Packing for Iowa
We were going back, it was Saturday and we had the rest of the days off. That means I get to move in with Seth. We had three days for everything to get shipped to Iowa.
"Babe we're moving in!" I say tackling Seth. We were on our way to our terminal.
"Yeah it'll be great."
"It's sad I'm leaving the only place I've known as home, but we'll be together." I say kissing his cheek. We walk hand in hand as we make it to our terminal.
We boarded the plane and we were making our way to Arizona.
I take a selfie with Seth. I post it on Instagram and caption it 'Arizona Bound 🛫'
I lay my head on Seth's shoulder as we take off.
We got an uber and we went to the house. We walk in and it was a mess.
"Woah it was clean when I was last here." I mutter. I kick my way through all the mess and walk up the stairs. I stop on the second step.
"Oh god why is this here?" I say disgusted. I look down and there's a used condom.
"Do you think Brie used it?"
"Why the hell would she leave it right here." I step over it and knock on brie's door.
"Brie open up!" I yell. She comes with a blanket covering her naked body. I look disgusted as dean is in bed with a blanket covering him.
"Why is there a mess downstairs and everywhere?" I ask her.
"We had a party." She answers.
"They better have not entered my room." I say.
"I don't think they did." She says, clearly hung over. I glare at her as I walk to my room. A used condom in front of the door.
"Geez, before we entered should we check the other room." Seth says.
"Yeah and if there's people we kick them out."
"But check your room first, I mean there can be somebody naked in there." Seth points out. I open the door and everything seems good.
"Okay nobody is in there." I say. We walk to the guest room that Seth once slept in. I open it.
"Gross." I say wrinkling my nose. I'm front of me was somebody we barley even knew naked.
"How are we going to get them to leave?" Seth asks. I grab some stick on the ground and poke them.
"What the hell."
"Who are you?" I ask.
"The real question is who are YOU!" The girl says covering herself.
"I'm the owner of this house, now get the hell out!"
"Damn we'll leave." The guy says surrendering. We walk out and and check the other rooms. Only one couple was in the room, it was Becky and Finn. Sadly they were naked.
"That was something." Seth chuckles. I nod my head and proceed up my room. I walk in and go to my closet.
"Oh how I missed you." I say.
"Babe where are the boxes?" Seth asks.
"In the attic." He leaves and goes to the attic. I really didn't trust some random moving company to take my belongings to Iowa. I've had problems where they have stolen a few of my things. I go on google and search how far Arizona is from Iowa. Google helps with everything. It was about a day to get there and it wasn't that bad.
Seth comes back in with big, small boxes. "Hey babe it's a day here from Iowa."
"We can drive there."
"Okay, but all your things won't fit in the car."
"Then I can hire a moving company or some shit."
"Okay then order it." I go on my phone and order a moving company that will let us drive all the way to Iowa.
I finally find one and I get to packing. I walk in the closet and get a big box for all my shoes. I grab a sharpie and label it shoes.
"You have too many shoes." Seth says helping me.
"Oh well." I keep packing and put them inside gently. The bottom shelf was all empty.
"Why is there this random drawer here?" Seth asks. I look over.
"Don't open that."
"Why not?"
"Just don't I'll pack that later." I turn around and continue packing my clothes.
"Nicole why is this here." I turn around and Seth opened the drawer.
"Because I used them." He pulls out two of my sex toys.
"Am I not enough." He jokes.
"I was single for two years, what did you except me to do."
"These are going in the trash."
"What no."
"Why not, I'm here." We argue for a few minutes until we give up.
"Whatever." Seth says. He walks out of the closet and lays on the bed. I sigh and go after him. I sit on his lap and look at him.
"Don't be mad baby." I say.
"I'm not mad."
"Mhm." I lean down and give him a kiss on the lips. He kisses back instantly and we stay like that. I straddle him as we continue kissing.
"Hey Nikki... woah" somebody says from the door. We pull apart instantly. Seth shoots us and trying to keep my balance I hold on to his neck.
"Dean way to ruin a moment." Seth says annoyed.
"Sorry, didn't know you guys were up to something."
"What did you want Dean." I tell him.
"I was wondering why there was a moving truck in the front?"
"We're driving to Iowa and I'm going to put all my stuff there."
"Oh well they're looking for you." He says. I nod my head and get off Seth. I walk down and talk with the owner.
We finished packing and we were off to Iowa.
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