Gowri ma introduced sarah, to her brother kamal, his wife and children's.
"Kamal meet Sarah, ...advith's intern." Kamal looked at Sarah, a special name.
"Nice name!" Sarah smiled at him.
"I heard a lot about you, you do look beautiful." Karthika said as she finds nothing special about her that Harsha needs to get worked up.
"Beautiful?" Janvi asked and her mom glared at her, as what-else you want to say? Sushil nodded at gowri ma as she introduced them to Sarah.
Janvi went up to Narmada, Vaishali and other cousins as she saw them, that they all followed hers, Sarah smiled at gowri ma to carry on as Kamal uncle asked is she not coming to greet them. Sudha ma smiled seeing Latha ma and went to welcome the elders.
The guys ganged up teasing Dev, he is smiling and glaring at them to stop, just then Sarah saw oldman, Sudha ma having argument that gowri ma, bozo, Gowtham uncle trying to Cool her.
Advith saw where is Sarah looking, he excused and went towards them, they smiled it off, with Sudha ma glaring at oldman, who looks defeated towards the centre as Priest said he made things ready, if we light the lamps, he would start the Pooja. Kritick and dev who followed advith asked what and he nodded no idea either.
Sudha ma looked at sarah or oldman, bozo, gowri ma and Gowtham uncle looked at sarah to understand what would be the matter.
Sarah smiled as why she is not surprised, because she knows them well?
Sarah breathed in and took a step towards the Center, all their lips curved up, shruti called sarah to stop, but she smiled pulling her with her to follow.
Grandma switched on her mike smiling at sarah.
Engal Ilavarasi Engal Azhagarasi
Engal Ulagamena Vandhaale
( Our princess, our sweetheart,
Came as our world)
Oldman too smiled a little hearing sudhama singing just as sarah, cause That's not the song they planned to sing tonight, as far as they all know, it's also after the Aarthi that they will sing too. But, vidal has different plan, We guess.
Thanga Mayiliragil Engal Uyir Thadavi
Indru Pudhiya Sugam Thandhale
(With her golden wings, embraced our soul
Today, creating an harmony.)
Grandma smiled looking at sarah, that Baljit grandpa and Oldman were pushed to sing with her as she shown the mike to them to sing with her and she looked at Gowri MA, who shown her mobile for the old guys to sing with her.
Engal Ilavarasi Engal Azhagarasi
Engal Ulagamena Vandhaale
( Our princess, our sweetheart,
Came as our world)
Thanga Mayiliragil Engal Uyir Thadavi
Indru Pudhiya Sugam Thandhale
(With her golden wings, embraced our soul
Today, creating an harmony.)
Sarah was about to get on the stage, Dev's secretary's Vedha moved to stop her, ted smiled calling Vedha away. Sarah pulled Shruti, without hearing her, mumbling did She went crazy as, since Sarah went and stood beside Advith.
He raised his brows at Sarah, Who just shrugged that even he smiled turning otherside. Sarah turned other way to see Gowri MA changing the song. That even Gowtham raised his brows at her.
Raavamaa suhasinee,
Welcome to the one who has beautiful smile,
Raavamaa subhaashini,
Welcome to the one who speaks good
Sarah smiled at her and in-turn She smiling brightly at sarah, looked at Gowtham uncle, who took his phone successfully searched for the song as chorused with her too as Baljit grandpa gave the mike to him.
Raavamaa sulochanee,
Welcome to the one who has beautiful eyes
Ravammaa soudamini
Welcome to the one who has an eternal glow
Gowri MA took a pause to take a breadth, she handed gowtham pa mobile to Seetha Atha, that Seetha continued for her, Prem mama joined her as Gowtham uncle gave his mike to him.
Divilo bangaru baalaamani ,
You are golden beauty of the heaven
Seetha atha smiled as she looked at sarah and Gowri MA, Sarah nodded at Gowri MA.
Digiraa mabbula menaalani
Descend to the earth from the clouds
Sarah went and hugged Seetha MA, she laughed at sarah or Prem MAma as he looked like does he need to sing now.
"He got to learn to sing a little, isn't Seetha MA?" Sarah asked and she nodded at sarah, smiling a little prem mama rolled his eyebrows at them.
Karthika aunty joined to sing, that He gave the mike to Kamal uncle, who took the mike laughing at him sung with his wife,
Thonike sogasulu choodalani,
We wish to see your deluging beauty,
Aravicchina kannulu vannela vennela punnami ganulavani
You are the treasure of moonlight with elegant eyes
Gowri MA giving the matchbox she was holding in her hand in Sarah, went to the stage end to give harshini a hand as Karthika aunty brought harshini to the centre stage with Janvi, who is asking narmadha, Vaishali, roopa all to come along too. Harshini practically dragged narmadha with her as the spotlight came up on her.
