Days After Part Two
Severus was released to go back to Hogwarts shortly after the rest of his punishment from the Dark Lord. His body was weakened and sheering with pain. He was thankful that the Malfoy's fireplace was still connected to the floo network, since he knew he wasn't going to be able to apparate back. His bones hurt and muscles still slightly twitched as he stepped back into his office.
Hermione was gone, as he knew she would be. As much time as they wanted to spend together, they couldn't, lest someone else find out. At least now the Dark Lord knew of his and Hermione's relationship to be. He was expected to keep 'bedding' her to distract her properly from helping Potter. The Dark Lord didn't know her that well if he thought simply being with her intimately would keep her distracted enough. He needed to figure out why he suddenly felt so weakened, however.
He went to a cupboard and took out a vial labeled pepper up potion. It would give him a few hours before he would have to rest. He needed to find Hermione. Stepping out of his classroom, he started towards the seventh floor. Somewhere on the fourth floor, his magic in him started to tingle. It was telling him that Hermione was on this floor somewhere. Deciding to trust it, as well as Hermione, he followed the growing feeling.
It didn't feel that great, especially since his punishment with the Dark Lord. However, he kept going, the pepper up potion helping him for the moment. Close to the Hall of Mirrors, the tingle got stronger until it disappeared completely. Severus was confused at first until he saw Hermione laying on the ground. He rushed to her, kneeling on his screaming knees.
Her face was flushed with fever and her curtain of curls covered half her face. He brushed them out of her face, ignoring portraits whispers. "Hermione," he called gently. When she didn't wake up, he took a deep breath and carried her to the Hosptial Wing nearby.
Madam Pomfrey was a bustle caring for several Slytherins that made their way there from a recent duel. Upon seeing Severus carrying Hermione, she gasped and rushed towards the couple. "Severus, what happened to Miss Granger?"
Severus gently laid her down where Poppy ushered him to before speaking. "I do not know, I found her in the corridor near the Hall of Mirrors. It looks as if, if I am to guess, that she dueled the Slytherins over there." Severus saw Malfoy with a cut on his neck, essence of a stinging hex upon his face. He'd be fine, Severus thought roughly. He was angry at his Slytherins for hurting her, but couldn't express his anger.
Poppy started to try to revive her, muttering to herself about something. Severus didnt care as long as she would be alright. He drew the curtains around them, to shield her from the stirring Slytherins. "She should be alright, Severus. I'll keep her overnight."
Severus left shortly after that, not before taking points from his own house, however for their 'getting caught'. He'd need to have a more private conversation with Malfoy as per the last instructions the Dark Lord gave him. Malfoy always hated Hermione for she was smarter than he was, not really for her being a muggle-born. In fact, Draco was a lot like him, thinking muggle-borns were just a capable of things pure-bloods were. Not that Draco would ever admit such things.
The next day, Severus was still sore and weak, earning several worried glances from Dumbledore and Minerva. Though they didn't ask if he was alright, they kept an eye on him throughout breakfast. He still had to work on his lesson plan for tomorrow for the first years. He hadn't even started the OWL revisions for the fifth years lessons.
He wanted to go see Hermione, however knew that would cause trouble. Although he was the teacher that found her. It should be natural that he be the teacher that checked up on her. Shouldn't it? He pushed his food away in anger. He didn't have much of an appetite this morning. Gathering the courage, he got up and made his way to the Hospital Wing.
Poppy was checking up on a still asleep Hermione, slightly worried. "Severus, I was going to send for you. Miss Granger still is asleep."
Severus thought he knew what was wrong. He didn't stay beside her long enough for their magic to heal her enough. He got closer to his love and watched as she slightly stirred. Poppy gasped with happiness.
"Miss Granger, I'll send for the Headmaster, Professor Snape will stay here with you while I find him." Poppy ran out of the wing and left the two alone. Severus stayed silent for a minute, making sure that everyone was gone before sitting on Hermione's bed as she woke up more. He was sure that she didn't comprehend Poppy's words moments before she left.
"Hermione," he gently shook her and waited. "Love, can you hear me?"
She groaned and opened her eyes to look at him. "Severus, where am I?"
He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Hospital wing, love. I found you passed out in the hall of the fourth floor corridor."
It started to come back to her. The duel with the Slytherin sixth years. She hoped they were just as pained as she was at the moment. "Malfoy and other Slytherins jumped me on my way to the common room after you left."
He was right. "Its okay, I've taken points from them. I had a rough time last night also."
She stared at him, worried. "What happened?"
He didn't want to delve into it now, but possibly needed to. He put a silencing charm on the door and warded it for good measures, knowing that Dumbledore would understand why he warded it. "The Dark Lord wants you on his side. You must have gotten hit because I started to feel weak. I was foolish to let a picture of us yesterday morning pass my shield and the Dark Lord started crucioing me. I had to admit that we had relations and you were smitten with me. He wants me to continue to see you."
"To distract me from helping Harry," Hermione stated with a roll of her tired eyes. He was proud he didnt have to explain that part. She was smart enough to comprehend. "I'll never stop helping him."
There was fire in her eyes that stirred Severus. A surge of powerful chills ran through him as he took her hand and quickly undid the wards and silencing charm he placed. The simple touch of their hands made them feel better and stronger than they had just moments before. He wanted to kiss her, but held back. He was thankful he held back, Poppy burst through the doors with Dumbledore hot on her heels.
The Headmaster looked at Severus, warning him to be careful. Severus, when hearing Poppy's voice through the door, dropped her hand quickly, but stayed closer to Hermione. They needed to be near one another so they wouldn't loose any more strength. Poppy looked at Severus on the edge of Hermione's bed for a second with curiosity, but didn't ask.
"Miss Granger has informed me that she did indeed duel with the Slytherins yesterday. I have dealt with the situations regarding dueling in the corridors." Severus said in his Snape voice. Poppy nodded and beckoned the headmaster to look upon her.
Dumbledore stayed, not asking Severus questions, only talking to Hermione, for several moments. After he left, trusting Poppy to take care of her, Severus knew he had to talk to the man about the meeting he'd just had with Voldemort. Poppy, while curious as to why Severus hadn't left yet, didn't ask. She was thankful that Hermione grew stronger by the minute. Although she wasn't sure why, the nurse was almost positive the brooding man beside Hermione was the true reason.
Severus was a man of many secrets, and if this was to be one of his secrets, then she'd not ask questions that would anger the man. Hermione was begging to be released by lunchtime. Severus told the woman that he'd watch out for her, since they missed their remedial lessons. Poppy agreed, telling Hermione that if she felt at all odd, to come back to her at once. Hermione, not one to disobey orders, told the nurse she would at once.
Hermione followed Severus to the Headmasters office, head down, pretending to be in severe trouble. Severus' face was a harsh scowl-sneer to anyone passing him. At the mention of Acid Pops, the gargoyle sprang aside and Severus lead Hermione inside.
As soon as the door closed behind Hermione, Severus imediately said, "Albus, He knows."
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