Chapter 36: Mine
This is second to the last chapter and that's sad to say. But who knows? You might see more if you want more. Haha. Happy reading!
My lunch with everyone is like usual. Very loud since all of them are all teasing and making fun of each other. We are having lunch in the private area that we had in the upper deck. There is a pool, jacuzzi, and a mini bar. I don't know why they wanted to be separate from the other passengers of this cruise but I guess they wanted privacy. Well, the owner of the ship is one of us so we had all of the VIP treatment.
Since this is the first day of me and Stephan being a couple, you can ran away from all the questions and teasing. At first, I thought that we are going to keep this a secret then tell them later on but I was wrong. Stephan made it really obvious once we stepped in.
He wouldn't let go of my hand then kiss it if he feels like it. After we are out lunch, I was actually sitting between Stephan and Belle. I was chatting with her whole the boys have their own world on the side of the table. The three paid girls are also here but like always, it's only them who are talking to each other.
"Do you want some wine?" Stephan slightly poked my shoulder. He seems to notice that my glass is already empty.
I shook my head. "Nah, I'm fine with water."
Without even asking him to do, he stood up to grab the pitcher of water that was a meter away from me and pour me a new glass. Seriously?
"I can do that myself." I told him, taking the glass. Until I noticed that everyone became quiet all of a sudden.
Lucas was the first one to laugh. "Since when did Stephan became a dog?"
Stephan gave him a middle finger as she placed his arm around me. Everyone looks really surprised at his sudden change of attitude. Well, me too if I am not used of his gestures. Stephan became extra sweet when we made our relationship official yesterday. Should I complain? Of course not. I'm so blessed to have a guy like him as my boyfriend.
"Why don't all of you start looking for a real girlfriend? It feels awesome." Stephan hissed at them.
"That's the problem. We still haven't met them yet." Zephyr butted in, drinking his glass of wine. "Fate isn't that kind."
Marko groaned and crossed his arms behind his head as he leaned on his chair. "Tsk, women will just get on my way. I'm too busy to handle a girl."
Christian chuckled. "What about the maid who cursed you in front of everyone?"
"Marie?" I guessed, having a hint.
"So that's her name." Christian chanted, rubbing his chin. "Actually that maid is the one in charge to clean up my suite but Marko changed it because I flirted with her. Marko liked her very much but he was too stubborn to realise it."
Marko scoffed, disapprovingly. "There is no way I would fall for that maid. She is evil and loud and noise...and arrogant...and selfish...and a sadist!" He muttered then frowned. "If it wasn't for her mother, I would have fired her a long time ago."
"But she was very nice to me." I murmured.
"Oh, don't trust that creature, Ariana. She's evil." I that Marko is only kidding. It's obvious that they hate each other but somehow it's kind of obvious that they have something for each other. I remembered the way Marie talked about Mark in my suite shows how much they dislike one another. But I'm sure they could make a very cute couple if their fate got twisted.
"I can't see why you guys distance yourselves with love." Rafael spoke this time. "Love is the most wonderful thing I have experienced in my whole life. You men are like babies if you continue that hate because that means you are afraid. Afraid to get hurt. Man up."
He has a point though.
"Yeah, look at me. You guys know how much I hate to fall in love. Especially what happened to me with my ex wife. I would rather kiss my own butt that experience it again." Stephan stated, his hold tightening around me then he turned his head to me to stare into my eyes. "Who would know that the best woman that I have met will end up with a guy like me?"
I smiled genuinely hearing Stephan's words. It sounded like love finally captivated him. And now he wants his Frieda to feel how happy it is.
His hands slowly travels on top of mine that was resting on my lap, below the table.
"It's easier said that done, dude." Lucas responded, shaking his head. "But we are happy for you and Ariana. Finally, after three years...three long years of waiting. You got together and fixed everything." He spoke softly and it sounded so bitterly yet happy.
Zephyr chuckled, shaking his head. "Never thought Lucas will say that. Since wen did you became happy to s couple?"
