one ✿ the new kid
✿ Virgil ✿
It was my first day of junior year, at an entirely new school. It was a terrifying thought to have, but at least I'll have Patton to help me. Thank god I met someone like him.
Sadly, I wouldn't see him until I get to school. School is within walking distance, and there isn't a bus stop either.
I live in a bakery. Yes, a bakery. More specifically, an apartment above a bakery. My mom bought the shop last year in the middle of my sophomore year. It was kind of weird hearing you'll be moving out of your childhood home.
Patton was pretty jealous when he found out that my mom bakes. He wished one of his moms did. Yes, he had two moms. He almost had a heart attack when I told him I'd be living above a bakery.
I slowly got out of bed, and put on a purple t-shirt and my signature hoodie, I pulled on ripped black jeans, my old black combat boots, and headed into the bathroom. I put on some concealer to cover the dark circles under my eyes, and my freckles. I brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, put on deodorant, raced downstairs.
My mom handed me my lunch and my backpack, "Have a good day, sweetie."
"Thanks, mom," I said quickly, and rushed out of the bakery, nearly running into somebody, but dodged them.
I walked into the office, my backpack hanging haphazardly off my shoulder. A lady, possibly in her forties, looked at me curiously. "What do you need, dear?"
"Um, I need my schedule," I tell her, awkwardly tapping my foot on the floor.
"Name?" She stared at the computer. "Virgil. Virgil Everett," I answer.
She smiled at me, and handed me a sheet of paper, "Here you go! Have a good day!"
"You too," I tell her, and walk out of the office, yet again nearly running into somebody.
I walk down the hall, when I hear my name, "Virgil!" I didn't have to turn around to know it was Patton calling my name.
I finally got to see his curly brown hair and freckle that we're painted across his face in person. I notice chamomiles on his arms, meaning his soulmate was calm and collected. I noticed his fingernails were painted blue and white, and I grinned, he did follow my advice after all. He had had golden, round glasses that made him look even more child like. He really is adorable.
I turn and smile at him, and he hugs me so very tight. "I can't believe this is real," Patton laughed, and I smiled. "I can't either, Padre."
He lets me go smiling, "So? Do you want me to point out who your soulmate is? Even though I've sent you countless photos of him."
"As much as I'd love to confess my love for someone I've never met, I'll pass," I smirk, and he frowns, "But, Virgeeeee."
"No, buts Patton," I move my purple bangs out of my face, and I walk with him to class.
"Fine," He rolled his eyes
This guy comes barreling into Patton with a hug, and Patton just hugs back like it's normal. I stand there with my hands in my pockets awkwardly, when they finally let go.
"I missed you padre," The brunette smiled.
"I missed you, Ro!" Patton laughed. I stood there awkwardly, when suddenly the brunette looked at me. Shit.
The brunette standing in front of me is none other than Roman Bishop. His wavy, light brown hair, was swept across his face, and of course he had gorgeous eyes. I noticed that his arms had sunflowers on them, and I smiled at that. I knew seeing Patton would make me happy. But I also noticed the faded yet dark roots in his arms. It was shocking how much they looked like veins.
"Who's your friend?" Roman looked at me with a blinding smile. Geez, Patton wasn't lying when he said Roman came right out of a Disney movie.
"Oh, Roman, this is Virgil! Virgil, meet Roman," Patton introduced us both, and i shyly waved at him. Wow, great job Virgil, this is is you make your first impression in front of your soulmate.
"Nice to meet you. I've heard quite a bit about you," I smiled when I heard that. Of course Patton, being the dad he is, is going to talk all about me.
"Ditto," I told him, I have heard a lot about him. Patton won't stop gushing over how he is the reincarnate of Troy Bolton. I have to disagree though, Roman is definitely ten times better than Troy Bolton.
"I just really love my children," Patton laughed, making Roman laugh as well.
"What about Logan? Where is he?" I asked.
"He always goes to classes early. You'll meet him at lunch," Patton told me, smiling. He really did like Logan a lot, even before he found out that they were soulmates. I wonder how they even figured out they were soulmates. He never told me.
"Y'know, Patton never stops talking about you," Roman told me on the way to class.
"Really? I mean, we've been internet friends for a while now, but I'm not that interesting," I know Patton loves to talk about his friends, but I didn't know he cared this much about me.
"To him you are," He told me grinning. A light pink paints across my cheeks. My eyes dart down to his arms and I see pink magnolias being drawn on his arms. Embarrassment.
"If I'm being honest, I was surprised you weren't his soulmate, he definitely talks about you like you are his soulmate. When I found out it was Logan, it definitely shocked me," The brunette told me. I nodded in agreement, "It did for me too. Patton told me Logan doesn't believe in soulmates."
"Shame, really," Roman sighed.
"It is. Especially since Patton is so loving, and soulmates are definitely his thing," I pointed out.
"I know!" Roman he said dramatically.
"So..have you found your soulmate?" I change the subject, and I see a small frown on his face.
"No, not yet, it's kinda tricky. I would've thought I would've found them by now," He told me, the frown still apparent on his face.
"Don't worry I haven't found mine either," I say in attempts to comfort him. He clearly noticed the gesture and smiles, "Thanks, Virgil,"
"No problem, Princey," I smirk, and his eyes widen.
"Ooh, I like that!" He says giddily.
"Oh no," I shake my head.
"Logan, is like you to meet Virgil!" Patton smiled at the two of us, and Logan nodded, "Nice to meet you, Virgil."
"You too," I smiled.
Logan had blue and black friendship bracelets on both his arms, probably gifted to him by Patton. His dark brown hair, was gelled back, and he had black glasses.
"Did you have a good summer, Logan?" Patton asked as he sat down at the table.
"I had an exceptional summer, thank you for asking. What about you, Patton?" Logan asked, eating his sandwich.
"Mine was amazing! We got to go see a lot of my family, plus I got to go to Pride so that was fun!" Patton gushed excitedly. I smile at him, knowing too well that when Patton is excited he could talk for hours. Those are some of the best conversations.
"Roman, how was yours?" Patton asked once he was done gushing over his summer.
"The usual. Practicing football with my stepdad, doing community theater, and spending time with family," Roman grinned. Yup, definitely Troy Bolton.
"How about you, Virgil?" Logan looked at me curiously.
"Um, not much. Mainly moving houses and setting up the bakery was a lot of work. I really was just hanging out with my mom the whole time," I said, my mind racing because I thought they were judging me. Not now, not now, not now.
"Wait, your mom owns the bakery that just opened up?" Roman asked surprised.
"Yeah," I rub the back of my neck nervously.
"That's so cool!" Roman said excitedly, and Logan nodded in agreement.
"Not really," I said quietly.
"You live above a bakery! How can that not be cool!?" Patton asked exasperated.
"I guess you have a point," I grin.
"So, you mentioned your mom, what about your dad?" Roman asked. Patton looked at me worriedly, but I didn't mind. I'm asked that question a lot.
"Never had one, I've been raised by a single mom all my life," I tell them. Patton looked sorta proud of me. Of course he did, he's practically my dad.
"Oh," Roman said with..sympathy?
"I prefer it that way, the man my mom was dating at the time was an ass," I laugh, and Logan cracks a grin too. Roman smiles when he realizes I wasn't upset with the question.
"Language," Patton scolds, and I smile and roll my eyes.
Y'know what, maybe this won't be so bad after all.
Woo! New chapter! This was mainly an introduction to all the characters. The next few chapters are going to be happy, but don't get used to it. Angst is going to happen, not only to Virgil, but to everyone. You guys aren't ready for this.
Love y'all!
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