“Sorry, anything but that,” Zack instantly rejected them, sounding apologetic. “I am delivering these stack of hays to my customer.”
“Will you be passing anywhere nearby to Aoi then?” Cecil questioned.
Zack shook his head. “I am going in a completely different direction.”
Cecil was distressed.
Hana pouted sadly.
K’xug thought about all the walking they had to do, his aching body not helping him.
Xue remained indifferent.
All of a sudden, recognition flitted past Zack’s eyes and he gasped, reaching forward and grasping Cecil by the shoulder, his wrinkled face glowing in excitement.
“Aren’t you the daughter of the Lan family in Aoi?!”
Cecil blinked in surprise, nodding slowly. “Yes, I am Cecil Lan.”
Zack’s eyes then drifted to Hana, and he felt his body trembling in excitement.
It isn’t only the daughter of the Lan family, but the daughter of the Katae family too!
I...I hit the jackpot!
The families of the two ladies were famous merchants in the entire Han continent, making connections with them would ensure a good career for any merchant.
“The daughter of the Katae family?”
“Mhmm!” Hana nodded as she beamed. “I am Hana Katae!”
Zack had heard of the daughters of the two families, how they were practically inseparable and how they possessed exceptional appearances.
One a raven-haired beauty, and the other a red-haired beauty! And their appearances!
I definitely got them right!
It’s the real jackpot!
Zack opened his mouth, wanting nothing more than to happily agree to giving them a ride. He would just deliver the goods to his customer later.
“Then I--”
Zack felt his hand on Cecil’s shoulder being grabbed and flung away, and Xue stepped into view, glowering at him.
The older man stumbled back, frightened by the menacing aura Xue was currently emitting towards him. Everything about the aura was just telling him “don’t touch her”, and Zack felt a drop of sweat rolling down his face.
He’s the possessive kind, huh…
Cecil glanced curiously at Xue standing beside her. “What’s wrong, Xue?”
“Oh Zack, what were you about to say?” Cecil probed.
“A-as I was saying, since it is like this, I wouldn’t mind giving you a ride back to Aoi,” Zack said, and he leaned in closer. “In exchange, I would like to introduce some of my goods...to your parents.”
It dawned on her what the man really wanted.
“Of course, that wouldn’t be a problem,” Cecil smiled. “My parents would be more than glad to meet the person who gave us a free ride back home.”
It was a long three hours journey back home.
The entire time, Rikka was brimming with energy as she chatted animatedly. Sometimes, there would be some peaceful silence, and before Cecil completely drifted off to sleep, Rikka would find a topic to talk about again.
Cecil would find herself being kept awake, and she only joined the conversation tiredly. Moreover, Hana, who was always the energetic one among their group, found it difficult to keep up with Rikka as well.
Eventually, Rikka did most of the talking.
K’xug had his eyes closed the entire time, resting despite the incessant babbling from Rikka.
Xue was silent, only speaking curtly when he was brought into the conversation. The rest of the time, his gaze was focused solely on Cecil.
There was another reason why Cecil couldn’t fall asleep, since she was growing conscious of the man seated beside her. They were so close to one another, she had lost count the number of times their shoulders and thighs brushed against one another.
If it was in the past, she wouldn't have cared, but now, knowing that this handsome man sincerely liked her...
Cecil found it hard to keep calm.
By the time they reached the front gate of the mansion, all four of them were thoroughly exhausted and they wanted nothing more than to soak themselves in soothing, hot bath and sleep on huge, comfy beds.
“Young mistress, welcome back--woah!”
“Miss Katae--oh my god!”
“Mr. Xue--”
The servants that hurried out to greet them almost fell off their feet when they saw their appearances of their honoured, young mistresses.
Cecil was covered in dirt and grime everywhere, her hair was disheveled and parts of her dress were torn. Moreover, she wore the most fatigued look on her face, looking nothing like their haughty and indifferent young mistress they were used to seeing.
