The Next Captain America
This takes place after Endgame so yes, there are spoilers.
Here are the OC'S:
Trisha Rogers-Barnes: Daughter of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Age 15.
Daniel Strange: Son of Stephen Strange. Age 15.
Here's everyone else's ages for reference:
Peter Parker: Age 18
Morgan Stark: Age 7
Trisha's POV
I walked into the Avengers Tower with Daniel Strange, my best friend. We were talking about the recent events. Well, they weren't exactly recent. They were two years ago. See, seven years ago a titan named Thanos snapped his fingers and half the universe disappeared. Me and Daniel included.
After the snap, we all handed together. Morgan's dad, Tony had died and my dad basically died. He went to the past saying that's where he truly belonged. He left my pops for some woman that died years ago. He claimed that 'he should have died when he fell into the ice.' And 'he and Pops were just friends, and it would have stayed that way if noting happened.'
So here I am, talking with Daniel about how I don't want to go and talk to my dad. He doesn't look like my dad. And he doesn't act like my dad. I don't know why things can't just go back to before the snap. When we were normal. When we were happy.
"Trish," Daniel said, pulling me away from my thoughts, "you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. I had to keep lying about this. I had to seem okay. If I don't, then the okay living structure we have will crumble.
"I can tell when you're lying," he told me.
"I'm not lying," I said, trying to smile.
"If you need to talk, I'm here," he said.
We walked into the elevator and the doors shut behind us. "Penthouse," Daniel said. We stood in a comfortable silence for a minute until Daniel broke it, saying "have you talked to your dad recently."
I nodded, "I tried last week. Saying that we miss him. He told me that I'm not his kid anymore. He has his own family with Peggy."
He hugged me. "It's going to be okay. You're going to get through this. He's just being an asshole right now. I don't know why. It might have been because of the war. It might have been because of the time travel. It's not the safest thing to do for long periods of time."
"I just-" I started before cutting yourself off.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing, It's nothing. I'm fine."
He raised an eyebrow. "The first thing I learned about humans is that when they say they're fine, they're not."
"I'm an exception," I said.
"Sure you are."
Right when I was about to respond the elevator doors opened and we stepped out. On the couch sat Peter and Harley, both playing Mario Cart. Morgan sat on the floor in front of them, building what looked to be an Iron Man suit out of Legos.
I walked over to Morgan and sat down next to her. "Whatcha building?" I asked her.
"A suit," she responded, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes.
"Who's suit?" I asked
"Dad's. Do you know when he'll come back?" She asked me.
I took a deep breath before responding. "No Morgan, I don't. Sorry."
"It's okay," she said noticing my frown, "do you want to build something?"
"Sure," I smiled, "I don't know what to bike though."
"You could build a spider," she suggested.
"Like Peter?" I asked. It was no secret here that Peter was Spider-Man. Everyone found out someway or another. For me, I found him on the floor, bleeding out. For Morgan, she just found his suit.
She shook her head. "Mommy tells me storys of a brave spider who saved the world. She said that the spider was my aunt. I don't know how that's possible though."
"I think I'll build a spider," I said.
"Or you can build a shield! Like Captain America's!" She said energetically.
"You like Captain America?" I asked, thinking about my dad.
"Yeah! Especially since it's you!"
"Mor, I'm not Captain America," I said.
"But you are!" She said.
"No, I'm not."
"FRIDAY," she turned to look up at the ceiling, "can you play the audio from when Dad and Mr. Captain America were taking about who would succeed them? Only the part about Captain America though."
"Absolutely," FRIDAY said. The audio started playing and I listened, not knowing if Morgan was joking or not.
"So, who's going to succeed you? Who's going to be the next Captain America?" Tony's voice filled the room.
Peter and Harley looked up. "He's back?" Peter asked.
"Just an audio recording," I explained. Peter nodded and listened.
"Either Sam or Trisha if I die right now. Trisha will eventually but I don't know if she's ready yet," my dad's voice filled the room.
"Why not now?"
"She got snapped. I'm going to bring everyone back but I don't know if she'll want to do any hero work after she's back."
"That makes sense," Tony said.
"What about you?" My dad's voice asked.
"Oh, definitely-" the audio stopped playing.
"See?" Morgan asked, "you're then next Captain America."
"No, Sam is," I told her, "that's what he said."
"Maybe now, but later he won't be. And that's where you step in."
"Okay, this is nice and all but who's the next Iron Man?" Daniel asked.
"Oh, it's-" a sound interrupted Morgan, a truck coming by.
Word Count: 868
Thank you for reading this, it means so much to me. If you enjoyed, please consider voting. If you see any mistakes or ways I can make something better, feel free to leave a comment in that place.
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