I took my time as he didn't mention the time at all. So, I roam around speaking with all my friends as much as I would take use of the time he gave me.
I knocked at the conference hall door as hema said me madan, kritick, Umar, Sheela and three others are in a meeting. I thought of waiting but hot coffee will get cold. And also Advith said hema to let me in if I come as he want a hot coffee. Dare of him to order me.
"Come in Ms.Sarah!" I heard him say. He sure seems to expect me, I smiled and went inside and lights were turned On, to see it's Sheela.
"Wow! You came too soon than I expected, Ms.sarah! Are you sure you showed your respect to all your friends and fans?" Advith asked looking at his watch which must be showing five in the evening as he smiled a little.
"I tried my best to cover everyone to my knowledge, Mr.advith. If you want I can still go again taking some more time to show respect."I said faking politeness and cuteness run in my cells. You too Get the chuckles Advith!
"I don't want you to push you over the barr than you could, could I as you already given your best?" He just didn't insulted me did he? Oh no not the smugness again.
"I hope soon with the help of my mentor preachings, even I could outshine as you want Mr.Advith Vidal! Do you think my mentor isn't capable of it? Or he given up on me already?" I asked to see him giving me a look of blankness as he breathing in and out as if he is calming down.
"He is not someone to give up that easily! If he is not capable, I don't think you could have accepted him as your mentor. Or you accepted him that foolishly?" He asked giving me a look take it back yourself. I heard laughter echoing around the room as it clearly meant me to praise him myself.
"Sarah! You are failing bad!" I glared at the owner of the voice, Mr.madan for voicing out the fact.
"Very badly if we say!" I heard umar agree with him.
"Should have known to whom we are playing with young lady!" Advith whispered in my ears as he grabbed the coffee from the tray and I nodded at him.
"Enjoy your strong and hot filtercoffee for now Mr. Advith Vidal!" I said sarcastically and the smugness of him.
"Sure! Hotness is just upto my mark" he said as he opened the lid of the cup.
"I am Trying to be upto your mark always, Mr. Advith Vidal!" I said as I gave to Umar, madan. Asked to others Would they need some as I don't know they will be here. They all said no problem. He nodded at me as he sipped the coffee.
The look on his face is all I wanted and patted myself for the Picasso I created.
"Was it too hot? Excelling your mark?" I asked and he looked at madan, Umar, who are just a second away to take the sip and he looked at me and pulled a blank face. Oh My god! he got it na?
He smiled at me as he savoured the flavour as if it's a masterpiece. And the moment later they had the sip and enjoying their torture too. Unlike others who just spit it out and shouting what the heaven they had and looking irritated at my smugness.
"Am I failing very badly?" I asked chuckling at Umar and madan.
"Excelling and outshining!" Kritcik said giving me a hifi as he laughed with me, looking at other.
"Though Too hot for our preferences! I appreciate your special care in bringing us a strong and hot filter coffee!" He said as he had a sip again. Is he acing? Oh my god! he swallowed. The blank face on him is sure saying he is not going to give up.
"I will be privileged to give you my special care in bringing you all a strong and hot filter coffee anytime, you want Guys!" I said and outright no came from madan and Umar, making me chuckle a little. I looked at Advith.
"I would love it! I will surely keep that offer in my pocket. For now, you can leave as you are already working over the office hours! Though I am happy you are working, it would have been better if you work smartly and efficiently And I don't want you to overplay anything!" He said looking at the wall clock saying five forty five, though it meant don't you be too happy for getting me.
"Thank you for taking care of me. Just for that, I will always try to play well to keep you happy, Mr.advith Vidal! I could appreciate even if you don't overplay anything!" I said and I heard him chuckle at my caring face. Was it really funny? Everyone laughed.
"Sure, Ms.sarah! I can't deny any affection, can I? That too when the affection just want me to be happy and healthy?" He asked and I groaned as he always gets me back. When can I have a last word? I don't want to nod at him and give him the happiness which he denies to give me.
"Stop it guys! I don't really have time to hear you guys getting back at each other as it clear that no one of you want to back down. But, We want to complete this meeting Mr.advith Vidal as we sure are running out of time!" Kritck said and Advith nodded at him.
"Rammu anna is waiting down, Sarah!" Madan said me and I nodded at him.
"Bye guys! I Really mean that everyone don't overplay and take care yourselves!" I said looking at everyone as I meant looking at everyone eyes. And for the first time today, Advith nodded at me as everyone shouted they will and not too worry.
I smilled and left the hall. On out I saw gowtham uncle too leaving and he looked surprised to see me not leaving till then. I said him what happened as we went down, he laughed all the way.
As We reached down, I met gowri ma waiting for uncle to go to temple. Without hearing my pleas, she dragged me with them and we actually had blast as after going temple, she took me to shopping and bought all the things she found could be best for me and would anyone able to make her understand the meaning of no is not yes? Nope.
After that she took me too have dinner, where balijit grandpa and sudha grandma joined us. After repeated calling from shruti, viji ma and viren uncle as it crossed ten and I still outside. They let me go even though they don't want to, left me at shruti's home.
It's not that I didn't called them inside or they don't want to come inside. It's simply that gowtham uncle and gowri ma flying to London is in three hours as he is going for some business deal.
"It's twelve!" Viren uncle said as soon as I entered and gave a look over to the fifty shopping bags security anna and the driver anna keep bring inside to me.
"Are you suffering from any Shopping maniac, Sarah?" Shruti asked laughing a little.
"Maybe gowri ma and sudha grandma!" I said eying the shopping bags as both have equal contribution.
"What?" Viji ma asked little surprised and shocked.
