chapter 9
(Time jump 9 months)
Spencer's pov:
We were in the round table room and Garcia was presenting a case when i get a text, usually i wouldn't look at my phone so that i can focus on the case but since Liz was in her final month of pregnancy i always checked it. "Spence my water just broke, i already called an ambulance so meet me at the hospital" "oh my god" everyone looked at me confused "i uh i cant join you on the case i have to go" i get up and go to my desk grabbing my jacket and bag " I'm so distracted by my thoughts that i don't even notice Hotch standing next to me until he speaks "are Liz and the baby ok?" "She's in labor" i look up at him "i'm about to be a dad" suddenly worry washes over me "oh my god what if I'm not good at it i mean my dad left me and what if i do the same to my kid, what if they hate me because I'm always away what if-" "Spencer breath" he spoke really loud making our whole team look at us since we'd been whispering the whole time, i stop and look at Hotch, it was rare for him to call me by my first name so i knew the team would have questions but i didn't really care right now "you are going to be an amazing dad and your kid will love you" "thanks Hotch" "now go or Liz will kill you" i smile at him and run to the elevator rushing to get to the hospital.
Elizabeth's pov:
I get into my hospital bed and not ten minutes later Spencer walks in and rushes to me and kisses me "hi" he smiles against my lips "hi" "We're about to have a baby" he kisses me again "i know" his forehead pressed against mine he smiles "i love you so much" "i love too Spence, so much". After a few very long and painful hours of labor our baby boy was finally born, we were laying in the hospital bed, one of Spencer's arms around me and the other on the baby's head while i held him "Spence?" "Hmm" "we need to pick out a name" "can't we do that later i just wanna look at this beautiful baby forever" i let out a small chuckle "no come on please" "ok fine but only because you said please" he smiles and gives me a quick kiss "so we already decided that we want to name him after someone on your team bc even if they don't know they're still family" "ok how about Derek, he's always been like my brother" "ok Derek sounds great, now for a middle name" "middle name?" "Well yeah see i think since we're naming him after someone you love he should have something from me too so we can both have a middle name" "ok sounds perfect" "so what should his middle name be?" "How about Jason?" "Like Jason Gideon your old team member?" "Yeah, unless you wanted something else?" "No i love it Derek Jason Reid" i smile still facing the baby "Liz?" "Yeah?" "Thank you for spilling your coffee on me" i look up at him and give him a smile "thank you for letting me buy you a new one" he kisses me and when i pull away he pressed me and the baby closer to his chest and we all end up falling asleep.
(Time jump 6 years)
Spencer's pov:
We were on our way back home from a case when my phone started to ring, i smiled and looked around at my team to make sure they couldn't hear me then answered "hey babe" "hey spence, are you guys almost here?" "Yeah i think we're landing soo why, is everything ok?" "Everything's fine i just wanted to know how much time i had for your surprise" i raised an eyebrow in confusion "surprise?" "Yep" "what kind of surprise?" "I'll see you soon Spencer" and with that she hangs up leaving me to wonder what she had in store. I finally get home and open the door only to be hit with the amazing smell of lasagna and chocolate cake, i drop my bag down and right away Liz runs up to me and jumps into my arms kissing me "i missed you" "i missed you guys too, so much, speaking of where is derek?" I search the apartment behind her "I left him with Maddie for the night" i turn back to look at her "oh is that so misses Reid" "it is Doctor. Reid but none of that just yet first we eat, then the surprise then lots and lots of that" i smile and kiss her "ok fine, i can wait, I'll be miserable but i can wait" she smiles at me and hits my arm "shut up" i chuckle a little and we walk to the dining room table to eat.
Elizabeth's pov:
After we finished eating i told Spencer to wait on the couch for me while i go grab something and he sat down. I came back out of the room with a little box in my hand "what's all of this for babe?" "I just wanted to have a special night with you" "any night with you is special" i blush a little then pull the bag towards me "so does that mean you don't want the gift?" "Oh no i still want the gift" i laugh at his words then give him the box when he opens it his eyes light up "you bought me a new wallet?" "Yeah" he kisses me but i pull away after a few seconds "but that's not all" his eyebrows furrow in confusion "what do you mean?" "Well its one of those wallets with the compartment that hold a bunch of pictures" he opens the wallet and i point at what im talking about and then slowly go through the pictures "see thats me and you, then thats Dereks first ultrasound picture, the thats the day he was born" i take a deep breath before the next picture "and that's the ultrasound i took two days ago" i look up at him and his eyes meet mine "you're pregnant?" I nod at him and he kisses me passionately and when he pulls away he leaves his forehead on mine and i see the tears coming down his face "there's one more thing" "what?" "We're having twins" his eyes widen in surprise "what, oh my god" "yeah the doctor said she heard two heartbeats" "heartbeats? Wait how far along are you?" "Six weeks" "wow" he puts his hand on my stomach and smiles before kissing me again "i love you so much" "i love you more" "not possible" he smiles at me before putting his lips to mine again.
Spencer's pov:
I walk into the bau and before i even put my stuff down i run into Hotch's office completely forgetting to knock and startling him "jeez Reid is everything ok" i close his door and stand in front of his desk "everythings amaxing i just have something to show you" he puts his pen down and looks at me confused "ok?" I pull out my wallet and take out the ultrasound picture and hand it to him "We're having twins" he looks up at ne and smiles before rushing to hug me and at that point i can't hold back a few tears that come down my face just then the door opens "hey Hotch have you seen... kid are you ok why are you crying?" "I'm ok Morgan i was just excited about something and i came here to tell Hotch then when he hugged me i started crying that's all" "well what's so exciting pretty boy?" "It's rsally not that big of a deal, I'm buying a house and I'm just excited because after i moved out of my mom's place ive only ever lived in apartments and now I'm gonna live in an actual house" "well thats great and if you haven't got one yet i have been working on a new property it might be a little big for you but four bedrooms and 5 bathrooms one in each bedroom and one downstairs, 2 floors beautiful porch" "seriously that would be amazing" "really? It will be done in like 3-4 months" "thats perfect thank you Derek" I'm so excited that i just run over and hug him, he's a little confused at first then hugs me back.
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