☏ 41 ☏
taeyong had promised himself he wouldn't cry miserably for jaehyun again. he had made this promise to himself around 10 months ago, after one long night he had spent moping about the relationship he had lost.
and yet, despite this promise that he was decided to keep, he was currently bawling his eyes out in the nearest bathroom for a matter which did concern jaehyun.
but at the same time, what did you expect him to do, standing in front of the man he had failed to forget after one year? the man that had broken him to the core, ridiculed him in front of a whole assembly, and who had been trying to seek for his forgiveness for the past year.
taeyong couldn't get those words out of his head. those last words jaehyun had pronounced before handing yuta the mic again, on stage, in front of hundreds of people and cameras, and while looking straight into taeyong's eyes, as if it would add sincerity to the statement – it very much did.
i love you taeyong. from the bottom of my heart, even after one year spent far from you.
these words weren't supposed to hurt that much, and yet, they had taeyong couched to the floor, one of his arms clutched over his stomach as he used his other to hide his face from the outside world.
he had the confirmation he wanted, jaehyun did love him back, he hadn't abandoned his chase. so, why was taeyong putting himself in that state when he was aware that he loved jaehyun as well and when he knew that he should just get with him again.
but the fact it, it was more than just jaehyun.
this breakdown was the result of a whole surprise and disbelief on yuta's sudden decisions, ones that he had taken without informing his secretary, whether it was the fact that nakamotors went private, that it was delisted, that all activities had been sold to a new company, and that this new company would be led by yuta and jaehyun.
sure, jaehyun's words had caused a whole tornado in his mind, but all those things had definitely not helped taeyong keeping his calm and being rational. and this had to be the reason why he was sobbing on the bathroom floor at the moment while the others were probably still on stage.
"taeyong?" a voice called as the korean male heard the bathroom door opening.
as much as he wanted to be alone, taeyong was too deep in his desperation to tone down the crying. and inevitably, the person at the door heard his ugly sobbing and didn't need too long to figure out that this was where taeyong was hiding.
the male approached him with slow steps, crouching down by his side and placing a conforting hand on the secretary's shoulder.
"hey, taeyong, calm down, it's okay..."
"you knew it, sicheng, didn't you?!" taeyong lifted his head from his arm, allowing the chinese male to catch a glimpse of taeyong's tear-stained cheeks and puffy red eyes. "you knew he was going to be there!"
the electrical engineer could only sigh. "yes, i did."
taeyong choked on a sob at those words, hiding his head back in his arm to cry some more. the tears couldn't stop rolling down his cheeks, and as much as he wanted his voice to sound clear to have a proper conversation and understand what had happened, his body didn't let him.
"w-why d-didn't you t-tell me?" the korean secretary stuttered out after a while, once his sobbing had calmed down a little bit – but he felt like it could start again any time.
"because if you knew he was coming, you'd never have come." sicheng replied in all honesty. and well, taeyong couldn't really deny those words. it was true that he would have rather avoided jaehyun if he had been given the choice.
the secretary didn't answer to that, letting his tears flow naturally and he once again choked on a sob.
seeing the state he was in, sicheng sighed, properly sitting on the floor next to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder to pull him in a side hug. taeyong needed comfort, and even if sicheng wasn't his closest friend, he could help him with that. he knew how bad taeyong had suffered because of jaehyun's actions and he wanted nothing more than seeing the korean secretary happy again.
"you know, i'm aware that you never gave a sign of life to jaehyun." sicheng stated after a while, still keeping taeyong's body close to his. "even after i told you to do so."
taeyong sniffed, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "i-i'm sorry..." he mumbled.
"don't apologise, it's your decision, not mine." sicheng assured. "it's just that... i'm trying to understand... what are you scared of?"
taeyong once again stayed silent, the bathroom occasionally being filled with sniffles, but no more loud sobs like when sicheng had first come in. in fact, the hug had managed to help a lot.
"you love him, and he loves you." sicheng continued speaking as all he received from the other was a small shrug. "so, what's preventing you to go to him and fix what was broken."
"w-would it be a g-good thing to do...?" taeyong asked.
"i can't judge that. only you can." sicheng replied truthfully. "but from an outside perspective, it could heal you both. you'll stop hurting yourself by dating guys who don't reach jaehyun's ankle, and he'll stop hurting himself by sending letters, flowers and notes that are never returned."
taeyong hummed, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand as he processed sicheng's words.
he wasn't wrong, it seemed like he never was. he had this capacity to analyse people's relationships so well... in the end, he didn't only fix broken electronics, he could fix broken hearts as well.