Hana was in a similar state, and the usual cheery self she always wore was completely gone. Now, she was nodding off, her eyes drooping close and she shook herself awake from time to time.
“Hello…” Hana greeted the servants without her usual cheery tone.
Meanwhile, Xue was no better except that he didn’t show how tired he looked on the surface. He still remained impassive, like he always would.
The most surprising thing was the newcomer that stood beside all three of them. The cooper brown-haired man seemed to be in the worst state, looking as if he had arrived home from being in the frontline of an arduous, bitter war.
In addition to that, all four of them had hay sticking out of their hair and clothes. Even with their outstanding mien, their current state was no different from that of a beggar in the streets.
“The young masters and young mistresses have been through a really tough...journey.” Zack commented, seeing that none of them responded to the servants.
They all seemed dead on the surface, except Hana who responded to the servants with one single “hello”.
The parents of the two daughters heard the joyous news from their servants, rushing out of their mansions and they reacted in the same manner as their servants when they saw the baffling sight.
“Mother, father.” Cecil greeted her parents with a half-hearted bow.
Her parents immediately embraced her, and her mother was sobbing in relief.
“Oh Cecil, my sweet daughter!”
“Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?”
“Quick, prepare the baths for all four of them!”
Hana’s parents rushed out as well, embracing Hana.
The moment Xue and K’xug caught sight of Hana’s parents, the two men widened their eyes as they glanced at one another. There was a glimpse of understanding in their eyes, despite the bewildered expression on their faces.
“You saw it too?” Xue questioned K’xug softly.
K’xug nodded.
“...I did not see that on them before,” Xue muttered to himself. “What the hell is going on here?”
K’xug shrugged.
Soon enough, all of four of them were escorted to the bathroom to take an enjoyable and needed shower. The two men did not even have the time to question Hana’s parents about the familiar sight that they noticed from them.
In fresh clothes, and no longer feeling any grime sticking to their skin, all of them were now in a better mood. Zack and Rikka were also there, and Zack couldn't wait to make use of the opportunity to increase his prospects to become a wealthy merchant.
Hana glanced around, tilting her head to one side.
“Where is K’xug?”
“We gave him a...makeover.”
“A makeover?!” Hana gasped.
Cecil widened her eyes.
Xue narrowed his eyes at Hana’s mother, a look of askance in his eyes.
Hana’s mother knew that Xue was now suspicious of her, and she didn’t dare to look at Xue. She nudged her husband seated beside her, and her husband was equally nervous, not daring to look at Xue in the eyes.
Xue lifted himself off the wall, approaching Cecil and Hana who were seated opposite their parents. The entire time, he kept his eyes focused on Hana’s parents, and they could feel Xue’s doubtful gaze on them.
The door to the living room opened, and a copper-brown haired man stepped in. Upon seeing him, Hana stood up in shock, her hands flying to her mouth.
Cecil looked K’xug up and down, nodding in approval.
Xue assessed the new appearance of K’xug, eyebrows slightly raised.
He was no longer in the same messy and dirty state he was in earlier. He was dressed in a proper shirt and pants, bandages wrapped around his body and his long, copper-brown hair had been trimmed short.
“K’xug, you look great!” Hana complimented with a wide smile.
He raised his hand, rubbing at his neck awkwardly. It felt weird having short hair, since the only time he had short hair was during his childhood days. However, the servants insisted that his hair was too damaged, and he needed to let his hair regrow again.
They insisted they wouldn't allow K'xug to appear so unkempt in front of their masters either.
K'xug merely accepted it, wanting nothing more than to hurry back to his friends' side, and get some well-needed rest.
“K’xug, he looks even more handsome now that he is all cleaned up.” Cecil mused, still nodding in approval. “Short hair, long hair...both styles suits him well. Indeed, very handsome.”
Xue was standing close enough to Cecil to overhear her words, and he stiffened.
All of a sudden, Cecil felt a chill run down her spine as she felt a piercing gaze on her back. She slowly turned her head, and she flinched back when she noticed the gloomy look in Xue’s grey eyes.
