Shruti, dragged me with her and we shopped for her and me a dress each for tonight party. And being a good girl, I let her doll me up as I love to be princess too. But not happy about the dress she picked me or the jewels she is giving me to wear. Cause everything is costly limited edition dresses and she was happily spending it on me, that I feel bad about myself. If this continues, I will be making dent sooner or later on her and everyone's account.
Ramu anna (driver) as he stopped before the entrance of the venue. I, Shruti, her parents got down of the Bentley, The security guard asked who I am? When he got to know I am not sharma, he was about to throw me out even before listening to sharma. Saying I am not their family. I controlled myself to not laugh at him. And Inran brother Zayan bhai as he got down from his car, about to make word with the security along with Viren uncle, before that his superior Ted came, he apologised and invited us all in. I smiled at him and went in, We went inside and soon we are greeted by our friends.
" isn't the theme of the party is masquerade. Why are you all not wearing your masks?" I asked looking at the guys. They smiled.
" one, it's just like entrance ticket and we don't need to wear it if we don't like it. " Ranvir started.
"Two, since the announcement of masquerade being little sudden. We couldn't find a great mask." Madhan continued.
"Three, since we don't like it, we don't want to hide our manliness. So we all decided to not wear it."Imran finished it, making us all laugh at it.
" since, I love the reasons. I am following your act" Shruti said and removed her mask. And they all looked at me.
" since, I love my mask. I am keeping it as it is my pretty face ." They all gave me glare.
"Let her to be herself And I don't want remain everyone that you girls are out of league to my friends." Zayan bhai said as he put his mask on Shruthi face too making us all laugh.
She took it away and complained him to Razi ma( Zayan and Imran mother) as he is Picking her again. She said us lets us enjoy and not make us cry.
As being with this much socialites itself getting on my nerves. If anything, I want to hide from here. Though mask is not perfectly making me invisible, it's helping to minimum. We are all speaking and their friends came and started to speak with them. And their heirs started to mingle with my friends. I looked at my watch and it said its time. I need to find my way out.
"Hey, Let me hit the beach. And I really don't know anybody here to socialise. Can I please hit the beach. I am having my mobile with me. Call me if you need. Please?" I said and asked permission from my friends who is actually trying their best to keep me with them. Even though, none of their guest want to have me there. "Pleaseeee!" Shruti sighed and everyone gave in.
"The dinner starts in an hour and half. Be back by that time. And keep your phone with you. Understand?" Shruti Asked me and I nodded happily and left my friends in search of an idiot.
I found him near ladies toilet. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. As soon as he saw me. He beamed and when he saw I was laughing he glared at me. I raised my hands up in defeat.
" stop laughing, little bug! Ted said you came with sharma's. I thought you should be building up some lies to detach from them. The only lie I and Ted thought you can use is going to restroom. And the reason I am landed up here." I nodded as I smirked at his fate.
"I am little brilliant than you give credits for me, big monkey." I said with ego blasting from me. If I say restroom, Shruti will be tagging me up. As she thinks bullying happens there a lot. He rolled his eyeball at me. I laughed to it.
" thanks for coming" he said and hugged me. " anything for you Dev" I said and hugging him back. We left to deal with the things why I am here.
We went to the bar. I scrunched my nose, I hate alcoholic beverages smell. Still sighing I went in. Thank god it is dim. As I found Madhan and Imran occupying a couch. I was thinking for ways to explain Dev, Dev going opposite side of the bar and he took a seat in far corner, Seems like I won't get caught anytime soon. I proceeded to follow Dev.
I was about to run of the scene as I saw kritick, Zayan siting next to advith. He glared at me and I sat a stool away, gave him a thumbs up. he joined the group and I started to listen their conversation. It was boring actually all about business.
After loosing my patience, and the cost is clear with just Dev and advith, I stood up from my stool and acted as I went as casually as I can, tripped myself by hitting dev's leg. Stabling myself before I fall from fake accident.
"I am sorry." I asked for what I am going to do now, looking at Dev. He raised a brow, big guy knows me well.
" Mr.Devadoot, seems like you finally planned to wear the tie that match with your girlfriend?" I asked happily. Dev looked taken back with me intruding their speech as it was not in plan, and also for speaking out the point. As he already sensed my decision to intrude from just sitting next to him and support him.
