chapter 2
a couple days passed since the two strangers had met, they hadn't talked since because Spencer was rushed into a case when he arrived to work that day. currently though he was on the jet going back home when he remembered that he had the book Elizabeth gave him in his go bag, he decided to read it since the rest of his team members were sleeping and he had nothing else to do.
he read it quickly and decided to finally take the jump and text Elizabeth, not wanting to call her as it was late and he didn't want to wake her or the rest of his team. he didn't need them asking any more questions as they had already been suspicious of him since he came into work with coffee down his shirt and a big smile on his face.
he was really looking forward to talking to her again but he didn't want to scare her away so he texted something simple, just telling her that he finished the book and really enjoyed it. he was so nervous for her reply that he almost forgot to sign his name at the end, not thinking about the fact that he hadn't given her his number that day.
for reasons he couldn't even understand, he missed her and he was quickly developing feelings for this girl that was practically a stranger to him. back in virginia Elizabeth had just gotten out of the shower after a long shift at the hospital when she heard her phone go off, the last few days every time her phone made any type of sound she rushed to it hoping it was the curly haired stranger she had spilled her coffee all over only to be dissapointed every time.
she took her time getting dressed before looking at her phone, cursing herself when she realized it really was him this time. She smiled happily as she read the message on her screen, after some hesitation she decided to click the call button and put the phone to her ear. She wanted to hear the somewhat strangers voice for some reason she couldn't figure out, apparently he felt the same seeing as he answered almost immediately. "Hey" he said quietly and she smiled at the sound of his soft voice before replying "Hey, sorry i probably shouldn't have called i just don't really like texting" she said with a soft laugh
The laugh turned his smile into a soft, admiring one, just hearing it made him forget about all the horrors he had seen the past week. "oh no it's fine i don't either, i just didn't want to wake you if you were sleeping" she smiles at the fact he had thought about that and actually cared enough to put it into consideration "don't worry, i wasn't sleeping i actually just got out of the shower" she said truthfully.
"Good, i would have felt terrible if i woke you, but i'm glad you decided to call" she was a little confused by his words "really, why?" she asked and without hesitation he answered "i like hearing your voice" he replied sweetly and sincerely while blushing a little at the words coming out of his mouth. She was quiet for a moment and he almost took it back and apologized but then he heard a small voice, barely above a whisper "me too"
Her reply gave him some hope and enough courage to ask his next question "so as for the book" she smiled hopefully "yeah?" she replies and he finally continues after letting out a small sigh "maybe i could give it back to you over dinner tomorrow night?" he asks nervously but his nerves quickly dissapear as she replies quickly and enthusiastically "yes, i mean i would love to" they both laugh at her small outburst.
"Great" he says quietly and she replies just as softly "yeah, it's a date" which makes him genuinely grin which fades a little as he hears a small yawn from the other end of the line "you're tired" he points out "you should get some sleep" he tells her but she quickly objects "no, no, i'm fine i wanna keep talking" her words make him smile again "i want to keep talking too but you need sleep and it's late, i promise to call you in the morning to talk about our date and then i will hopefully see you in the afternoon" she sighs defeatedly before agreeing.
"Fine, but only because i know you're tired too" he lets out a soft laugh "alright, goodnight Elizabeth" she blushes at the sound of her name coming out of his mouth "goodnight Spencer" she hangs up and falls back on her bed with a sigh, upset with the timing of her yawn before remembering the fact that she has a date the next day and smiling widely to herself. She changed into her pajamas and fell asleep that night, thinking about the curly haired boys smile.
She woke up hours later, groaning at the light coming from her window and turning around to press her face into her pillow. She really didn't want to get out of bed today but then she suddenly remembered her date and jumped out of bed happily. She was making breakfast for herself and singing quietly like she always did when cooking until she heard her phone syaty ringing and jumped a little at the sudden noise.
She grabbed it from the island behind her and smiled when she saw the caller id before quickly answering "good morning" she says happily while putting the last pancake on her plate "good morning to you too" Spencer replies and she swears she can practically hear the smile through his words. After a moment of silence where Elizabeth was putting her dishes in the sink and placing her breakfast on the table Spencer continues.