...Xue likes me.
In romance books, and even in real life, hearing the person you like complimenting another person like that…
...it can only mean...
[ Previous impression points: 88
Remaining impression points: 88
Yes, Xue is jealous like you suspected. ]
Cecil winced internally, before she realised something was wrong with the information given by AI500.
“Is--is that an error, AI500? There is no difference in the points.”
[ It is not~
Xue does not want to minus your points, even though he is unhappy (and jealous). ]
She was so moved by that answer from the system, she felt her face growing slightly warm.
“Is it true?” Xue questioned, his voice low.
“Eh? What?”
“Do you find K’xug…very handsome?”
Cecil did not know why, but she started to panic and stutter.
“I-I do, I mean, even Hana thinks so, look at her!” Cecil forced a smile on her face, and she noticed Xue’s mood starting to plummet, making her panic even more. “Bu-but K’xug cannot be compared to you, you are still the most handsome person to me and no one can compare--”
She halted abruptly, realising the words she just uttered as she met his grey eyes.
Xue blinked at her, surprised by the words uttered by Cecil.
Cecil placed her fingers over her mouth, feeling her cheeks heating up rapidly and she quickly turned her head.
She had no idea why she was feeling shy.
Xue rubbed at his nose in embarrassment, and he took a step closer to Cecil, his hand resting on the top of the couch, right beside her shoulder. He leaned down, lowering his voice as he spoke with a hint of smile.
“Those words...do you mean it?”
Cecil pushed herself further into the couch, feeling the tip of her ears burning now.
“Is it really me that you--”
She stood up abruptly and Xue moved to the side to avoid her head crashing into his chin.
“I...I am going to sleep!” she announced abruptly, startling a few people in the living room.
Hana yawned loudly at the same time. “Cecil, me too…”
Cecil almost literally dashed out of the room, and Hana accompanied behind her.
“Ah, that's right, we need to discuss with Zack over here about the favour...” Cecil's mother stood up, exiting the room and her father did the same, following after his wife.
Zasiok witnessed the whole conversation from the inside, and he could feel how happy Xue was receiving such a compliment from Cecil. Since Zasiok had long viewed himself as Xue as well, he was equally happy and he chuckled, shaking his head.
He watched from the inside as Cecil hurriedly left the room.
At the same time, he heard soft movements behind him.
Seems like another one of us is finally waking up.
“What the hell happened…?” Kai groaned out, rubbing at his chest, frowning deeply. “And why do I feel so...happy?”
The other unconscious soul fragments were just laying on the ground haphazardly. Zasiok did not bother to lay them on the couch or move them around.
“You are the next one to wake up?” Zasiok turned around, raising his eyebrow. “I didn’t expect that.”
Kai stood up, approaching Zasiok and still confused at why he felt so happy on the inside. “What do you mean by that?”
“You remember how you ended up fainting?”
Kai stared into space for a few moments, a blank look on his face before he gasped. “Ah! I remember now! So it is only you and me awake?”
“And Xue.”
“That doesn’t explain why I feel so happy, unless it’s from Xue.”
“It is,” Zasiok nodded, pointing at the screen-like image that showed what Xue was seeing and hearing in real time. “Apparently, Cecil said he is the most handsome person to her, and no one could compare.”
“Heh,” Kai showed a toothy grin, rubbing his neck as he shared the joy equally with Xue. “We are the most handsome person to her?”
“She said so herself.”
“Where is she now? Where is Cecil now? I wanna see her!” Kai looked at the “real-time video” being played.
All of a sudden the “video” was cut off, everything going black. It was a sign that Xue had cut off their connection.
Kai turned to look at Zasiok, and Zasiok only shrugged his shoulders.
“Too bad, no Cecil for now.”
Kai felt aggrieved.
“Damn it, why didn’t I wake up earlier?!”
“You missed so many moments of Cecil being cute.” Zasiok added.
