"Advith Vidal!" We heard a very angry voice booming the hallway and a familiar voice. I walked quick with Umar and sheela on my side to see it's Madan knocking the door of Advith angrily.
"Madan?" I called as I placed a hand on his shoulder. And Umar gave him a eyeball roll and tried to make him stop banging the door and umar is asking what and he just banged the door again looking at me accusingly. Making know it clear that he was alarmed about roopa's internship.
"Can I know why am I having you banging my door, MR.Madan Dixit?" An very irritated Advith asked as soon as he opened the door.
"Cause I just heard you took in an intern even without discussing with me if I need an helping hand or not!" He said and the look of irritation left from the Advith face as he saw that expression in Madan's face and voice, which actually got him amused.
"Are you here to say I don't know what I need to do in my job or something else?" Advith asked looking at him. I placed a hand over Madan as not to do something stupid.
"I have an idea about your job Mr. Advith, just as you have about mine. But it's clearly you, who can know about your job and that's exactly my point, I know what my jobs call me for and I am very well able to handle it and I don't need an helping hand. Even if I need, I couldn't want it to be the person you selected." Madan said and Advith actually seem to be impressed at whatever that's happening.
"I am impressed that you don't want help and being responsible to handle everything alone, unlike some who love to sit simply." Advith said looking at me for a second sarcastically. I let the look pass as I need madan cool. Madan seem to notice his glance and before anyone can indulge.
"And why are you here madan Dixit?" Advith asked making us all look confused.
"For my internship!" Madan said confused and Advith smiled at the answer.
"Means you came here to learn the knowledge that you lack and gain a experience. Isn't Madan Dixit?" Madan groaned nodding a little as we can sense he is again going to win the battle.
"And who do you think is in need to evaluate and teach you?" Advith asked him.
"What I lack that you need to take her in?" Madan asked making Advith laugh.
"I didn't picked you here Madan Dixit. Nor you are an employee that when you lack something that I have to find a replacement. You are just an intern here and it means you, yourself know you lack something and that's why you want a mentor to teach you. We took you in knowing well you lack experience, Madan Dixit. I don't think in that case I need replacement or should I need to?" He asked looking at Madan straight in the eyes.
"Then, why is she here?" Madan asked again not liking athe presence of Roopa, who clearly enjoys the scene as she is smirking at madan.
"Why shouldn't I be here Mr. Madan Dixit?" There is the same smugness like Advith in her face. The audacity of her to infuriate Madan even more. Now even Umar, sheela, Rahul, Hema, Jenny, Paul, the four floor security guards, the two errand and three housekeeping people.
"We have lot of reasons and you were aware of it as much as We are. Which I don't want to waste time by explaining. So, can you let me speak with Advith as I didn't mean to make any conversation with you!" Madan said as he pulled me aside to look at Advith as I am clutching his hand to stop.
"Why is she here then, Advith?" Again he asked the question of the decade.
"Why shouldn't she?" He asked as he was eying us both.
"I don't think you have time to hear our stories of How we don't really get along, Advith! You can't expect me to work with her, it like calling for hurricane myself if I have to work with her. " as soon as he said that Advith had a smile as if he expected this answer.
"I haven't picked you as my intern Madan, it was Mr. Gowtham Vidal. He just let me supervise you in his absence. Same way, I didn't pick her as my intern too, it was Mr. Gowtham Vidal. I just recommend her to him and passed his message to her. If you have problem you should speak with him as I am merely an acting mentor for you guys. I have no say in this issue!" Advith said the thing he should have said in the first and not when he have to give answer after witnessing all the drama.
"You seriously just said what I heard?" Umar asked for us, I guess as he too had the same face as us.
"Yes, Mr. Umar Shaikh and I hope you came here to hear our conversation after finishing what I asked?." Making sure he is speaking business and want other too move out and he don't want to be friendly now. And I accept that is really needed as it made all others back away as it clearly meant don't stand a minute more over here if you have a job or want a job.
"Madan has already mailed you. Haven't you checked?" Umar said rolling his eyeball at him.
"I did and that's why I am asking you the question." He said like he is came into normal mood as he folded his hand over the chest.
"Huh?" Umar asked and madan chuckled even though he is frustrated at Umar's face.
"I may have changed something and forgotten to inform you as I did it in your part!" Madan said and Umar glared at him.
"I will look into it now!" Umar said and was about to move.
"You have too! on glasnost, the artlessness is good with the idea. But, I think we have to try highlight that artlessness for extra credits too!" Advith said as if he is worked out and rested his head on the door.
