Grow Up Vergil
It was short but it felt like a long and dreading one, Dante didn't really want to do this but it wasn't his choice to make.
"Datay I ged big again." Asked Vergil.
"Yep that's the plan." Dante responded
"Ou stiw wike me wen me big gan." Vergil asked.
"Of course you're my bro." Dante said hiding his sadness.
The two brothers continued the rest of the drive in silence.
A few moments later the two brothers made it to the chapel Lady told Dante about and in the center laid a Divinity statue.
"Well moment of Truth I guess."
Dante carried Vergil out of his car and he walked into the building to find Lady and Trish waiting for them.
"Sorry to keep you waiting ladies I had to take of diaper butt for a little bit." Dante put up his usual cheerful front it's been awhile since he had to do this he was actually happy for the few weeks Vergil was a toddler for but all good things come to an end.
" don't have to do this, don't your remember all the terrible things he did the tower, tried to kill you more than once? It'll be better if he stays a baby at least he won't cause you more heart break." Lady said to the man.
"It's not my choice to make and whatever trick Verge pulls I'll stop him."
Dante continued to walk to the divinity statue and he placed Vergil down in front of it.
"All you have to do is touch the statue and remember the last time you were your normal size."
Trish said to the toddler.
Vergil nodded and be reached out his hand to the statue but before touching it, the toddler turned to to Dante and he noticed his brother was tearing up a little bit.
"(You know you don't want to do it Vergil.)" Said the voice in Vergil's head.
The toddler shook his head.
"Yes I do."
Vergil touched the statue and he was filled with a strange surge of energy he felt him grow taller and her felt his power return to him as he continued to grow older but he stopped at the age of 19 in the clothes he was wearing before he went into the realm of Mundus...the last time he fought as himself.
"Huh I guess you never really got to be my age before I....well at least you're at the prime of your life I'm just an old man over here."
Dante said.
"Stop being over dramatic Dante you're only thirty four." Said Trish.
"Exactly an old man and my twin brother is Nineteen dang maybe I should touch that piece of rock and make myself younger."
Dante said earning a glare from his two female cohorts.
"I'm only kidding ladies." Said the demon hunter as he turned to Vergil.
"Well you're not in diapers anymore.... what's your plan?"
Vergil popped his joints and he slicked back his hair.
"First thing is I intend to get my birth right back from that boy and I'll going to have my vengeance on Mundus."
"That was quick." Said Lady.
"That sounds awesome sport but here's the thing, that sword is in the kid's arm and that would mean you're going to have slice off his arm." Said the elder twin.
"So be it, it's my birth right."
Before Vergil leave Dante appeared in front of the young man.
"Well brother I guess we're at an impass." Dante said as he raised his sword to Vergil.
"I guess we are Dante."
Vergil kicked Dante away and he was going to make a quick escape but Dante again appeared before him.
"Are we really doing this Verge?"
Dante asked as he tossed his sword aside.
"Because if we are I better make it fair since you don't have a weapon."
Dante got into a fighting stance and Vergil did the same and the two brothers began hand to hand combat but Vergil was quickly finding out that Dante at this point of time outclass him.
"When did you get this good Dante." Vergil asked as he was aiming punch at Dante but the elder brother caught it.
"What can I say, you pick up new tricks as time passes."
Dante put Vergil into a headlock.
"Maybe instead of doing the same exact that got you killed last time you should grow up and stop trying to go on a quest for power." Dante angrily.
"You wouldn't understand, might is everything Dante and I won't stop until I have more power."
Vergil made another attempt to escape but yet again Dante prevented him from doing so.
"You're going anywhere near the kid, and we're not having a repeat of the Temen-ni-gru incident either." Said the elder demon hunter.
Vergil was starting to get very angry, how could he be losing to Dante again it wasn't fair he dedicated his life to training and gaining power and Dante only has been goofing off it wasn't fair at all. These were thoughts in Vergil's head as his attack became more aggressive and erratic.
"Whoa is someone throwing a tantrum maybe you need a nap like the the baby you were a hour ago." Dante taunted Vergil, succeeding in making his brother very angry.
"Wow Vergil looks pissed." Trish said
"Yeah what exactly is Dante trying to accomplish here?"
Lady was questioning the man's actions as he continued to aggrevate Vergil more.
Vergil threw a punch and this was the opening Dante needed to put his brother in a chokehold.
"Now that I got you to stay still, do you think you can listen to reason?"
Dante asked his struggling brother.
"Release me Dante!"
Dante ignored his brother's request.
"Now several things need to be said like no going after the kid for your sword because you don't ask nicely and you might do something dumb and another thing is that you're not strong enough to fight Mundus unless you want to end being his puppet again."
"I rather die trying than to be weak." Vergil shouted.
Dante shouted as he pressed his brother against a wall.
"Don't you know how that made me feel Verge, pretty shitty!!"
Vergil merely scoffed.
"That shows that you dwell on your emotions too much." Vergil replied........
Dante sighed.
"You know what fuck you Vergil I'm done talking to you....but realize this you'll never get a chance to pull that Temen-ni-gru shit ever again."
