After a deep search guys finished the song successfully. It was our turn now to find a song. Roopa, Shruti, narmadha, Harshi, advith mother and grandmother, my other college mates like Vinaya, Anu, and seven more are searching deeply for a song. Even we are all thinking, but they are playing really seriously out thirty member here. Gowri aunty turned towards my side as her husband gowtham
Started to count down backwards from five. I tried to look down and I heard a some say "got you" making me shock and look up in terror.
OK, Coconut man, Moonheads, and me
You ready?
( I looked up to see it's narmadha, she really is a singer and has a great seductive voice.
Is she looking at my eyes? Why it looking like she is killing me?)
Seems like everybody's got a price
I wonder how they sleep at night
When the sale comes first
And the truth comes second
Just stop for a minute and smile
Why is everybody so serious
Acting so damn mysterious
Got shades on your eyes
And your heels so high
That you can't even have a good time
Everybody look to the left
Everybody look to the right
Can you feel that yeah
(She wouldn't possibly eavesdropping the heels conversation, did she? She winked and turned to all girls and Roopa joined her and other joined getting she caught the word.)
We're paying with love TONIGHT
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
We need to take it back in time
When music made us all unite
And it wasn't low blows and video hoes
Am I the only the one getting tired
Why is everybody so obsessed
Money can't buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we'll be feeling alright
Everybody look to the left
Everybody look to the right
Can you feel that yeah
We're paying with love TONIGHT
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Well keep the price tag
And take the cash back
Just give me six strings
And a half stack
And you can, can keep the cars
Leave me the garage
And all I, yes all I need are keys and guitars
And guess what, in thirty seconds I'm leaving to Mars
Yeah we leaping across these undefeatable odds
(She went towards advith and took his hand as if asking him to dance. He smiled a little at her.)
It's like this man, you can't put a price on the life
We do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice every night
So we ain't gonna stumble and fall never
Waiting to see us in a sign of defeat uh uh
So we gonna keep everyone moving they feet
So bring back the beat and then everyone sing
It's not about the money
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
It's not about the money money money
We don't need your money money money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Ain't about the uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
Forget about the price tag
Guys to danced a little as everyone followed narmadha and pulled someone to swirl around.
Advith smiled as he said something to narmadha and was about to go and take his seat.
Dev, kritick teasing or nudging him asked something to him. He nodded a no and sat in his chair, Making them groan. They left with their competitive friend to discuss songs to defeat us I think.
As we are about to win, as guys are searching for the song and only three second is more as per Mrs. Sudha counting. I looked content and smirked at Advith. Think the worst decision I made, as he smirked back at me and stood up. What's this guy up to? He was like me sitting and watching the game like a audience, what now?
Everyone looked at him and one second more, smiling at me looking straight into my eyes he started to sing and everyone started to cheer him.
He started to sing in a teasing way making his way near me and smirking at my face singing happily idiot.
I've been living for the weekend but no, not any more.
Cause here comes that familiar feeling that Fridays famous for
Yeah, I'm looking for some action and it's out there somewhere
You can feel the electricity all in the evening air
Yeah, it may just be more of the same
But sometimes you wanna go where everyone knows your name
So I guess I have to wait and see
(He sung winking at me, really? I looked around to see everyone looking at him in awe and shock.)
