chapter 8
not yet rewritten this chapter but working on it so please deal with me for a bit
Elizabeth's pov:
I wake up one morning and turn to look at Spencer only to see that he's not there, the whole Tobias Hankel thing still fresh in my mind i immediately pick up my phone and place a call "hello?" "Hi Aaron i'm sorry to call i was just wondering if Spence was at the office" he lets out a small laugh which makes me relax a little bit "no i haven't seen him but he called me early in the morning and told me that if you called looking for him to tell you to go to the dining room table" "what why?" "I don't know he refused to tell me, thats all he said" "um ok thank you" we say our goodbyes and i hang up before getting up and going to the dining room table like he told me to and there sits a plate of pancakes with a note next to it:
Good morning beautiful, i know ive been a little weird lately so i organized today to make it up to you finish your breakfast and take a shower from there to figure out what to do next
Love, Spencer.
I do exactly what the note says, when i'm done with my shower i go to grab a towel from the cabinet only to find another note this time inside of an envelope i open it and read the note:
I hope you had a relaxing shower, i want you to treat yourself today so i left money along with this note for you to go and get your hair and nails done at grey's salon, your appointment is at 4pm with Claire she will give you the next note when you're finished, see you soon <3.
I smile after reading the note and then get dressed only to realize it was just 2.30pm so i decided to call maddison and tell her what's going on "hey El" "Mads you won't believe what Spence is doing today" "let me guess he gave you money to get your hair and nails done" "how did you-" "he called me and me he had a whole day planned for you and that you would probably call me, he also said he was gave you enough money for the both of us to get our hair and nails done because he knows you hate being in those salons alone" "wait really, god he's so amazing did he tell you what he was doing?" "No he just said he wanted to make you feel special for a day" we talk on the phone for the next hour before leaving the house to meet up at the salon. It takes us 2 and a half hours to finish everything and when were done the sylist hands me another note and i take it quickly to read it:
I hope you had fun with maddie, it should be almost 7pm so please go home and look on the bed in the guest room where i left you an outfit to where today and with it should be the next and final note telling you where to meet me for your last surprise of the day, i love you.
I rush home as quickly as i can not being able to wait much longer i walk into the apartment and then to the guest room and see a box with a bow on it, i open it to find an outfit from my closet and a note under it but this time the note is folded and on it read "please open after you change" so i did just that and then quickly opened the note:
I'm sure you were way to impatient to even look at the outfit so you probably haven't realized that this is the outfit you wore to our first date-
I look down realizing he was right before going back to the note:
In the spirit of that please meet me where we had our first date at exactly 7.55 on the dot. P.s you don't need to wear makeup unless you want to but you are absolutely completely gorgeous, don't ever forget that.
I smile at the fact that he repeated the words he said to me on our first date, i might not have an eidetic memory but i definitely remember that.
Spencer's pov:
I stand next to the Italian restaurant where me and Elizabeth had our first date, wearing the same tux i was wearing that night and just as nervous as i was back then but for a completely different reason. I look at my watch and see that its 7.55 and when i look up there she is, she sees me and runs up to me and jumps into my arms, I'm surprised at first but then i hold her tight and spin her around and then kiss her "that was a nice hello" i chuckle a little "you didn't have to do all this i would've been fine just having a movie night at home" "i know but after these past few days i thought i could treat you to a few surprises, do you not like it" i frown a little nervous "are you kiddinf me, this is amazing" she kisses me one more time and we walk into the restaurant, we even sit at the same table we sat at on our first date. When we finish eating i look at her with a serious face "as much as i would hate to ruin today i want to talk to you about the other day" "Spence" "no please just listen to me ok" she nods so i continue "the entire time i was with him i was terrified, not only of what was happening but also of the thought of loosing you and then after i shot him" i stop and take a deep breath "i reached into his pocket to take the drugs he had given me but then i thought about you and i knew if i took those drugs that i would actually loose you so i dropped them and left, i never ever wanna feel that fear again when i think about losing you, you are the love of my life and i can't picture my life without you and i never want to" i stand up from the table and get down on 1 knee and pull out a velvet box from my pocket "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" i smile at the excitement on her face and my nerves go away at the sight of her smile "Elizabeth Anne Wilson will you do me the honour of being my wife" i see tears streaming down her face and suddenly she tackles me to the floor in a hug "yes, yes of course I'll marry you, you idiot" she kisses me and we pull away when we hear clapping from around us we look around and remember that we're in public and quickly look back at eachother and start laughing.