"b-but..." taeyong hesitated. "is what he did forgivable?"
"i believe you should listen to what he has to say." sicheng replied.
"and what if he lies to me again?" taeyong questioned, worry flashing in his eyes.
"he won't. trust me on that one." the chinese male assured. "lying to you already made him lose you once. and he suffered from it so much that he wouldn't dare trying again."
taeyong nodded slowly, leaning his body more against sicheng's to enjoy his warmth. they may not be that close, but taeyong couldn't deny that sicheng was someone amazing. yuta was so lucky to have him as his boyfriend.
"so..." taeyong spoke up after a while. "you think that i should talk to him again?" he asked, wanting to hear sicheng's opinion on the matter, knowing that he would have a good solution.
"i think that you should get together again before you regret it."
and these words were enough to convince taeyong to do something about it.
jaehyun was seriously starting to question his life decisions when a third taxi drove past him despite him almost stepping down on the road to get noticed.
he had been forced to come to world creativity and innovation day without a car, his vehicle currently being under technical inspection, and the ceo too lazy to get to the garage where a few other of jaehyun's cars were parked.
so, this is how he had ended up taking a taxi to the event centre and how he was now desperately trying to find another taxi to go back home. but it seemed like destiny had other plans since all of the ones that drove past him were already on-duty.
the korean male heaved out a sigh, lowering his arm that he had been shaking to get the taxi's attention as he watched the car driving away after ignoring him.
it seemed like life had decided to be hard on him these days. first, his car being called for technical inspection, then, this whole mess that had happened at world creativity and innovation day, and finally, his struggle to find a taxi when all he wanted was to get home and forget about all of his troubles.
speaking of which, jaehyun still couldn't believe what had happened just a while ago. he couldn't believe yuta had acutally called him on stage and named him the co-ceo of a new automobile company he had created.
jungkamotors. a combination of jung corporation and nakamotors.
but why? jaehyun had no idea what had gone though yuta's mind when he had decided to do that. how come he was acting friendly and considerate with jaehyun when they were supposed to be business rivals? sure, now that jung corporation had gone bankrupt, they weren't business rivals anymore, but they couldn't be considered the best of friends – at least not yet. and why would yuta make such an important decision without asking jaehyun in the first place? was he sure that he would accept it blindly?
to be fully honest, jaehyun didn't know whether it was a good idea or not to accept the offer.
he needed to discuss it with yuta first, understand his motives and his plans, and maybe understand better what he was actually trying to do by delisting his company and creating a new one.
unfortunately, as an active ceo with a very complete innovation program, the japanese male couldn't talk with jaehyun for long after their speech, but they agreed to have a chat together the next day at nakamotors' headquarters to discuss all of this in a more comfortable and less judging environment.
and so, definitely not wanting to face any journalist or businessman that would ask him hundreds of questions he wouldn't have the answer to, jaehyun had decided to leave the event centre and go back home. but well, he still needed a taxi to accept taking him for that.
as soon as jaehyun caught a glimpse of a fourth taxi approaching, an expectant smile appeared on his face, and he stretched his arm out, waving it slightly to catch the driver's attention. the small sign on top of the car was green, meaning that the taxi was free to take, and jaehyun was this time determined to take this opportunity.
but well, since it wasn't his lucky day, the moment the taxi got closer, a couple ran out of the building nearby, screaming "taxi!" on top of their lungs while standing on the road in front of the vehicle, a dozen of metres in front of jaehyun's position.
and of course, the taxi stopped for them and allowed the couple to hop on, his sign switching to red to signal that he was on-duty. and jaehyun could only tsk at that, lowering his arm and focusing on the end of the road where he hoped another taxi would be soon to arrive.
as jaehyun let out a groan, checking his watch to realise that no taxi had drove by for the past five minutes, a white car approached him slowly, pulling out right by his side before rolling down the window to allow jaehyun to hear what the driver was about to say.
"climb in."
the former ceo frowned, crouching slightly to be able to look at the inside of the car, air being knocked-out of his lungs when he recognised the person holding onto the steering wheel and looking at him with a blank face.
