Chapter 23: The Request
I had a exciting night that night. Jasmine, I and the others had fun and we didn't even noticed that the sun was already up. Of course, we didn't go straight home when the party was over, we had a very fun road trip around the city. We ate at some local street stores and we literally bought everything that they can serve.
Yeah, I was really full that night. My tummy hurts so bad and I'm afraid I have to work out badly again.
Then the next morning, I had a terrible hang over.
But nothing can be happier than the feeling of being free.
Free to do everything.
Where your mind is open and you don't think of everyone else at that time. We even escaped Jasmine's bodyguards that are around us even when we're inside the club. We got away when the party is over and used the back door as the exit. They didn't see that one coming though.
Jasmine will be in so much trouble.
The next few days, I was in my office in the shop, typing something in my laptop when my phone started to ring. It was located in the other side of my desk.
I turned my swivel chair and checked who it was.
I saw that it was Cliff who is calling. At first, I was hesitating to answer but I think it's about time to talk to him.
"Hello?" I answered, massaging my temples.
"Wow, I'm surprised you still picked it up." The anger in his voice was really obvious. Jeez, I'm sure that he's frowning right now.
I couldn't speak for seconds knowing that he's angry at me. "Cliff—"
"You don't know how your words affected me, Ariana. I can't focused on my operations, I can't even eat knowing that you still have that grudge against me."
"Cliff, calm down." I exhaled.
"Calm down? That's the first thing you tell me."
"Cliff, okay. I'm sorry." Now I do realised that there is part of my fault in this one. "I shouldn't burst out like that. This is your work and It was so childish of me to get angry at you over that."
"You just realised that?"
"I really am sorry." I murmured in a very apologetic voice. "Forgive me?"
I hear him take a very deep breath on the other line, crossing my fingers that he'll forgive me already. I hear there was a knock on my door but I didn't answer it yet because I want to hear what Cliff will say.
"Dammit. You know just one word from you and I will forgive you immediately." He sigh weakly. "I love you, Ariana. Always remember that."
A smile appears in my face and the huge weight in my heart has been lifted. "I knew you couldn't stay that angry at me." Then we both ended laughing at each other.
"You always use that as an advantage." He replied, huskily.
"Of course I do. That's the easiest way." I continued to tease him.
I heard him laugh a loud. I'm already missing this man. Why does he has to be a magnificent surgeon?! He won't have any time for me.
"Hey." The tone of his voice softened.
"The wedding is still on, right?" He asked, sounding hopefully. "I'm sorry for not helping you arrange for it. I just want everything settled in my side before we start making plans for our day."
I didn't know what to say after that. "Of course. We'll handle everything together."
"Thank you for understanding, love." I can hint a smile roaming in his lips right now. "I-I have to go now, Ariana. I'm still observing one of my patients here."
"Sure. Just keep me informed." I told him.
"I love you." He chased when I was about to end the call.
I swallowed before returning the words to him. "Love you too."
Then with that, the phone call ended. I placed my phone back on the desk and felt so light now that Cliff and I finally made up. We're not fighting anymore and I suddenly felt some unknown guilt.
Why am I feeling this way?
Knock. Knock
"Crap. Who could that be?" I muttered under my breath. "Who is it?" I shouted.
"It's me, madam." One of my staff's voice spoke behind the closed door.
"What do you need?"
"A man named Stephan is here looking for you."
Stephan again?
My eyebrows touched and quietly groaned. "What does he wants now?"
"He won't tell us. He said that he will be waiting for you to come out yourself." He explained then I heard his footsteps disappearing.
I harshly stood up on my swivel chair, slamming both of my first on my desk and stomped towards the door.
That man really wanted to ruin my life.
Locking my office door and head towards the restaurant area. When I roamed my eyes around, he was sitting alone at the corner. Why is he here again? This place is a five hours drive from the city where he came from.
And he's really stressing himself to drive while we just saw each other at the club the other night. And don't tell me he is really serious about our game. Who wouldn't be serious in that selfish and childish games.
I cleared my throat to get his attention as I stood near his table. He quickly turned to me, then that mischievous smirk was plastered in his handsome face.
"What do you want now?" Crossing my arms across my chest. My voice sounding very bored.
He raised cleared his throat, then arranged his suit before he opened his mouth to speak. "You look good."
My eyebrows raised hearing what he said. Seriously? Should I be blown away with those words? I am only wearing a white button up shirt, black pants and simple white doll shoes. No jewelries and hair accessories.
"I'm not dressed at all, Stephan." I rolled my eyes at him.
Stephan roamed his eyes around my whole figure, from head to toe while biting his lower lip. Then suddenly, I blushed.
I don't think he is looking at what I was referring to him right now.
And I bet he's imagining things.
