Chapter 26: A Cute Encounter
This is just the continuation of the last chapter so this is quite shorter than the others. But please enjoy.
The woman suddenly kissed him out of the blue. I stood there with eyes wide open and fighting not to pull this woman's hair out.
I want to push her off of him but who am I to do that?
"Jane, what are you doing?" Stephan pushed her body off him. His eyebrows furrowed.
Jane pouted and crossed her arms. "Stephan, didn't you miss me? It's been months since we seen each other."
I raised an eyebrow at her and she stood there not caring of my presence at all. Ignoring me completely. She is wearing a very revealing and tight halter dress that ends just about her knees then paired with a kick ass stilettos.
"Months? We saw each other a few days ago." Stephan corrected her with a sigh.
"Yes but you ignored me. And you know what I mean." She sounded like a kid. "And I'm very happy when your mom sent me the invites. I knew she wouldn't forget her future daughter-in-law."
Oh, in your dreams. She's jumping into conclusion! And dammit, why am I acting like this?
Stephan ran his fingers through his hair and cursed silently.
Something tells me that this woman is a bad news.
I cleared my throat to get their attention and I didn't fail.
Stephan looked a little uncomfortable talking to this girl. "Jane, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Ariana Cruz." He suddenly took my arm and pulled me to his side.
My eyes widen hearing the girlfriend word but Stephan eyed me like he was telling me to play with him. He even wrapped his one arm around my waist to pull me closer to his body, making me lean on his built. "Doll, please meet Jane Wilson. She's a friend."
"Friend?" Jane asked, with a questioning look "What happened between us is not just friends would do."
Oh my, this girl sure is frank.
"Not here, Jane. And besides, we made it clear to end what we have in clean ways with no strings attached." Stephan's eyes darkens as they drew to hers. His hold even tightened around me.
Jane gave a devilish grin "Why? Afraid that your new toy will find out how awful you are."
Stephan's breathing quickens because I know he is holding back not to set out rags here in this gathering. "Jane, fuck off."
She just let out a laugh then her glance became intense and serious. "He's mine, loser. Don't get to involved with this guy. And from the looks of it, you're just his pass time."
Okay, that's it!
I also let out a confident smile and removed his hold around my waist to step forward and faced this bitch. "Jane, darling. This must be our first meeting and I will sure to make it the last one if you don't shut that smelly, rubbish mouth of yours and insult my guy in front of me. Don't go overboard because you're surely just one of his toys that he threw because of how boring you are."
Jane's face is fuming with anger. The missing piece is just a smoke to come out from those fake nose. "You will regret this, Ariana Cruz. I will surely mark you and won't forget that ugly face of yours." With that one last statement. She turned around and walked away from us.
I let out a sigh and turn to Stephan when Jane can't be seen anymore. "Care telling me who that woman is? And why the heck do I have pretend as your girlfriend?"
Stephan shook his head then took another glass of champagne on the table. "You shouldn't have done that, Doll. You'll be screwed."
My eyebrows frowned and anger fills me. "She insulted me and insulted you! Don't tell me you chickened out and let her say anything she wants! I don't let other people talks to me like shit."
Stephan drank the glass in one straight. "I know." He murmured and he seems to be in deep thoughts. "That woman is nothing to me. She's just too obsessed to be together with me while I didn't promise her anything."
"You two dated or something?"
"We never dated, Doll. We just lusted for each other in one party and then there. We never had anything romantic, seriously. I didn't even kissed her!" He blurred out, running his hands through his hair and his jaw was clenched.
"She's crazy, that's for sure." I whispered.
She came in such a wrong time.
Then after a few silence between us, Stephan already broke it by grabbing my hand. "Anyway, don't mind her. She is nothing to me."
"So? I don't care who is she in your life.. Who's even asking?" I rolled my eyes with a match of hair flipping.
Stephan scoffed then smirked. "Is that jealousy that I'm sensing?"
My eyes shot open "Excuse me. I'm not jealous and why would I be."
He chuckled and tugged his hand in his pocket. "Those are the words jealous people always say when they are jealous."
"You're so full of yourself, idiot." I slapped his arm harshly. "Why don't you just shut that mouth of yours and try to be kind just for tonight. Jeez, why did I even agree to this set up?" I whispered to myself.
I saw Stephan's mouth formed into a smile. "Just admit it, Ariana. You like me. That's why you can't stay away from me." His tone was so low and it holds nothing but seriousness. With that, he left me standing there as he approached a man on the other side of the rooftop. "Mingle around, Doll. I'll just talk to my little brother over there." He said before leaving me.
I just rolled my eyes and faced away from him. This man really had a lot of nerves. He should be grateful that I came here with him and try to act so friendly to him after what happened between us.
I don't care if he wants me. I just want him to act like what a gentleman should act. And respect my commitment with Cliff.
