Enter the wild side 2
Bambii's P.O.V
I sat down trying to recollect my breath different thoughts filling my head thoughts I didn't even know how to act I felt so unreal tho I looked over at the table seeing a half filled bottle I don't know what I was thinking but I just grabbed it and, started to just throw it back taking at least 5 big gulps and, ughhhhhh it burned so bad but, I wasn't in my right mind to care . Flopping back on the couch spacing out completely laying there seeing blurry visions I saw a small figure approaching me
" heeeeey" they said slurred clearly drunk but, it looked like the same girl I was dancing with she walked over plopping down beside me just laughing "you said your name is B-Ba Bammmm right,.?"
I turned to look where she was barley getting a good visual of her
" yuhhhhh that's meeee!!" I blabbered
"You're a good dancer girl." She said excited carrying on , looked at her Weird
Then she gave me a double take then her eyes widened In shock I believe
"What's wrong..?" I asked her
"Omg I must be drunk as hell I thought you were a -a aaaaaa never mind what I thought. you're a good dancer that's all." She said brushing it off trying to change the topic but, I wanted to know now
"Noooo no no you already started might as well finish tell me."
Ehhhh it's not important "
"Come onnnnn tell me I won't get mad." I lied then she looked back at me shrugging her shoulders "no lie I thought I was dancing with a girl the whole time but, it's cool you're still cute ."she said giggling
I don't know if I heard her right
"I thought I was dancing with a girllllll like I don't know; just thought you was dressing boyish or, something ." She explained Im not sure if it was the drink making me not care or, the drugs but I was to gone to give any types of fucks what so ever of what she thought I was
" well I'm a fucking guy I have genitals." I exclaimed trying to sound manly not sure how that worked out (fail😞)
"Well whatever you still a good dancer oh ion think I introduced Myself I'm Brook nice to meet Bam." She said patting me on my chest
"Saaame nice meet who to. I mean to nice we Neat I mean ..... man you know what I'm sayin."
She just laughed at me
"You're funny heyyyy you got a Snapchat.?"
"Huuuh no I don't you can hummmm take my number ." I offered pulling my phone out handing it to her she grabbed it putting in her. Number "okay okay imma text you so you can have my number k imma go back innnnn and, twerk this assssssssss" she said stumbling to get back up swaying her way back inside I just stayed laid out for a few mins my face and ,chest now burning to a boil
" fuuuuuuuck is this hell !?" no no no I need to dance it off yeah that's it . Deciding to get up grabbing everything to balance myself heading back inside to see it even more foggy then before the DJ playing (wet the bed by Christ Brown) the music getting to my body I was moving my hips with the beat slowly making way in the crowd (to be frank I wasn't even sure if I looked good dancing ) but I felt everything with confidence I had never had before I eyed a girl that was with a group of people making my way to her trying to be sexy getting close enough to be eye to eye she was smiling really hard so whatever I was doing it was working I grabbed her waist bringing her in as she started moving her ass on me I gripped her waist slowly thrusting behind her I felt so good getting into the beat grabbing her hair pulling it a little grinding even harder ( I don't know what got into me ) I could feel myself getting aroused with every move Feeling myself loosing my senses and, started breathing heavy . I got nervous about the feeling so I unhanded her backing away slowly stumbling and,falling Onto someone I turned around to apologize just to see Jabari, I almost forgot I came with him
"Heeeeey Bam I see you finally learned how to get loose ayyyy ayyyy yuh yuhhh ." He said singing with the music my head started spinning I grabbed his shirt pulling him in close to catch myself(I know he told me not to do that but, I was panicking a little)
"Hey Jabari I feel kinda weird" I tried to tell him in his ear but, he was to into the music and it kept drowning me out so I couldn't get his full attention so I grabbed his face so he could see my concern
"Jabari I don't feel good." I expressed to him worried he looked at me crazy so I repeated myself leaning in closer
"Ion feel right can we go please." I looked up at him he looking lost then upset
"What's wrong ..?" He asked grabbing my arm his touch was like a wave shock making my heart pound and, I could feel my skin getting even hotter i got really panicked backing away I don't now how but, I managed to trip myself and fall on my own ass hitting something really hard on the way down I couldn't even function I felt wet and sweaty all I looked up just seeing fuzzy figures trying to create a proper sentence then it all went dark..
Jabari's P.O.V
Mannnnnn ain't this some shit I groaned to myself pinching the bridge of my nose some people making a small circle around Bam dude done knock his damn self out at a damn party I quickly grabbed him up off the floor slapping his face to get a responds
"Ayy B B wake up Bam Bam dude..!"
he was most definitely out I sucked in my teeth He was small enough so I picked him up heading out the door
"Man this shit is so not fucking cool dude yo ass most definitely owe me." I mumbled under my breath
"Ayyy is he going to be okay ..?" I turned to see some girl looking concerned
"Ummm huuuh yuh he gone be good." I nodded off at her before heading out. Finally after struggling to open get the passenger door open I laid him down letting his seat back then got on my side so we could head out. "Damn I can't let him go back home like this fuuuck." I groaned to myself looking over at him looking dead as a doorknob looking red as ever so I started up the car heading back to my place so I can figure out what the next move should be ..
(Back at Jabari's house )
I turned the car off looking over he was still passed out so I had to once again had to carry this nigga so I got out the car grabbing him out the car heading inside . We struggled but managed to make it upstairs to my room so I laid him out on my bed and started to change him I started to take his shirt off as I was getting his shirt over his head a slight whimper came from him I looked at him scrunching my face cause to be honest the shit felt weird and, it didn't help I was cross faded but, I continued unbuckling his belt well mine that I had let him borrow and, slide his pants off and saw this nigga was wearing tighty-whiteies "this dude is so damn lame." I said shaking my head I took the rest of his clothes off leaving him in his whities and, socks . So I went to the bathroom grabbing a cold wash rag with soap heading back to see him in a curled positioning examined him touching his face which was hot I started to whip his face with the cold rag hoping I'd cool him down at least but, this nigga as soon as I put it on his face he let out a soft moan and, barley opened his eyes that looked shot red and this nigga grabbed the cloth out my hand to throw it to the side
"Mmmmmm it to cold .He mumbled looking at me laughing
"Well you burning up dude you need to cool down get right ." I said getting the rag again pressing his head he let out a loud moan making me feel awkward
"Stop making so much noise B it's weird"
He didn't respond he just looked at me giggling then out of nowhere he grabbed my shirt leaning up pulling me in toward him face to face his breath In my ear whispering to me "what happened to me and, my booooody .?" He slurred throwing his self back down on the bed groaning
"You got drunk and, high went m.i.a got turnt then busted ya own ass and, passed out and, managed to spill some drink on you ." When I gave him the rundown I remembered he did hit his head pretty hard so I thought I should check so without thinking I touched thru his head for any lumps. I must have found a tender spot because he hissed at me .
"Ahhhhhhhh mmmmmm stoooop hmmmmmmmm"
"I said stop that shit now I mean it." I snapped at him but, he wasn't listening I rolled my eyes getting up to get him ice for his head not even a min later I came back with a small bag of ice and, he was still out of it laid flat out on his back with the rag over his face I observed seeing his whole body was just pink standing over him I didn't even have to be close to feel his body heat "damn this Nigga burning" so I opened the bag of ice taking a cube out and, rubbed it against his arms I heard a slight groan
"Dose that feel cooler now..?" I didn't get a reaction so I slide the ice up toward his chest and, I saw his breathing getting a little heavy
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