nine ✿ dinner
bullying, mention of alcohol, all caps, a lil bit of yelling, implied past emotional abuse, nightmares
✿ Virgil's POV ✿
I continue to drag Patton away, pushing open the doors, and we end up at a table outside. It's break anyway. We have plenty of time, not like that matters. I could see my hand shaking from me forcing them to not ball up. I close my eyes to keep my breathing regulated, deep breaths. Do not yell at Patton. I open my eyes and sigh.
"Patton? Is this what I think it is?" I ask him, my voice still shaking with anger. Patton is biting his lip and playing with the sleeve of his cardigan.
"M...Maybe," His voice breaks, and he refuses to make eye contact with me.
It was a freezing Halloween night. Multi-colored leaves covered the sidewalk, the wind was howling, and the night sky seemed a lot meaner than usual, threatening anyone and everyone to go out into the less than ideal weather for trick-or-treating. Yet the sounds of happy children filtered through my window, no one cared how bad the weather was, especially if free candy was involved. I could still smell the scent of cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and chocolate, making my room feel much more cozy.
I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when I noticed a DM from a user by the name of @PawsitivePatton. I decided to open it, little did I know this conversation changed my life.
@PawsitivePatton 8:06
I saw the tweet about if someone wanted to talk they could message you, and I just need someone to talk to rn
@L0veVirgil 8:07
What seems to be the problem?
@PawsitivePatton 8:09 you have any triggers? I don't wanna accidentally trigger you
@L0veVirgil 8:10
Not really? I guess it sorta depends, but I'll tell you if I get too uncomfortable. Right now is about you tho, so don't worry abt me
@PawsitivePatton 8:11
I went to this party with my two best friends and I just shouldn't have gone. There was alcohol and it freaked me out a little. I'm a sophomore...I shouldn't be freaked out
@L0veVirgil 8:11
Then some people just... hurt me a lot
@L0veVirgil 8:12
Ok, first. You have every right to be freaked out by drugs and alcohol, you're 16, legal drinking age isn't until you're 21
@L0veVirgil 8:13
Two, if you don't mind me asking. How exactly did they hurt you?
@PawsitivePatton 8:15
They made fun of how I was feminine. I'm usually not ridiculed about it, but... no consequences if they do it at a party...
@L0veVirgil 8:16
Oh my god. I'm so sorry, Patton. That's awful.
@PawsitivePatton 8:17
It's ok...I'm not bothering you am I?
@L0veVirgil 8:18
No, and even if you were I don't care, what matters rn is you
@L0veVirgil 8:18
Are you with your friends rn?
@PawsitivePatton 8:20
No, I wanted to be alone. I couldn't stand them seeing me an absolute mess
@L0veVirgil 8:21
Well, you wanna know what cheers me up?
@PawsitivePatton 8:21
@L0veVirgil 8:22
Watching my favorite movie, eating ice cream, and being curled up in a big fluffy blanket
@PawsitivePatton 8:23
That sounds like a good idea
@PawsitivePatton 8:25
I'd still like to have someone to talk to tho
@L0veVirgil 8:26
Well I'm here. I'm not planning on sleeping anytime soon
@PawsitivePatton 8:27
Me neither
@L0veVirgil 8:29
You got the stuff I told you to get?
@PawsitivePatton 8:31
@L0veVirgil 8:32
@L0veVirgil 8:34
Soooo, what are your friends like?
@PawsitivePatton 8:35
Oh! They're amazing! Logan is really really smart, and really really cute too. Roman is a football player, and he's awesome at it. Plus, he's an incredible actor!
@L0veVirgil 8:36
Sounds like quite the crew you've got
@PawsitivePatton 8:37
I wouldn't trade them for the world. Wbu? What are your friends like?
@L0veVirgil 8:38
Sad to say, but I don't really have any. Most of mine were either toxic, or we grew apart
@PawsitivePatton 8:38
Aw, I'm sorry kiddo
@L0veVirgil 8:39
No, it's perfectly fine. I've got a really awesome mom, she's my best friend
@PawsitivePatton 8:41
What about your dad?
