☏ 14 ☏
7:32pm, and taeyong was still standing alone in front of the italian restaurant him and jaehyun had agreet to meet at.
this meant only one thing: jaehyun was late, and this had left taeyong's brain the chance to create approximately a hundred dozen of scenarios to explain this delay – scenarios including natural catastrophes, alien invasions and the possibility that jaehyun forgot or didn't want to come, of course.
all in all, the korean secretary was stressed. very stressed. no other word could describe his situation better at the moment.
he was standing in front of the restaurant, fidgeting successively with his fingers, the hem of his sleeves and his phone case before biting his nails and immediately slapping his hands onto his thighs to prevent himself for appearing like a 5-year-old who couldn't stop eating his fingers.
and more than having his body conveying stress and anxiety, taeyong couldn't stop questioning himself whether he had made the right choice or not.
should he have rejected jaehyun's offer to have dinner together?
should he have told yuta about it before?
should he have asked whether it was formal or not?
should he have dressed more casually?
anyway, he found it tiring; he found himself tiring.
he had forgotten how having a crush – or whatever he felt for jaehyun – was. this constant fear of deceiving someone who didn't return the feelings, this constant need of showing the best version of yourself to someone who didn't notice it and this constant questioning that ate you from the inside...
needless to say, he hadn't missed it one bit, and he was even starting to wonder whether letting whatever had started blooming in his heart for jaehyun was a good idea, or if he shouldn't just stop everything right now, when he wasn't too deep in it.
"sorry for the delay!" a voice that taeyong recognised to be jaehyun's caught his attention. "i was on the phone with a shareholder, and they didn't seem to want me to have dinner with you..."
taeyong would have loved to answer that it was fine, or that there was no worry because he hadn't waited for long. he would have loved to reassure jaehyun and seem like an adaptable person who didn't get impatient and who didn't get worried for a few minutes of delay. he would have loved to; but unfortunately, he couldn't.
the secretary has his jaw on the floor, his body completely frozen and his heart threatening to jump out of his chest.
for the past minutes, taeyong had debated whether it was a good idea or not to let his feelings for jaehyun grow and he had come to the conclusion that he shouldn't be doing it, and that this dinner would be nothing but a business one between two businessmen from different corporations.
but well... his thoughts immediately changed as he caught a glimpse of the handsome man that was jung jaehyun in something else than a tuxedo. the ceo was wearing a pair of tight black jeans that he had paired with a classic white shirt. and for a maximum impact on taeyong's poor heart, he had rolled up the sleeves to his elbows and left the first two buttons opened.
and so, here was taeyong's heart, trying to escape the boy's ribcage rather violently.
"mister lee?" jaehyun spoke again, hoping to get an answer from taeyong this time. "let's go?"
"h-huh y-yeah! y-yeah, let's go!" the secretary exclaimed louder than intended.
jaehyun hid his amusement behind a small smile. he was hoping that wearing something else than a tuxedo would have an immediate effect on the other male; and he had been right. taeyong seemed completely mesmerised, and he kept looking at jaehyuun from head to toe very obviously. and this only made things easier for the ceo of jung corporation...
"follow me?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side and earning a nod from the secretary, allowing him to push open the door of the restaurant and get noticed by a waiter.
a few minutes later, the two businessmen were seated in a booth with the menus open in front of them for them to choose what to eat.
"tell me what's bothering you." jaehyun broke the silence that had taken place since they had entered the restaurant.
taeyong lifted his eyes from the menu, looking at jaehyun before checking his surroundings and focusing back on the ceo again. "m-me?" he questioned, quite troubled by the statement jaheyun had made without even detaching his eyes from his menu.
"yes, you." jaehyun lifted his head to meet eyes with taeyong. "you're the one i'm having dinner with, so, it couldn't be anyone else."
"yeah..." taeyong simply hummed with rosy cheeks, now feeling stupid for asking the obvious question.