Lucas punched his arm. "Don't mind me and mind your own fucking business." He spoke, deepening each word.
Christian laughed and clapped his hands. "To Stephan and Ariana!" He raised his glass.
Then everyone followed and repeated. "To Stephan and Ariana!" Then we all clinged our glasses together before drinking it. "And good luck with your plans tonight, my man." Lucas blurted out before everyone could laugh out loud.
Wait, plans for tonight?
The boys made a deathly glare towards Lucas direction but it seems like it didn't even bother him.
"Plan?" I repeated.
Stephan ran his hand through his face before turning to me. "I guess there is no point of hiding it." He whispered then opening his mouth once again to speak. "I have a surprise for you tonight. I had some help with the guys but Lucas popped the bubble and ruined everyone." He is trying to hide his face from me.
Don't tell me he's blushing?
I giggled at the thought. "You are so cute."
"I'm not a puppy, Doll. Don't you dare call me cute." He complained which made me and everyone laugh out loud.
"Sorry about that." I murmured. "So, back to the topic about tonight...what are you planning?"
Stephan secretly grinned then he leans closer to me to give me a quick peck on the lips. "It's a surprise. Just wear something comfortable tonight. I'm going to make sure that this is the night that is going to change your life."
I raised an eyebrow. "Going to change my life, eh? Are you sure?"
"Fucking sure." He grinned. "I am going to prepare for it so...hang out with Belle."
Belle wrapped her arm around my shoulder, entering our conversation. "Don't worry, Stephan. I'll handle Ariana and made sure she will be beautiful tonight that your eyes will pop out when you see her."
"Okay then, I trust you." I sigh and placed a hand in Stephan's cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too." He whispered before kissing me in front of everyone.
"Yuck." I heard Marko and Christian grimaced and covered their eyes like they were some kids. But of course, Stephan didn't care a single thing.
"At the cruise' thea—" Marko was about to spill the beans but Zephyr elbowed his stomach hardly. Really hard causing Marko to curl.
"The fuck, dude?!" Stephan angrily hissed at Marko.
"Do you want me to throw you out of my damn ship?" Marko spat ay Zephyr, holding his hurting stomach.
"Let me see if you can." Zephyr retorted, crossing his arms.
Jeez, these guys are really the squad that everyone wants. There they the one who's turning everyone down into scattered pieces. Yet, that made their friendship even strong. God, I wanted Jasmine to be here with me.
After our lunch, Stephan and I walked around the upper deck of the cruise where the normal passengers are. We are just sitting and hanging out. I had a great time with everyone spilling the secret of the surprise they are planning for tonight. It's weird and funny but I have a feeling that this is something that will really shock me.
Stephan loves surprising me. So far, he never fails. All of them did a shocking change into my life. I remember the gazebo bamboo he made when we were still in the island.
Stephan and I were sitting on a bench. I was resting my hand hand on his chest, he was sitting back as he had his arm around me in a cuddling position.
"Do you think we are going too fast?" I questioned. "I mean, I just got off from a break up as well and it's not just a boyfriend but I broke up with my fiancé. And now, we are together. What will the people just say"
"Like I give a fuck on what people say. They don't know what we have been through." Stephan responded. "Who cares about what they say. As long as we are happy and we are gonna prove them that we are the real couple."
"Yeah?" I teased, raising my head a little.
"Yeah." He leaned closer to my lips again.
"I love you." I whispered, a soft laugh escaped from my lips.
"I love you more." He pinched the bridge of my nose. "You keep on saying that."
My eyebrow arched. "Do you want me to stop?"
"Never." He pecked me on the lips. "Never in a million years."
"Good." I nodded and smiled in victory. "End of discussion."
Stephan kissed my head this time. "I can't wait for tonight, Doll. I can't wait for it."
I pouted. "Make sure that surprise will make me happy, Stephan."
"Of course, I'll make sure of that." Stephan wrapped both of his arms around me this time. "I will make you happy for the rest of our life, Ariana. I promise you that."
For the rest of our life? That sounded exciting.