Hearing that, Kai wanted to cry tears of regret and he ran to Zasiok, grabbing his collar as he shook him violently. “Damn you, Zasiok! Share that memory with me, share it!”
“We share the same soul, but I can’t share the same brain with you.”
“There has to be a way!"
"You can always ask Xue."
"As if I would! Even if he could, he wouldn't share it no matter what!"
"If it was you, would you share it?" Zasiok asked.
Kai immediately stopped shaking Zasiok, his voice solemn. "No way in hell, not even if I die."
"Right?" Zasiok raised his eyebrows. "Then what makes you think I would share it with you?"
Kai resumed his shaking again. "Damn it, just share it!"
"Nope. And stop shaking me."
"I won't! Not until you share it with me!"
"...you are just asking to be punched."
Kai grinned. "You can try."
Zasiok threw a punch and Kai avoided him. The next second, Kai had Zasiok in a headlock.
"Share it!"
"Goddamn share it!"
The commotion eventually roused the others from their sleep.
"Why is it so bloody noisy?" Leonaut groaned, sitting up, clutching at his forehead.
Sid was the next one to sit up, muttering softly as he yawned. "That was a good sleep, but it kinda hurt..."
Alric blinked sleepily, before his eyes widened in shock. "Wh-why are you guys fighting?!"
"Zasiok! Share it!"
"The two of you, shut the hell up! Can't a guy just get some sleep?!" Leonaut barked at the two of them.
"It isn't me who started this." Zasiok said, looking at Leonaut. He had Kai in a headlock this time, while Kai was punching at his side.
"I am in the middle of extracting important information from Zasiok right now!" Kai retorted.
Zasiok sighed.
Alric stared at the scene, bewildered and he flinched when he felt an ominous presence beside him.
Isleif had his legs pulled up, resting his chin on them as he glared at the empty space in front of him.
The air around him only screamed that he wanted to kill someone.
Alric scuttled back, and his movements attracted Isleif's attention. Isleif's crimson eyes were now focused on him, still holding killing intent in them. Alric scuttled back even faster, knowing that he would cry tears of fright at any moment.
Alric banged into Zasiok's legs, interrupting their fight. Leonaut stood up to join in the fight after Kai provoked him.
"Th-that guy is too scary…" Alric whimpered.
All of them heard Alric clearly, their eyes shifting towards Isleif.
Isleif met their eyes, and he showed them a dangerous smile. "If you keep looking, I'll gouge your eyes out."
The next second, everyone heard a low thud near them.
"Ah, he fainted." Leonaut looked down at Alric beside them.
It was as if the soul has flown out from his body.
"He just woke up from fainting, and he fainted again," Kai muttered, awed. "Alric is pretty amazing."
"It's an impressive skill." Zasiok agreed with a nod.
Sid disregarded Isleif, turning to the other three. "So...what do you guys even eat in here?"
Kai was still trapped in a headlock as he blinked at Sid.
"We don't eat at all."
"Yep, not at all."
"Not one bit."
"WHAT?!" Sid burst out in disbelief.
Leonaut started to drag the lifeless Alric across the floor, throwing him onto the couch. "There we go, you always end up fainting on the floor."
Isleif finally realised he was being ignored, and he went back to his glaring session at the empty space in front of him.
Eventually, there were only four people left inside the living room. It was Hana’s parents, K’xug and Xue. Xue moved to sit on the couch and K’xug leaned against the couch, his arms across his chest.
“Have you known who I was the entire time?” Xue questioned, leaning in closer.
Hana’s parents both nodded at the same time.
Xue narrowed his eyes, he wasn’t able to see through their disguise before, since he had only absorbed so little of his soul back. Compared to now where he had gained back more of his soul, and his powers.
“You are not mortals,” Xue growled out menacingly. “Reveal yourselves.”
《 start 》
I am the top in your list.
I am the best in your list.
No one can compare to me...
《 stop 》
Author's note: Another way to get through a man's heart, other than their stomach, is their egos.
Lmao, I'm kidding! (even though it might be half true)
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