"What are guys talking? Are you again planning to start over?" Umar asked frightened. Madan and Advith looked at eachother and looked at Umar and he sighed.
"I have worked as we planned too. I have sent that too!" Madan said slowly.
"Yet, the new one already have two votes to start over the plan?" Umar said than asked and madan smiled positively.
"Actually three votes, Kritick too liked it but crying over as we have to work again!" Advith said smiling a little. Making Umar surprised as kritick saying okay meant the idea seem to be really good.
"Why don't We look on the novelty then!" Umar said sulking a little as if he is in too.
"Can I join you guys?" I or we all heard a voice and believe it whose? Roopa Johal. Everyone looked at eachother. Advith smiled at her after he seem to give a thought.
"Yeah! Sure." He said and went inside the room. I and Madan looked at eachother at the door.
"You sure are okay?" Madan asked me don't you dare lie. I am already pissed from how Advith made him to create scene.
"I know she is here to just taunt me. Can you do me a favour?" I asked him as I really wanted it.
"I just want this internship to end sooner and without anymore drama. You and We all know she will not even try do bad to you. And she too know she can't win you. Let her slide!" I said and he gave a glare.
"You think I wanted her out because, I am intimated by her presence?" He asked as if he can't believe.
"Nope! Because she will try to intimate me by her presence if you left me alone!" He stayed silent as he knows I hate being protected all the time from her. But, I know if i don't give him the reason, he will be doing in all his power to make her away from me. I just know what will happen if he does go to speak with uncle about the matter. I just don't want anything bad happen to any because of me again.
"She is Narmadha Gupta's cousin. I hope you too heard the gossips too and seen her little over needed presence here frequently. Can't we slide our problem for few days?" I asked and madan looked at me up and down as if he is assessing me.
"If you want that!" He said looking at me for confirmation. I nodded at him.
"Guys, have you decided, when to come inside?" Umar asked scowling at us. We nodded at him and we all went inside. I saw Roopa sitting in the single seater sofa in his room.
"Madan, here I added few of my opinion. I asked kritick to bring his too, he will be here by around five at the maximum, I guess. Can you guys too look into it more? I will join you guys as I finish looking this finance papers!" He said eying his table sadly and gave a pen drive to Madan.
"Yeah! Do you need any help?" Umar asked snickering at Advith.
"I had enough last time. I think we are in time traffic already?" Advith said laughing a little himself as if they had some fun last time, he asked for fun.
"Right! I also have to finish a PowerPoint for tomorrow's weekly meeting. By the time kritick join can you finish?" Umar asked him seriously as if the time is really jammed for too bad!
"You need a hand?" Madan asked looking at Advith.
"I heard from Paul you did his finance checkup perfectly for him, though groaning You took medicine just to escape maths and now again landed up with it in hands, for a day. It's my turn and I am kind of going to recheck your work! Can't let you correct your own papers na?" Advith said pointing the files and madan laughed, I remembered madan holding having those files day last week.
"I won't mind giving myself cent marks though!" Madan said laughing a little.
"I could mind as I have myself have never scored cent mark. But, I hope you can lend us all your hand and complete what you changed!" Advith said like let's not forgot what we have in hand by simply talking around.
"On it, boss!" Madan said smiling a little and was about to go out, then stopped on the way.
"Can I use your computer? My laptop is out of battery and I forgot to bring my cable!" He said as how he forgot the main thing.
"Sure!" He said.
"Man! Can you excuse me an hour?" Madan looked at umar raising a brow. "let me finish the ppt, have to present tomorrow" he started and madan glared at him. "Then, I am all in this project !" Umar said as if he is promising. Madan groaned and nodded at him.
"I expect everyone at five thirty with me as we seriously need to complete the task!" Madan said and went to the computer desk.
"Are we his seniors or Is it him?"umar asked making us chuckle.
"I am so going to fail him!" Advith said making us all laugh out loud and Madan turned to us. Advith And umar shurgged their shoulders and left to do their works.
I didn't see I was still standing in the same place looking at everyone as standing at the door helps me have clear picture of the room. Until, Advith looked around for someone as he was taking his seat opposite to madan.
"Take your seat too, Ms. Sarah!" He said and I went taking a seat in the three seater sofa far away from Roopa. As I took the seat, I looked at Advith smiling again at me as if he is waiting for something. Then shaking his head, he opened the files that were waited for him to check.
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