"Grr Dante...I'll kill you!!"
Vergil started charging at Dante but the elder brother countered the attack and he flipped Vergil over his shoulder.
"You disappoint me Verge." Dante turned his back on Vergil.
"Lady, Trish we're leaving."
Dante started to leave the temple.
"What about him?" Lady asked referring to the younger Sparda twin.
Dante briefly looked back at Vergil but he quickly started walking away.
"I did my part.... he's on his own...he might as well be dead to me."
Dante replied.
That hurt Vergil way more than it should had he saw Dante leave the temple and the man drove off without looking back.....Vergil was all one was there.
"(I told were gonna regret this and looked what pushed him away and he stopped caring....what now?)" Asked the voice in Vergil's head.
The young adult stayed silent.
"(Well....we can't fight Mundus or we'll die and become his slave again or worse.)"...............
Vergil started tearing up.
"I guess I'm alone."
Vergil said.
"( could fix all of this.") The voice said.
Vergil replied.
"(Just wake up)"
Vergil was puzzled.
"(Just wake up....just wake up....wake up, wake up....wake up.)"
Vergil shot up awake he quickly looked at his surroundings they were at the park again.
"W wha?" Said Vergil confused.
"Hey Verge wake up I just wanted to know if you're hungry?" Dante asked his brother.
"H hugwy." Vergil repeated.....wait hugwy.
Vergil looked down at his hands and saw that they were small and he was being held by Dante...he was a toddler he didn't become older again.
"You alright Verge, you seem out of it you okay.... you're not sick are you?" Dante asked.
Vergil hugged his brother and he started crying.
"D datay m m me sowy d don weave!!" The toddler blubbered out.
"Whoa! What's with the waterworks okay!" The elder brother asked as he started worryingly checking over his brother.
"Datay don weave don weave me awone me don wan be awone gan." Vergil buried his face into Dante's shirt.
"I'm not leaving you alone I love ya bro where did you get the idea that I would abandoned you?"
Vergil wiped his eyes and nose with his arm getting a trail of snot from his nose to his arm and on Dante's shirt.
Dante carried Vergil to the park bathroom and he grabbed a couple of paper towel and he started wiping the tears and snot off of Vergil's face and arm.
"Okay Verge now tell me what got you so upset?"
Vergil only continued sniveling unable to properly form words, Dante sighed and he picked his brother up and he started patting his back.
"It's alright bro you can tell me when you're you want some ice cream it might make you feel better."
Dante asked.
Vergil nodded in response.
"Alright we'll get some ice cream."
Dante left the bathroom with Vergil in his arms and he looked around for a place to get Ice cream until he saw a man pushing a cart with various pictures of Ice creams on his cart.
"Jackpot." Dante rushed over to the man.
"Two fudge pops please."
The man handed Dante his desired treat and Dante handed him two dollars.
Dante sat down on a park bench and he opened Vergil fudge pop and he handed it to the toddler.
"One for you and one for big bro." Dante said as he started eating his fudge pop.
Vergil look down at his frozen treat and he slowly started eating it.
The two brothers were quietly eating their Ice creams the silence was only interupted by Vergil's occasional sniffling.
"Hey Verge you want to talk about what made you upset?"
"......Datay wen me wad huwt you."
Said the boy.
"Yeah you were a bit of a duck..but what what sibling isn't though right."
Dante replied.
"M me sowy Datay... M me weawy sowy." Vergil started tearing up again.
"Hey hey it's okay bro I been forgave you."
Dante grabbed another tissue and he wiped Vergil's tears.
"Wen me big gan, me be mean an sad gan." Said Vergil.
"Well hey things can be different now you don't have to be that way." Said Dante.
Vergil hugged his brother.
"I don wan be big gan datay." Vergil said, this put the biggest smile on Dante's face.
"Uh, why not bro I thought you didn't like being a baby."
"Me don wan be mean an huwt oh gan." Said Vergil.
"Well okay it is your choice." Dante was mentally cheering.
"Well I guess I better let Lady and Trish know that you changed your mind... they're going to be mad I dragged them all the way out here for nothing"
"No need we heared everything."
Dante slowly turned his head to see to angry women.
"Ladies I he changed his mind ain't that great."
Dante said sheepishly.
"You know gas isn't cheap Dante." Said lady.
"And I had to turn down a job today for this you owe us." Trish added in.
"Yeah like a clothes shopping trip." Lady said as she glanced at Trish.
"And a fancy dinner afterwards no pizza we want steaks and nice expensive wine." Said Lady.
"Whoa ladies please I'll be in debt forever." Dante replied.
"Let that be a lesson to you then to waste two busy ladies valuable time."
Said Trish.
"Whoa what umm Verge help a brother out." Dante turned to his brother.
"Me baby Datay." Said the toddler as he gave his best puppy dog eyes.
"Verge why!?" Dante said as he was dragged off by Lady.
Trish picked up the toddler.
"...So what made you change your mind?" Trish asked the toddler.
"M me wan don wan be baa dis time." Replied Vergil.
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