No!!! Not like that
(Saturday morning)
Bambii's P.O.V
I heard my phone alarm going off buzzing hella loud scaring me awake. "Ahhhh geez shut uuupppp" I groaned out loud finally turning the alarm off checking my notifications and obviously nothing well except Jabari for some reason seeing some typa notification made me feel a tad gitty
(Messages Bambii & Jabari)
Jabari: "ayyy you open later I need
some help on my paper and, study on this math shit or, w.e ."
Bambii: ummmm I'll have to see most likely I have nothing else to do I'll text you when I'm free.
Jabari: ight just HMU lil nigga I'm
On a time schedule.
Bambi: 😒 says the one asking for MY Help
Jabari: shut up
(End of messages )
I laid my phone down shaking my head finally getting out of bed doing my
Morning routine ( including taking a mini
Shower, brushing my hair and slapping on some oversized sweatpants and t-shirt).
Finishing up going into the kitchen and make some breakfast. ( if you must know I made a cheese and , mushroom omelette with, salmon two patties with a side of orange juice) . Sitting back on the couch turning the t.v on turning on my second favorite show Spongebob Square Pants ( 🤷🏽♀️hey don't judge that show hits)
25 minutes later I heard the front door lock being jiggled from the outside which made me jump checking the window it was still rather darkish but enough to see it was a short figure ; slowly walking in I didn't even have time to react but , just to see it was my mama
"Ooo hey mama how was work.?"She walked over towards me putting her hands in my hair kissing my forehead
" it was very tiring baby but, it was good how are you baby."
" I'm good mama I have some good news to tell you but ummmm lemme cook for you I know you tired." I grabbed her hand leading her to her room helping her into the bed taking her shoes off, fluffing her pillow turning her tv on " I'll make you some food you gotta eat I'll be right back "
"Oh a baby you don't -"
"Shhh I know I want to I'll be back just rest please ." I said giving her puppy eyes dog eyes then I felt out. Going into the kitchen making her what I just previously made myself
(15 minutes later )
I walked back into my momz room to see her knocked out so I tapped her shoulder waking her back up . She woke up looking sluggish "here ma" I said giving her the hot food she sat up look tired but very happy "awwww thank you baby I love you so much thank you for taking care of me I appreciate it a lot ."
I gave her a big smile sitting next to her " Now what is this news you wanted to tell me?"
" sooo I know you've been working really hard but , I be feeling bad not being able to see you and just spend time with you because you always have to work to keep us afloat and, I know we are having difficulties getting extra money for us and, my future and I just wanted to say I'm sorry ma." Before I could even finish she dropped her fork and, gave me a serious look " listen baby don't you ever apologize about me raising you EVER . Without you I wouldn't be as whole as I am and , you baby are the best thing I could have in life I wouldn't change what we've been thru for nothing if it meant I wouldn't ever have you." I felt my eyes getting wet looking away so my mom wouldn't see my facial expression she grabbed my face pulling me in kissing my cheek
" okay okay ma lol I love you too now back to the good news so one of the teachers at my schools noticed my grades so she set me up with one of the students who needs extra help and, said that would look good on my files for the schools I want to go to and bigger plus the kid is a start football player who family got money and if I can get his grades right they said they could probably help pull some strings for me . I know it's not much but it's less of a bill so I'm going to help him as best I can so not only I can go to the school I want to go to but, it won't be so heavy on you and, before you say no you kinda can't because I kinda already agreed and started a few session already . I said looking guilty."
She paused for a moment widening her eyes then gave me a side eye then smiled. " hmmmm well look at you trying to be grown now that is some news I'll say but, I don't know about the money part tho and second who is this kid you're talking about you know how I feel about letting people in our house without me or , your father meeting them . she said with a raised brow "I know ma I'm sorry I just saw the opportunity to help out in some way and just took it without telling you guy I'm sorry." I said feeling guilty
" ahhh it's alll alright baby you just did what you thought was best and, to be honest I'm proud of you so I'll let it slide this time . now on the second hand I need to meet this boy you talk of and, you're father needs to meet him as well and, also his parents at least one of them I don't want nothing bad happening to my baby do you understand me . She said giving me the eye
" yessss ma'am I understand now eat you're food before it gets cold ma" giving her her fork back she took it proceeding to eat
" mmmmmmmhmmmm"
We both just sat there she finally finished her food I took her plate taking it in the kitchen coming back to tuck her back sitting back down to
Just relax with my moms watching some NCIS show
"Oh hey ma where's dad at..?"
"Ohhh shit I forgot to tell you he was going out of town for a recruitment trip " I really didn't mind hell more free time for me and he wouldn't be down my neck about something. I looked over to my mom to see she was sleeping I kissed her forehead walking out quietly going back to the living room grabbing my phone
"Well shit I ain't got nothing better to do might as well get this study stuff out the way." I thought to myself texting Jabari
Bambii : ay you wanna come over if you free since I ain't got nothing to do today .?"
(5 minutes later)
Jabari: huuuh yuh give me like 30 mins I'll be there you alone right .?"
Bambii : nah actually my momz wants to meet you if this is going to continue."
Jabari:ight I'll see you soon I'll be there and, I'll text you when I'm 5 away .....
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