"Up here, pervert." I snapped my fingers at his face and glared at him. "Seriously, what do you want now, Stephan? I'm working here."
Stephan rubbed the both of his hands and leaned his arms on the table. "I just want to see you, Doll. Is that a bad thing?"
"Yes, it's a very bad thing." I grunted, rolling my eyes at him. "If you're just here to bother my work then you're free to go. My front door is huge, you can fit yourself."
Stephan raised an eyebrow. "Someone is in a bad mood."
"Yes, because you're here."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, Cliff and I just make up so there is no point of me being annoyed anymore." I stated, proudly. But his orbs are still connected into mine without breaking a glance even a second.
He didn't spoke after what I said, still staring at each other.
"So? Does that suppose to scare me?" His one eyebrow raised.
Making me not able to response. Is he testing me? "I'm gonna ask you for the last time, Stephan. Why are you here?"
Stephan cleared his throat and gave me his genuine kind of look. "I want you to come with me."
"I want you to come with me." So he finally dropped the bomb.
"Come with me tomorrow."
"And where exactly are we going?" I asked confusedly because I can't see the point that I have to come with him.
Stephan stood up from the chair, making us face each other. He's too tall so I have to raise my head to be able to see his face. My height only comes up to his shoulders.
My eyes widen hearing that. Is this man nuts?! "Are you crazy? You're going overseas and you want me to come with you." I really can't help but to shout.
Good thing that we're at the most corner place of my shop so the others won't hear us.
"Yeah, I just want you to accompany me there because it's my mother's birthday."
This man is not thinking right. He is freaking inviting me to his mother's birthday, the woman who arranged us to get married before, and now he's inviting me and here and we're going alone?
I clenched my teeth and combed my hair back using my fingers "Stephan, do you know what you are asking me about? I'm engaged and being alone with you is not a very good idea."
"Doll, no one in my family but my Mom knows about the arrangement between us." He shrugged his shoulders. This man acts like he's not worried at all.
"Why don't you just ask the other girls to come with you? Why does it have to be me?"
With that question, it took Stephan seconds before he could answer me. "Because my Mom wants to see you."
"But why?"
Stephan removes his eyes from mine and dropped to the ground then back to mine. He is taking deep sigh "My Mom is dying, Ariana." The solemn in his eyes comes out.
"And why does she wants to see me?"
"I don't know."
My eyebrows touched in curiosity. I haven't met his mom honestly so why does he wants to see me.
"She was really upset when our engagement was cancelled three years ago." He added, rubbing the back of his neck. "She really likes you."
"She doesn't know me, Stephan. How come she likes me, I don't even know what she looks like."
"Come on, just come with me. I promise that I won't do anything to you." He raised both of his hand like he was surrendering "And I promise that you won't feel out of place. My friends will be there so there is need for you to worry."
"Cliff won't let me come, Stephan."
"Unless you tell him." That evil smile appeared once again.
I narrowed my eyes at him "Are you suggesting that I will lie to him?"
"No, I'm suggesting you to hide this from your dearly fiancé." He crossed his arms across his chest "And besides, the asshole is having fun with his fa—Oops, too much information."
"Trust me, Ariana. He will be back in two weeks or so." He murmured, staring intensely at me.
"What makes you say that?"
Weird as it sounds, Stephan really does sounds like he knows Cliff even at the first time they saw each other in my condo.
"Oh, I can sense it." He chuckled, his husky voice sounded so soft every time I hear him laugh. "So, are you coming with me?"
"When are we leaving?"
"The fuck?!" I snapped, now the whole room heard my voice.
"Don't worry about your shop, Doll. I can send someone that will manage this while you're gone." He gave me a wink then he was about to turn to leave me when he added something. "Thank you by the way."
I looked at him a bit of confusion plastered on my face. "For what?"
"For the second chance."
"What do you mean?"
Stephan just gave me a smirk then turned to leave me there standing, wondering what he meant.
Fuck you, Stephan.
Why do you always keep me hanging?!
Damn. Wait, why did I even agree at his request in the first place? You're such an idiot, Ariana.
Don't make a sin of cheating on Cliff.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I have to make sure to make everything planned on this trip. I have to get my head and mind straight. Damn it, I can turn his offer down but why can't I?
I'm screwed.
To be continued.
Sorry for the late and short update guys. I'm so busy right now with the exams and paperworks. I really need to step up my game this time. But, I will still try to update this story when I had the chance. And also I'm working on the dangerous series up to number 5 now so help me God!
Anyway, please keep on supporting and keep on voting on this story. Sorry for the wrong and bad grammars I have done. I keep on receiving messages about my wrong grammars. Really sorry. I'm still studying English though. Anyway, have a good day everyone! Xoxo
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