But I'm just gonna let something brand new happen to me
But its alright, its alright, its alright, its alright
Bright lights in the big city
Belongs to us Tonight
(After the initial shock to everyone that he can sing this awesome. Dev and kritick coming out of their shock, shook their head at him. Advith bit his lips shyly. Making Dev and kritick laugh. And he continued to sing to escape from them) Tonight tonight
I've got the magic in me
Every time I touch that track it turns into gold
Know everybody knows I've got the magic in me
When I hit the floor the girls come snapping at me
(Oh! Really? He nodded at me as he shown me to look around. Okay! I get it. )
Now everybody wants some crystal magic
Its tricks that on a tempo will blow your mind
Pick a verse, any verse I'll hypnotize you with every line
I'll need a volunteer
How about you with the eyes
Come on down to the front and sit right here and don't be shy
(He pointed me signing to come near him. No way, he wouldn't seriously partying)
So come one, come all and see the show Tonight
Prepare to be astounded, no ghosts or poltergeists
You know I'm no Pinocchio I never told lie
They called me mister magic man
I'm floating cloud nine
I've got the magic in me
(I've got the magic baby)
Every time I touch that track it turns into gold
(turns to gold)
Now everybody knows I've got the magic
(Everyone sung along with him, even after knowing they sung these two song earlier separately. Thank god at least now everyone got the sense back out of his magic voice spell. Even you did little madam. Okay thanks.)
Magic magic magic
(So clap your hands, come on)
Magic magic magic
(So clap your hands, come on)
Magic magic magic
(everybody clap your hands, come on. so clap your hands, come on)
(everybody clap your hands)
I've got the magic in me
I laughed my face as they went I kind enjoyed as he sung beautifully. His voice is really great. I am going be die heart fan for his voice, always. But, the idiot made fun of me all along the song. Wait! Does he knows my name?
I looked out to see all girls saying they sung this song earlier and they are saying that is different and this different. Speaker to is supporting the guys and when Dev looked I am trying to gain his attention he shook his head. I eyed advith and drawn a line on my forehead and raised my eyebrows. After a second he got my question and nodded a no.
I was smiling and thats when the time clock started to strike, I looked the girls they seemed to be in anger as they accepted advith song or they really run out of the song. Only ten seconds more. No one seemed to be coming out with a song. I turned around. The greatest mistake I did. Advith is now smirking at me. Which actually blocked every guys screaming count down. And Advith mouthed ' what's your name?' And that got only thing to ring inside my brain. I can't lose this game. And only five seconds more and what the hell should I do? Runaway before he catch. It seemed to tempting
I was too tempted to run away. I turned to see Paul and ted standing there with Paul's amused smirk and ted giving me weak smirk and both blocking my way or any girls way out. I looked around and getting no escape route for me tonight and this really seems like a trap. Great!
No way I am going to answer him.
I stood up and sighed when judge was about to strike the bell saying guys are won, a nano second before. I started to sing smirking at Advith. And I will never forgot this expression and life long worth. He looked like he is lost.
And that's how I started teasing him. And making all the guys face to fall from cliff. And girls face to brighten up a little.
Someday I'll let you in
Treat you right
Drive you outta your mind.
You never met a chick like me
Burn so bright
I'm gonna make you blind
(I saw everyone looking at me as who is this chick? Or was she playing earlier?. He looked shock as I can sing and smiled as if he gets I will be teasing him. Swallowing hard, I continued)
Always want what you can't have
Is it so bad if you don't get what you wanted?
Make you feel good
As I whip you
Into shape.
Yeah, boy, let's get it started!
(He laughed and nodded sweetly as if he He is ready to start. I looked away to see his family to smile and saw my friends looking at me in shock. How did I forget that I won't sing in public. Shruti gave me a raised brows.
I looked again at advith to see him shook his face as if he knows the song asks me to bring it on. Does he know?)
Give it up
You can't win
'Cause I know where you've been
Such a shame you don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play
At the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up
(He laughed out loud making everyone turn their heads at him. Making me embarrassed, I looked for some help, getting my discomfort, Shruti came for help giving me a look you got to answer us a lot as from when I can sing.)
Come a little closer, baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer, baby, baby
So, stop trying to walk away
No, you won't ever leave me behind.
You better believe that I'm here to stay.
That's right.
'Cause you're the shade and I'm the sunshine.
(All the people are really looking at me as I really saying advith as shade and am I challenging him? Wouldn't I? Shruti is glaring me! He is jovial, guys.)
Look at me, boy
'Cause I got you
Where I want you
Isn't it so exciting?