It's nearly evening. Belle and I just finished our three hours girl bonding together. We arrived in her suite exhausted. This cruise is humongous enough to make the ground floor look like a mall. All you need for a mall, can be located down there: clothes, jewelries, foods, gadgets, activity centre, and music stores. I even saw a flower shop too.
In my those three hours, we spend the one hour shopping then the rest two hours, we were eating. Food lover alert!
"Now, since I am finally done with my job to accompany you..." Belle ran to the closet, so when she came back, she was holding a rectangular box. "Open it." She hands it to me.
"Erm, is this the surprise?" I asked.
Belle laughed. "No, silly. We are just getting ready for it, Ariana." She smiled, excitedly. "Come on, open it!"
I just sigh ad gave up. She dropped the box on top of the bed, in front of me. I ripped the ribbon off to open it. A gasp escaped from me seeing what's inside.
"A dress?"
Belle nodded. "Yep, Stephan wants you to wear that." She remarked.
I took the dress out of the box and gaze at it. It's very beautiful and wonderfully designed from top to the bottom hem. It's simple yet it shots elegance. A black loose backless dress. Doesn't hold that much designs but it's my kind of style. "Stephan caused a lot of trouble to you guys, didn't he?"
Belle chuckled. "Well, like that they say, people would do crazy thing when they are in love." She shrugged. "But I understand him. He even begs for his friends to help him. Which is not like him."
"He begged?" My eyes widen and my voice sounded shock.
Belle laughed. "I'm spilling too much information. Go on, you can use our bathroom as your changing room." She pointed out the direction.
I nodded and obeyed nicely. Well, I have to go with the flow of the surprise. How cute this sounds. It's a surprise yet I know that they have a surprise for me. It sounds confusing but it's funny.
When I get back to Belle, I already had my dress on. My shoulders are very exposed and it's hanging just above my knee. Belle was sitting on her bed and she grinned when she saw me. "Wow, your gorgeous, Ariana!"
I blushed slightly, looking at my dress. "Did you design this dress?"
She nodded and told me to sit down. She brought out some makeup kit and a curling iron. "Stephan might ruin the surprise if he sees you this sexy."
"Belle, do I have to put some makeup? This is surprise is really this special?" I wondered.
"You have no idea." Belle stated. "Just relax, don't overthink. All you need is to calm down and prepare for the surprise."
Alright then, what I can I say? She is the one handling me now. It took us an hour before we could totally finish her whole look. From head to toe. Properly arranged. Stephan had everything covered making me curious more. I glance at myself in front of the mirror when the whole look is done. Now that we are finished, I suddenly felt nervous. Which is I don't know why. Something is going to happen tonight I can tell.
"You ready?" Belle asked.
I nodded. "Get on with it."
Belle smiled then handed me a piece of paper. "What's this for?" I asked, confusedly.
"Open it." She grinned, mischievously.
My eyebrows frowned. Eh? What are these people planning? Jeez, I don't want to look like an idiot later.
I flipped the paper open and it's actually a note. It says, Hello Doll, I will apologise in advance because this surely not your thing. But it will be worth it in the end :) So, could you come to this place and pick up something?
What the heck? I raised my head and Belle was grinning. "Bell, what's going on?"
She shook her head and zipped her mouth. "Sorry, Ariana. But my job is done. Just listen to what the note says."
Hear, what are they up to? I ran my fingers through my hair and bit my lower lip. "Do I really have to do this?"
"Yes, you do." Belle nodded. "I know and understand how much a hassle this is but Stephen really did a great job in this one." She shrugged again. "Good luck, Ariana." She winked at me and pushed me out of the suite.
"Oh God, help me." I muttered to myself.
To be continued.
Hey guys, I didn't plan to end it here because I wrote this chapter in one shot but it turns out that it's going to be too long if I did. So I break it into two. The next chapter will be up in a short time so don't worry.
Comment guys if you have a clue on what is going to happen to the surprise? The one who guess will have a reward. Hahaha.
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