Sarah smiled seeing her look beautiful like a gorgeous princess in the white and red lehegna, She looked at dev having a dumbstruck smile seeing that making Sarah laugh at him as She saw Advith nudge him giving a look to stop eyeing his sister.
Which made everyone smile laugh at them as dev smiled idiotically, glaring at Kritick and David, to quiet the teasing .
Priest gave the aarthi plate to grandma, they all prayed to the god as she did the Pooja.
Gowri MA smiled at her and gave the Deepam to Sudha grandma to start lighting up the place.
"Sarah, did I gave the matchbox to you?" Sarah laughed a little, getting how vidal can be, as why She is holding the matchbox.
Sudha grandma smiled with Gowri MA, took the matchbox from her hand as she switched on her head mike again.
azagiya Kaarthigai Dheebangal Aadum
nam Thanaam namThananam namThanam
(As The Beautiful lamps trips the light fantastic
To the happy notes)
Sudha grandma started singing as she lit the lamp, Gowri MA placed it on top step of the light holder, she caressing Sarah cheeks making her nod with her as that's right as She really is happy.
kanniyar Kanngalil Vaazthukal Paadum
nam Thananam nam Thananam nam Thanam
(The Maidens eyes sings the praises
In the happy notes)
She pinched her cheeks to see her laugh and escaped from her grasp, taking the plate holding the lamp From the stage decorators, as she continued laughing at sarah seeing her jumping, Create sweet jingle by anklets
indha Mangayar Kolusugal Mangala Melam
thananana Na Na Na Naammmmmmm
(The women's anklets jams up the celebrations
With the happy notes)
Gowri MA looked at Gowtham pa, who smiled as grandma continued to sing as she smiled, seeing Shruti pull Sarah to stand beside her silently.
suba Raagangal Keatkayil Vidiyum Jaamam
thana Nana Nananam Thananam
(Rising up hearing a good tunes
Makes the happy notes)
ini Pudhiya Uravil Idhayam Muzhudhum Mazhizhum
thanananmm Thananamm Thananamm
(With new relations, the heart beats are getting elated up
Creating the happy notes)
Gowri MA and Gowtham uncle, who brought Oldman and Baljit pa near too, took blessing from oldman as Baljit pulled oldman front, then at Baljit grandpa and grandma. Grandma gave the lamp plate to Gowri MA.
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam*
(Happy musical notes)
Gowri MA smiled, taking the lamp from sudha MA as she gave it to her. She choruses with grandma for the musical notes as she turned to cough as not to disturb the light, Gowri MA litting up, by placing a hand to regulate the air flow.
Ahhhhh ne sa ne sa ga sa ma. Pa
Grandma smiled nodding that she just had a dry throat and took the bottle of water from Bozo hands.
Gowtham uncle called Advith, sarah smiled seeing Seetha and Prem mama taking blessing from the three, looked at dev and Kritick following them too and they waited a minute for Kamal mama and Karthika aunty to take the blessing from them, she thought a second then smiled at herself.
varalakshmi Kolam Varaingindra Neram
(Its time to decorate the entrance to welcome the boon giving goddess of wealth)
Gowri MA smiled started singing as she brought harshini to standby dev to take the blessing, making as all smile
kanngalin Ooram Karai Podum Eeram
(Edges 0f eyes, surfs up with glee)
Sarah took the jasmine flowers from the table that was kept for the Pooja and gave to grandma, Seeing Gowri MA give seetha ma and Karthika ma each a lamp from her plate to lit it.
sannidhi Kandu Sandhanam Kondu
kunguma Deviyai Alangarithom
(Finding the vicinity, with the sandalwood
We embellished the beautiful goddess)
Grandma smiled, taking from sarah and placed it on hairshini's hair, grandma looked at sarah to help her, as its custom for groom people to place the flower on bride and coin the marriage. Sarah took a step, but harshini already called narmadha to help her.
vinn Konda Meengalin Oli Vaangi
tharayil Nadandhom Agal Thangi
(Fetching the light of blinking stars of the sky,
Walked towards you with the soil lamp)
Hearing Gowri MA beside her, who smiled hugging her with one hand as she shown the lamp on other hand, Sarah smiling a little, escaped from her grasp down the stage.
kinngini Naadham Punniya Geedham
aval Kaal Salangaigal Deva Gaanangal
kalakalakala Vena Sirithidu Devi
(Her jingle bells are heavens anthem,
her musical anklet's hums the divine sounds
Sparkle, shine and smile,goddess.)
And Sarah started to swirl around the place that people moved to give her space as Gowri MA sung the notes.
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam
(Happy musical notes)
The dancers joined Sarah, that Gowri MA came down and placed the lamp plate in her hand as she pinched her cheeks, started to move her legs to the beat taking Seetha ma and Karthika ma with her to dance as they hum together.