(I winked at him as he teased making him only to laugh)
Will it shake you
When I break you?
Take a backseat, boy
'Cause now I'm driving
(Few girls came and joined us to sing, and we all sung together)
Give it up
You can't win
'Cause I know where you've been
Such a shame you don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play
At the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up
Oh, yeah
Ah, oh, hey
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah
Come a little closer
Come a little closer, baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer, baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer, baby
(As I sung, pointed him to come closer and to my utter shock he bend himself as if he is coming closer and winked at me. I went near him to and I started singing in his ear loudly, laughing a little)
If you are my baby
And I'll make you crazy
(He closed his ears and shook his head few times to get relief. He looked at me as I started to sing again with shock and smile. I smiled a Sorry and continued happily.)
Look at me, boy
'Cause I got you
Where I want you
Isn't it so exciting?
Will it shake you
When I break you?
Take a backseat, boy
'Cause now I'm driving
(All the females joined together and we shouted out loud)
Give it up
You can't win
'Cause I know where you've been
Such a shame you don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play
At the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up
We finished and all guys are stunned seeing a girl actually saying or teasing that she don't want advith to win even though its just a song.
"Oh! Yeah! You are really one hell of chick,
You got us exciting there. Burned so bright. Sung to make us dumb. Tough luck guys or advith? Time starts now." The speaker said and started to count down.
I tried to hide away while I really can't as everyone looking at me.
They were in search of song. Time ticked with ten more second. I looked at Advith. I could clearly see, he is still not recovered from shock. And trying his best to find a song with his other guys. I smirked as they were to loose few minutes back. Advith saved it. Now, it's clear cut fall for them. Five seconds.
" Five " I said
"FOUR" Shruti joined me. But, teased Ranvir
"THREE" everyone joined us
"TWO" we all said with eagerness. As this is the last second that we are finding song
He seemed to take the information sportively and even though there is slight sadness along the face he smiled at me. And I was about to stop my childish behaviour of shouting and squealing before him about our coming victory when he took me by surprise by coming closer near me.
"Come a little closer, let me taste your smile
Until the morning lights
Ain't no going back the way you look tonight
I see it in your eyes
I just need to get it off my chest
Yeah, more than you know Yeah, more than you know
You should know that baby "
He whisper sung as he leaned down towards my ears. Making sure there is gap between us. As he took a step back and I feel my cheeks getting hot.
"Girls win! Girls rock!" girls are shouting of the background.
I looked at his eyes and I know or we know, we didn't and he sung before the time and I know well enough that he would sing it out loud without any mistake the whole song. But, why the hell he didn't sing out loud? That too When he found
I looked at him in shock. He was smirking a little and caught my right hand as I turned to let others know he sung. I tried to wriggle out from his grip and he swirled me around laughing a little.
" Sorry to break your ride girls. Guys started the strike and if you girls have to rock alone then you have to sing tonight in another 45second. Your count down starts to break the draw to win the dawn."
"Really?" I shouted first before everyone. I saw janarthanan Reddy, the one just announced to look at Mr.baljit Vidal the host of the day and he nodded at me for him. And he counted back
"45, 44,..." advith started and whole boys team joined him to count down backwards. " 25, 24, 23.." I took a deep breath, Tonight just unleash your dreams, Sarah! Bring out the best!
Everybody want's to find out who they are for real.
Looking for a way to show it to you how i feel,
a melody needs harmony you've shown me what a friend can be.
(I looked up at advith as I get he really let me win again unknowingly! Don't he wanted to know my name just few minutes back! Man you always mess me up!
He looked at me in surprise as I am going to see Barbie song? I looked around to see even more people having same face as him! Sure I just sung a give it up song as bad ass and now I turned into a All dreamy kid. No surprise?)
Tonight nothing is what it seems,
tonight we're finding out what it means,
life is a sound,
bring out the key,
be who you are unlock your dreams.