"i do have my driver's license now, if that's what is preventing you to get in." the driver specified, waking jaehyun up from his daydream.
"t-taeyong... i-i..."
"just climb in. i'm blocking the traffic." the korean secretary cut jaehyun's stuttering, diverting his eyes from the former ceo to stare at the road in front of him.
jaehyun knew better than making the man that had been on his mind 24/7 wait, and so, he pulled the car door open, slipping inside the luxurious car and fastening his seatbelt as he looked how taeyong put his turning light and checked his blind spot before starting the car and reinserting himself in the circulation.
the first minutes of the ride were silent, neither taeyong nor jaehyun daring to utter a word, but at the same time, it was their first time by each other's side after one year of silence and desperation, so neither of them knew how to start a conversation.
with a sorry? with something as flat as a comment on the weather? with a confession?
after a while, as taeyong stopped by a red light, jaehyun finally found the courage to speak up, muttering something between a comment on the weather and a confession, and hoping that taeyong would give him an answer.
"so... you got your license..." he said hesitantly, not daring to turn his head to look at the secretary, too scared of what could happen.
"it has been a whole year, so of course i had the time to pass the license." taeyong replied quite rapidly. "plus, i already knew a lot thanks to your lessons." he added in a much lower tone.
"mmh." jaehyun simply hummed, deciding not to comment on this further. he didn't really want to get in a much deeper conversation right now, when they were locked in a car and when taeyong was driving. he had already experienced the effects of driving while being emotional a year ago, so he wouldn't want him to revive it today.
the rest of the ride was silent, taeyong peacefully driving, his eyes focused on the road and the other drivers around while jaehyun kept his eyes on the landscape outside, never daring to ask where they were going. it didn't really matter to him anyway, as long as he was with taeyong, he was fine, and he hoped they could drive for a hundred hours if it meant they could be by each other's side like that, even without talking. because right now, he dreaded the moment they would stop and most likely talk about everything that happened.
the former ceo's eyes widened when the car came to a halt in a familiar place; it was the abandoned parking on which him and taeyong had spent long evenings, jaehyun teaching the other how to drive.
taeyong pulled the handbrake and turned the car off, removing the keys from the contact before putting them in his pocket.
"i received all the stuff you sent me." the korean secretary was the first one to break the silence, his eyes still focused in front of him, as if jaehyun wasn't seated beside him.
the former ceo gulped, his body turning slightly to face taeyong despite the other not moving an inch and not giving him his attention.
jaehyun was searching hard for something to answer to this statement from taeyong, but it seemed like his mind refused to cooperate with him, just screaming at him how stupid he was to let this gorgeous man slip away from his grasp.
"i thought that you would stop after a few weeks of me not replaying..." the secretary spoke again. "but you never did."
jaehyun blinked, his eyes studying taeyong's face that was lit-up by the sun setting outside. he was still looking at the road, never looking in jaehyun's direction. "how could i stop...?" jaehyun muttered simply.
he didn't think less of those words.
how could he just abandon after weeks when he had realised no one would complete him as well as taeyong did?
how could he abandon when he had been so happy with taeyong?
how could he abandon when he had fucked up so bad?
how could he abandon when he needed to fix the mess he had created.
he had no right to abandon, and he definitely didn't want to abandon either.
he was ready to fight for taeyong for as long as it took. days, weeks, months, years. he didn't mind. he knew what he wanted now, and he wouldn't stop fighting for it until he had it.
and if he never got to have it, then it would be his punishment for being such a bitch in the first place.
"i hated you."
this time, taeyong's head turned slightly, the boy's boba eyes falling into jaehyun's lovesick orbs.
the words hurt jaehyun – how could they not? – but somehow, they gave him a slight bit of hope. taeyong had used the past tense, hated, so, could that mean that he didn't hate him anymore?
"i-i'm sorry..." jaehyun said barely above a whisper, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat.
"i hated you for making me suffer so much." taeyong continued, repeating the heart-breaking words that slapped jaehyun in the face. but he couldn't say anything, they were entirely deserved for all the shit he had pulled and everything he had made the secretary endure.
jaehyun kept looking into taeyong's eyes, seeing how hard it was for the other to maintain eye-contact. tears were slowly welling up in the secretary's eyes, the weight of his words surely overwhelming him and causing him to push himself back in some type of mental breakdown.
