✨Chapter 43✨
After making love in the living room, Avery and Jax had moved to the bedroom where he once again brought her to orgasm and left her feeling weightless. Their love making had been so exerting, that she didn't even remember falling asleep. But now, the urge to pee had awoken her. She laid there, willing the urge to go away, but it was pointless. She really had to go. Sitting up on the bed, she stretched her muscles that were sore from her and Jax's adventures. She could still feel the ghost of him deep inside of her. Not bothering to put any clothes on, she began walking to the bathroom. As she made the walk down the hall, she couldn't fight the feeling that she wasn't alone. She had the feeling she was being watched.
Brushing it off as just her sleepy mind not functioning right, she went on to the bathroom to relieve herself. After washing her hands, she walked back to the bedroom, still feeling like she was being watched. Climbing onto the bed, she gently shook Jax to wake him.
"Jax, wake up." she whispered.
"What is it?" asked a sleepy Jax, not fully awake just yet.
"I went to pee and I had the feeling I was being watched. I just can't shake the feeling that someone is peeping on us." said Avery as she climbed off the bed once again and began getting dressed. If someone was watching, they had already gotten an eye full of her goods. She didn't want to give them more.
"I'll check it out. You stay here." said Jax as he grabbed his boxers from beside the bed and his pistol from its perch on the nightstand. "I'll be right back."
Avery watched as Jax exited the room, leaving her all alone and with nothing but time to think about if someone was really watching them.
What if they're in the house?
Who could be in the house?
What if Jax gets hurt?
What if I get hurt?
Not wanting to think the worst, Avery willed her racing heart to slow. She listened carefully to see if she heard Jax moving around the house. Just as she was beginning to calm her racing heart, she heard shouting and furniture being flung around the room. Not thinking twice, Avery dialed 911 and told the dispatcher what was happening.
"AHHHHH! They're shooting. There's gunshots" screamed Avery when she heard a gun go off. On instinct, she dove for the floor, keeping low so that she wasn't caught in the crossfire.
"How many gunshots maam?" asked the dispatcher.
"Two. There were two." said Avery as tears streamed down her face. "I dont know if my boyfriend is okay. Please hurry. He could be hurt." said Avery.
When Jax crept into the kitchen carrying his 9mm, the last person he expected to be sitting at the dining room table was Wendy. Lowerign his weapon, Jax walked towards her.
"What the fuck are you doing here Wendy? How the fuck did you get in here?" asked Jax as he neared her.
"Just paying you a little visit... husband." said Wendy.
"You need to leave right now." said Jax, anger lacing his voice. So much anger that he was having a difficult time controlling his temper.
"And why would I do that? I haven't even gotten to say hello to Avery yet. I did see her traipsing down the hall in naked though. I should have said hello." said Wendy snidely.
"Leave her out of this Wendy. Whatever beef you have is with me, not her." said Jax as she steeped a little closer to her. When he moved, she raised her weapon and pointed it directly at his chest.
Jax stopped dead in his tracks. His heart was pounding. Just knowing that she had the guts to point a weapon at him had his blood boiling. He wasn't one to put hands on a woman but this woman was testing him. She was threatening him and his future. There was a real possibility that Wendy was high. And Wendy high always ended up with someone hurt.
"She's the reason I wont get to raise my son. She's the reason my husband is cheating on me. She's the reason for it all Jax." said Wendy.
"Those consequences are because of your actions Wendy, not Avery." said Jax.
"Bullshit Jax. She's the reason my life is fucked up." said Wendy as she stood from the chair abruptly.
"Wendy, i'm warning you. You need to leave before someone gets hurt." said Jax, losing grip on his temper.
"And what's that mean Jax? You gonna kill me? Does your long lost love know the monster that you are? Does she know about the evil that lives inside you? Because I do. I've seen it." said Wendy.
"You think you know me but you don't know shit." yelled jax as he lunged for her.
Wrestling her to the floor, Jax tried to get control over the gun. But Wendy being high, she fought him with everything she had in her. They rolled around the kitchen floor, knocking over chairs and bumping the kitchen table. Just when Jax thought that she was giving up, Wendy managed to get a shot off that just missed his head. Knowing that she had just tried to kill him had him seeing red. all he could think about was getting her disarmed and saving himself and Avery.
Hoping that Avery would stay in the bedroom, Jax fought her tooth and nail. Once again, they rolled on the floor -him on top of her, wrestling to get control of the weapon, her on the bottom, kicking and screaming and fighting with all she had. And then a shot rang out and all was quiet.
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