Ahhh ahhhha ahhha ahhhhaaa ahhhaaa
"Sarah?" Shruti called her but Sarah went forward to the lamp holder seeing two lamp meeting together that was lighted my grandma's on top was glowing brightly with four, two right below it glowing attached to it with either side of it was expanded with brightness by Seetha Athai and Karthika aunty, her lips craved up as memories flashed up.
kal Mandabangalil Sandhanaabishegam
(In the palace, you are adored with sandalwoods)
Sarah looked at Oldman, he looked shocked but smiled seeing her sing,
kalli Mann Vilakiley Kanagaabishegam
(In a clay lamp you are the admirable golden ray)
She looked at Shruti, hearing her hiss what is she thinking of doing seeing sarah take few lamps, Sudha ma smiling brightly, placed her mike on Sarah's head
kaigalil Aadum Deepangal Pola
(Like the dancing light lamp in the hand)
Lighting the lamps, she went towards viji MA, who is already near the stage with shruti, asking her to be quite.
kanngalil Nooru Kanavaadum
(Eyes are dancing with hundreds of dream)
Sarah looked at grandma, who smiled positively
kanniyin Aasaigal Pala Koadi
(Maidens wishes are millions)
Sarah gave a lamp to Viji MA, Razia MA, Latha MA, Geetha MA, though they didn't take at first asking her what she is doing,
kavidhai Thandhom Suram Paadi
( A Poetry sung with the musical notes)
They took as Gowri MA insisted, who came smiling and patted Sarah shoulder proudly asked them to help them make the place brighter. Sarah hugged gowri MA, she smiled placing a peck on her cheeks.
They both looked at their front to see grandma singing smiling at them.
deviyin Kannil Ennuyir Kandean
(In the eyes of goddess, found my soul)
enn Sindhai Muzhudhum Sandha Kavidhaigal
(My thoughts are immersed in the great poems)
silu Silu Siluvena Silirkirathey Manam
(Cool, cool, chill breeze spellbound my heart.)
They are making Sarah smile in shyness as Gowri MA joined with grandma to sing the happy notes, making her escape from their grasp.
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam
(By the happy notes)
Sarah dragged Shruti with her and seeing Harsha, gave her a lamp too, she raised her brows back at her, Gowri MA lifted Harsha hand that sarah placed the the lamp on her, she looked at Gowri MA, who smiled and sarah Took Janvi hands to give one too but she pulled from her grasp and hold harshini hands, took the plate of lamps frrom sarah and gave to narmadha, Vaishali, roopa each one too. Sarah smiled seeing her grown well to share.
Sarah gave the one she had in her hands to Shruti, she raised her brows and sarah smiled at her to go and lit too, she glared at sarah as what is she playing.
azagiya Kaarthigai Dheebangal Aadum
nam Thananam Thananam Thanam
Seetha ma gave her a plate and Janvi was about to take it to give her other cousins too but Seetha MA said sarah to take one first
kanniyar Kanngalil Vaazthukal Paadum
nam Thananam Thananam Thanam
After a moment or two, sarah took without hesitation and went toward the light holder, seeing Seetha ma gave the other lamps on the plate to Janvi.
indha Mangayar Kolusugal Mangala Melam
thananana Na Na Na Naammmmmmm
Sarah was about to place it below the ladder her friend's mother kept the lamp, but Vaishali's mother moved her hands, asked harshini to place the lamp first, it angered Sarah when she was about to take the lamp her friends mother lighted and down step it.
suba Raagangal Keatkayil Vidiyum Jaamam
thana Nana Nananam Thananam
"What are you doing, aunty?" Sarah asked and placed the lamps right back on it's place.
"Sarah, leave it...." Shruti hissed bedside her...
ini Pudhiya Uravil Idhayam Muzhudhum Mazhizhum
thanananmm Thananamm Thananamm
"Harshi, what did MA taught us? Isn't elders comes first , ask your cousin's mother to light first and you can light later..." Advith said and Harshi asked her aunty to light the lamp.
Her aunties lighted on the row below as Gowri MA guided them too as Advith looked at her.
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam
tham Thanananam Thananana Tham Thanananam
Sarah sung the happy notes along with Gowri MA and grandma as to say them, she is still happy and not offended.
Shruti places her lamp on the candle holder, where our friends mother placed their lamps on the one corner, sarah smiled and placed on the other corner as there was no place on the row below as they placed in such a way or standing in such a queue that using Viji MA calling kept their lamp there quickly smiling at eachother, they wanted to move from there as quickly as possible from roopa and her cousins.
Viji MA asked them to take the blessing from vidal and Oldman. They did it, sarah followed advith, kritick, dev took blessing from ted and his wife, Paul and his wife and Edik and his wife, Henry too. That her friends too laughed her.
Shruti raised her brows as with whom she tried to take blessing with as sarah tried taking next to him, when he was taking his blessing from his grandma and grandpa, That even he raised his brow at her as she was beside him.
Sarah tried to escape the look, but Imran, ranvir, madan are having a folded arm, looking like what is going here lady. That she volunteer to Gowri MA that let her take the sweets to everyone.
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