"So where would you like to go on our date tonight?" he asks and the question catches her a little off guard so she doesn't kmow how to answer "oh um" she replies, making Spencer quickly stop what he was doing and frown at her tone "what's wrong, is it because i called it a date?" he asked concerned, he sould have known this was too good to be true "i shouldn't have said that, i thought it was a date. Did you not want it to be a date, was i ju-" "SPENCER!"
She cuts off his rambling when she says his name and he sighs "yeah?" she smiles softly at his scared tone "of course i want it to be a date Spence, i've just never gone out with someone who cared enough to actually ask my opinion on where we should go, i'm not used to it that's all. I can't wait to go on that date with you, you have nothing to worry about" she finishes genuinely and he lets out a small sigh of relief "well get used to it because you don't have to worry about that with me" he replies honestly making her laugh a little and he finds himself once again admiring that sound and being so happy over the fact that he had caused it.
They then spent almost twenty minutes talking and finally decided on meeting at an italian restaurant at eight since Spencer got off work today at six thirty and she got off at six. "I wish we could keep talking but i just pulled in outside of my work and i need to go in before i'm late again" Spencer says with a small frown amd she smiles at the obvious dissapointement in his voice, knowing that he felt just as strongly about her as she did him "it's okay, go and i'll see you tonight" she replied making him smile again "see you" he replied before hanging up and walking into the Bau.
Later in the day Elizabeth rushes into her apartement quickly running to the bathroom to take a quick shower to get the smell of work and sweat off of her before her date, she ended up staying late without noticing and on top of that she got stuck in traffic on her way back. It was now seven thirty and she had thirty minutes to shower, get dressed and go to the restaurant that is luckily very close to her house somehow. She finishes her shower in ten minutes since she didn't wash her hair, took another ten minutes to get dressed and ran out of the house, very happy to have worn converse instead of heels today.
She realized that she still had a little bit of time so she decided to walk to the restaurant to hopefully calm her nerves, she hasn't been on a date in forever and now she's going out with this gorgeous guy who's super nice and respectful to her so she really doesn't want to mess anything up. She miraculously gets there five minutes early and the first thing she sees is Spencer, he looked just as nervous as she was if not more, he was looking at his watch and fixing his sleeves. Even with all of this she doesn't think she's ever seen someone so handsome, he was even wearing a suit which any other time would make her self conscious but when he looked up and saw her she forgot all of her worries.
The way he looked at her made her blush immediately, his jaw had dropped a little and he looked completely stunned. The second he looked up and saw her in front of him he couldn't believe his eyes, she looked perfect, a dark red shirt tucked into black pants and white and black converses. She didn't look like she had much makeup on other than light mascara and her hair was in a high ponytail, he could barely breathe when they locked eyes. Even from a distance he could see the sparkle of her eyes shining in the moonlight and her shy smile when she noticed him looking at her made her so much more beautiful in his eyes.
She walks up to him and he's so glad he had arrived fifteen minutes early to be able to see her in all her beauty without the distraction of everyone in the restaurant, both of their hearts beat faster as she walks closer to him and stops right in front of him "hi" she starts with a simple word yet it makes all his nerves dissapear and he's just glad to be here with her "hi" he says back with a smile that she quickly returns as he opens the door for her, they walk in and sit down at their table with a nice view of the street outside. Elizabeth is admiring the nice neighborhood when she looks back and realizes tht Spencer had been looking at her, she forgets to say anything for a few minutes as they just look at eachother, not saying a thing.
She realizes what she's doing and laughs nervously when Spencer doesn't look away "what?" she asks curiously but in a sweet voice but then she gets worried "oh god is there something on my face?" she asks quickly but Spencer just shakes his head a little, getting out of his thoughts before replying "uh no sorry, i just can't seem to stop myself from getting lost in your eyes" she looks down blushin and he decides to speak his mind once more before this new found confidence of his goes away "you look stunning by the way" he compliments.