"so, tell me." jaehyun repeated, looking back down at his menu. "what is bothering you?"
"i-i... nothing's bothering me."
the ceo put his own menu down before crossing his arms on the table, making the veins of his forearms visible to taeyong – who was already holding himself from drooling at the sight of the handsome man.
"i don't want to make you seem like a fool, mister lee, but..." jaehyun leant slightly forward, uncrossing his arms before taking taeyong's menu from his hands and turning it around to put it in the right way. needless to say, taeyong was now redder than a tomato and with a will to live neighbouring zero. "what is bothering you? you can ask me, i won't bite, i promise." jaehyun repeated, adding a small smirk for more effect.
taeyong placed his menu on the table as he gulped, trying to find the right way to ask the question he was dying to ask since jaehyun had invited him. the secretary fidgeted with his fingers under the table, his eyes glued to them.
"i-is this a business dinner?" he finally let out, letting his eyes meet jaehyun after he finished speaking, only to find jaehyun staring right back at him.
jaehyun let out a chuckle at taeyong's question. "i mean... if you want it to be, it could." the ceo replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
"a-and..." taeyong gulped once again. "i-if... if i don't want to?"
jaehyun fought the urge to grin at how easy taeyong made things for him.
"well, if you don't want to..." the ceo leant forwards, letting a small smile appear on his face as taeyong's cheeks reddened more with each second passing. "...then it can be something else." he added in a whisper.
the secretary's eyes slightly widened at jaehyun's words, definitely not expecting this kind of answer. but for once, he was quick to get a hold of himself.
"so... if this is not a business dinner..." taeyong paused for a second to check if jaehyun approved his words – which the ceo let him know by nodding his head. "...can you call me taeyong, then?"
jaehyun was quite taken aback by taeyong's request.
he didn't consider the request uncalled-for, because it seemed logical that if this wasn't a business dinner, they weren't supposed to use the business honorifics, and that is each other's last names – well, in jaehyun's company, because it seemed that at nakamotors, people were getting around calling each other by their first name without a care in the world.
so, jaehyun wouldn't be against calling taeyong by his first name; plus, there was a chance that he'd like to hear his first name coming out of jaehyun's mouth if he really was into him like sicheng had stated days before.
however, what bothered jaehyun a bit more was that he would need to let taeyong call him by his frist name as well, and he definitely wasn't used to that. jaehyun liked the way people called him 'mister jung'; it made him feel important and powerful, as if his name couldn't be pronounced because it would be disrespectful. but well, he would need to get over this for tonight, because if he really wanted to go with his plan, then taeyong shall be able to call him 'jaehyun'.
"of course, taeyong." jaehyun replied, letting the secretary's name roll on his tongue oh-so-naturally. "call me jaehyun, then." he added with a small smile that made taeyong blush once again.
"all right..." taeyong smiled back, taking the menu in his hands again to find something to order. "...jaehyun." he finished, his heart missing a beat as the ceo's name left his lips.
"come on..." taeyong whined as he picked the last piece of cake remaining in his dessert plate and pointing it at jaehyun. "wasn't it supposed NOT to be a business dinner?" he continued, insisting on the 'not' before putting the piece of cake in his mouth and munching on it cutely.
"yeah, you're right." jaehyun sighed, failing once again to get taeyong to speak of his boss or his work during this dinner. "it's not supposed to be a business dinner."
"which means no business-related subjects." taeyong added, his mouth still full of cake, causing his words to be a tad bit muffled.
jaehyun let out a small laugh at the sight of taeyong's puffy cheeks and furrowed brows. he looked like a small angry hamster like that.
they were reaching the end of their dinner. after both having very good pasta and a yummy desert, the two males were full and ready to go back home to have a good night of sleep before a new day of work. it was almost 10pm, and neither of the two boys had realised how fast the time had passed with how much they had enjoyed their dinner.