@L0veVirgil 8:42
Not in the picture
@PawsitivePatton 8:43
I'm sorry kiddo
@L0veVirgil 8:43
Again, don't be. I'm glad to not have him in my life
@L0veVirgil 8:44
Off topic, but what movie did you put on?
@PawsitivePatton 8:45
Nightmare Before Christmas is on tv rn, so I'm watching that
@L0veVirgil 8:46
That's my favorite movie ever!!!
@PawsitivePatton 8:47
Then you better get some ice cream and a blanket, kiddo
@L0veVirgil 8:47
Already done!
Our conversation continued late into the night when we both soon fell asleep. That moment forward we talked nearly everyday, and our friendship blossomed into what it is now.
Now, I'm very majorly pissed. Not only at all those awful people, but that Patton even considers going! They hurt him so much last time, why would he want to subject himself to that again.
"Patton, why do you even wanna go?" My thoughts are going a million miles an hour. I feel bad confronting him, but I hate seeing him hurt. I already feel the aching in my chest just thinking about it.
I notice him biting his lip, "I... I thought I could give it a second chance." I understand he wants to prove that he isn't scared anymore. Still, it worries me.
Then an idea strikes. To prove that the bullies' words mean nothing, he can dress as a princess. He's already awesome at makeup, sometimes wearing a neutral look to school, but I know he wants to do more. I think dressing as royalty will do the trick. Plus, he's been wanting to dress as a princess forever.
"Patton, how about you go as a princess?" I blurt out.
He looks at me shocked, not believing I'd suggest something like that. "A princess? Virgil, I'm not sure that is a good idea," He quickly begins to blush, but I quickly take his hand in mine.
"I know it's crazy, but maybe it'll prove all of them wrong." He looks at me and a smile spread across his face.
"You really think so?"
"I do. I really do Pat," I squeeze his hand tight, and he tackles me in a hug.
"Thank you." His words are muffled by my jacket, but I could care less. I hold him close, and I am not going to let go anytime soon. I feel his hands grip my jacket tighter, and I start to rub circles on his back. I'm going to protect him, we all will. I don't want to see him hurt.
Later that night, my mom and I sit down at the table eating pasta. My mom looks up at me, and grins. "So..." She takes a big bite of her food, "That Roman boy seems nice."
"Mom..." I groan and she giggles. Of course she's going to talk about this now.
"I'm just saying," She holds her hands up in mock surrender.
"He's just a friend. Besides, he doesn't like me like that," I take a bite of my pasta, and my mom's grin turns into a smirk.
"So you do like him?" I turn red, and cover my face.
"Mommm," I groan once again, and she smiles even wider
"I'll stop teasing, but only if you tell me what he's like," She puts down her fork and props her elbows up on the table. "Is he your soulmate?"
"I think so," I nod, and she grins. "He's very caring, with his friends and siblings. He's also a talented athlete and actor from what I've heard."
"Seems like he's quite the character," She picks her fork back up and starts eating. "I think you like him," She adds with her mouth full, swallowing it after her statement.
"Mom! Gross," I pinch the bridge of my nose, and she laughs.
"I swear, you're more of a mom than I am," She tells me, and I shake my head. "I think you should tell him. Be bold."
"Mom, I'm 16, about to be 17, in all the time you've known me have I ever been bold?" I ask her and she taps her pointer finger on her chin.
"You dyed your hair purple," She points out.
"Only the tips, try again," She rolls her eyes, and I gasp, "Manners young lady!"
"Any normal parent would get mad at that, but I'm a cool mom," She does finger guns at me, and I bite my lip to hold back laughter.
"Never. Again."
"You are no fun."
✿ Patton's POV ✿
I walk into the kitchen, my Mama was setting the table for dinner. It's Lasagna, which made the house smell amazing! The room feels warm, not the uncomfortable warm that makes m feel sticky and gross, the comforting warm, the way a house should feel. I can feel my mouth watering as I sit down at the table.
My mom comes up behind me and ruffles my hair. "How was school, Mon Chou?"
"It was good," I grin, and the corner of her mouth turns upward.
"That's good to hear," She nods, and goes and gives my Mama a peck on the cheek. They are both made for each other.
My mom is French, with dark skin, amber eyes and messy brown hair. She teaches art at the local college, she also tutors French students. My mama is Italian with slightly tan skin, short curly black hair, and dark green eyes. Mom is super short, while Mama is really tall, it's really cute honestly.