"but more than hating you, i hated myself for being so weak..." the secretary stated again, these words somehow breaking jaehyun more than the previous ones. "i hated myself for not being able to move on and forget about you after all of the secrets you kept from me, after all of your lies, and after how bad you hurt me."
taeyong was in tears by the end of his sentence, the salty drops rolling down his cheeks endlessly for the second time that day. he thought he had cried all he could with sicheng in the bathroom a while ago, but oh, how wrong he had been. it seemed like his body still had so many tears in reserve, ready to pool in his eyes and stain his pale cheeks.
the secretary was forced to divert his eyes from jaehyun, leaning his forehead against the steering wheel as he let himself sob, his hands finding their way to hide his face.
his whole body spasmed because of the intensity of the sobs, this breakdown being perhaps more intense than the ones he previously had. maybe it was the fact that the reason of the breakdown was sitting by his side, but he didn't have the heart to tell him to leave the car and never approach him again. in fact, this was the last thing taeyong wanted.
after a whole year of suffering, trying to push him away and making jaehyun disappear from him life, taeying had come up to terms with what he wanted: jung jaehyun, and his heart-whelming love.
no matter how bad he had hurt him, how afully he had lied to him, and how pathetically he had planned to use him.
there was no one else with whom taeyong felt as good. no one else able to make taeyong forget about his worries. no one else that could make taeyong smile with something as small as a caress. no one else for whom taeyong's heart beat as hard.
"j-jaehyun, please..." the secretary pleaded, lifting his head from his hands and looking into jaehyun's eyes again, the sight of his tear-stained cheeks shattering jaehyun's heart. "...please, promise me that you won't keep any other secrets from me..." he continued, his tone being slightly messed up because of the sobbing.
taeyong was about to lift his hands to his face again, hoping to hide his ugly crying face from the male he loved so pathetically. but his hands never reached his face. they were blocked by jaehyun's own hand as his other reached for the secretary's cheeks, wiping away the endless flow of tears that escaped his chocolate orbs.
jaehyun tried smiling through the pain, the sigh of taeyong's broken face hurting his heart so much that he couldn't help but let a tear escape his eye as well.
"i promise, taeyong." he whispered, his face leaning slightly forward to be closer to taeyong's and to allow him to hear his whispers.
taeyong gulped, his boba eyes travelling across jaehyun's face as his heart doubled in speed. it had been so long since they had been this close to each other, and now, taeyong realised painfully how irresistible the former ceo was. he truly wondered how he had been able to hold himself for a whole year when all he could think about right now was to ask to be jaehyun's again.
"i am so sorry for everything i did, taeyong." jaehyun continued on the same tone, his own eyes studying every inch of taeyong's face as well, stopping a bit longer on taeyong's lips as the secretary bit them to prevent them from quivering. "and i promise i won't ever keep any secret from you."
the words seemed sincere, going out of jaehyun's mouth, but so had all the things jaehyun had told him more than a year ago. taeyong could never be sure of the real meaning of those words. but somehow, at that point, it didn't matter to him.
what if jaehyun was lying? what if he wasn't sincere? what if he was playing taeyong again?
well, all taeyong could say was that he couldn't care less. he needed jaehyun right now. he needed a bit of happiness in his chaotic world. and right now, it didn't matter to him if this happiness lasted only a few days before jaehyun betrayed him again.
a few days happy with jaehyun were worth long years of sadness and desperation anyway.
so, taeyong did the only thing he could think of right now, giving in the temptation of being so close to the male he was helplessly in love with after a whole year of staying away. he leant forwards, closing the small gap remaining between their faces, and placing his lips on jaehyun's, letting himself drown in their softness.
jaehyun couldn't be happier that taeyong had been the one to close the gap. he had had to hold himself from kissing the secretary even since he stepped in the car, the sole fact of being lcose to taeyong making his mind dizzy and pushing him to do stupid things. but after everything that had happened, after how bad he had hurt taeyong, he would never be the one to initiate any type of contact between them. he didn't want to force taeyong into something he might not want.
but well, now that taeyong had showed him he wanted it as bad as jaehyun did, the former ceo wouldn't be holding himself back.
he responded to the kiss immediately, moulding his lips against taeyong's with all of the longing he had felt this past year, far away from taeyong. all of the feelings poured in the monthly letters, the weekly notes or the flowers jaehyun sent taeyong were nothing compared to the immensity of the feelings he was pouring into this kiss.
