We friends were all in Imran home, having a small party to ourself as our results came this evening and we all passed our exams me and madan had distinctions in all subject, nothing of wonder. Imran has one distinction, and Shruti had good marks. Unusually Ranvir came second in class while he comes first always.
He is not upset and all, but I and Madan were glaring at him as he is saying he thought he will score some more in ophthal. We both may be intelligent but that Ranvir works really hard and smart, Which we don't.
"Man! Can you keep quite! We are busy planning here?" Imran said rolling his eyes at him. We all agreed with him and Shruti only hugged Ranvir as if he is cute.
We are planning where to enjoy the last weekend of our vacation as we really didn't had time to enjoy ourself at all, with the internship gala.
Since by tomorrow our internship is going to get over and by Tuesday our college are going to start again.
"Planned anything?" Zayan asked as he took himself a seat beside me resting his back on the sofa and straightening his legs out flat.
"I just want to go to some beach! Which none where accepting!" I said and even Zayan rolled his eyeballs at me.
"Count me too out too, if its going to be beach!" He raised his arms and everyone did too expect me.
"Why? We went last five times to beach and for your quench we went there as soon the holiday started. We are bored!" Imran said for ever as he thrown a pillow at me, lying on madan's lap.
"I really love beach!"
"We know!" A chorus came and we all chuckled.
"Fine where else you all want to go?" I asked sarcastically.
"Hill station?" Shruti said and we rolled our eyeballs at her.
"Never until you guys are getting married!" Zayan said and we all shouted an nope too. It was one of the hill station vacation where they have to witness them making out and they are cringing at the sight even now.
Shruti rolled her eyes, yet she blushed crazily. Only making Ranvir pull her in hug and kiss her cheeks. Making us gag a little.
"I don't mind marrying her even now!" Ranvir said and we all coughed like we know. Shruti elbowed him. Making us all laugh.
"Not before me man!" Zayan said and we all accepted saying the same. Ranvir only rolled his eyeballs at us.
"Bangkok?" Imran said and outright yes came from Madan and Zayan. Ranvir looked at Shruti and just nodded. Making us all laugh.
"And you will not even let us enjoy!" Shruti said looking at Ranvir.
"You could enjoy with me!" Shruti rolled her eyeballs at him just like me.
"It's been really long we went somewhere we really can get boozed!" Madan said as if he really wants to go there.
"You guys just went last summer!" Shruti said the truth sarcastically because they left us that time to have guys time.
"I like guys time this time too!" Imran said and Shruti thrown the pillow at him.
"I want a vacation too!" Shruti said.
"Oh! Come on, say you want to keep an eye on your loverboy!" Zayan said snickering a little. As last time Shruti was in toes not because she doesn't trust him. But, because she feared someone may take advantage of him.
"I know you trust me babe! But I do really want to enjoy sometime with you. So, don't worry no guys time." Ranvir said and she smiled at him and snuggled to him. That idiot got her fooled. Everyone looked at me as if Bangkok is settled.
"Really?" I asked
"I haven't went to Bangkok. Wouldn't mind visiting it once" Shruti said and I just sighed.
" I guess, I must try some street foods Then!" I said and they just rolled their eyeballs at me saying foodie.
We were asking permission to our parents or everyone while I am just watching the scene. Shruti parents are not even nodding while others nodded but looking at us girls they too stopped.
Finally Viren uncle nodded and it's just Viji MA.
My phone binged with unknown number and I unlocked it to see.
'Thanks for your chocolate!' Followed by an picture of half chocolate saying your half.
I smiled looking at it. As he got the chocolate, I sent through Sheela.
'You are welcome and I appreciate real chocolates not the chocolate picture!' I texted back at him
"Sarah?" Shruti asked and I got, I laughed little loudly as I saw all eyes at me.
I heard a bing in my phone indicating I got an incoming message and same time a door bell.
"Let me see!" I got up and everyone nodded.
I looked at the phone on the way.
'I thought so!
And congratulations on your distinctions!'
I smiled and I was about to text back thank you, I saw the person near the door is sham.
"Hi!" I said confusedly to see him at the door this hour.
"Here!" He said smirking a little showing me a same dairy milk silk roasted almond I gave advith or he just sent the picture.
"Huh?" I raised my brows.
"What are you doing here sham Anna?" Madan asked I could see everyone behind me.
"Nothing! Just came to give you some sweets for your successful results !" He said as he placed the big box of chocolates.
"Thank you, Anna!" I said and he just chuckled.
"I am just a delivery man!" He said as if he doesn't deserve the thank you.
"Come in Sham!" Zayan called even though everyone looked at him in question.
"Some other time Zayan! Got to pick advith early tomorrow!" Zayan nodded at him. He said bye to everyone and smiling at me, left the place as if he is amused.
"What is that?" Zayan asked as soon as sham car disappeared.
"Chocolates!" I said and the same time, my phone binged again.
I looked my screen showing
'appreciated?' I smiled a little and Shruti pulled my phone from my hands.
" What an appreciation?" She asked smirking at me. Madan pulled the phone from her and he chuckled a little.
"Are you guys really on the deal?" Madan asked questionably and others gave us a raised brow. I glared at them.
"What deal madan?" Zayan asked looking at us.
"I just kind of stole his chocolates once out of boredom and ate it all. As a punishment I have to give him chocolate everyday." I said and everyone give a look.
"Oh really? This doesn't really look like you are giving him chocolates! Isn't guys?" Imran asked and I just have to glare him for making awesome q&a.
"I may have made an condition that deal could be fine as long as I get my share. But I guess this Is for appreciating us all for getting passed." I said and they all chuckled a little.