(I heard few more people joining to sing with me. )
Tonight we're showing you what it means, unlock your dreams.
(I am sure going to unlock my dreams advith! He looked at me as if he can't find something? What am I doing? Why the hell I am smirking and smiling at him? And why the hell I am showing my hands for him to take? And why the hell my knees are getting weak as I see his eyes shows amusement and his lips turns up to smirk?)
I wanna turn it up,
so don't you turn me down.
( go hell with the pride Sarah! I took his hands in my palms and he let me with amusement and he swirled me without notice.)
Cause when we get together,
we got a Rockin' sound,
don't need to follow in somebody else's steps.
We make our own moves,
i think you know the rest. (Woahh)
(And that's how as if we know the rest, we started dancing to song. He just made me dance, by teasing making the moves which makes other look he is pushing me away and he is not interested in Barbie. He couldn't? Could he risk his bad ass name for the Barbie singer? Nope not for this child. But I know too much that he enjoys the dance too much as he never left his grip from me. He looked at me with too much amusement.)
Just look around now, (Woahh)
look what you got now.
Find yourself in a song (oohh)
bring out the beat and the melody, melody.
Find yourself in a song, (oohh)
when we're together it's meant to be.
All it takes is one big dream,
you'd better find yourself in a song, (oohhh)
when we're together it's meant to be (Yeah!)
Bring out the beat and the melody, melody.
When we're together it's meant to be.
Bring out the beat and the melody, melody.
When we're together it's meant to be. (Yeah!)
(Woahh) Just look around now (Woahh)
Look what you got now.
Tonight nothing is what it seems. (Find yourself in a song bring out the beat and the melody, melody)
Tonight we're finding out what it means. (Find yourself in a song, when we're together it's meant to be.)
Life is a sound, bring out the key, be who you are unlock your dreams. (All it takes is one big dream, you'd better find yourself in a song)
Tonight we're finding out what it means. (When we're together it's meant to be.)
Tonight nothing is what it seems.
(Find yourself in a song, bring out the beat and the melody, melody.)
Tonight we're finding out what it means. (Find yourself in a song, when we're together it's meant to be.)
Life is a sound, bring out the key, be who you are unlock your dreams. (All it takes is one big dream, you'd better find yourself in a song.)
Tonight we're finding out what it means. (When we're together it's meant to be.)
Unlock your dreams/you and me/yeah you and me/ unlike you are/but unlock YOUR DREAMS!"
I finished as I looked at him in charming eyes that looked like it's trying to unlock my name or myself?
"Advith!.." I tried to speak as I am wrapped under his arms.
"You really remember me of her! Are you Who I think who you are?" I looked at him trying to mask my shock or fear whatever emotion that's trying to make blank face.
"I miss ..." No don't complete advith. Then I can't do anything. I pushed him not forcefully just enough to bring the distance for me to breath, taking him by surprise.
"Ah.." He said as he stabled himself and looked even more surprised and determined.
I heard in the background all girls are celebrating the victory and I glanced the corner to see Dev looked at me. I shown him I am in deep shit by showing him it's code five by showing putting my hand before advith with five finger out and folded my hands over my chest and he got the clue. I hope as he disappeared.
"I don't know who I remember you of Mr.player as you may know many. Just for information I am never going to be the replacement ever. Get it and please move away!" I said and I was about to move away as I tried to act cool.
"Your name?" He asked as he caught my hand! Don't say me he is back to be serious! And he is! Why did I turned to look a his face hat shows he is serious to unlock my name!
Thank god! I said as the power turned off, making the whole place go dark. I saw his eyes turn to look confused! Of course, how could power go off just like that when he have five backups. I felt his grip on my hand being to get tight. It hurt me.
"It hurts advith!
Believe me! Tonight nothing is what it seems to be! someday, I let you!" I whispered as I leaned towards him making his grip loose and I ran away as I know there is only little time before everyone makes fuss and light will appear.
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