his eyes had closed, just like taeyong's, and he allowed his hands to slowly slide down the curve of taeyong's sides until they could rest on his waist. taeyong's own arms had reached for jaehyun's neck, circling around it to pull their faces and bodies impossibly close.
but it wasn't enough, both of them sitting on their respective seats in the car, blocked by the handbrake and the gear stick. so, as taeyong attempted to pull himself closer to the former ceo, jaehyun's grip tightened around taeyong's waist, and he lifted the boy as carefully as possible, pulling him towards the passenger side of the car until he was straddling his lap and until they could have their bodies completely flushed together.
the went back to kissing as passionately as before, catching up one year of not kissing each other in one kiss. the feeling was addicting, perhaps even more than before, and neither of them were ready to part away.
but unfortunately, considering they wouldn't ever be able to kiss again if they didn't stop to catch their breaths, the two lovers were forced to pull away slightly, keeping their foreheads glued as they panted in sync.
jaehyun's hands were still holding firmly taeyong's waist, and taeyong's arms were still wrapped around jaehyun's neck, and it was perfect that way.
despite not kissing anymore, the held the position, keeping their bodies close and not regretting what had just happened.
"i love you, taeyong..." jaehyun was the first one to speak after chatching his breath. "i'm so sorry for making you doubt that. but i loved you, and i still do."
taeyong smiled shyly at jaehyun's words, leaning forwards to close the gap between them again and peck jaehyun's lips for a few seconds.
"i love you too, despite everything you made me go through."
jaehyun's smile altered slightly at those words, knowing how deep the wounds he had created within taeyong could be.
and so, recalling the very sage lesson that sicheng had given him one day, jaehyun properly wrapped his arms around taeyong's body, pulling the male closer until their chest were touching and their chin resting on each other's shoulders.
sicheng had taught jaehyun how beneficial a hug could be, the warmth it provided being able to heal sometimes better than any medicine could. and in this moment, it seemed like no medicine other than a hug could help healing taeyong.
"i'm so sorry..." jaehyun whispered, his lips brushing against taeyong's ear ever so slightly.
taeyong didn't answer, but at the same time, he didn't have anything to answer in this situation.
there was no 'it's okay' to say, because it definitely wasn't okay. no 'i don't care' because of course, he cared, and no 'i forgave you' because it couldn't be that easy for taeyong – well, the truth was that in taeyong's mind jaehyun had been forgiven even before he had entered in taeyong's car, but that was because taeyong was nothing but desperately in love.
"would you accept to make me become yours...?" taeyong questioned after a while as they were still caught in a hug.
jaehyun pulled away from the warm embrace at those words, staring at taeyong with a questioning look. "y-you want that?" he stuttered, not believing that after everything he had done, taeyong was coming back crawling for him.
"is it hard to believe...?" the korean secretary asked with his head hanging low.
"no, it's just that..." jaehyun paused for a second. "a-after everything i did to you..."
"well, they say love makes you do stupid thing... and i guess i am the living proof of it." taeyong explained with a small shrug, looking up shyly at jaehyun.
the former ceo looked at the male on his lap sadly. "i'll make sure it isn't a stupid thing, then."
taeyong flashed him a smile, those words making his heart so much lighter and somehow mending all of its shattered pieces back together.
the secretary leant forward, ready to lay his lips on jaehyun's again to seal their promise with a kiss, but he was prevented to do so as a finger landed on his lips, holding him away from jaehyun.
taeyong opened his eyes questioningly at that before pulling backwards.
"as much as i want to kiss you, i feel like i owe you an explanation before." the former ceo said, his finger leaving taeyong's lips so that his hand could settle on the male's thigh.
"okay." taeyong nodded, finding the justification for stopping the kiss quite valid. "just so you know, it won't be changing anything about my feelings for you."
jaehyun gave taeyong a thin-lipped smile at those words before taking a deep breath and finally giving taeyong a real explanation of what truly happened.
he started from the very beginning, back when he was still a teenager begging his father to become the next ceo of jung corporation. he mentioned the doubts his father had, despite all of the efforts jaehyun put in to prove he was worthy of leading a business. and then, he explained how his father finally gifted him, as his 25 years old birthday present, to become the official ceo of jung corporation.
after that, jaehyun told taeyong how amazing it was for him to be a ceo, and how well he managed everything. but that was until nakamotors' entrance on the market, which had most of jaehyun's clients and sales shift to the newer company. and this is when things got out of hand.