Food is ready, and we all sit down. As usual, it's delicious. Both of my moms look at me, and I put my fork down. "Am I in trouble?"
"No, Pat, you're not in trouble," My mama assures me. "We're just... worried about you,"
Do they know? Am I that obvious?
"Worried? About what?"
"You don't seem as happy as you usually do," My Mama points out. Am I really obvious?
"You can talk to us, Pat. We won't judge you," Mom looks at me with her gaze soft, filled with worry.
I sigh, and begin to tap my fingers on the table, "I...I'm thinking about going to Dee's party again."
Both my parents gasp and I can see my Mama's grip on her fork go white knuckled. "Patton, after what they did to you?" My mom's gaze goes hard and full of fire. I know she isn't mad at me, she never would be, so why does it hurt?
"Cami, calm down," My Mama reaches her hand out towards mom, but mom looks her dead in the eyes.
"I'm not going to just let this happen, Sofia!" My mom happens to pound the table, and that's where it all goes south.
Stop it...
Stop it.
Stop it!
"Patton, honey, breathe," My Mama is kneeling next to me, and I didn't realize that air was failing to fill my lungs. I see my mom staring at me in horror, cursing herself.
"Pat, four, seven, eight," Mama begins to breathe in a pattern, and I follow after. There are a few times where I faltered, but my breathing is regular again, thank goodness.
"Good job, honey," She strokes my hair. "How about you go upstairs and finish your dinner, and I'll talk to your mom."
"Don't yell at her, it wasn't her fault," I tell her. I glance at my mom, and I see her eyes watering.
"I won't, I just need to talk to her," Mama assures me, and I nod. Grabbing my plate, and heading up to my room. I close my door, but quietly open it back up.
"Sofi, I... I'm so sorry," I hear my mom failing to hold back her tears and sniffles. It breaks my heart. She didn't mean to. Accidents happen.
"Camille, it's ok. You were frightened and angry. To be honest, I was too," Mama tells her in her "Sunshine Voice." My mom and I call it that.
It's the voice she uses to calm down patients, or make sure they feel comfortable in a new setting. She also uses it to calm my mom and I both down, and it works. Though her normal voice works too.
"I'm an awful mother." I know exactly what my mom is doing. She's sitting at the at the table, her face in her hands, stifling her crying. I've seen her like that a few times, and it's heartbreaking seeing my strong mom so vulnerable.
"Caro, you are not an awful mother," I agree with my Mama, Camille is an amazing mom. I love her to death.
"Sofi, you know it's true."
"Who was the one who helped him with school when he first moved in? Who was the one to drive up to the school to pick him up because he was having a bad day? Who's the one he called mom first?"
Camille was definitely the one I eased up to the most. You'd think Sofia, being all bubbly and kind, would be the one. Nope, it was Cami. She's a lot softer under all the seriousness. Plus, she's a very strong woman who is very independent.
Logan reminds me of her, except his seriousness is hard to break through. He might not show it, but he cares about all of us a lot. The day I became friends with Roman and Logan was the best day of my life. They made me feel loved and accepted, just like my moms did.
"I don't deserve you mon amour," Many people would probably be uncomfortable listening to their parents be all lovey dovey, but I think it's cute.
"I don't deserve you il mio cuore,"
"Je t'aime."
"Ti amo di più."
I begin to run down the stairs, and I quickly pull my moms into a group hug. "I love you most!"
"Patton!" My mom laughs, "You scared me!"
My Mama begins to laugh like crazy, and I refuse to let go. "Patton, I love you to death, but I also love food."
I soon let them both go, and smile, "Fine. I'm eating in my room tho."
"Wait why?"
"Mission: Date Night is a go!" I then run back up the steps, and into my room, giggling like crazy. I love my moms.
A lot.
✿ Logan's POV ✿
Remy, our mother, father, and I are in assembly line. Cleaning dishes and basically cleaning the kitchen in general. It's an organized system that we've used since Remy and I were children.
"Y'know, I miss this," Remy's words seem to float awkwardly in the air for a few moments. The water running from the sink, and the clink of silverware hitting porcelain plates and bowls tries to cover them up, but they still hang in the air, impatiently waiting to be taken.