"Appreciation by chocolates? If you say so!" I heard Ranvir say as he took the box from me.
"Hey!" I tried to get the box back.
"Why do I think you appreciate this too much?" Zayan asked blankly as he saw us all.
"Shouldn't I?" I asked as I got the box back. He shook his head and smiled a little.
"You shouldn't Sarah!" Viji MA said accusingly and we all looked up at her.
"We are receiving too much souvenirs and we still haven't given them any!" Viji MA said and I nodded at her as she is back to that gain.
"MA.." I started
"Viji is right! I guess they have given really too many than we can ask for, its time We should give them!" Raazi MA said looking at Zayan.
"Zayan send them some souvenirs they would appreciate too!" Nabib uncle said.
"I think I should buy some for ted and Reddy sir too!" Ranvir said suddenly making us all look at him and We think he whispered out loud which should be inside his mouth.
"Zayan let me buy for gowtham uncle and Paul! I really liked his gift of beat present, I didn't know he looked after me that much!" Madan said as gowtham uncle gifted him that last time we went for shopping gala. "I should buy one for Kritick, Umar and Rahul too!" Madan added.
"I guess Dev deserve a gift too as he bought me a laptop. What do you think about coolers, Zayan? He seem to love it" Imran asked Zayan and I just looked at them in appreciation.
"He like that cooler because that was the gift harshi presented him." Zayan said and I nodded as it was right.
"He likes animals, buy him a ticket to zoo. He will be happiest man in world to meet his friends!" I said smiling a little as how much he is crazy for pets.
"Hey! My mentor maybe a devil, but he is not worst to be kept in zoo!" Imran said showing a tongue at me. I rolled my eyeballs at him. Everyone chuckled at Imran to show love for Dev as he is the one kept complaining every second.
"How do you know?" Zayan asked looking at me questioningly.
"I guessed as I heard Imran say he has too many pets, is my guess right?" I asked and Zayan just nodded giving me a calculating look.
"Is she really right?" Imran asked him.
"Yeah! Don't tease him ever with that Imran."
"I shouldn't say this. But, understand He lost his parents when he was young by an accident. He saw family in Pets, as they were all he was left as living being to share his emotion at his home. Their parents had adopted many animals as they loved animals. They were his world after them. He had Mr. Reddy, henry, Vidal, sunar and friends. But, it was really tough for him as an adolescent to see the world, his parents left him with good fortune and that backfired too as all his relatives tried to manipulate him and take hold of it than him, that is why he keeps himself and give him time to trust you, you will like him too." Zayan said and Imran nodded at him.
"I am sorry and I won't use it against him." Imran said and Zayan nodded at him.
"Gift him a pet as you like Imran! It's not teasing but make sure you don't hurt his feeling. The way you gift matter for them to feel your regards for them!" I said and he nodded at me as Zayan nodded at me too.
"I was thinking of gifting a pen to Reddy. What do you all think?" Ranvir asked.
"If that's what you want, I too don't really know about that man. I just know him as he is advith mentor and Dev looks after him as father figure. He is cool guy and I can guarantee you that!" Zayan said.
"I once heard he likes foods! And that's why he started food business!" Nabib uncle said.
"I think so, as he always eat at time and it's always a different cuisine and I never seen him skip a meal." Ranvir said. "But what food can I gift him?"
"I guess he could appreciate a wine! Dev and advith bought him one for his last birthday!"
"No! I don't think wine is good for old man. I think book would do for him. As I surfed a little, I found He and Baljit became friend as they met in library and their love for books made them friends." I said and everyone looked at me questioningly.
"I guess, you maybe right as we have a library in the office and dev said it was Oldman's idea. When I asked why it is here? As none really used it, other than for secret romance or to have quite sleep!" Imran said chuckling a little as if he remembered something.
"I agree!" Ranvir said chuckling as if he remembered it. It's seems someone's secret romance were out in the office last week.
"What do you want my mentor?" Shruti asked looking at Zayan. Zayan laughed out loud.
"You are going to buy me one?" Zayan asked seriously as he saw Shruti give him daggers for making her serious request into comedy.
"Did you hear otherwise?" She asked and he just smiled at her.
"I am happy you thought of it. But, really I don't need any Shruti. You are not like them going to leave me after this one month na!" He said and she just sighed.
"Yeah! But, I do want to give one to my mentor like all." She said and he just smiled.
"Then give him what you thing you want, Just like others! Zayan Bhai may not want any gift from his sister. But, I think he won't say no to a gift from his first student!" Viren uncle said and she nodded at him.
"Uncle, i seriously..." Zayan started.
"I need permission for tomorrow morning, my mentor as We are going for shopping!" Shruti said pointing all in finality.
"Are you asking?" Zayan asked.
"Nope! Informing" Shruti said laughing a little.
"Okay! I guess we are all finally going for shopping tomorrow then!" Viji MA asked glaring at me.
"Yeah! Advith gave me leave till afternoon anyway as he is not here." I said and everyone said okay as they sent text to however it needs to be.
"What are you going to buy advith?" Zayan asked looking at me.
"I thought nabib uncle said you to buy!" I said as I really thought he will be buying.
"Since everyone are buying for their mentors. Aren't you going to buy one for him? He sent a souvenir to you though!"Geetha MA asked.
"I don't really know what he likes!" I said
"You were saying chocolate last time!" Viji MA said
"I give him that, like everyday now!" I said and she just chuckled.
"I see!" Zayan said as he folded his hands.
"You better buy him one!" I said looking at him.
I sent an well appreciated by us all and thank you. I waited for reply, but I think he is not going to see the message anytime soon. Sleep took over me soon.
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