissed, as he walked towards the door. Severus watched him go with anger bubbling up. Hermione knocked on his office door before opening it from the other side.
"Sir," she said professionally, "I'm done with my essay."
Severus nodded and walked back into the office, trying to put his worries about Malfoy cursing his love the rest of the year out of his mind. Hermione, as if she could tell his fearful mind, closed the door and locked it, then took his hand and walked over to his chambers. Severus followed blindly, too numb with fear to stop her.
She sat him on the bed, not before taking off his outer clothes. Severus watched her with bated breath. She wasnt' in a mood that they were slightly in earlier, and Severus was slightly glad of that. She wanted to comfort him. "Take the rest of your clothes off," she ordered, walking over with pajamas in hand. He did, the dirty clothes at his feet.
Hermione dressed him in his pajamas while he stared at her. Why did she love him? As if she could hear the question, she smiled at him, but didnt answer. She pushed him to lay down, she following him. Her hand was laid on his abdomen, head half on his chest as she listened to his heartbeat.
Severus sighed with relief as her scent floated to him, singing him to sleep.
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