What's for now
Bambii's P.O.V
(Next morning in class)
So I was entering my world history class it hurt to sit down because that hot head caused me to have a bruise on my side so I had to take my time before finally getting a okay feeling sitting I continued my same old same old till I notice I was still listening to my backup phone to avoid the situations slash messages (bambii is paranoid that Jabari texted his phone)
I just continued to listen to music on my backup drowning out the lecture that the teacher was rambling on about. The bell had rung letting us know it was lunch time and I watched all the kids scurrying to get out per-usual I lingered behind till the room was empty slowly packing up my belongings walking out into the hallway which was now Simi empty. I was walking to head to the library turning the corner not paying any attention and bumped into someone causing my books and phone to drop. Kneeling over to pick up my stuff I apologized to the person I ran into to look up to see Miss.Honey.
"Awwww why hello Mr.miller how are you holding up this lovely Friday afternoon.?" She asked showing all her pearly whites "well I'm living so that's good right?" I told her giving a weak smile "that's the best news to have ,she bent down helping me pick up the last book that was on the floor "hmmmmm Urban Black Glass huh. This is an advanced language on poetry and old Shakespearean tails . She'd handed me back the book and still had a Rae of sunshine on her face "Sooooo how are you doing on my advice? She sounded very interested to hear my answer but in all honesty I really didn't know what to say hell taking her advice sliding out of my
Comfort zone went all bat shit crazy and not the good kind so I just shrugged my shoulders hoping she would accept that as an answer." Nothing you say hmmm okay . She said suspiciously then it went silent for a second till she spoke again "walk and talk with me Mr.Miller please I'll pay for your lunch." I was hesitant at first to the request but finally agreed (hell free good who wouldn't) we walked in the opposite direction of the library and talked "so I saw you went to the after school program meeting I told you about and I just wanted to say thank you so so so much for volunteering your time I know that was probably a big decision for you. All I could do was look up and smile because I wasn't about to tell this lady how I ended up man handled by that asshole Jabari yesterday just for seeing what that meeting was about (I know I'm a man too but he was to rough for me) we were walking into what I assume to be the teachers lounge their was so much food laid out neatly on two tables she told me to grab a plate and fill it up I was a little hungry so I did so and so did she . We walked out looking like we just left a cook our walking back near the cafeteria taking a left stopping at her classroom she handed me her plate to unlock the door , we both walked inside she grabbed her rolling chair plopping down at her desk motioning for
Me to pull up a seat near her desk while chowing down on a sub sandwich it was silent for about three minutes and I started eating finally getting comfortable and saying what was truly on my mind. " it was terrible." she looked at me confused for a moment "what?" she asked taking another bite of her sandwich "the program thingy I went in there to see what is was about next thing you know i' partnered with this Jabari guy and from there everything went down hill ." she shook her head confirming that she understood ."Well what happened that was that bad , I stopped eating nervous to tell but finally relenting telling her about my eventful afternoon yesterday however I did receive at text from a unsaved number this morning but I had erased all of his information after what happened and I knew it had to be him. Ohh man Mr.Braxter is a tough one isn't he but I know you're gonna think I sound crazy when I say this but deep down he's a really good kid ." Pffst when hell freezes over , I muttered quickly apologizing when I saw that she had heard me .
"No need for the apologize he is a hand full but I'm sure he means well . I looked at her like she was crazy thinking "How in the world could she take his side after all that information I just told?" she giggled noticing my facial had a whole other opinion about the situation "Mr. Miller have you ever thought about putting yourself in his shoes maybe?" I was at a lost so I asked her to kindly elaborate "well you know he's failing almost all of his classes."
"yes" witch honestly sounds like a him problem not mine hmm I thought to myself
"And you know he's got over serval different scholarships to different school you are aware of that aren't you ?" I didn't respond to because I didn't know that part but still I-
"Now tell me how you would feel working hard for years I mean practice from 7 am to 12 at night thru out the whole week with no brake and all that hard work you did gets taken away from you because of another craft that's hard for you but , you still try really hard but you're still not good enough how would you feel?"
"come on tell me how'd you feel." she sat waiting for me to answer her
" I don't know sad, mad no melancholy and exasperated I guess" I told her softly shrugging my shoulders not really sure what to say "EXACTLY all those emotions in one could take a toll on somebodies action don't you think and, that's just how he feels not saying how he goes about it is right but that's the only way he can really secretly call out for help that's all." I sat back finishing up my food my stomach feeling very heavy but not because of the meal I scarfed down but more on how guilty I felt realizing how right she was but that still doesn't clarify the way I was treated ." And can I tell you something promise you wont get mad, I nodded slowly and she took in a deep breath "I'm the one who set you two up to be partners" she said softly almost ashamed to tell me but then my eyes widened in shock but slowly piecing things together it made perfect sense now at least to why she checks up on me but I wasn't exactly mad not really I'm not really sure how I felt "But why though? Why'd you put me with HIM!!!!?" Is all I wanted to know. She paused " Because first off you're literally smartest person I know that's a student that goes to this school heckyou might as well be teaching the teachers, second he really needs your help you know that and I know that and lastly I just have a good feeling you two will end up becoming the bustiest of friends" I gave her an unsteady look and shook my head
"Look that's how a good friends is formed when you least expect it you know and who doesn't want a person to talk to and hang out with that's the best moments in life if you ask me and I feel like that's something you haven't experienced and I'd thought it would be good for you." So I was finished with my food asking her if she was done that I could throw away her plate , she handed me her now empty plate I threw them away sitting back down next to her.
"so you're telling me I should be his friend and take the shit he gives to me ?" No I didn't say that I said take a look at his point of view and try to understand never and I mean never take shit from anyone . But try to at least understand someone even when their difficult."
"Oh" I said dryly all I could do was just let what she said to me sink in but then a loud bell rung throughout the halls indicating lunch was over. "mmmm well that settles it my lunch brake is over and so is yours time for you to get back but thank you for the talk she said getting up brushing herself off and following me out the door and as I was about to leave I thanked her for the food she told me it wasn't a big deal patting me on the shoulder "Oh and Mr. Miller don't take shit from no one but give Mr.Baxster a little bit more slack I know he's not the best but he's got a lot going on yakow ."she whispered to me before letting me go, I shrugged and gave her a glance she did the same which made me bust out in a small laugh.
"alright fine maybe" I said giving her a real smile
"yay see that's all I want to hear "she said smiling I just gave her a spark of hope "now you go on and get to your class Mr. miller" we parted ways and I headed to my last class math :( and finally decided to turn my phone on discarding the backup phone I was using for most of the day and to be expected their was multiple messages from an unsaved number (Jabari)
(843)-963-***1 : hey yo you up
(843)-963-***1 : come on man get up
(843)-963-***1 : look i don't do this much but i just wanted to apologize man you busy later?
(843)-963-***1 : can you meet me in the parking lot so we can talk after school,,?
(843)-963-***1 : hello...
(843)-963-***1 : can we meet.?
(843)-963-***1 : come on man i hate texting people more than once
(843)-963-***1 : you betta be outside when school out
(843)-963-***1 : come on plz just man
(843)-963-***1 : forget it nigga damn fuckin scary ass
I laughed out loud reading the messages and thinking about what Miss.Honey and I was talking about at lunch. I must have been in deep thought not hearing my teacher calling my name to answer a question. " Mr. Miller are you still with us ?" Oh yes I'm sorry i said quicly "you may have a good grade in this class but please pay attention and be respectful of others please" i nodded my head answering the question he asked me and for the rest of the class deciding to listen to the rest of the class
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