"it's nice to meet you too." Dev said confusedly, looking Advith with little frightened face.
"you have a girlfriend?" Advith question Dev confusedly and looked me like whether am I wearing dress to match his tie? advith looked even more confused as I am not. I smirked at Dev.
"you don't know? Every bad. She is a gorgeous girl. " I asked innocently.
"do you really like someone?" Advith asked him little taken back when Dev nodded. " why didn't you say me?" He asked hurt.
"maybe you won't approve his love, Mr.player?" As soon as I said. Advith gave me a death glare. I am sure I felt like I am death that instant by digging my own grave by rubbing a salt on his hurt. I am sorry, I am in need to do that.
"I Maybe player! But, that doesn't mean I won't support my best friend's love. So, shut up." Advith shouted at me. Thank god for the heavy music on bar.
"I am sorry. Really sorry" I said sincerely and he nodded. " wait! Let me make up. I saw her somewhere. Where is she?" I acted like I searching for her. When I know well, she is standing across the glass divider that dived the bar from other. And pointed at the girl that's wearing coffee colour princess cut gown, looking at Dev and advith. " doesn't she look more addictive than caffeine?" I asked at Advith. He stood up and came to see who I point and when he saw her. All hell broke down. Which Confirmed, I didn't make up but just added up.
"HARSHI?" Advith asked slowly and when Dev nodded, he let no time and dragged him out of the party area and upstairs off the site of people's knowledge. This why I always give credit to his brain. Making sure no damages happen even if he is angry. Harshi was blocked by some guest, she is trying to follow them. As if she sensed something is going to happen. I sighed and followed them. Advith thrown him out of his grip, dev got hit by the wall. " how dare you went back of me and dated my little sister?"
"Sorry, truly sorry. I know what I did is wrong. But, I love her a lot" Dev said or confronted his love. Advith seems to not listen his sincerity well. Because he charged towards Dev.
"How dare you keep telling me again you..." His anger was cut from what he was about to say. Because he punched me instead of Dev. When I unsuccessfully tried to separate them. God! It hurts like a hell. " I am really sorry. I didn't mean to" he said really apologetic about come near me. Dev was angry by now. He grabbed Advith's collar. Come on Sarah do something. Hell is breaking here.
"Devadoot!" I shouted. He looked at me. " stop it ." And he removed his hand from Advith after moment of taming his flaming angry by glaring at Advith. He came near me and gave me his kerchief. I took it great fully and pressed it on my lips to clot the blood. As I know it's clotted.
I looked at Advith and continued " that's exactly my point here, Mr.advith. Mr.devadoot, was really sorry on going back of you and dating your sister. He didn't mean to hurt you. He accidentally fall in love with her. Your little sister is not little anymore, she is twenty three and she know what she is doing. You believed in her and gave your publishing company under her to maintain. And why don't you believe in her when she selects your friend. And what happened to your saying ' I will support my best friend's love'. Is it because it's your sister? Come who would you find more eligible for your little sister? more trustworthy? than your best friend who proved himself as a trustworthy one for the past twenty five years?" I asked looking at him. He seems to be in deep thought.
"I really see my future with harshi, Advith." Dev said softly but with intensity.
I cursed myself in mean time in my brain for trying to lecture with cut lip. As it again started to bleed. I pressed the cut again and I was wiping the blood and cleaning myself.
" try to hurt her and I will kill you" Advith said seriously when I took seat in the couch seriously looking straight into Dev's eyes " friend or not" finished it off with teasing voice. Dev nodded looking straight into his eyes like he promise and they seal the deal.
" and I like to torture you for at least hundred more years buddy. You can't get rid of me that soon." Dev said gapping and they did a nasty bro hug. Are this people real? Not even before five minute, both fought and gave me a cut lip. I sighed.
"Since everything is settled and you showed green flag. How about you help this idiot by bringing your LITTLE sister towards beach?" Kritick asked and from where exactly he came? As if mirroring my thoughts. Advith looked at him and opened his mouth. But kritick beat him.
