One hell of a day geez
Bambii's P.O.V
I walked into my apartment and just sat down on my coach trying to grasp what the hell happened or merely How the hell did everything come to this.? Jesus Fucking Christ!!!! (sorry Jesus). All I wanted to do was simply walk into the library to see what the meeting was all about and some lady hands me some paper mentioning some guys name I barley knew about (Jabari) and earning credits (to be completely real I wasn't paying that much attention due to I was listing to music and caught up into my book that I was currely reading and just in my own word ) and Boom next thing you know some big tall black guy got all in my face being really fucking rude and scary annnd nasty to me and now I have to see him again at my house at 4:50 .How could this all happen so quickly all I could do wa sshake my head getting up going to the kitchen I noticed the clock reading 3:55pm and then noticed a little note haning on the fridge looking like my mother hand writing
"Hey baby boy I will be doing some over time tonight so i'll be back late I already cooked your food is in the microwave and please lock all the door and please keep the clothes going and I love you so much baby
Love mom xoxoxoxxox :)
My mood had become more at ease seeing her small letter at least she'll be out for the night as for my dad he told me earlier in the week that he'd be on a business trip an that he wouldn't be back till this coming weekend till this Thursday so with just a little bit of luck I had the whole house to myself for the afternoon but still. What the fuck am I going to do about Jabari I was stuck and had no choice but to hope for the best so I rushed upstairs picking out a quick outfit consisting of a black Nike compression shirt, and black adida's shorts and, my favorite bananas then I ran to turn the shower on looking quickly at the mirror "ugh I look like shit damn" I had to look presentable so I ran to my room scrummaging around till I saw a small black box opening it seeing all the jewelry I had collected over the years . I came across some black stud earrings and a black chain with a yin-yang sign on it so I grabbed the matching set heading back to the bathroom which was now steamy so I stripped off my clothes slowly getting into the shower to ease my body into the hot water.
( about 8 mins later )
I hopped out the shower appreciating the cool air hitting my body , drying off and lotions up and looking back into the mirror trying to figure out what to do with my hair it was Simi wet so I went under the cabinets grabbing the blow drier plugging it up blowing my hair dry and brushing it out as I went along blowing my hair . When I looked back into the mirror turning off the blow dryer I looked like a fluffy dog who just come from a whorl-wind fest so I grabbed my rat tail comb and gel parting my hair half up half down and two parts at the top and gelled up the two puffs and letting the rest hang in the back spraying the back a little bit so my curl could form back but bigger. Finishing my hair I put the matching earrings and necklaces on them took one more final look in the mirror I mean I wasn't all that but I think I looked kinda handsome still kiddish but I can't really change that oh well. I raced back
To my room throwing on the clothes I had picked out grabbing my phone that was charging on my night stand looking at the time reading 4:20 I still had time to spare so I decided I needed to clean up going I go the kitchen grabbing the cleaning supplies out the pantry I started to sweep and wiping off the counter top and turning out the purifier going into the cabinet choosing a smell good I went with the berry lemon cented one putting about 6 drops so it could really travel thru the house then I vacuumed the living room dusting and spraying everything and anything that seemed out of place I fixed it after about 10 more minutes passed I went outside doing a guest test then slowly walked back in pretending to be a guest to see how everything looked and smelled when you first walk in and my cleaning skills passed the guest test I let out a breath of relief. Then i took my phone out my pocket checking the time 4:43 I still had time but I honestly didn't. Know what to do so I pased the room then it I thought of an idea going straight to my book Bag grabbing all the papers and folders the lady from Early handed me opening up a blue folder that had Jabari's name written on it in big black ink I looked thru the work seeing some unfinished homework from math and science and a paper that I read talking about a essay about the book "the raven" by Edger Allen Poe oh poetry and literature Is my strongest so I figured we could start on this and slowly work our way to the other subjects I felt just a small weight being lifted off my shoulders because at least I had a game plan sitting down in the couch to rest feeling my muscles loosen up I looked over seeing the remote grabbing to to see what was on which so happened to be my favorite raunchy show "The Mury Show". I glanced at the clock that was over by the book stand saying 4:50 "He should be here in a few"I thought to myself kinda nervous but I had to face it he was coming weather I wanted him
To or not so I told
Myself to suck it up and just do it even tho this was waaay out of my comfort zone I pushed the nerve wrecking thought to the back up my mind watching tv not even feelings myself fall asleep ......
Bambii's P.O.V
The sound of my loud door bell kept ringing through my head scaring me awake I quickly got up looking at the time 5:10 it was already this late and I looked around to make sure everything was in place then turning towards the door slowly walking to it all my nerve out of place and my hands were slightly shanking teaching towards the door . I finally grabbed the knob taking in a deep breath "Bam you got this just open the door and relax "I kept telling myself in my head but my hand wouldn't turn the knob till another ring at the door snapped me back into reality then finally taking one last breath and opened the door.
(Hello hello hello my loves or whoever is still reading my book thank
You and you are my love now anyways I was thinking I know I'm barley into my work but I thought I'd be a cool idea to add people in as some main and side characters sooooo if you'd like
To be a part of my work please do message me and let me know I'd love to include my readers to my work to better engage with my readers ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so please do send love and support I'll be heavily into my work so more chapters can be posted so it won't be such a big gap with each post )☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
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