Night at the gala
Lance pulled out a seat for Keith, she sat. Lance pulled out the seat next to her's and sat. Keith played with her ring anxiously.
"So, what are your names" kenny asks, a slight little smirk on his face, he put his hand out to lance so he'd shake it. "I'm kenny Ackerman."
Lance looked at his hand before grabbing it with a firm grip and shaking it. "Lance McClain. And this my uh-" lance couldn't say partner. Their cover would be blown so hard.
"Wife. I'm Keith kogane." She put her hand out for him to shake.
"Keith?" He shook her hand "what an odd name. Why Keith?" Kenny was purely curious as to why a girl had such a male name.
"Well, it was that or tinker bell." Sad part is, she wasn't even lying. Lotor and shiro got the chance to name Keith with their mum. Lotor suggested tinker bell and shiro suggested Kai. So their mother bet them "in between" and said Keith.
Kenny chuckled lightly "how very odd." He bent down the slightest bit and kissed Keith hand. He let go of Keith's hand a looked at her Ring "how long have you been married for?"
"A week." Keith answered quickly "we actually came to this part of country a week ago right after our wedding."
Kenny lightens up and smiles. "I see, do you like it here?"
"Of course! It's so pretty and the people here are so kind." Keith answered.
"If you want to buy a house here, I'd be more than happy to get you one for free." Something inside Keith just wanted to throw up on him, he was being too nice.
"That'd be nice, but we're only here for another week. We have family at home!" Lance smiled, finally getting a word into the conversation.
"Ah, I see." Kenny rested his chin on his hands "how did you two meet?" Curiosity was clear in his voice. Is he just trying to get as much "information" off them as possible?
"Police academy. We're police officers" lance finally got to say something before Keith again, he was so happy.
"Nice. What do you do there?" Kenny's curiously looked at them both. Is he trying to get them to crack and tell him They'er actually secret agents who have been sent to arrest him. Yes. Yes he was. But it wasn't working!
"I go on drug busts, hostage situations and potential murder cases. The dangerous stuff." Keith is good at making up stuff, lance just wonders if his ever told lies to him.
"I'm captain! I tell them what to do, I also assist her on patrol." Lance is the third worst liar in V.O.L.T.R.O.N. Right before Lotor and hunk. If he'd have to choose a best I'd be out of shiro, Keith and Allura, though Keith doesn't lie all that much.
"How'd you get together?" Now kenny's questions where pissing off Keith. But she kept calm.
"I actually used my power as her captain against her. I commanded her to come sit on my lap and make out with me." Lance giggled lightly. 'Oh, I wish I could actually get us together that way.' He thought to himself.
Keith blushed lightly, The thought of lance actually doing that was kinda hot. And if the fact that Keith was a girl kinda helped her situation, she didn't have a penis to show how much she loved that idea.
"Very lovely. Any kids yet? Or you still thinking about it?" Kenny asked, amused at lances response earlier.
"Nope, she's still a virgin" lance giggled 'probably... Hopefully.' Greedy thoughts to, over lances mind. Keith nodded, she'd never ever been touched, even as a male, the worst thing that's ever happened to him while he was naked was shiro walking in on him while he was playing with makeup (He was four, four year olds get curious and he just so happened to be naked).
Kenny gave a light grunt. He stared at Keith, then secretly at her breasts, then back to her face. "Would you like to dance?" He asked.
"Uh.. Sure!" She smiled, standing up. 'How to women enjoy these corsets? Why am I even wearing one!?' Keith's thought directed to the uncomfortable feeling of the corset wrapped around her waist.
Kenny stood soon after and they walked to the dance floor, lance watched them carefully. Kenny teasingly put his hand as close to Keith's ass as possibly, while holding her right hand up. Keith tensed at the feeling of kenny's finger on her ass. They dance for the next ten minutes.
'Heals hurt so much!' Keith sighed lightly as Kenny took her back to her seat.
A young looking waiter brought over a platter with whine and some food on it. He placed the whine in front of lance and Keith, along with the food.
"I've never had whine before." Keith stated, being under the age of eighteen, she kinda had to keep it that way so shiro didn't kill him. "Guess that makes me an alcohol virgin" Keith giggled.
Lance smiled "you should keep it that way!" He sipped the whine and got a weird feeling in his nose.
Keith was staring at kenny and scout, they were communicating through taps on the table. 'Morse code?' Keith wondered. If they were then Keith was glad she didn't drink her whine. They'd drugged it.
Keith had to think fast, she "accidentally" knocked the rest of lances whine onto his pants. Lance grunted at her confusedly.
Keith giggled "whoopsies! I'll help you clean up!" She helped lance stand and took him to the bathroom, bent him over a toilet and shoved her fingers into his mouth, causing him to throw up the whine.
Lance choked "what the fuck!?" He yelled in a whisper.
"They drugged the drinks." Keith sat on her knees, grabbed a handful of toilet paper and began wiping off and drying the whine from lance's crotch.
Lance nodded but was soon lost in his thoughts as he controlled his penis. Keith kept brushing over his dick with the toilet paper when she was trying to clean off his lap. Lance bit his lip lightly as his dick got a little hard.
Luckily, Keith finished quickly and didn't notice his growing erection. And soon they went back to the table, sitting back down and joining Kenny.
Keith thought of a plan. "Kenny, could you show us a room? Somewhere in this building where lance and I can get to doing so private things?" Lance and Kenny were a bit taken back by the question, but Kenny chuckled and nodded.
He took them both to a private room, where he slammed the door shut and pulled out his guns. "Secret agents, hey? Hmph. Ain't this my lucky day, I get to kidnap two more people and cell them on the market." Keith pulled out her knife from the little pocket she put in her dress, lance pulled out his gun. Kenny only laughs, he charges at Keith and grabs her by the throat, pushing her against the wall. "People would pay good money for a girl like you, the best part is, only perverted kinky fucks buy stunning girls like you."
Lance's eye twitched before he shot Kenny in the shoulder. This made Kenny groan and push his own gun to Keith's stomach, shooting where a vital organ is. Keith squeezed her eyes shut, she was in so much pain already, this just added to the pain.
Soon, Kenny passed out from pain. Lance picked up Keith and looked at the hole in her dress. There was no blood.
"I'm kinda glad Coran sent a bullet proof corset now." Keith said, startling lance who then giggled and handcuffed Kenny to a bar. He messaged someone at work to come get him before leaving with Keith in his arms.
They got to the car and lance put Keith in, not bothering to buckle her seatbelt. He got into the car and Keith let out a loud painful sigh. "You alright?" Lance worried.
"You don't mind if I get naked do you?" Keith asked, wiping the makeup off her face with a makeup wipe that she'd stored in her bra.
Lance blushed lightly. "No, not at all. Do what you want. I didn't think you'd be comfortable in those clothes anyway."
Keith smiled at him before unzipping the dress and untying the corset. She slipped the dress down her legs, and pushed off the high heals. He hair was soon undone and she was in nothing but her bra and undies, except now she was having trouble unbuckling the bra.
"Keith, just wait for that until we get back to the hotel." Lance quickly said, not sure if anybody was watching Keith undress. "You'll be back to normal soon anyway." Lance started the car and drove. Perving on Keith every now and then.
(Next few chapters might be perverted. Might be. I dunno yet. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm sorry if I did a bad editing job this time I haven't been concentrating enough lately. Thanks for reading, I'll update again soon. Mwa!)
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