Felix and Jisung were patiently waiting for Chan to open the door when the sound of glass shattering was heard followed by a loud thud alerting the Sunshine twins.
Fel: hyung .... Chan hyung are you alright in there ...
Ji: hyung ... Chan hyung what happened?
They called out for a few seconds more but there was no response from the beta and now both of them were really worried. Jisung ran to go call any of the other alphas or changbin to help Felix while the said alpha was trying to break Chan's door off wanting to get to the beta already.
Jisung soon returned with Minho and together the two alphas began to break the door open . Soon as the door was open the three rushing inside and Felix was soon by Chan's side. While Jisung and Minho were scanning the room to see what they could find.
Fel: guys hyung's not responding he is unconscious.
Lk: trying to bring him out-
Ji: GUYS!!!!!
The two alphas were shocked by the suddenly yell from the omega and look towards the later only to see him holding up a couple of bottles in his hands with a horrified looks on his face and they could see a broken glass bottle with some pills spilling out
Lk: what's it Ji ?
Ji: guys I had thought this to be his insomnia meds or something when I first came in . But ...
Fel: then what are those ?
Ji: omega meds...
Lk: WHAT ?!!
Ji: these are supposed to be heat suppressants but it's not recommended for continuous use . Like maybe for skipping one heat or so within a gap of 6 months atleast.
Fel: but he's a beta.
Lk: well he lied to us. What are those other three bottles?
Ji: scent masking oil and pills. Also the pills for suppressing your second gender.
Fel: fuck...
Felix quickly carried the unconscious omega out to their living room with Minsung quickly following behind. All the ruckus above had alerted the rest so soon they were also there shocked to see their unconscious leader being carried by the youngest alpha .
Cb: what happened guys ?
IN: what's wrong with chan hyung ? Is he going to be ok ?
Lk: yes he is going to be ok. But I need two of you to go heat up some water and add some drop if that oil that you and Jisung use for your scent glands . And bring it over with a wash cloth.
IN: huh ? But those oils only work on omegas
Ji: exactly innie can you go do that ?
The confused pup just quickly nodded before pulling his mate with him to the kitchen after grabbing the oil from his room.
On the other hand Felix was starting to get more and more frustrated as the situation started sinking in and Minho good see this . Truth was that Minho was equally mad at the situation but he had better control of his emotions but felix didn't and Minho knew he is going to blow up if he stayed her any longer.
Lk: Lix.. Go out take a walk or something. Get some fresh air. You will lose control of your wolf if you stayed in here any longer.
Fel: ya I know I'm leaving just call me when he wakes up.
With that Felix left the dorms leaving Chan in Seungmin's arms. By then Hyunjin and IN were back with the warm water and wash cloth. Jisung quickly took it from Hyunjin and set it down before submerging the cloth in the water and using it to wipe at Chan's neck where his scent gland was.
IN: can someone tell me what's happening please ?
The younger seemed to be on teb verge of tears with how confused he was and seeing his leaders condition.
Ji: well for starters Chan hyung lied to us about his second gender. He is not a beta but a omega instead. And he was on some pretty risky meds.
Hj: is that why he fainted?
Ji: we can't say for sure but if you ask me it's not just the meds. He was sleep deprived and took these on an empty stomach which one is never supposed to do so the three factors combined could have lead him to fainting.
IN: why would Chan hyung do it ? Why would he take such a huge risk ? Was he disappointed or even repulsed by the idea of being an omega
Lk: We don't know why chan hyung took such risks but it's definitely not because he was repulsed by being an omega ok ..
This was directed towards not just Jeongin but also to Jisung whom Minho knew was thinking about the same thing.
Once Jisung was satisfied with wiping away the scent masking oil and it's piled up residues from Chan's neck he moved on to Chan's face but this time with wash clothes dipped in cold water in hoping of bring him out of the fainted state while Seungmin tried giving chan though it was really hard trying to get an unconscious person to drink water. But luckily their efforts work as chan woke up coughing the water out.
One look at his surroundings and chan knew he fucked up.
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