Author's note: Bonus update! Have a good Friday everyone!
Cecil was dashing towards Hana from behind, still dragging a quiet Zasiok along. That was until she noticed Hana swaying unsteadily.
"Hana!" Cecil exclaimed, panicked, sprinting forward to catch Hana before she fell to the ground.
Xue stepped in beside Cecil, and she glanced up, seeing his concerned frown.
"Hana." Xue whispered out, his voice anxious.
She was unconscious, motionless.
Zasiok observed Hana in concern as well. "We need to bring her to a healer, quickly."
Cecil glanced around, her eyes widening as she absorbed the grisly scene. She also noted the blood stains on Xue's face, along with his shirt.
The soldiers seemed terrified of approaching Xue, despite the king himself shouting orders to them. They surrounded the four of them in a circle, but none of them daring to take a step forward.
Cecil cursed inwardly, she could guess what occurred.
"Xue, did you...kill right in front of Hana?" Cecil questioned.
Xue stiffened, glancing at the dead soldiers and looking down at his hand, not smirking this time. "...yes."
Cecil sighed, appearing contemplative. Meanwhile, Xue remained silent, clenching his fists as his eyes flared up in frustration.
Hana, in the novel, would have fainting spells along the way in the journey because of Xue. She was regaining her memories that Veau forcibly erased, via an excruciating process. Thus, regaining her memories wasn't an easy process either.
She only regained her memories, after seeing the bad sides of Xue. With him murdering people in cold blood, with him having outbursts of anger and showing his obsessive behaviour.
The bad memories outweighed the good ones, and it eventually led to Hana erecting a wall in their relationship, just like the past.
Even though Cecil hoped that Hana hadn't fainted for this reason, she couldn't find any reason to doubt it.
Cecil never really knew the exact memories Hana would recover either, since the author only gave those memories a vague description.
The first fainting spell, was indeed around this arc. Looks like what is bound to happen...will happen in one way or another.
Pain flitted across her limpid, onyx eyes. She wanted to delay it, thus she has been reminding Xue again and again, but it was futile.
"You cretins! If you charge all at once, what is there to be afraid of?!"
The soldiers were growing frustrated at the king's insulting remarks, and they finally decided to move.
The king isn't holding back anymore, since the queen was nowhere to be found.
"Damn, get ready!" Zasiok hollered, assuming a defensive stance.
"I'll carry her." Xue urged, and Cecil paused for a second before handing Hana over to Xue.
Both parties seemed to have something to say, but they knew it wasn't the right time to do so.
The fight resumed, and unfortunately, their manpower was down by one. Moreover, with Xue carrying Hana in his arms, all Xue could do was dodge and use his legs to attack, using his fire energy to increase the range of his attacks.
"I'm almost out." Zasiok grunted out, a drop of sweat rolling down his face.
Cecil bit on her lower lip, glancing between Zasiok and Xue. She knew they had expended a tremendous amount of elemental energy to save her earlier. Even if Xue relied on his physical prowess, there was only so much he could do with Hana in his arms.
If only...I was in an area with more trees, I could have summoned my vines to help us!
They were in a conundrum.
Cecil glanced helplessly to Xue and Hana, she knew that the two of them would most definitely get out alive, even if barely.
It was only possible since they were the protagonists of this novel.
The four of them neared one another, their backs touching and the soldiers surrounded them. The king chortled, his words carrying a tone of arrogance.
"Treacherous bastards, you think you can escape from this entire platoon? There's only the four of you!"
Zasiok clicked his tongue, his eyes gleaming with a hint of vulnerability. He was panting heavily, and he felt as if his body was shouldering the weight of dozens of boulders.
He scanned the three people around him, especially the unconscious Hana. A twinge of guilt made its way across his solemn face, and he gritted his teeth.
"I apologise, deeply."
Cecil and Xue glanced at Zasiok.
"What for?" Cecil questioned, frowning.
"About everything, Cecil. If only I hadn't involved you in the beginning, this wouldn't have happened."
Cecil wanted to respond, only to be interrupted by Xue.
"You finally realised it," Xue answered, his voice chilly. "Pathetic."
Zasiok flared up, gritting his teeth further, but he held it in. He was the one at fault after all, he had no right to be angry.
Especially since he was jeopardizing their lives.
With every step the soldiers took, the three of them took a step back. The king was closely biding this time, wanting nothing more than to relish the hapless looks on their faces.
Zasiok sighed heavily. "...I'm truly sorry, I will surrender myself and you can use that time to--"
Those words triggered Cecil, making her burst out. "Don't be ridiculous! We made the decision to get involved! If you surrender, our efforts will be for naught!"
Zasiok blinked, surprised.
Even Xue was surprised at Cecil's outburst, he had never seen her react in such an vehement manner. However, he didn't display any emotion, remaining indifferent.
Cecil realised her outburst, widening her eyes. "So-sorry, I didn't mean to shout like that."
"It's...fine, Cecil. Thank you."
Cecil nodded, a small smile curving at her plump, pink lips.
"...even if you surrendered, the king wouldn't let us go." Xue added. "Look at him."
Zasiok found himself agreeing with Xue. "...I can't deny that."
The king eventually grew bored observing his cautious prey, signalling at the soldiers to proceed.
"Kill them."
Even if the protagonists will protect themselves, we can't stand by and let ourselves be arrested! We'll die!
Cecil panicked, bracing herself to fight to her last breath.
The two men did the same, while Hana remained motionless.
All of a sudden, loud exclamations were heard from a portion of the platoon. Everyone could see soldiers flinging into the air and getting carried away, one by one by a force.