Spencer's pov:
I wake up the morning after i proposed and look over to see Liz already awake and staring at her ring "good morning beautiful" she looks at me and smiles "good morning fiancé, god i love that word" i smile back to her "you know you're adorable right" i lean over and kiss her "Spence?" "Yes fiancé?" "Will you marry me?" "Hey didn't i already ask you that" i chuckle slightly until i see her serious face "you didn't let me finish, will you marry me today?" My eyes widen and i sit up "what?" She sits up next to me "i don't want to wait another day to be married to you" my smile grows wider and i cup her face and kiss her "we can go to city hall, but we'll need 2 witnesses" her smile grows even wider when i agree "ok Mads is one" "and i know exactly who the other should be" i look into her eyes "are we really doing this?" "I think we are" she kisses me one more time before i get up and quickly get dressed "where are you going?" "To get our second witness plus I'm not suppose to see the bride on our wedding day, meet me at the court house in 2 hours" she nods as i run out the door "i love you" she screams from the other room "i love you more" i shut the door and drive as fast as i can to the Bau. I walk through the glass doors and towards Hotch's office and thankfully everyone else seems to be preoccupied so I'm not interrupted. I knock on the door suddenly super nervous "come in" i walk in the door and close it behind me "Hotch can we talk" "sure Reid is everything ok" "yeah, yeah everything's fine i just have to ask you something" "ok go ahead" i sit down in the chair right in front of him and breath to try to calm myself down "ok here goes nothing, ever since i introduced you to Liz you guys have gotten really close i mean she even calls you Aaron, nobody calls you Aaron and yesterday i asked her to marry me and she said yes and this morning we decided that we didn't wanna wait another day so were going to city hall in 2 hours and ever since she dated her abusive ex boyfriend her family and friends all cut ties with her except for her best friend Maddie who stuck with her through all of it and thats another reason why we don't want a big wed-" "ok Reid first of all congratulations I'm really happy for you and second of all please get to the question already" "ok sorry, since we're going to city hall we need 2 witnesses to actually get married and we would both love it if you were one of them" "Reid i would be honored to be a witness to your wedding" "really?" "Yes really" he stands up and gives me a hug, i let out a breath of relief i didn't know i was holding in as i hug him back he backs away a little "wait does Liz have a wedding dress?" "No like i said she's not close with her mom and we just got engaged yesterday so she doesn't have one" "oh that's too bad" Hotch sits back down and looks up at me with a smile "take 2 weeks off for your honeymoon i can tell the team you're going to see your mom and if you need more time just tell me" "ok thank you sir" i walk out smiling and go straight to the elevator and my smile quickly drops when i hear a familiar voice behind me "pretty boy where you going in such a hurry?" "Hotch gave me two weeks off to go see my mom and my flight is in 2 hours so i have to go pack" the elevator doors open and i walk in "let me help you pack it'll go faster" Morgan is clearly a little suspicious "no I'm good thank you" and luckily the elevator doors close just in time and i look at my watch wow i cant believe I'm gonna be married in an hour and a half i quickly pull out my phone and call Liz and she picks up after only 2 rings "hi soon to be husband" i smile at her words and mimick them "hi soon to be wife, i got our second witness" "yeah i know Aaron called me and said he had the perfect wedding present and that he would bring it over soon" "that's great but listen i just remembered something, we don't have rings" "oh my god we don't have rings, what the hell are we going to do, we need rings to get mar-" "slow down i was just calling to ask if you wanted white or yellow gold bands I'm going to the jewelry shop now" i hear her sigh in relief over the phone "well my beautiful engagement ring is yellow gold so i guess the wedding band should match it, right?" "Yellow gold it is, il see you soon future misses reid" "yes you will doctor reid"