of course, taeyong was feeling euphoric after this meal with jaehyun, and he definitely didn't want the night to end. his heart hadn't stopped racing in such a pleasant way tonight, and he had loved sharing some of his experiences with the ceo while jaehyun also shared some of his. he felt considerably closer to the cold-hearted male that was leading jung corporation now, and this made him so happy – even if he was sure it was one-sided.
on jaehyun's side however, things were a bit different. sure, he had enjoyed the delicious dinner in a very peaceful atmosphere – he often came to this restaurant, and he was never disappointed – but he hadn't been able to reach his goal of the night, and that is get some information from taeyong on yuta and nakamotors.
taeyong was indeed a good secretary, and more generally a good worker. he had a very nice work-life balance and knew how to separate the business world from the outside world, and this meant that each time that a subject was nearing the border of becoming a business subject – so, approximately every single time jaehyun had the opportunity to bring up something work-related – the male easily managed to change topics and find another personal subject to discuss about. and because of this, jaehyun hadn't managed to get anything out of taeyong, who had been more secretive than jaehyun imagined he would be.
"excuse me for a minute, i'm going to the bathroom." jaehyun informed, placing his napkin back on the table before standing up.
"sure." taeyong replied with a smile as jaehyun left the table, allowing the secretary to let out a loud sigh and place a trembling hand over his heart.
let's be honest, this dinner had done nothing but intensifying whatever taeyong felt for jaehyun...
all night long, they had asked each other questions that were quite personal and then answered to each other, keeping the conversation going so naturally and in such a pleasant way. taeyong was completely drowned in his feelings, his heart beating faster and faster with each chuckle of jaehyun, or each time the ceo would get interested in what taeyong told him.
in the end, he definitely didn't regret agreeing to go on this dinner with his boss' rival. he had had one of the best nights of his entire life, and he felt so sad now, knowing that they were nearing the end and that the next day, everything would go back to how things were before; them being business rivals, one being a ceo and the other a secretary. in other words, two people who would have no reason to be found chitchatting together.
"i'm back." jaehyun informed, standing by taeyong's side. "let's go?"
the secretary looked at him confused. "wait, we still need to pay."
"i just paid, don't worry." jaehyun answered simply.
"you just- you had said you were going to the bathroom!" taeyong gasped, jumping to his feet and lightly slapping jaehyun's shoulder.
"well..." jaehyun chuckled. "i guess i lied."
taeyong pouted like a baby, crossing his arms over his chest. "you should have told me. i would have paid for my part..."
"don't be ridiculous." jaehyun rolled his eyes. "i was the one to invite you, so it is just normal that i pay."
taeyong huffed. "next time i'm the one to pay then."
just as these words left taeyong's mouth, the secretary slapped both of his hands on his mouth, his eyes wide in surprise under jaehyun's amused eyes.
"next time, huh?" the ceo raised a teasing brow.
"i-i mean... if t-there ever is a next time..." taeyong corrected himself.
"sure." jaehyun laughed again. "let's go? it's getting late and we still have work tomorrow."
"yes, o-of course." taeyong nodded, following the ceo as he exited the restaurant, not forgetting to greet the waiter goodbye on their way.
the secretary's heart sunk more and more with each step he was taking, already dreading the moment when they would part ways to go back to each other's respective houses, and then go back to their own companies, without being able to live again everything that they had shared tonight. but it was inevitable, in the end, jaehyun was still the ceo of jung corporation, and taeyong was only the secretary of nakamotors, the rival company. there was no way for them to go further, not when their business lives were so incompatible.
"which way are you parked?" jaehyun asked after they found themselves alone in front of the restaurant.
"sorry?" the secretary asked, not having paid enough attention to hear the question.
"where did you park your car? i'll walk you there." jaehyun rephrased his words, making taeyong flush. jaehyun was indeed very boyfriend material, accompanying taeyong to his car so that he could make sure nothing happened to him.