It was a force that resembled a tornado, but it was smaller in size. Nevertheless, it still proved lethal as the soldiers were getting picked off at a rapid pace. It was even picking up debris in its way.
A dust devil?!
Cecil recoiled, her eyes wide in disbelief.
How is it happening here, at this moment?
To her horror, another dust devil appeared out of nowhere.
"What the hell!"
The soldiers, who were originally in gathered in a circle, were now scattering in blind panic. The king was escorted out of the area immediately, and threw a tantrum, commanding the soldiers to kill the "criminals", clearly disregarding their safety.
"Captain." Someone spoke in a low voice, startling Cecil.
Xue had already brandished his spear, aiming it at the stranger.
Cecil recognised the man to be Kian's personal bodyguard, but Kian was nowhere to be found.
"He's my subordinate." Zasiok stated, fatigue lacing his voice. "What are you doing here? You need to be with master."
"The master has ordered me to escort you to safety, while he distracts."
Zasiok sighed, pressing his hand against his forehead. "I knew it, only he is capable of this."
"It's taking a toll on him, conjuring them. The king may begin to suspect." The bodyguard warned.
"It always has, and always will. That's why I warned master repeatedly not use it unless the situation calls for it." Zasiok sighed again, wearing a troubled frown. "...why are all of you helping me. I really don't..."
"We need to go," his subordinate urged. "Your parents will be there as well."
He began to maneuver his way among the panicking soldiers, guiding them. Xue followed him first, still carrying Hana gently, and Cecil accompanied him, casting a glance at Zasiok. Zasiok hesitated, before going along in silent acquiescence.
I don't deserve any of this help, from any of you.
They fought off some strays that stood no chance against them. The dust devils were effective, and the group escaped from the crowd without breaking a sweat, leaping onto a tree and smoothly making their way past the castle walls.
"The lady is alright, she fainted from shock. I would advise you to observe her once she awakens, and visit any other nearby healer if you notice any repercussions."
The healer was a women in her fifties, donning a white robe, and a tender smile stretched across her lips, reaching her dark brown eyes.
They were in the bedroom that the healer used exclusively for her patients. Hana laid on the bed, her eyes closed as she breathed evenly. A light breeze blew in from the opened window, causing the wind chime to ring softly, serene.
"Thank you, Odval." Zasiok responded, grateful. He was standing right next to Hana, glancing down worriedly at her.
The healer started to drag him away just then.
"Look at you, you are an even worse state than she is, Zasiok," Odval stated, hurt evident in her voice. "How could they treat you like this? You've been at Kian's side for years, and they say you murdered the prince? Preposterous!"
"Odval, wait, Hana is--"
"Worry about yourself first!"
Odval fretted over Zasiok, gathering numerous ointment from her shelves and applying it on Zasiok's wounds. She took some herbs and flowers, brewing and mixing them thoroughly.
Zasiok had no choice other than to obey the healer, nagging at him incessantly.
Cecil released a short chuckle, before turning her head towards Xue, who has been unusually quiet the entire time. Even when Zasiok started paying attention to Hana, Xue didn't make any move to stop Zasiok.
He was leaning against the wall, next to the doorway, hands tucked into his pockets as he gazed at Hana, troubled.
Cecil looked down, fingers tapping her chin.
That's the novel, Xue grew concerned after seeing Hana faint, it made him unstable. I could have sworn, he would act rashly and attack Zasiok, but...he didn't.
She brought her head back up eventually. To her surprise, Xue was gazing right at her, an inscrutable look in his grey eyes.
Cecil stopped her fingers, staring right back at him. He continued gazing at her, fixated.
Cecil slowly moved her hand away from her chin, blinking rapidly. She found his stare rather...feverish, making her conscious.
Why is he looking at me like that? It's...awkward? Strange? How do I describe it?
Xue took his hands out from his pocket, shifting his position so that his entire body was now facing her, crossing his arm against this chest as he rest his head on the wall. The whole time, his grey eyes never once wavered, remaining locked on Cecil.
The orange hue from the sun, streamed in via the doorway, casting an ethereal glow on Xue. With his stunning looks, the glow only made him appear more handsome and emphasised his intense stare.
Being with Xue for a few months now, Cecil had grew accustomed to his blinding appearance. She was unfazed, but she was confused by the staring contest, tilting her head.
She mouthed his name, blinking curiously.
At that moment, his grey eyes softened considerably and a hint of smile played at his thin lips.
Cecil immediately straightened her head.
Her heart skipped a beat and she glanced away hastily, her eyes wide. She pressed a hand on her chest, her eyes wandering around in confusion.
What...was that? What was that?
For Cecil, who in her previous life, was born with a weak body and a weak heart, began to assume that there was something wrong with her. However, the Cecil Lan in the book did not have any underlying illness or poor constitution, hence, it was impossible.
She decided to disregard it, shaking herself awake and looking back at Xue. He was back in his original position, looking at Hana.
It was as if what had just occured was simply in her imagination.
Cecil shrugged it off, sauntering her way to Xue.
She assumed that Xue lost control since Hana was hurt amidst the battle, however, the healer revealed there were no other injuries on her.
...what is it then? What made him lose control?
《 start 》
Hana fainted from shock? Is it because of me? Is this are always warning me? To never kill in front of her?
Even if it's for Hana's safety?
No, in the first place, I didn't kill these people for Hana.
I killed them for you, since they hurt you.
Hah, this is ridiculous. Just how far have you creeped into my mind, that I'm even willing to kill for you?
Just how far...
Ah, she's tilting her head, calling for me. How cute.
What the hell am I thinking?!
《 stop 》
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