"It's just, nothing ever seems to be organized back at college," Remy adds on. I look at him, his sunglasses are off. They're always off at dinner.
"Well, now you don't have your mom to clean up everything for you," Mom smirks at that.
"Seems like yesterday that you were constantly losing stuff and mom had to find it for you," Dad says grinning.
"Woah, that was a year ago. You make it sound like I'm thirty," Remy whines and resumes cleaning. He soon stops when he realizes mom and dad both are staring at him. "You two look like you've just seen a ghost. I told you this house was haunted!"
"Yeah, that was dumb to say,"
"Remy, dear-"
"That'd explain why my stuff went missing all the time,"
"Remy," Our dad says, trying to get him to stop rambling.
"Yeah?" Remy looks at our parents, and I see his mood drop before my very eyes. Crazy to see how fast one's emotions can go from high to low in a second.
"We just miss you. I mean we never really get to hear about college and your job or anything really. Is something going on?" Mom reaches her hand out, but Remy shrugs it away.
"Mom, I'm perfectly fine," He lowers his sunglasses as if he is a turtle receding back into his shell.
"Falsehood," It comes out of my mouth before I can stop it.
"Lo, stay out of this," I can tell he was looking right at me, his arms are crossed, and I notice that tansies begin to appear all over his arms. Worry.
"Why should I? I'm your family too, and I share our parents' concerns," I retort. I can't see his eyes, but I know he's glaring at me.
"I'm not a kid. None of you need to worry so much," He tells us, his voice quivering with anger. He then looks around and meets all of our eyes. "You don't trust me... do you?"
"Remy, that isn't-" Dad tries to fix it, but the damage has been done.
"Y'know what, I just want to be alone right now," He storms away into his room, and the loud bang! resounds throughout the house
"Do I need to talk to him?" Mom looks at both of us, searching for an answer.
"Just let him cool down, I'll talk to him later," I tell her, and she gives me a small nod as if to say Thank you.
"What do you want?" I hear after I knock on the door.
"I thought you would like to talk things out," I say, hoping he'd let me in.
"No way," I can hear annoyance in his tone.
"I got you Starbucks," I tell him, shaking the cup a little to prove I'm not lying.
"...What is it?" I barely hear him mutter.
"A grande iced cinnamon almondmilk machiatto," A half-smile reaches my lips when he opens the door to take the coffee.
"Thanks, Lo," He gives me a small smile, and I nod.
I sit on the edge of the bed, and I notice his sunglasses are gone,"I probably won't be much help, but you know that I'm a good listener."
"Are you saying-" He says as he sits down on the bed.
"I got my Crofters, I got you Starbucks. Talk for as long as you need," I grab my spoon and jar of Crofters.
"You are seriously the best brother ever," He smiles, and gladly takes a sip of the iced coffee. I nod, signaling he can begin talking whenever he's comfortable.
"Logan, can I be real with you for a second?"
"That's why I'm here, is it not?" Remy simply rolls his eyes at that statement.
"I might not go to college next year," He blurts out. My eyes must've widened because I notice that his whole body tensed up. "I just... it's not my thing. I wanna to live, I don't want to be cooped up in a classroom."
"Are you gonna tell mom and dad?" I ask him, and his eyes stay fixed to the bed.
"No... I don't know how," He mumbles, taking a long chug of coffee after.
"Do it when you're ready," I nod, and he nods back. His eyes drift onto the tansies covering his arms. Every square inch is covered. "Why are you looking at your flowers like that?"
"W-What? I'm not!" He startles out of his gaze, and his face is tomato red. Didn't take a genius to figure out he's lying.
"You met your soulmate didn't you?" I say, deadpanned.
"No... maybe... yeah, I did," He runs a hand through his hair, and takes another sip of coffee.
"So, what's their name?" I ask, and he stares at me. I gesture for him to go on, and he smiles.
"Emile Picani. Lo, he is the sweetest man I have ever met. He's majoring in physcology, and he really wants to be a therapist. He has these gorgeous emerald green eyes, and he has such soft hair, oh my goodness. God, he's just... he's amazing Lo," He gushes, and his eyes began to shine, with infatuation maybe? Most likely.
