Epilogue Part 1
Hello I figured this would be a two part epilogue to wrap things up.
Severus all but begged on bended knee to McGongall to take over as Headmistress. However, she was perfectly fine as deputy, stating she was too old to transfer to the headache of maintaining a school. That left only Severus to be the head of the school, much to his dismay. It wasn't that he hated the job, it was a lot more pleasant than grading horrid first year essays. It was the fact that he had to live at school and be away from Hermione and Travis.
He'd already lost a year of the boy's life, he didn't want to miss anything else. One evening after writing letters to the governors of the school board about the new teachers, the portrait of Dumbledore spoke up. Severus had spoken to the old headmaster about his not wanting to miss out on his son's life by being at Hogwarts the previous night.
"Severus, have you ever thought about selling Spinners End and moving Miss Granger and Travis here?" Severus knew there was a little 'apartment' that the Headmaster was allowed behind one of the old headmasters, but he never wanted to use it. He did, obviously needing a place to sleep, but he never stayed there long. The place was big enough for a decent sized family, and especially being in a magic school.
Severus carried his letters to his owl and she soared out the window he started to keep open. Hermione had gotten him the owl after he got out of St. Mungo's so he could keep in contact with her. He named her Daisy. "I'm not sure Hermione would want to live in school for the rest of her life," Severus responded thoughtfully.
"Well, ask dear boy. What's the worse that can happen?" Severus looked up at the portrait just in time to see a twinkle of joy in the mans eye. He hated that twinkle.
What's the worse that can happen? She could get really mad and curse him. She could forget she was a witch and punch him like she did to Draco in third year. (He wanted to give her points for that but didn't.) The list was endless to what Hermione could do in retaliation. However, he agreed to ask when he would floo over to Grimauld Place tonight.
Since Spinner's End wasn't finished yet, she was staying with Harry and Ginny, who had moved in together at Sirus' old place. Ron was also staying there so their parents could travel to spend time with Bill and Fleur at shell cottage with their new baby. Their nest was empty now and they could finally travel and see all their children and their grandchildren as they pop up.
Hermione told Severus that Ron tended to avoid her by walking out of the room when she entered. Even more so, he would visibly grimace at Travis when seeing him. Ginny had taken it upon herself to smack him every time she saw him making a face at the boy, who simply smiled around him. He was a delight.
"Ronald Weasley you are a complete arse!!" The familiar voice filled the house as Severus stepped into the hall after apparating on the front step as he used to. Severus raised an eyebrow and put on his best 'Snape' face before gliding into the room where the yelling was coming from.
Hermione was holding Travis who looked like he was about to start bawling at any moment. Ginny was beside Hermione, which Severus noticed the girl holding Hermione's wand arm down at her side. Harry was by Ron on the opposite end of the kitchen holding Ron back from lunging at Hermione, large pimples all over the boy's face.
"Me!? You cursed me!" Ron shouted back.
"I only cursed you because you called Travis a baby bat!" Hermione screeched as Travis started to cry.
Severus took that moment to step between the arguing friends in his old professor manor. They halted immediately, forgetting they weren't at school anymore. "Weasley, lower your wand. Potter, remove the pimples from his face and take your friend out of this house to cool off. Miss Weasley, kindly loosen your grip on Hermione's arm, its turning slightly red. Hermione, give me Travis and go cool off yourself, love." The four bustled around to do what they were told. Hermione gave Severus a slightly angry kiss as she handed over a crying Travis.
Harry started pushing Ron towards the door. "Oh, and Mr. Weasley," Severus said, still in professor mode. The boy turned to glare at his former teacher with disdain. Severus casually strolled over to the tall boy and met his eye while Travis was whimpering in his arms. "If I ever hear you calling my son names again, it will be the last thing you do," Severus said calmly. A little too calmly.
Severus turned his back to the boy and heard Potter shove his friend towards the stairs. There was a commotion and someone tripped up the stairs, which sounded like it was Weasley by the cursing, before the front door slammed shut. Travis buried his head into Severus' chest and sniffed loudly.
"My boy, its okay," Severus said softly. He started walking around the kitchen patting the boys back soothingly until his whimpering turned to little hiccups. By that time, Hermione had calmed down and came back with Ginny following. "Feeling better, love?"
Hermione nodded and smiled. "I can't wait until Spinner's End is finished," she muttered going to make some tea for the three of them.
Severus sat down across from Ginny with Travis on his lap and stared after Hermione. This was his chance. "What if you didn't go to Spinners End?"
Hermione turned around as the kettle started to get hot. "Where would Travis and I go then?"
"Hogwarts. As headmaster I have a decently sized space that could hold our family in my office. You can floo to your office every morning and Travis could spend days with me at Hogwarts." Severus suggested.
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