They made it through three months with no one finding out anything. Of course there were a few times that McGonagal had asked some questions about their 'tutoring sessions'. Malfoy and his posse had stayed away from Hermione for a while, with glares of hatred hitting her back. Dumbledore had been watching them closely in secret. He was a smart man, he knew that Severus' demeanor had changed. He had already knew about the prophecy, but didn't want to know anymore than that.
Severus had to talk to Dumbledore a few times about what the Dark Lord wanted from him. To find out what was going on with Harry and Dumbledore. The two had decided to let Voldemort know about a lie. Dangerous to lie to the Dark Lord, however it was that or nothing, and Voldemort wouldn't take another 'I don't know' from Severus.
Hermione was getting fed up with Ron and Harry's constant questions about where she goes after her 'tutoring' with Snape. She was so close to hexing the two that it wasn't even funny anymore. She had it all planned out. Which hex to use on which boy, where the hexing would take place to minimize her chances at detention.
"Come on, Hermione, you can't say you stay in the tutoring for three hours every night," Harry stated as they walked to their class that just happened to be Defense with Severus. Hermione had gripped her books tightly to combat her instinct to grab her wand, teeth gritted. Ron was on the other side of her, watching her closely. The relationship with Lavender had come and gone. While she didn't like Lavender being so clingy with Ron, she missed when it was just Harry asking about Severus. She was more inclined to tell Harry then Ron.
"Harry, Snape is a good guy. He offered to tutor me. While he does have a mean streak, he recognizes that I need help in Defense Against the Dark Arts. I am terrible at certain things. That is where I am every night. Not buried in books in the Library because Snape says I shouldn't "Eat books every night". Its where I'm going wrong in his class." Hermione snipped at Harry.
They walked in the classroom and took their seats, ignoring Snape's gaze and continued to pester Hermione with questions and concerns. Severus, hearing every word, let his wall down to pass a silent question into Hermione's mind. Do I need to shut them up now? The two had been working on their silent bond over the past couple months they had started this 'tutor' session. Hermione was getting the hang of closing her mind at will and speaking to him when she wanted to.
He was glad of that. In case Bellatrix decided to try to take her again somehow. Also to show Harry how easy it can be to learn the stuff. Severus watched her closely, to interpret any sort of sign of yes or no. They hadn't had that much luck with her being stressed out and her being able to successfully retort in the same manor. She gets a little hot headed and starts yelling out whatever she wants to say in their mind, which would be bad.
Hermione signed deeply, hearing Severus' voice in her ears. It was a comfort knowing that he was watching over her at this moment. She didn't want to chance trying to respond to him in the same manor. In their sessions, after their kissing, they would work on their silent talking. Most of the time, when she was stressed about a test in a certain class, she would speak aloud the sentence she was trying to say silently.
She decided to ignore them, and stare at Snape, hoping he would understand that she did want his help. Pleading with her eyes to shut them up. He understood. Putting his best 'Snape', he walked over to the trio and loomed over them. "Potter, Weasley, would you two please be silent. We will be reading from our texts today and working on an essay two feet on the proper way to cast the patronus charm. Something certain people know all about and should get an O."
Harry and Ron glared at Snape as he walked away. They tried to continue to whisper, but Severus, hearing them, said very loudly. "Ten points each from Griffyndor for not listening. If you want a chance at detention then please continue to talk."
That shut them up for the rest of class. Hermione was thankful for that. She chanced a small smile in Severus' direction. He saw her smile and his heart beat soared. He wanted so badly to smile back, to grab her and kiss her, to hold her. As if somehow she knew what he wanted, she focused all her power on silently talking to him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, relaxing and opening her mind slightly to reach out to Severus' mind.
Thank you, I wish I could hold you. She opened her eyes and focused on her texts, getting an early start before class started officially. She knew she needed more than others studying the patronus charm. She could do charms and transfiguration around the clock perfectly, but the patronus charm was different. Defense Against the Dark Arts was different.
I know. I wish I could kiss you. Her heart fluttered hearing that. Never in a million years would she have thought that she would feel like she does for her professor. Especially Snape, who before he had told her, she thought he'd hated her. Knowing that they had a prophecy with each other, a special magic force that they had to grow together for them both to feel safe, it was sometimes shocking.
The day went by fairly quickly. Hermione ignoring Harry and Ron's constant questions. In fact, they started their annoying stares and questions as soon as they got out of Defense Against the Dark Arts with Snape. She tried to get them to drop it, but they refused.
"You guys need to stop," Ginny stated angrily at dinner. She saw Hermione's face and immediately jumped in to help her against the boys. Having six older brothers really helped her confidence and boldness.
Ron scoffed at his sister. "She needs to tell us where she goes. We know she's not with Snape all that time. Snape hates us."
Hermione gritted her teeth. She so wanted to shout to them the real reason she disappears for two to three hours every night, but as much as she wanted to prove them wrong, she wanted Severus to be okay and safe. If she told them, they would try to kill Severus.
"He is a professor, Ron, he can't hate us," Hermione said through her gritted teeth.
Harry laughed dryly. "He hates us, Hermione."
She rolled her eyes and quickly finished her food before walking away. She knew that the boys wanted to follow her. She had to make sure every night that they didn't. She also knew she needed to talk to Severus about possibly telling Ginny. She knew Ginny would love to keep a secret from her brother and Harry, and she deserved to know.
Hermione walked into the empty Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and up the stairs to knock on the door to Severus' office and bedroom. He muttered a response which told Hermione she could come in. He sat in his chair head in his hands. He looked defeated and in slight pain.
"Severus, what's wrong?" Hermione quickly shut the door and going to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, which made him flinch slightly. She realized he must have had to leave before dinner to go to Voldemort.
"Nothing, just the Dark Lord. He is getting impatient with Draco." Severus stated simply. He took her hand in his and kissed it.
That didn't make sense to the point it did. Harry had thought that Draco was a Death Eater now, and everyone tried to tell him otherwise. Knowing that he was right sort of made her a little angry. "What about Draco is He not liking?"
Severus shook his head. "Don't worry about it love." He pulled her to him and she got on his lap, starting their nightly make out session. Did he ever want them to go farther? Yes, he was a man after all with needs. However, she didn't need that headache to deal with as well as school. The requirement for their magic to grow was a simple kiss and talking in close quarters, which they could simply have kissed once and actually have done tutoring. However Severus liked to think their magic had grown faster and more powerful from their type of sessions.
"I want to talk to you about something," Hermione said fifteen minutes into the session. He rubbed circles on the small of her back with one hand as she leaned back slightly. He questioned her with a raised eyebrow. She took in a breath and started, "I want to tell Ginny Weasley about us."
His hand that had been rubbing circles on her back halted. He didn't know about that. "Why?"
She got off him, giving him one more kiss before walking around. She had the need to pace and immediately started to explain while she was pacing around his office. He watched her with a fond expression. She always felt like she had to over explain, which was a possible reason for her nerves and stress.
"Hermione, love, if you trust Ginny, then tomorrow, after dinner, bring her here and we will both tell her. ONLY her, though. Your irksome friends, Potter and Weasley will not be told." Severus stood up and walked over to her by the door. As she turned to continue pacing, barely hearing Severus. He cupped her face and kissed her before leading her to the bed. She needed to calm down and the one way he knew her to actually calm down was a cuddle session. He felt he also needed the cuddles at this point. His head was so filled with worry of their relationship and the Dark Lord.
Hey so this has been a long time coming. Sorry it took so long. I hope you all like this. The next chapter will be about telling Ginny.
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