he reported how his father started pressuring him unnecessarily, asking for jung corporation to stay first in the industry until it was overtaken by nakamotors. and then, he mentioned how his father told him to crush nakamotors, going all the way to threatening to take the business back from him to motivate jaehyun.
and after that, jaehyun went over everything that had happened in his head at that time, telling taeyong in detail his process of thoughts, and the way things had slowly changed.
first, his initial plan of finding one of yuta's weak points.
then, his plan of making taeyong spill some of yuta's secrets by making him fall for him.
and finally, the way he miserably failed to keep his plan going because he himself fell for the korean secretary's charms.
he didn't hide the second thoughts he had back then, each time he would think of his father and push his feelings for taeyong aside, believing that making his father proud and showing him he could lead a business was the most important thing in his life – and he didn't forget to mention how he had realised now that his love for taeyong was way more important than that.
jaehyun said it all, without any filter, letting his heart pour out the truth and only the truth, keeping no detail hidden and risking once again the relationship he had with taeyong.
and the secretary listened very carefully to everything, sometimes reaching for jaehyun's fidgety hands as a way to reassure him while he was reviving all of the mistakes he had done in his life to make his father proud.
and when the former ceo was done with his story, concluding everything with how miserably he had learnt that he had been played by his father and ilsung, taeoyng couldn't help but pulling him into a bear hug, patting his back comfortably and whispering that it would be okay now in his ear.
the former ceo didn't push taeyong back, feeling more than happy to know that the secretary was supporting him and that he was still there for him after everything that he had put them through. he was undeniably lucky to have found someone as caring and comprehensive as taeyong, and this only comforted him in his decision to pursue and court taeyong.
"thank you for telling me all of that." taeyong said, tightening his embrace around jaehyun. "but as i mentioned before, it doesn't change anything. i still love you the same."
"i love you too, taeyong." jaehyun replied. "and i feel much better now that i am sure you know the whole truth."
taeyong giggled in jaehyun's ear, sending shivers all the way to jaehyun's spine, and causing him to smile so brightly as well.
"so, no more secrets between us, okay?" taeyong asked, pulling slightly from the hug to look into jaehyun's eyes.
jaehyun smiled brightly at his boyfriend, still not believing that he was holding the boy he had been courting for the past year between his arms. "no more secrets." he approved with a nod.
taeyong smiled back to jaehyun before pecking his lips quickly and letting the former ceo embrace him in a hug again.
they stayed like that for a while, both entangled on the passenger seat of taeyong's car lovingly as they let their hearts beat loudly and in sync.
but jaehyun was quick to break the comfortable silence that had taken over the vehicle.
"taeyong..." the former ceo called, making the other hum. "since we said that we couldn't keep secrets from each other anymore, i need to tell you something..."
taeyong frowned at those words, immediately sitting up and pulling away from the hug, definitely not knowing what to expect from the male sitting under him – his boyfriend, that is.
"w-what...?" he asked quite worriedly, his heartbeat doubling in speed because of the fear of learning something that would change everything.
"well..." jaehyun sighed, looking sideways and avoiding taeyong's eyes. "when you picked me up a while ago, i was so proud to see that you could drive. but honestly, i almost fell out of love..." he stopped in his sentence, now looking right into taeyong's trembling orbs that were filling with tears again. "...when i realised that you were driving an automatic car."
taeyong's eyes widened at the last words jaehyun muttered, letting out a loud snort before he used one of his hands to slap jaehyun's shoulder playfully for scaring him so bad.
"jaehyun!" he whined.
"come on, i didn't take all of this time to teach you how to drive for you to end up driving an automatic car!" the former ceo let out a hearty chuckle, letting the secretary hide his face in the crook of his neck, embarrassed that he was almost crying because of one of jaehyun's jokes.
"at least i know how to drive now, it's better than nothing." taeyong mumbled, his voice muffled against jaehyun's neck.
"you're right." jaehyun continued laughing, his right arm wrapped around taeyong's body while his left hand caressed the back of the male's head. "that way i'll still be able to give you private driving lessons."
and it is with those last heart-felt words that jaehyun and taeyong shared another passionate kiss, both enjoying the warm fuzzy feelings erupting within their bodies after a whole year of being deprived from each other's presence.
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