She looks back up at him smiling with a light blush across her cheeks as she answers "please, i'm way too underdressed compared to you and i had no time to fix my hair and makeup before leaving the house, i probably look like a mess right now" as she looks back down to take another look at her outfit and avoid eye contact she misses the small frown growing on Spencers face, he moves his hand across the table and grabs her chin between his fingers, bringing her head up to look at him. When she meets his eyes he says calmly and without hesitation "you are absolutely and completely gorgeous, whoever tells you differently is wrong please don't ever forget that" he takes his hand away and now it's his turn to look down shyly which was completely contradicting to how he just acted but was cute nonetheless "and as for being underdressed compared to me, you're wearing something way more appropriate for a first date i was extremely nervous before coming here and ended up wearing a suit that i barely ever put on"
They both laugh at his stuttery confession and Elizabeth looks at the table to see Spencer's hand still on it from when it was on her chin and decides to be a little bold and grab it, she holds his and they look up only to immediately get lost in eachothers eyes yet again. They look at eachother without saying anything for what feels like hours and just as they both realized they were somehow falling for the other on the first date the waitress comes by to ask what they want to drink. They both snap out of their thoughts and look at her, Spencer answers first "i don't really like to drink much so i'll have a water and you can order anything you'd like" he says with a smile to Elizabeth.
She returns his smile before turning to the waitress who she notices has a nametag that says 'Emma' "i actually don't drink either so i'll have a coke please" Emma smiles at the two of them before saying she would be back for their food order and leaving to get their drinks. As she leaves Spencer starts again "so, tell me about yourself seeing as we really never got a chance to talk much at the cafe before we were so rudely interrupted by my boss" he finishes with a light laugh that she joins in on before replying "um okay, well my full name is Elizabeth Anne Wilson, i'm twenty-five years old, i'm an only child but i have a best friend, Maddie, who's like a sister to me, my parents still live in california where i grew up but i moved here a little over a year ago for personal reasons and i absolutely adore baking"
She pauses for a moment, thinking about her parents before continuing "how about you, what is Spencer Reid like?" she asks, putting emphasis on his name which makes him let out an adorable little giggle "well depends, what would you like to know?" he responds and she thinks for a second before replying "i wanna know as much as you'll tell me, age, friends, family, work, hobbies, basically everything" she finishes with a small laugh which makes him smile but before he could answer the waitresse came back with their drinks and asked if they were ready to order, they had been talking so much they forgot to even look at the menu so they asked her to give them a little more time.
They both opened the menus and looked at the food "everything looks so good here, i have no clue what to order" Elizabeth said honestly and Spencer started talking about his favorite dishes here and gave her a few facts about the food on the menu to help her decide which she found incredubly cute especially since he looked so fascinated with every fact he told her. The waitress came back an took their orders before leaving them alone once more "now as for your many questions" he joked before starting making them both laugh a little "i'm twenty-six years old, honestly my only friends are the six people i work with but they're like family to me, i love to read and i go to the park to play chess sometimes for fun but i'm not entirely sure that would qualify as a hobby more than just a pass time"
He let out a short laugh at his observation but that was quickly cut off when Elizabeth pointed something out to him "you deflected two of my questions" she said surprising him, how in the world did she remember all of her questions "what? No i didn't" he replies defensively but for a profiler he's a really bad liar "yes you did" she replies with a small laugh before getting serious "is there a reason you don't wanna tell me about where you work or your family?" she asks which makes him sigh before answering "i work for the behaviour analysis unit of the Fbi also known as the Bau, i'm sorry i didn't tell you i just don't really like talking about my work much and sometimes i really need to leave it at the office you know?"
She nodded in understanding "yeah i get it, i'm sorry, I've heard of your unit before and i know you guys work some pretty terrible cases. I'm sure i haven't seen half the stuff you have but i am a nurse and you would honestly be surprised at what comes through those doors sometimes" they both chuckle lightly at that, happy that the mood was lifted a little "as for family, like i said my friends are basically like my family but i do still have my mom. We're not as close as i wish we were but i do care about her very much and she still lives in las vegas where i was brought up"
They talk about anything and everything until they're both done with their food and it's almost time for the restaurant to close, it's then that they realize thy had been talking for over two hours. One of the waiters had come over to tell them that it was almost closing time, making Spencer look down at his watch "oh my god it's ten o'clock already" they both smiled at Spencers words and he asked for the bill that funny enough the waiter already had in hand. They were both so embarassed over the fact that the workers proably hated them now so Spencer left a big tip and a little apology note, what neither of them noticed however was the little conversation Emma had with the other waiter that talked to them.
