"What?" I asked again in all happiness.
"Really? He really is not here?" I asked for the fifth time to confirm myself that I am escaped.
"Yeah! Yeah! Sarah." Umar said giving me a pointed look as I am jumping up and down in joy. Madan gave me a look over as he was writing something.
"He said me to pass you that the project is submitted as per your requests. Also more importantly asked you to write 'I will not be fashionably late again' for thousand times and asked you to submit before you go." Umar said smirking lightly, making me stop in track.
"What?" I asked and now madan is laughing.
"Oops! Join the club!" Madan said making me turn towards him.
"Join the club?" I asked and he showed me the paper with irritation clear in his face and I remembered he tables punishment he had.
"Seriously? What are we kids?" I asked in irritation.
"Sorry to mention, he asked me to let you know, if you don't submit by this evening. He will be doubling it and also canceling your meeting time for friends and fans." Umar said like he is pitying me but that's a fact.
"He knows I won't write it for god sake!" I shouted.
"That's why he made us do!" Madan said snickering a little.
"What was you threatened with?" I asked madan as he gave me some white papers.
"Just that, he will make me guard you in not meeting your friends and fans. Is that possible for me? Nope." Madan said pitying at his fate. Myself and Umar laughed as advith has way for making people do as he wish.
We both sulking at our fates started writing our assignments, scolding ourself for taking this internship. I was just fifty steps up in thousand, Gowtham uncle and Paul made an entrance.
"I missed you little..."
"I missed you too uncle!" I stopped him and as if Gowtham uncle got his realisation. He hugged me as if it's nothing matter.
"We were scared when I heard you went missing!" Gowtham uncle said again hundredth time.
"Sir, she wasn't missing..." Paul agreed once with me for uncle's peace.
"That's sweet of you to agree!" I said and earned glare from Paul, then he himself smiled at his fate to agree with me.
"I don't know my son will be pain in my ass." Gowtham uncle said as he took a seat beside me.
"He is not And you know that too." I said and he gave me a raised brow.
"He is all set in making my life hell. I doubt he has time for others!" I said showing the papers before me in the table.
"What is this?" He asked smirking a little as he took the papers in hand.
"She came extravagantly fashionably late today for work." Madan said as if that's not a matter. That's when Gowtham uncle gave him a look over.
"He didn't know ten multiplied by ten is hundred. Poor guy!." I said giving the same mock tone back at him.
"Oh! By the way uncle, can you do me a favour?" I asked and he looked at me questioningly, yet without able to resist my pouting face, nodded at me. Even before hearing Umar or Madan.
"Can you complete the task for me?" I asked or said as I shown him the papers and gave him the pen.
"Are you serious?" Madan asked really shocked, but he doesn't know na gowtham uncle always do my assignments.
Gowtham uncle smiled at me.
"This is really really boring and I haven't seen my friends yet! Please, pretty please, I will make you my special coffee?" I said and gowtham uncle took the pen from me.
"That's not fair, sir!" Umar and Madan shouted at same time as he took pen and the paper.
"All is fair with Sarah!" I said and gave uncle a kiss in his cheeks hugging him tight.
"She will never change!" Paul muttered as he ruffled by hair.
"Should I? That too for your CEO? Nope!" I said making everyone laugh.
"Why don't you too help your boss?" I asked and he laughed at me.
"I need someone to do my work, Sarah.!" Gowtham uncle said or order Paul not to fall for me like he did.
"Okay! I will make you refreshing coffee then!" I said and jumped to coffee machine.
Umar, madan and Paul asked one for them. But I simply did only one for Gowtham uncle, saying them all no special coffee as they said no to help me. For which they all only laughed. As I made orders for them and myself too a coffee from cafeteria.
After having our coffees, I went to meet everyone and I was returning back to the office and got caught my the Mr. egghead.
Nope! This isn't happening.
I tried to call gowtham uncle, but my phone has no signal inside the lift. Very bad very bad.
"I see you have came to work!" Advith asked and I just nodded at him.
"Have you finished the work I gave you?" No no no... when I spoke to uncle ten minutes before, he said he still haven't and hundred more is there.
"Hmmm... I still have half an hour." I said as I looked the watch.
"And yet you are here for what?" He and his questions
"For coffee! I was tried and my hands were paining and I just wanted some Relaxation!" I said as if I had thought of something worthwhile. But I still counting myself the time left for my death.
"I heard you submitted the project! Congratulations." I said as the lift opened just to make him distracted and take his eye out of our room.
"Yeah? Thanks." He said and he was near Hema to hear anything happened in the office. She said things she has to pass off
No no! His next Stop can't be Sheela or umar. I felt his gaze at me looking up and down. At the same time I saw Paul behind him.
I looked at Paul and on pointing advith, he nodded and Went inside our room. Hopefully I think he got the message.
"Do you have something to say me, Sarah?" He asked and I nodded no. He nodded and was about to go in.
"Nooo. I mean yes!" I said as I clutched his hand making him to not take one more step again.
"What is that?" He asked as he pointed his eye at me clutching his hand. I took my hand away.
"Hmmm... I heard your father returned, how is he?" Stupid question Sarah!
"He is Fine Sarah!. Is that what you want to ask?" He asked and I mentally slapped myself.
"I was wondering how about we go and have a icecream?" I asked and the look he gave us seriously amused myself at my stupidity.
