Chapter 4 The First Day as a Servant
I got up before the sun rise. I got dress and headed to kitchen to grab Griffin's food. I walked into the kitchen, looking for his food. I started my way up to Griffin's chamber. I walked in slowly and quietly as I can. I place his food on the table and made my way to the curtains. I open the curtains; waking the prince.
"Give me five more minutes," he groaned, covering his face.
"Nope, it's my job to make sure you're up and dressed, before the sun gets to high," I said simply , walking over to his wardrobe. I hear him moaning while blankets are shifting on the bed. I turn to face him; I handed him his clothes for today and walked to his bed to make it.
"What is this?" He asked, pointing down at his food.
"Breakfast," I said confusingly.
"It does not look edible?" He questioned. I rolled my eyes and waited for my next task.
"Did you just rolled your eyes at me?" He asked, staring at me.
"Of course not sire," I said, trying to find something to do. I could feel his stares.
"Pft,"Griffin starts laughing.
"What is so funny?" I said out of annoyance.
"It just that you are so fun to watch," he said, trying to collect his composure.
"Well, I'm glad that you like it. Although, it a bit creepy," I chuckled. We both ended up laughing until we heard a knock on the door.
"Come in," Griffin said, handing his plate to me. A knight entered the prince's chamber. He notice me standing in front of the table.
"This is a private matter, Prince Griffin," the knight said, glaring at me. I swallowed a lump in my throat.
"I'm sorry but he is my servant; so he stays," Griffin said, looking at the knight. I took a step back. The prince notices my movement,"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, looking at me.
"I don't want to be a bother," I said, ducking out of his room. I looked at the floor and continued to walked out. I felt someone put their hand on the back of my neck. I looked up quickly.
"You're not going anywhere because you got chores to do?" Griffin said, pulling back into the room by my neck.
"Okay, but please let me go," I said, trying to break way from his grip. He let go and sat back down. I walked to his right side of his chair.
"So, what do you want to talking to me about?" Griffin said in annoyance.
"It's about your father, actually wanted me to tell you that you are to find a creature that hiding in the northern forest. He didn't want anyone to know about just in case there are enemies hiding in Miral," the knight said, handing a paper to the young prince.
"Thank you. You may leave now," Griffin said, waving in his hand to dismiss the knight. He turn to face me," How soon can you get the horses ready?"
"Maybe ten minutes or less," I said, turning on my heel to go to the stable. I made it to the stable and started to get the horses ready for the journey to the northern forest. It took me about five minutes to get each one ready. Griffin walked into the stable.
"You are missing one," he said, looking at me.
"I'm sure I didn't," I said, looking at all the horses.
"Yes, you are," he demand.
I cross my arms across my chest, "Fine, which one am I missing, Prince?"
"Your's," he said, pointed at mine.
"I didn't know I was going," I said, uncrossing my arms and headed back over to the last horse. I packed up my horse. I grabbed all the reins and leaded them out of the stable. I got to the courtyard to meet all the knights that was going on this journey.
"You are bring your servant along?" one of the knights questioned.
"Of course, I'm bring... What's your name again?"
"Atlas, sire," I answered.
He nodded. The knights seem very confused at this arrangement. I was confused as well. The knights mounted their horses. I slowly got on mine. I don't know what will happened out there. I looked back at Dane. I gave a small smile and wave. I lightly kick my horse to got it to move. The rest of them was at a trot and I slowly was gaining on them. We was at the gates of Miral.
I looked around as we are supposed to head north. We are inching closer to the boarder of the northern forest. I started to get a weird feeling. I slowly make my way to Griffin.
"Griffin, I have a bad feeling about this place," I whispered, to him.
"Don't be such a girl, Atlas," he chuckled. I heard movement from behind. I looked to see something that was no living creature that I've ever seen. It came running towards us. I looked around to find a best place to use my magic. Everyone dismounted and headed right for it. I don't feel so well. It didn't care about the knights. It was coming towards me; I panic. I pulled out my sword. I swing my sword at it.
"Atlas move you idiot!" Griffin yelled. I nodded and ran away from the beast. The beast followed me.
"I didn't sign up for this!" I yelled at Griffin.
"You're doing great. Now, leaded it towards us," Griffin ordered.
"Whatever you say," I said, turning towards them. I ran pass Griffin and his men, ducking behind a tree. The beast walked right towards them. Griffin ordered his men to take it down. They was struggling to kill it. So, I helped by using my magic. I chanted a spell to keep the beast in one spot. After a few more swings and blows. They finally kill it.
"Why was it chasing you?" Griffin asked, walking towards me.
"I don't have a clue, Griffin," I said, confused at what happened.
"Well, we will never know," said one of the knights, walking towards us.
"Yeah, know kidding," said another.
"Yeah the fight was hell on my body for sure," said a muscular knight.
"Are you alright, Atlas?" Griffin asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, taking his hand off my shoulder. I was walking back to the horses to give them so food.
"We'll make camp here," Griffin stated. Everyone was starting to unpack the horses.
"I'll go get some fire wood," I said, taking off to find some wood. I walked around the forest but not to far away from camp, "I didn't expect that on my first day on this job was going to be in the forest," I said to myself. II heard more movement around me. I looked around, got a strange feeling that something is watching me. I got all the wood I could carry and headed back to camp.
Sorry for a long chapter.
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