I tried to talk to some people while Stephan is talking to Marko. I can see his eyes checking on me from time to time if I'm okay. I had a few chat with some guests and every single one of them owns a business. They are all rich people. Guess you really have to try my best to blend in since I'm not really a sociable kind of girl. I just want to stay in my room and read books then bake. Those are all the things that I need.
I don't need a crowd like this though.
Two muscular men suddenly approached while I was drinking on the corner. They are both handsome and hot, really.
"Hi, my name is Aaron." The taller one with the black Mohawk hair. He had tons of tattoos in his arms just like Stephan. He offered his hand in front of me and I gently shook it. "You must be Ariana?"
I slowly nodded while eying the both of them. "And you two are?"
The other one spoke first. He had better features than the taller one. Chestnut coloured hair, had many piercing in his ears, then had one at his lip, and he was wearing a white suit with a black jacket over it and simple black pants unlike Aaron who's wearing a very expensive looking blue business suit.
"We're Stephan's cousins." The other one replied. "Oh, the name's Kurt." He offered his hand too and I shook it.
"What do you want?" I asked, directly. I'm sure that there is a reason why they approached me all of a sudden.
They both looked at each other and smiled. "Nothing. Just want to check out the woman that my cousin has been crazy with for the past 3 years." Aaron responded.
"Yeah, Stephan searched the whole world just to know where you are, Ariana. He even went to Paris to look for you but unfortunately, you're just around the area." Kurt placed a hand on Aaron's shoulder and smirked. "But now I know why he went gaga. You're really worth to keep. Our cousin is really an idiot for cancelling your engagement."
I chuckled weakly "It's our choice. I want to cancel the engagement too. It's to early for us to get married."
But seriously? Did Stephan really went to Paris to search for me? But why? Why did he do that?
"You're exaggerating things, guys. I'm sure he didn't went that insane." I faked a laugh and covering my mouth so I wouldn't fail.
"Yes, it is true even if you ask the others." Aaron defended.
"It's true, Ariana." Kurt wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.
"Oh let me just ask, how long are you and Stephan gonna stay here?" Aaron asked.
"Maybe the day after tomorrow." I answered, scratching the side of my nose. "I'm not really sure."
"Good. Join us tomorrow. We rented the beach just in front of this hotel just for us." Aaron grinned. "Stephan surely will come since its been kind of a thing we always do when we got together."
I looked over to Stephan who is now coming towards us with a serious look. He might he wondering why I was talking to his cousins.
"Gentlemen, are you scaring Ariana?" Stephan asked, using his usual tone with he's talking to other people. He came up to my side.
"Of course not, bro. We're just inviting her to join us tomorrow." Kurt gave him a manly hand shake. "Will you agree."
Stephan looked down to me first before he turned back to them. "Sure, we don't have much anything to do so why not. Is that alright with you, Doll?"
I nodded my head. "Well, we're here in Bahamas so let's make it worth it."
The smile on Kurt and Aaron's face widened. "Very good! We'll see you lovebirds tomorrow." They waved their hands to us as they left us.
I scoffed. "They should stop calling us lovebirds because we're not really lovers in the first place."
"Yeah, I know." He mumbled. "Are you really okay coming with us tomorrow?" He asked, turning his head to me.
"I don't want to lay on the bed of the hotel the whole day tomorrow. Make the most of it while we're still here in Bahamas."
Stephan smirked and placed a hand around my shoulder and pulled me close. I froze in my spot and it seems like my energy got drawn out because I can't even try to push him away. "Stephan—"
"Since that is your plan then...I will also make the most of it while you're still here in my arms and here in Bahamas, Doll. I'm afraid after this trip, you'll be slipping through my fingers already. " he whispered, huskily near my ear.
Seriously, why did this gave me so much shivers. I feel like an electric bolt just shot me that I can't even think straight because of my heart beating too fast.
He was only teasing earlier how he's back to his usual self.
Jeez, this man is bipolar.
Being one man to another.
Seriously, Stephan. What are you doing to me? You're causing so many conflicts in my head right now and it really hurts to think that I'm having doubts of my feelings about Cliff now.
Why is this even happening to me?
"So, like what we said in the island. Let our feelings come first while we're here then once we got off this island, let's forget everything." He whispered on my ear then in a swift.
My whole word came crashing down and my stone self cracked when I felt Stephan's lips on mine.
He's kissing me.
He's kissing me very gently. Like I'm so fragile and soft.
I'm frozen in my spot and just let him kiss me.
I'm going to so screwed on explaining things to Cliff. I need to make a major lie to him if he finds out.
Well, the question here is: If he found ma then.
Then I found myself kissing him back. Oh Lord, why did I fall for this guy in the first place?
To be continued.
Sorry about the short update. Please don't hate me. I'm really just dividing the proper way to chapter my story. I think it is better if I break it here first then I will start on the beach scene with Stephan's cousins.
But anyway, I'm still thanking everyone who continues to support my story.
Bye bye!
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