First Letter
Adam P.O.V
"See ya later Sky" Jason said walking away.
"See ya!" I said. I quickly went to my locker and open it. Once I open it, a envelope fell out. I stared at it for a second before grabbing it and my bag and running out to the buses. I hop on, and quickly sat next to Mitch. "Hey Bajan!"
"Hey Sky!" he said, "what's that?" he pointed at the envelope in my hand. I look at it for a second.
'Adam' it read on the front.
"I don't know, it was in my locker when I open it" I said.
"Ohhhhh, open it open it!"
"Okay okay! I will!" I quickly rip open the envelope. I took out the letter and started reading it.
'To Adam,
This is probably the most cheesiest thing ever to do but, I really like you. You were always so perfect, and very funny. Maybe that's why I fell so hard for you.
You may not remember me, but I do, everyone remembers you. You are like the coolest guy in school!
Maybe one day I'll tell you who I am, but for now, I'll be known as your secret admirer.
Secret Admirer'
"Awwww, you have a little admirer" Mitch said.
"I guess I do, but I wonder who it is" I said staring at the letter. I don't recognize the handwriting from anyone I know. I just shrug it off. It's probably just the fangirls I have. But for a second, it looks a little familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it.
(Oh my lord why am I starting a new one?
Jeff the killer: because you write WAY too much
Sally: and if you like this chapter hit that vote button with a pencil, and I'll see you people later.)
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