"oh, huh... i came by foot." taeyong explained, giving jaehyun a small shrug.
the ceo stared at him with a brow raised. "you work with one of the leaders of the automobile sector, and he didn't even propose you a car?" he asked bewildered.
"no, no! he did!" taeyong assured. "of course, he proposed me a car. but i don't live far so... yeah, i came by foot."
"oh, you scared me for a second there." jaehyun let out a sigh. "i'll drop you off to your house, then."
taeyong's eyes immediately widened at the words that left jaehyun mouth, definitely not expecting them.
"w-what?!" he stuttered. "n-no, it's okay! i can walk back, don't worry."
"you said that you didn't walk far away, it's fine." jaehyun insisted.
"no, really." taeyong shook his head. "i don't want to take you on a detour from your house."
"it's fine taeyong." jaehyun repeated. "i love driving anyway."
"b-but i really don't want to bother you." taeyong continued to deny.
"and i'm telling you that it absolutely doesn't bother me."
"but, i promise i can go back by foot, i don't mind." taeyong assured, looking up at jaehyun with puppy eyes.
"wow..." the ceo let out, slightly chuckling. "was my company so awful that you don't want to spend five more minutes in the car with me?"
taeyong's cheeks immediately reddened, suddenly feeling bad for making jaehyun feel like taeyong hadn't enjoyed his company – which was completely false. taeyong had more than enjoyed spending dinnertime with jaehyun, and if he could, he would spend all the other dinners of his life by jaehyun's side. but he couldn't say that out loud, now, could he?
"oh my god, no!" taeyong was quick to shake his head. "no, no! your company was very pleasant! i-i had a very very good time during dinner with you, i promise! i just don't want to bother you for longer, but i really liked having dinner with you and- "
"great then." jaehyun cut taeyong's rambling with a smile. "let me accompany you back to your house then."
the secretary sighed as he nodded. "okay..."
after taeyong's approval, jaehyun flashed him a smile before leading him to his car which was parked on the restaurant's parking lot. once they were in front of the beautiful jung corporation grey car, he unlocked it and opened the passenger door for taeyong to get in before getting in on the driver's side himself.
once he was comfortably sat and his seatbelt was fastened, taeyong looked at the inside of the car carefully, loving the way everything had been thought. his eyes then fell on the car play screen on the dashboard which had just been activated because jaehyun had started the car and which was displaying the message 'mister jung's phone detected'.
"which direction?" jaehyun asked, glancing at taeyong as he switched the gear shift to 1st gear.
"huh... on the left." taeyong replied. "and at the stop on the right."
"noted." jaehyun nodded before following taeyong's directions.
the secretary stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again to ask a question that had been bugging him for a while.
"can i ask you a question, please?" he inquired, hoping to get a positive answer.
"yes, of course." jaehyun simply replied, his eyes still focused on the road.
"why do you make people call you 'mister jung'?" taeyong asked curiously. "even your phone is registered as 'mister jung's phone'..."
the ceo took a while to answer, thinking of something to say which wouldn't make him seem like a megalomaniac asshole. the truth would be that it made him feel powerful and superior to others, but this wasn't something he could say out loud, and definitely not to his rival's secretary.
"well..." he thought for a few more seconds. "i make my business partners call me that, because i believe it is important to have some kind of distance between each other. we are co-workers, not friends. we basically don't know anything about each other's lives, so there's no reason for us to act personal by calling each other by our first names." he finally answered.
"but then... your secretary calls you 'mister jung' as well... isn't that pointless since you are close? shouldn't he be able to call you 'jaehyun' too? plus, you call him by his first name so..." taeyong continued questioning.
"huh..." jaehyun simply hummed, thinking about taeyong's words. if we forgot the fact that he didn't really have a secretary, it was true that he called sicheng by his first name when he called everyone else by their last names. it was a bit particular for sicheng because he didn't really work with him, so he wasn't really a business partner. plus, the chinese male and him met outside of work more often than they did at work, which meant that they could be considered as friends. so, it seemed justified that they call each other by their first names... "i don't know..."
taeyong didn't ask further on that subject, understanding by jaehyun's difficulty to answer that it surely wasn't something he had thought about a lot. plus, jaehyun had inherited the business from his family, meaning that this surely had been a tradition implemented in the company before he had even inherited from it. and the ceo was perhaps not yet ready to drastically change the company's inside culture.