I explained her how I ended up with these many bags as they knew I was out with them, thanks to the punishment every hour text to everyone about the whereabouts. Thank god they didn't said I shouldn't make a group called Sarah's whereabouts, which saved me my time. Thank god gowri ma and sudha ma wrote names on the bags. I took the bags that had shruti, viren uncle, viji ma name.
"Believe me! You can never make gowri ma and never ever make sudha grandma understand that no means not a yes!" I said as shruti, viren uncle, viji ma where trying to say I shouldn't have accepted these many gifts from them and them not taking the bags I am giving to them.
"But you should have made her understand that no means I don't want. Why Didn't you try that?" Viren uncle asked scowling at me.
"If you don't want to be showered with even more gifts than this, it's best you accept it uncle, that's how they make us understand that don't try to reject my affection!" I said and they looked at me as if how do you know that?
"This is the best example!" I said pointing the covers and they nodded laughing at me.
"Did you buy them and give any?" Viji ma asked and I smiled at her sheepishly.
"How many times I said you to use the cards! Leave it, I am not in the mood to argue with you again, I will send them some gifts in the morning!" Viji ma said as cards were given same like shruti, madan, Imran, Ranvir with same allowance as them every month. It's just I try never to use it as I can handle my need as much as I could.
"Have you seen something they like today? Having any idea What they would like? I really don't know what to gift them, they seem to take our preferences in consideration. Why did you said them what we like?" Viji ma hit my head as she was helping me sort out the bags in names.
"They could appreciate if you gift them plants, gowri ma loves gardening, I guess. As for of sudha grandma, maybe coffee beans would do, she loves filter coffee. Baljit grandpa loves to read, even he have a library at his house itseems. Gowtham uncle likes to run, So I think you can give him a sports shoe. As of Advith, temptation chocolate could do wonders, if I am right." I said as I thought what everyone would love and a smile as how my first lesson started.
"How do you know it all?" Viji ma asked as she sat in the dinning chair looking at me as of she is assessing me with smile.
"I am not sure, I am just guessing as I really never gave them gifts ever before!" I said and a thought of realisation struck on me.
"I never gifted them viji ma! They gifted me so many things!" I said and she just smiled at me.
"Let's gift them then, want to come shopping tomorrow?" She asked me. I nodded at her. "I will pick you in evening by five as you finish your work. Okay?" She asked and then I sighed.
"Viji ma! Apparently work hours Finish by five thirty itseems." I said and she gave me a raised brow as so what?
"So, I can't leave premise of the building even if the god wants unless almighty Advith don't gives me pass. He will give that for only valid reason, Shopping wouldn't come in it after what I did today!" I said laughing at the way she swallowed hard the sip of strong and hot filter coffee.
"Almighty Advith?" viji ma laughed hearing the name I gave for Advith.
"Yeah! Guess what he said when I saw him today?" I asked at her and she nodded a no with a smile.
"He dare had audacity to boss me around, viji ma that He said I was fashionably late!" I said and she gave me look.
"You left here by eight thirty itself, how come you were fashionably late?"
"Oh! I reached the building on time, it's just I kept taking with gowtham uncle and Paul, and ended up reporting to him late by eleven according to madan words." She laughed as he gets what happened.
"You were late to your job then!" I glared at her.
"I am not! I am still going to be really really late tomorrow or today!" I said as I watched the clock saying three in the morning.
"Why so?"
"Just to see what's the consequence I could face! He threatened me viji ma as I will have to face consequences. I am not going to make him feel happy by wining me as he not letting me feel least once. All he did today is getting back at me whenever I feel upper hand. Do you know what he said me?" She nodded a no.
"He said me that I should have known with whom i am playing with?" I said angrily as I groaned as still I can feel the helplessness at that moment.
"What where you playing?" She said and I explained her what happened and she just kept laughing at me as she heard me say.
"Luckily, I got him back to as he forgot who he is playing with too" I said and she raised her brows at me.
"I took special care in getting him strong and hot filtercoffee, just not him also madan and Umar." I said her laughing at their reaction. "As they sipped the milk mixed with unfiltered coffee powder and topped with hot chilli powder they had a bomb blast inside their mouth!" I said and she laughed out loud.
We both Laughed more as I kept explaining her the faces of Umar and madan. Yet, she too accepted with me that it was really frustrating with Advith not accepting his fail. We didn't know we were speaking all night until Viren uncle showed up in the morning saying us it's six. And shorty in ten minutes shruti too joined us and they asked what we are speaking. Viji ma summarised it to them and they too laughed as they heard.
A yawn escaped my mouth saying me sleeping is talking over me. We heard a horn to see madan coming inside after minutes.
"You are not ready yet?" Madan asked as first thing.
"Good morning to you too!" I said sarcastically.
"Don't say me you are planning to be very very fashionably late today!" Madan said as he took a seat in the chair as he greeted uncle, aunty and shruti.
"I am" I said as I saw Ranvir, Imran and zayan also arriving inside.
"Oh! No!" He said shaking his head and resting it in the headrest of the chair.
"What is the restlessness we feel?" Imran asked as he hold madan wrist pulse for dramatic effect.
As Ranvir, zayan greeted other and imran waved at everyone.
"We have drama queen already here on stage!" Madan said as he pulled his hands away. Imran chuckled and they were informed about my plan by shruti.
"If I am you, I couldn't have opted to face the consequences. I could have opted to make him face consequences for making me come early!" Viji ma said as she placed a coffee before me. I drank the coffee as I really need it to keep me awake.
"You are damn RIGHT" I said as I thought how idiot I was been. I looked at the time to see it just eight.
"Thirty minutes madan! Please pack me a breakfast viji ma!" I said and I ran up as I heard people laughing at me.
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