GEM&THE SCOTTS (angsty fluff) pt2, 2 the last one
Pt2 to "Mounders fluff"
{Scotts POV}
i was sat under a sakura(cherry blossom) sapling, awaiting for its growth in order to harvest the wood for a new edition to our small village.
gems house was right behind me and i was admiring the view, even though it was just some trees and the border.
Oh how i wanted to stomp across that border and GIVE THOSE DANG WATCHERS A PIECE OF MY DANG MIND!!
but theyd kill me off if i did so.
and i did not feel like experiencing pain today.
i could feel the roots expanding underneath my fingertips when something hissed.
"DEAR.. AEOR!!" i screamed falling after the explosion occured. a new crater now lied at my feet
" hearts my hearts my hearts... 21 left.. that- tha- thats the opposite of what i just said.." i mumbled to myself, i could barely even move but i forced myself to sit up, only to feel shooting pains hit me head to toe
i looked down at my hands, both of them heavily burnt
most of the pain was on my legs and back, aswell as a subtle throb in my ankle and wrist.
I could feel heat on the back of my neck, i presumed they were burns, despite the explosion.
"SCOTT!! WE HEARD THE EXPLOSION AND YOU SCREAM YOU OKAY?!" gem called, her voice getting closer as she climbed up the mountain
"gem? impulse? uh- i just- im fine- i think?" i tried to speak but barely any noise came out of my mouth, my throat burned while trying to talk
"scott?" impulse quizzed
"HOLY- WHAT HAPPENED?!" gem said shocked before i felt her hand on my shoulder, impulse was soon infront of my face
i couldnt speak so i moved my neck slightly, gesturing towards 4 exploded minecarts
"do you know who?" impulse asked
i shook my head, but it hurt to move my neck from the burns
"why are you not talking?" gem quizzed
i didnt know how to gesture for that so i just stayed quiet
"can you talk at all?" impulse asked, i shook my head
i felt arms pick me up
I looked up, impulse was holding me, gem walking beside him, concern bubbled in her eyes
His arms were rested under my knees and on my back, my back stung but was numb at the exact same time.
I then felt myself hit something soft and re-opened my eyes
"your okay, we're in gems cottage, thats all" impulse assured me as he sat down in a chair hed placed next to the bed, i nodded but stopped as it hurt to bend my neck forward, the same feeling as ripping open a cut on the side of your finger when you bent it.
"dont move okay? gem will be back soon with grian and medical supplies. in the meantime, how many hearts are you on" impulse asked me
"..twenty.. o- one" i was able to mutter out, quieter than a mice's squeak
{Impulses POV}
i was genuinely worried to see my teammate.. my band member. no.. my brother in this state.
i WOULD AND WILL KILL WHOEVER DID THIS TO HIM! i hissed inside my head
i looked at his hands, 2nd and 3rd degree burns covered his hands and wrists
my communicator chimed, it was Grian
Grian: Hey, pulse how many hearts is he on currently?
ImpulseSV: 21
GeminiTay: oh god!
ImpulseSV: im keeping a close eye on him dont worry, please be quick
Grian: we are nearly there pulse.
ImpulseSV" Thank you
Grian: I see the cottages, on my way up the mountain now.
I sighed as i put my communicator away scott linked one of his fingers in mine and gave a weak smile, a patch of burns ever so gently touched the side of his lip where it appeared blackened of char.
"Theyre almost here, your alright" i smiled and interlocked my finger in the one hed placed through mine.
the door then busted open with a loud crash, leaving a dent in the wall of gems birch and cherry cottage
"EY GRAIN! DONT YOU GO DENTING MY WALLS!!" gem joked and gri rolled his eyes, walking over to the side of the bed with a med-kit
"this is going to sting, but trust me okay?" grian told scott, whom attempted to nod
{Scotts POV}
Every inch of my body ached, but i wasnt one to show weakness.
Impulse helped me sit up and pulled off my more than half burnt jacket, my shirt having holes in it.
"this is going to sting, but trust me okay?" grian assured me, i attempted to make a small nod
I felt something cold touch my back in small sections through the holes, impulses hand gently grazed the burns on my back which i flinched at as he now held up my shirt to the base of my neck.
I felt the cold touch wherever there was a stinging sensation.
There was more than just what stung.
There was parts that physically hurt and ached an awful throbbing pain
those parts were soon touched by the cold which i stopped feeling after about a minute or so.
Bandages were then wrapped around my torso and chest, after the bandages were on i felt my shirt be pulled off gently.
I felt a cold hand on my arm, then the cold.. then the bandages
the same repeated with my other arm
"here, change into this, its just shorts and a t-shirt, we need to be able to look at your legs aswell" grian smiled
"..o..oka-y" i mumbled out
theyd left the cottage to allow me to change into the new cloths, in which i did, sliding off my boots in the process, folding my burnt cloths gently afterwards
i sat back down on the bed and knocked on the wall to let them know to come in, grian came in first and grabbed my left hand with his palms and thumbs.
"these are seemingly third degree burns. do they hurt?" he quizzed, i nodded slightly
"are you able to talk?" he asked again
"..a- l't'le.. b't.." i mumbled, though some of my letters just sounded as if they werent there.
"may i ask how bad it hurts?" grian asked
"i g't expl'ded grian. " i joked
"no duh" he joked back
"but being honest- doesnt feel great- not my first time experiencing this" i sighed
"just on the other life series or is there more times youve been exploded-?" he quizzed
i whirled my finger in a circle and a book came into my hands
"okay should i go alphabetical or..?" i questioned
"WHAT THE HECK!?" grian yelled, i laughed
"..should i do random..?" i questioned
"i- are- are you okay-?" he sighed
"mmm... No." i smiled
"great! okay uhm- i-im just gonna go be sure scar doesnt die uh... dont die yourself! uh- bye!" he spoke nervously and backed out of the door
"okay you go do that" i smiled and grian made his way down the mountain
"hes officially scared of us! im so proud" gem laughed
we spent the rest of the day sitting on the bed in gems cottage, plotting our revenge against the mounders.
and we officially found.
the perfect plan...
(lmk if you want me to write their revenge eventually!)
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