"Icecream?" He asked as he folded his hands again to his chest. I was blaming myself for my stupidity. When I saw gowtham uncle showing me thumbs up passed towards his room. I relived a breath.
"Sarah? You really aren't idiot right?" Advith asked looking straight in my eyes.
"Huh?" I asked and he just laughed as if gowtham uncle would hear him and stop in tracks.
"Where is your assignment?" What?
"It's in the room!" I said as I really don't like him eying me as a accuse and also at his father who is at his doorstep.
"Oh! I would like to see it! Paul can you bring that for me?" He said as he eyed the papers in Paul hand and that's when I hit myself.
No! Don't you dare Paul. Paul shifted in his place. Gowtham uncle is glaring Paul not to make him stupid.
"Paul is not your assistant!" I said and advith just gave me a challenging look.
"He is neither yours, is he?" He asked and made his way towards Paul. I was showing my hand to Paul to run away. Which he didn't. So it was me who ran to Paul before advith and snatched the papers from him.
"I see you decided to run works for me?" Advith asked as if he is amused that I ran to get him papers.
"I don't!" I said and he smiled as if he expected from me. He took a step towards me, gowtham uncle came before me.
"I hope you know that she is my intern, Mr. gowtham vidal." He asked as gowtham uncle gave him a look don't you dare.
"She is And I never said otherwise." He said.
"Good you have the knowledge. I hope that I never left her under your mentor ship even too!" He said and looked at his father and the glare uncle shown was like he didn't like wherever he is going.
"I am your chairman!" He said.
"But, I hope that doesn't allow you to write for her punishment!" He asked and gowtham uncle loosened his stiffness as he too got caught.
"You shouldn't have punished her as I heard it's you who have took her out all night!" Gowtham uncle looked smug. That advith looked like he got caught too.
"That was because to discuss the project. Yet, she must have asked my permission before coming fashionably late." He said not wanting to loose the argument.
"Oh? Then if anyone is fashionably late without permission, I can also punish?" Gowtham uncle asked smirking a little as he folded his hand to his chest.
"That's your call to make, chairman Mr.gowtham Vidal!" This is looking like a match.
"Enough vidal! Here is your thousand and one times of 'I will be not fashionably late again' assignment. My time is up today and I am taking your permission for being fashionably late tomorrow!" I said as I gave the papers and ran away from there and I heard people laughing and him shouting
"I didn't give you permission! Sarah"
"You did!" I shouted back and left down. And then I remembere, I don't have a ride. I looked around to see sham anna was speaking with the security.
"Advith asked me to take you home!" He said as I tried to use him.
"Did he?" I asked really doubtfully. I just can't find myself as he just nodded as confusedky as I am but for different reason. He shown me the message in his cell, which was pinged just two minutes back. That idiot always has something in sleeve.
I took the ride, anyway I don't have other way. The ride was silly as sham anna was just like me and we stopped at many snack shops and now the car is filled with dozen bags holding different snacks items. And I gave him the packs I bought for him and took mines as he dropped me in home.
I was popping some snacks in my mouth and I remembered I didn't gave chocolate to Advith? He did forgive me on that deal na? How am I being stupid to forgot that? I looked at the clock saying eight.
"Hey! Sheela, where is Advith now?" I asked as soon as she attended the call, she has his schedule always. Doesn't she? Always saying him he has to be here and there.
"Sarah! What did you ask?" She asked as if she can't believe what I asked.
"Where and what is Advith is doing?" I irritatedly repeated as I am getting dressed as quickly as I can.
"For your information, I wouldn't know where or what is Mr. Advith will be doing in off hours, Sarah!" She said as if I am stupid.
"But, don't you guys work till nine?" I asked as I really confused now.
"No, only when we have work. Tonight we don't and he left the office asking us all to take leave from his side. By the way he left the office by six." She said and I rolled my eyeballs at the mirror.
"Then how will I meet him?" I said and I heard her sigh.
"Why do you want to meet him?"
"I forgot to give him A sorry chocolate!" I said and I heard her say oh.
"You can give tomorrow and I hope He will not mind you giving it little later!" She said and I sighed loudly this time.
"Thanks sheela, I will find him some way!" I said and I called the person I don't want to but without choice I have to itseems.
"Dev! Where is Advith?" I asked.
"Good evening to yourself too!" He said sarcastically.
"Good evening and where is he?" I asked and he just sighed out loudly.
"How could I know Sarah? I am in Delhi, for your information and in a business meeting in that." He said and I sighed out loudly as I hope he is not angry.
"Sorry to disturb you! But seriously I want to know where Advith is?" I said as I desperately need to give chocolate.
"Why so?" He asked and I know he is calling someone on the side too. As I heard him say to his assistant.
"I forgot to give a chocolate to him!" I said and I heard him laugh unbelievably.
"Seriously?" He asked and I nodded. I felt him speak with someone on other line.
"Yeah! And where is he?" I asked as soon as I heard him cut his other line.
"I think you can give your chocolate tomorrow Sarah!" Dev said and if alone he was here I would have rolled my eyeballs at him.
"I promised him one daily to forgive me, I already forgotten one yesterday and I am not going to forgot one today!" I said legibly so that he can understand my words.
"Chocolate to forgive?" He asked and I know he got my feeling. Also I understood the question. I haven't said him anything, but I feel like I need to do this.
"Say me!" I said and I heard Dev sigh loudly.
"At Narobia!"
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