" yes! I know. Neither supporting nor against of keeping his secret from you. I was only supporting our friend with his love." Kritick said. Clearly accepting he helped dev in twisted way like he didn't betrayed him. He just hid the truth and didn't lie him.
"What honours I did to have you guys as my friend." Advith groaned and making us all laugh.
" please help me" Dev said trying his puppy dog face making Advith laugh and when he was about to say no. Dev should him a box making Advith shock and nod an yes. I laughed.
Dev took kritick, and left advith and me, to drag his loved ones to beach not before hugging my life out and asking Advith to be there with HARSHI after thirty minutes.
" he is serious. Isn't he?" Advith asked me confusedly. " he is head over heels on her." I said and he smiled happily. "It was nice meeting you Mr.advith.bye" And He said the same with smile. I got up. But lost my balance as my gown got struck with the leg of the couch. Thank god! I didn't fall down. I looked too see Advith caught me. And steadied me up. " thank you Mr.advith" I said correcting me up.
"You?" Advith asked or questioned me. I looked up and saw his confusion filled face and that when I noticed or felt my mask was no more in my face. Great.
" yes it's me. Why shouldn't I be here? Or are you going to sue me out for being here?" I asked lets just say we had a past encounter three months back and I tried doing good for him and instead of gratitude Mr. Player here insulted me.
"no.. Yes... Screw it! I mean to say you are not in my suing list. I am trying to find you untill now but I could find you at all. To ask your forgiveness. And I am really sorry for that day and today. That day! I was trying to tease you fine smash my pride. I tried to cover myself when you teased me as Mr.flirter but seems like I used wrong words and that too in wrong timings. Today! I was trying to punch Dev and accidentally punched you wrong timing and wrong person" he said scratching his head nervously. I laughed at him.
" accepted and forgiven." I said smilingly to him. He smiled at me. And he was about to say something but was cut by Dev's call. " seems like lover boy got everyone to beach. Except HARSHI. Seems like he forgotten about us already. Come let's go" he said as he cut his call. I nodded and laughed with him.
He went down first and started speaking with his sister. Not wanting to get any attention getting down with him. I used backstairs and went to the beach directly excusing myself saying I want to use restroom before coming down and he showed me the restroom and left to get his sister.
I went to beach after fixing the mask. And as soon as I went Dev noticed me and gave me a smile, As my friends are also there. Seems like instead of his loved ones he dragged more than half the guest to the beach. I went to my friends. Giving glare as what they are doing here. Soon I was hit with a message from him 'they are your best friends and you are my bestie, sis. That means they are my loved ones;):)' i smiled at him. And he shrugged it.
Soon Advith was bringing her sister and the background music started and everyone cleared their path for her and she seemed to be in shock on what happening and Advith is actually bringing her towards Dev. I was smiling like crazy for my friend and Shruti was squeezing along with me. As they reach near Advith move away leaving the stage to HARSHI and Dev.
As Advith moved away, Dev kneeled down before HARSHI.
" HARSHI! I know, I am not a great boyfriend material. But, I really want to be your boyfriend. Just to be with you, i even got our obstructing stone my best friend support and your big brother blessing. Will you be my life partner ?" Before she can say something he was attacked with a small stone thrown by Advith perfectly and squarely at his shoulder. Everyone laughed at them. As Dev winced and glared Advith, who is smirking said "stone" teasingly.
" stop harnessing my partner, Mister or you don't want to see what I can do?" HARSHI said laughingly and teasingly as her acceptance. Everyone laughed and Dev passed ring over her finger and they both hug each other. But where separated again by Advith hitting Dev with another stone.
"or else what can you do?" Asked her sister teasingly when she glared at him and Dev winced murmuring what he is going to do between his best friend and girlfriend. Making everybody laugh. Except those two who where in glaring and smirking match.
" you asked asked for it. Don't say I haven't warned you Mr. Advith" she said smirking at him. I bet he was afraid of his sister but, shrugged it off. And she did do an act making him uncomfortable.
She kissed Dev at his shoulder and chest where Advith hit. " get a room" Advith shouted closing his eyes in disgust watching his sister. We all laughed at him.
" I think I would get little more hits from you, if this is the reward I will get" Dev shouted and Advith shouted back" Dream on" and then we all left to have our dinner.
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