"They are one hundred percent getting married on day" Emma had said while the new couple rushed out of the restaurant giggling, earning a nod from her coworker "ten bucks says they come back here for the proposal" Bill said "you're on" she replied putting her hand out for him to shake which he gladly accepted with a smirk "how do you guys do that, we see a hundred couples a day yet you're always right about those" they both looked at their friend with smiles "sometimes you just know when you see a couple, with just a look you can tell that they're meant for eachother" she shrugged while replying and they watched the young couple cross the street before returning to work with smiles on their faces.
As they walked outside Spencer realized that he didn't want to leave her side just yet but couldn't find an excuse, luckily though she seemed to have the same idea as she turned to him with a smile "walk me home?" she asked shyly to which he nodded in reply before putting out his hand for her to take, she smiled as she gripped it and lead him in the right direction. Normally Spencer wouldn't even think about shaking someones hand, let alone holding one but for some reason he really didn't want to let go any time soon.
As they walked and talked about random things Spencer noticed Elizabeth shivering a little and rubbing her arm "are you cold?" he asked worriedly as he stopped walking, she nodded and answered "yeah a little, but it's fine it's my fault i forgot to bring a jacket" she smiled and went to keep walking but he stopped her again "hey don't say that, you couldn't have known it would get so cold" he removed his hand from hers which made her a little sad and she thought she did something wrong but when she looked up she saw him taking off his jacket and realized what he was doing.
"No, no you don't have to do that, it's fine my apartment isn't even that far from here" she tried to protest but he wasn't having any of it, he shook his head "i don't care if we're practically at your doorstep, i'm not gonna let you be cold" he said sincerely and put his jacket on her, as much as she probably shouldn't compare, she can't help but think sbout how different Spencer really is from her last and only other boyfriend. As he comes in front of her again and fixes the jacket a little she looks up at him "thank you" she whispers for no other reason than the fact that it felt right in the moment but he still heard it since they were extremely close.
He didn't even realize what he was doing as his hand came up and caressed her cheek lightly, swiping his thumb on her cheekbone with a soft smile "anytime" he replies simply and without thinking, leans his head down and presses a kiss to her forehead before returning to her side and grabbing her hand again. They finish the slow walk to her apartement in silence with their hands still tightly clasped together, Elizabeth lifts her head up from his shoulder as they arrive in front of her apartement complex "this is me" she says a little sadly as she motions to the building in front of them.
He frowns a little as he turns to her but it quickly changes to a smile as he hears her next words "i had an amazing time tonight Spencer" his cheeks turn a light shade of pink at the look she's giving him, it's like he's the most interesting thing in the world to her and her smile just grows bigger as she sees the blush cover his features, she finds it so cute how easily she can make him blush, not that she's any better though. "Me too, maybe we can do this again soon if work doesn't interfere?" she nods immediately, not even having to think about her answer "of course, really soon i hope" his smile grows even bigger if possible as he answers "how about we get dinner again tomorrow?" she's so relieved he felt the same way she did that she almost forgot to answer "it's a date" she finally says.
He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding at her answer and looks back at her apartement "you should probably go in, as much as i would love to keep talking it's getting late and you should get some sleep" he tells her and she almost explodes on the spot from how sweet and considerate he's being, when he told her this morning that she should get used to this kind of treatment she really wasn't expecting him to be this perfect, he turns back to her and his previous grin softens into a small smile "goodnight Elizabeth Anne Wilson" he says, using her full name because it felt right in the situation, she replies softly "goodnight Dr. Spencer Reid" she uses his full title in reply and he gives her a light kiss on the the cheek which she leans into before hesitantly letting go of his hand and walking back to her door, she turns back one last time when she gets there and sees him waiting so she waves at him with a smile and he returns the wave before turning around and walking back to his car.
A/N Hey babes! yes, i'm back and not dead. i finished rewriting chapter two and i'm honestly so proud because i like this version so much better plus it went from 2130 words to 3900 words. Alright let me know if i should keep going and if you guyss like the new version more than the old one. I love you guys, until next time i have the time and inspiration to continue!
not me forgetting i rewrote this chapter already and fixing the first few paragraphs before realizing lmao
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