"left again, sorry." taeyong informed as jaehyun looked at him, silently asking him which direction to take. "and... i have another question...?"
jaehyun hummed. "tell me."
"why do you have a secretary if you're the one doing everything?" taeyong asked.
"what do you mean. by 'everything'?" jaehyun slightly tensed, scared that the secretary sitting next to him discovered that sicheng was nothing but a poor worker that he had randomly selected to become his secretary.
"well..." taeyong thought for a while. "you're the one to take the calls... and i've never received an email from sicheng. they're always from you..."
"it's always signed by me, but sicheng is the one writing them and checking everything." jaehyun was quick to justify himself.
"but why isn't he the one to sign then? don't you trust him enough to?"
another question that jaehyun didn't have the answer to.
did he trust sicheng? yes, he did. but certainly not for work.
sicheng wasn't a businessman after all, he was an electric technician, he repaired screens, computers, optical fibbers and lots of things that jaehyun ignored of. but he couldn't be let alone to lead a company, jaehyun could see it. he wasn't from this world, and he didn't want to be. in fact, sicheng had just found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, and so, he had ended up being jaehyun's secretary.
"i-i'm sorry..." taeyong apologised. "i-i shouldn't have asked that..."
"no, it's okay." jaehyun assured. "it's just that... huh..." he took a few seconds to think. "it's a very traditional company and... and there are lots of things that happen because it has always been like that. i never really saw the problem in it before you pointed it out, that's all..."
"oh, of course..." taeyong nodded before focusing on the road in front of him.
the rest of the ride was done in silence, jaehyun eventually breaking it to ask for directions from taeyong which the guy immediately gave him. and so, after around 20 minutes, jaehyun was parked in front of a small apartment building as taeyong unbuckled his seatbelt.
"thank you very much for the ride, i hope i didn't bother you too much..." taeyong spoke, shyly looking at jaehyun.
"you were planning on going back by foot?" jaehyun questioned again. "it would have taken you almost an hour with how far it is. plus, the roads were very badly lit..." he continued. "why didn't you just drive there?"
"well, i... i don't like using the car when i can walk." taeyong explained. "cars pollute a lot."
jaehyun chuckled at taeyong's remark. "why are you working in an automobile company if you don't like the way cars pollute?"
taeyong gulped, lowering his head in shame. "that's the only place i was accepted to work..."
"oh..." jaehyun let out, not expecting this answer from the secretary.
none of the two males spoke for a few seconds before taeyong decided to cough and open the car's door.
"anyway, thank you very much for the ride; and for dinner too." he stated as he got out. "i had a very nice time in your company."
"no problem." jaehyun answered. "it was a pleasure."
with that said, taeyong flashed jaehyun a last smile before waving him goodbye and walking towards the building's entrance.
the ceo stayed in his car, the engine still on as he stared at taeyong pulling his keys out of his pocket and making them fall to the floor before picking them up again. this clumsy action unconsciously made him smile at taeyong's cuteness.
finally, taeyong unlocked the front door of the building and slipped inside, disappearing for jaehyun's sight as the male was still looking at the place taeyong was standing at seconds before.
he had little to no expectations about this dinner, and he had almost forced himself to go there, imagining how flat and uninteresting the conversation might be until he would be able to ask taeyong questions about his and yuta's business.
however, now that it was almost 10:30pm and that they had gone through the dinner, jaehyun was pleasantly surprised by how the dinner had turned out. in the end he hadn't been able to get any information on nakamotors, but he had spent a very nice night. and he was slowly starting to understand why yuta had chosen taeyong as his secretary.
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