"This is the happiest I've seen you in a while," I point out, and he nods.
"Because he made my life so much better. Just like you did, Lo," That comment makes my face heat up, and I become very shy very fast. "Look at you! All blushy!" He teases, and I cross my arms.
"I am not,"
"Sure, babe" He winks at me, and chuckles. "Thanks for listening, Lo,"
"My pleasure," I tell him, shoving a spoonful of jelly into my mouth, which makes Remy grin.
"You are ridiculous sometimes," He shakes his head.
"No, I'm not," I glare at him, I am not ridiculous.
"Then what do you call that, Mr. Serious?" He puts his arms on his hips, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm being serious. Serious people wear neckties," I gesture to my tie, and he shakes his head.
"That's it, you're getting a makeover," He tells me, smirking.
"No way," I shake my head. No way is he giving me a makeover.
"Oh yes ma'am, we are going to make you the prettiest boy in school. Wake up early, cause we got work to do!"
✿ Roman's POV ✿
It is late into the night. The stars waltz in the ballroom they call the night sky, and moon is their spotlight. All of them glittering against the black backdrop. It's quiet as a mouse, and the only noise filling my ears is music from my earbuds. My music is interrupted when I notice that a beam of light has found its way into the room. The shadows part, seemingly bowing down to the superiority. I feel the bed dip, and the source was none other than my little sister.
"Jade? Why are you up so late?" I pull the earbuds out of my ears, the absence of music makes the room feel heavier yet somewhat empty. I notice the only noise is the soft breeze, some dogs barking at the neighbor's house, and sniffling. Jade's sniffling.
My smile falls and I open my arms. She quickly makes her way into my lap, and curls up against my chest. I stroke her hair and begin to hum a lullaby, specifically A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. Her whimpering continues, but I never falter, if I'm strong hopefully it'll help.
This isn't uncommon unfortunately, Jade is accustomed to nightmares. Thankfully, she isn't afraid of the "monsters" in the house. We've told her the story we've all been told: They protect us from harm, they help clean, they keep the mean spirits or nightmares away. At least, some of the time.
I guess a nightmare slipped through tonight. Many have been slipping through lately. I've noticed how tired she's been lately, and that isn't comforting. She's so young, she doesn't deserve any of this.
"Ro, I'm sorry," She looks at me with tear-filled eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.
"Shh, you have nothing to be sorry for. What seems to be the problem princess?" I wrap my arm around her protectively, and she starts to play with a thread on my blanket.
"Another... another nightmare. Ro, it... it was really scary." I see her lip tremble in fear, and I held her close.
"I bet it was, Princess. I'm so sorry you have to go through this," I stroke her hair and her sniffling begins again. I quickly tilt her chin so her tear-filled gaze meets mine. "But you are so incredibly brave. Look at you, you're a little warrior."
Her face brightens, and she wipes her tears away, still sniffling though. "Like you and Travis?"
I smile and nod, "Just like your two favorite knights."
"You two are my only knights," She grins, wiping the rest of the tears away again, and crossing her arms.
"But I'm your most favorite," I wink and she giggles.
"Noooo, you're not!" She begins to giggle and I gasp. She did not!!
Her giggling is all I need hear. She feels better, I know she does. She still hasn't told me what it's about, but I won't pressure her. She'll tell me when she's ready. I know she will.
Holy crap, this took nearly two months. Hiya!
This is gonna be long, so you can skip this if you want.
I'm owe you all a sincere apology for how long this took. So much crap happened and I was knocked down by one thing after another. My mental health reached all time lows, and so much bad stuff kept bottling up, and I just lost it completely.
I'm also not the fastest writer in the world, and I believe in quality over quantity. Hopefully 10 and 11 won't take long due to how many ideas I have for the both of them. Just know I will never discontinue this book.
I have two pieces of fan art by two incredible people
@//ruijeonen on Twitter drew this for me a while back! So if you have Twitter, please check him out because he is so talented!!
@Kitsune3Tail drew Remy as a cheerleader!
Go send them love, and their twitter handle is
Woah this was long, but I love y'all so much, and thank you for all the votes, comments, and endless support! 💗
I will scream if you figure out what Mon Chou means 😂
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