Elizabeth's pov:
I get a text from Spencer telling me he got the rings and i smile while i text back, i hear a knock at the door "Mads can you get that I'm texting Spencer" i hear the door open and some talking, i finish texting Spencer and i go downstairs only to see Aaron standing next to my kitchen table a big box in his hands i go over and hug him "hi Aaron" "hi Liz" "wow Aaron seriously you didn't have to get me anything" "no but i wanted to, here please open it" he hands me the box and i set it down on the table and open it, i gasp at what's inside "Reid told me you didn't have time to get a wedding dress so i found Haley"s and brought it for you, you don't have to wear it i just tho-" "i cut him off with a big hug "i love it, thank you" he hugs me back tightly before letting go "she was alot taller then you though so you might have to be careful not to trip on it" "i don't care it's perfect" he smiles at me "also i didn't tell Reid so it's a surprise" i smile just thinking of his reaction before going upstairs to put it on and finish getting ready.
Spencer's pov:
I get to the court house a little early and pull some fbi strings to get our marriage license today and then sit down and wait for the others to get here right as i sit down i hear a familiar voice calling me "Reid" i look up and see Hotch standing behind me "hey Hotch where's Liz, wait she's here right she didn't send you to tell me she's not coming or anything" "no, no she just wanted to wait outside until it's your turn because we have a surprise for you and she doesn't want you to see it until she's walking down the aisle" "ok good as long as she is walking down the aisle" Hotch chuckles at me before sitting down in the chair next to me. Only minutes later it's our turn and Hotch tells me to wait inside while he goes to get Liz i nod and go inside. I'm waiting for a few seconds before i see the door open and look up my eyes widen in amazement "woah" is the only thing i can say when i see Liz in a wedding dress walking down the aisle towards me she looks stunning and i can't help a few tears that roll down my face as i realize that I'm about to marry the love of my life
Elizabeth's pov:
When i walk into the room where spencer is all i hear is him saying "woah" when he sees me which makes me blush a little and when i get closer i see a few tears streaming down his face "Spence don't cry you'll make me cry and I'll ruin my makeup" he lets out a little laugh and wipes away his tears "i'm sorry i just can't believe I'm actually getting married to the love of my life" "i can't believe I'm marrying the person i love the most in this world in only a few seconds" he looks at me and smiles before we hold hands and the ceremony begins. Do you Spencer Reid take Elizabeth Anne Wilson to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" "I do" "and do you Elizabeth Anne Wilson take Spencer Reid to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" "I do" "you may now kiss the bride" Spencer cups my cheeks and kisses me passionately before pulling away for air "i can't believe we're married" he says with a smile "i can't either" "i love you so much" "i love you more" "not possible" he kisses me again before pulling away to wipe both of our tears.
Spencer's pov:
We get home and i walk in with Liz in my arms and bring her to our bedroom and set her down gently on our bed "let's start packing for our honeymoon" "where are we going" "anywhere you want, as long as you're happy, I'm happy" "i don't think i could be any happier then right now doctor Reid" "me neither misses Reid" i smile and kiss her putting my hand on her cheek, she holds my hand while its there and still hokd onto it when i pull away, i frown looking at it "hey what's wrong?" "It's nothing, it's just that i don't want to have to take off my ring while I'm at work, actuslly i never want to take it off" "hey it's ok Spence, wait i have an idea" she gets up and walks over to her jewelry box and pulls out a silver chain "see look this is a long chain so you can put your ring on it and wear it under your shirt and no one will ever notice, that way-" "i can always be wearing it even if it's not around my finger" "exactly" she nods, i run up to her and kiss her "perfect".
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