seven ✿ coincidence
Trigger Warning
Mentions of anxiety, implied past self harm, tiny bit of cursing
✿ Virgil's POV ✿
It's the final day of the weekend. There's a stark contrast between yesterday and today's weather. It is one of those mornings that feels like it's night time the entire time. The sky is dark grey, not even the tiniest bit of light can stream through the rain filled clouds. I nearly fall back asleep, but I made a promise to my mom I would help her in the bakery today, and I can't go back on that promise.
I hop out of bed, slip on my black work shirt, some jeans, converses, and I put on the waist apron. Finally, brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, and putting on a thin jacket, I walk down the stairs to the bakery.
The bakery feels warm. Not the uncomfortable warm that makes me want to squirm. It's the caring and comforting one, like a hug, a kiss, or a fresh-out-of-the-oven baked good. It smells of chocolate, and the perfume of gardenias. No birds are chirping today, but the pitter patter of rain is just as close to music as bird song. The water droplets streaming down the windows are distorting the lights outside. My mom is taking out a fresh batch chocolate muffins, and my mouth begins to water.
My mom sees me and smiles. "You excited to work today?"
"Yeah, a little nervous, but I'm excited," I tell her, and she ruffles my hair.
I groan. "Mom!" I run my hands through my hair with a frustrated sigh.
She laughs playfully a little bit and presses a kiss to my forward, "I love you sweetheart."
"Love you too," I grumble, crossing my arms.
It's a slow day. Not many people are stopping in, most likely due to the rain. I don't blame them, though. My elbows are propped up on the counter, my chin sitting on my hand. My free hand taps the tune of Fences by Paramore on the glass countertop. I can't stop thinking about yesterday. Especially one person in particular: Roman. Everything about him is perfect. His charming smile, his eyes, oh goodness his eyes! They are the perfect shade of brown mixed with flecks of emerald green and his hair is always in perfect waves and it has a uniform way of falling in place. His lips are so sweet, rosey pink, and probably really soft too-
RING! I startle out of my thoughts as the bell above the door blares loudly. Jeez, I almost just had a heart attack. Now I have to rush to the door.
"Curse this stupid rain," I hear come from the woman outside. The woman has dirty blonde hair, and brown eyes. She looks to be around my mom's age, and I soon realize a little girl is with her. The little girl has dark brown hair, a very big contrast between the daughter and matriarch, but both have light brown eyes. The girl has a light blue raincoat on and light blue rain boots with clouds on them.
"I think the rain is fun!" The little girl giggles. She is so adorable.
My mom walks over next to me, "Hi! How can I help you." My mom greets them as she does with all her customers.
The woman walks over, along with her daughter, and gives my mom and I a small smile, "I called in an order earlier? For Eleanor?"
"Yes! Virgil, can you go get that for me?" My mom looks at me, and I nod.
I begin to walk off, but I stop when the little girl says, "Mommy? Isn't that Ro's friend's name?"
My eyes widen. They can't be...
I turn around and look at the little girl and her mother, "Roman Bishop?"
"Yes, that's my son. He talks a lot about you," His mom grins and the little girl is giggling. I blush a light pink.
Roman talks about me? To his family? What... I feel a blush creep onto my face.
My mom covers her mouth stifling her giggles, "Virgil talks a lot about Roman as well."
Mom, quit exposing me. This is embarrassing.
My eyes widen and my blush deepens, "I'm...I'm gonna go get your order...yeah."
I walk to the back, and lean against one of the counters. I run a hand through my hair, and breathe in and out. I've seriously fallen for that boy hard, and it's painfully obvious. I just can't believe Ro talks about me. I'm not very interesting. I'm a loser.
After regaining my breathing to its normal tempo, I grab the box with Eleanor's order, and carry it out to the front. "Here you go," I give Eleanor a small smile.
"Thank you, Virgil," She grins appreciatively. The little girl has her eyes on something in the display case. I follow her gaze to the chocolate muffins. This is my sorta child.
I crouch down and open the case, gently taking one of the muffins out and placing it in a small paper bag. I hand it to the little girl, who I soon remember as Jade, and she beams. "On the house."
She squeals quietly, and her mother mouths a "thank you." I nod and look at Jade, "Tell Roman I said hi."
"I will!" She gives me an affirmative nod, and I give her a thumbs up. Jade is the sweetest child on earth
They pay and walk out the door, Jade waving to us before she runs off to catch up with her mom. My mom waves back, and as soon as she sees they are gone, she gives me a playful smirk, "So? This Roman character? Is he cute?"
"Mom!" I blush a deep shade of red and my mom laughs and ruffles my hair.
✿ Roman's POV ✿
I'm lying on my bed, bored and listening to music. My eyes drift around my room admiring the posters all over my wall, my playbills, and a lot of other things that hold a lot of sentimental value. I hear running on the hardwood floor, and my door opens. I sit up, my earbuds falling out of my ears. I nearly fell off the bed, but I catch myself. "Reveal yourself, fiend!"
It's just Jade. The little devil.
She's giggling uncontrollably, "I saw Virgil!"
My eyes widen a little bit. I didn't know mom and Jade were going to the bakery. If I knew, I would've gone.
"You did? Was he sweet?"
Why am I asking her this? She's five. Plus, he's always sweet, I don't know a time when he hasn't been.
She nods and hops onto my bed, "He gave me a chocolate muffin!"
"Lucky duck! I want one!" I say in mock annoyance. Of course he gives my little sister a muffin and not me. I'm going to hold that over his head for a while.
"Well, mommy got a box of sweets there," She tells me, happy to lift my spirits.
"Are they all for me?" I ask, putting a hand on my hip. I knew she'd get mad at that.
"No! You have to share!" She scolds and crosses her arms.
"What if I don't want to?" I smirk playfully.
She stands up on the bed, and jumps up and down, "Meanie!"
I laugh, and pick her up. She squeals and begins to giggle as I carry her throughout the house.
Travis raises an eyebrow at me, but simply shakes his head, "Not gonna ask."
Jade looks at him, "C'mon Trav, play with Ro and me!"
I give him a you better say yes look. He gives a half-smile, and I set her down. "What do you play?"
She beams, and takes both of our hands and we end up in her room, "Tea party!" We both look at each other and hold back our laughter.
When we reach her room, she gives me a crown, "Ro is a prince." She then looks at Travis, and her eyes light up. Scrambling about the room, she finally finds what she's looking for. A tiara is placed on Travis's head, and I stifle a giggle, "Trav is a princess!"
"I'll be right back! I'm gonna go get some tea!" She runs off, and when I know she's gone, I start to laugh.
Travis rolls his eyes, "You're just jealous that you aren't nearly this good looking."
I gasp, "You're right! I could never reach your level of beauty."
He throws a stuffed animal at me, and it knocks the crown off my head, "Oh no! I'm no longer royal!"
Travis evilly laughs, "Now I'm next in line for the throne!"
Jade comes back, and has a tray of "tea" (it's really just water) and sets it down on the table. "Ro? Where did your crown go?"
"Travis knocked it off my head!"
She gasps, "Travis! Say sorry!"
He gives me a look of betrayal, "Sorry, Roman."
I ruffle his hair, "No worries, lil bro."
I have such a weird family.
✿ Virgil's POV ✿
"Patton, she said that he talks about me. He talks about me!" I gush, and fall backwards onto my bed.
Patton giggles, "You are so in love! I'm surprised Roman is so oblivious."
"Painfully oblivious," I roll my eyes, not that he can see that.
I eventually sit up, "What about you and Lo? Are you two gonna get together?"
Patton blushes, "What are you talking about?"
I raise an eyebrow, "You two are soulmates...right?"
"Well...I mean," He rubs the back of his neck shyly. I begin to worry. My finger taps silently on my leg.
"Ok, Ve, don't be mad," Patton tells me, and I cross my arms. "I don't really know if Logan is my soulmate-"
"What?!" I accidentally shout, he flinches and I cover my mouth. No, no, no, no. My finger tapping gets faster, my thoughts rapid.
I yelled.
Why did I yell?
Is he ok?
Please tell me he has this under control.
"Virgil?" Patton looks at me worried. My finger tapping stops, and I realize my breathing was out of rhythm.
"Sorry..." I regain my regular breathing pattern, and slowly sigh, " do you not know?"
"I've never seen my flowers on his arm... ever. I've also never asked," Patton's face was red with embarrassment, and I pinch the bridge of my nose.
"Does Ro know this?" I ask, and he bites his lip and looks away. "I'll take that as a no."
He's afraid and in love. I can't fault him for that. If I was in his shoes, I'd do the same. Wouldn't I?
"Virgil, I'm really really sorry. I just, I have a good feeling he is my soulmate. I just know it," He assures me.
I sigh, "As long as you're positive."
He better know what he's doing. If not, I don't want to have to see him broken.
It was dark. No... not again. I was running from something, something laughing. No, get me out! I recognize that laugh.
Miss me?
I woke up coughing, choking on my breaths. It's back. I don't want it back. I want it out of my head.
What the hell did it want? Why am I going through this again?
Virgil, I was letting you go too easy. Plus, we're friends right?
Last time I checked, I hate you. You ruin my life. Leave me alone.
Aww, but where's the fun in peace and quiet? I know you miss it.
No! I am not doing that to him! Never again.
Who cares about him? He doesn't love you. As soon an he finds out that it's you, he'll hate you.
Leave me the hell alone.
Then do it.
Looks like I'll be staying for a while.
My breathing was rapid, and my thoughts began running a million miles an hour. It hurts, a lot, but I'm not giving in.
You're stronger than I remember.
That's a good thing. I don't want to give in anymore. I felt the tension ease, and fell back asleep. Yeah, I had a nightmare, but I persevered. For Lo, Pat, my mom.
For Roman.
Y'all aren't ready for this...
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