Honeymoon and Twitter Drama
We landed in Bora Bora and we were hella tired. Seth booked us a hotel room and the view was phenomenal.
"This looks like a desktop background." Seth says.
"It does." I say agreeing with him. I put my suitcase by the bed and lay down. "I'm tired." I say.
"I am too." He says, closing all the doors for privacy. He comes and lays next to me. I snuggle into him and fall asleep.
I woke up and it was still really bright outside. We probably got here in the morning. I untangle myself from Seth and look through my suitcase for clothes. It took me a few minutes, until I find the perfect outfit. I walk in the bathroom and take a quick shower.
I get out of the shower and change into my clothes.
I do my makeup and do my hair. I grab my phone and lay on the bed. I scroll through Twitter. Many congratulations tweets about our marriage. I look over and see Seth sleeping looking adorable as always. I decide to post a selfie of Seth and I, but him sleeping. I caption it 'Hubby looks adorable sleeping'. I smile as I post it on twitter and Instagram. Suddenly I notification that John commented on my Twitter post pops up. Being the curious person I am, I checked.
@JohnCena: Sadly she married the wrong person.
Many people were commenting and many of our friends were too.
@TheBellaTwins: Not our fault you went behind her back #notsorry
@RomanReigns: Bro let them be happy 😩
@msCharlotte: woah mister she doesn't want you move on
@AlexaBlissWWE: Keep your dick in your pants!
@DeanAmbrose: I don't use Twitter, but Johnny fuck off
@BeckyLynchWWE: @TheBellaTwins Nikki give me the signal and I'll break his arm for you.
@JohnCena: I'm just saying, she would be better off with me, he has his penis all over the internet, I don't.
I really hope Seth doesn't see this.
@PaigeWWE: Bro leave them alone, karma comes back and kicks you in the arse, I should know.
@NaomiWWE: you had your stupid face all over the magazines when you couldn't keep your dick in your pants, so I wouldn't be talking.
@TheBellaTwins: guys don't worry, Cena is just jealous Seth is bigger 😏 ~N
@NatalyaWWE: you need ice for that burn @JohnCena
@RomanReigns: Nikki you left us shook!
I laugh at Roman's gif.
@KevinOwens: didn't know you had it in you Nikki, but John we're on the same brand I can beat your ass any day. #fightowensfight!
@TripleH: this isn't my buisness, but John you just got roasted!
Even the boss is tweeting to John.
@JohnCena: it's not the size that matters, it's the amount of pussy it gets and Seth is stuck with one.
Damn that was actually a really good comeback.
@TheBellaTwins: I'm trying to see things from your perspective John, I really am, but I can't see that far up my ass.~N
I smirk as everybody comments about him getting roasted.
@JohnCena: I'm just stating that you married the wrong person.
@SashaBanksWWE: I can't imagine how much better the world would be if you're dad pulled out.
@DeanAmbrose: Can you die of constipation? I'm asking because I'm worried about how full of shit you are.
I laughed so hard I fell on the floor. I lay on the ground laughing. Seth jumps up because of how loud I fell.
"What happened!" He asks worried. I keep laughing as I keep remembering what dean said.
"Check your Twitter, you'll thank me later." I say wiping the tears. I go back to my phone and more superstars tweeted back.
@AlexaBlissWWE: Nice story, but in what chapter do you shut the hell up?!
@TheBellaTwins: John were you born on the highway, that's where most accidents happen.
@WWERollins: if I wanted to hear from an asshole, I'd fart.
"Oh my god babe!" I say laughing.
"I'm not done yet, but it was good wasn't it." I nod my head and keep scrolling.
@RomanReigns: 😂😂 @WWERollins
@KevinOwens: I'd tell you to go fuck yourself, but that would be cruel and an unusual punishment.
@WWERollins: I believed in evolution until I met you 😒
@AlexaBlissWWE: if I threw a stick, you'd leave, right?
@AjP1: Beat up John Cena, but in this case we like to roast John Cena!
@TheBellaTwins: John you'll never be the man your mom is. ~N
@WWERollins: Earth is full. Go Home!
"Oh god this is hilarious!" Seth says laughing. I agree and get off the floor.
"Steph tweeted"
"Why did she say?"
"She said 'stop all this child's play!'."
"I'd like to take a break for today." Seth says.
"By the way, go change I want to go sightseeing." I tell Seth. He goes to the bathroom and showers.
My phone starts ringing and it's Lexi.
"Lex!" I say smiling brightly.
"Dude Stephanie tweeted."
"Yeah I saw, but she has to admit it's funny."
"So what are you doing."
"Getting ready for a date with Sami." She says.
"Aw." I say.
"So what are you doing Mrs. Lopez"
"Waiting for Seth to get out of the shower so we can go sightseeing."
"That's cool."
We talk for a while as I wait for Seth to get out of the bathroom.
"Lexi I have to go Seth is ready, we'll talk some other time." We hang up and walk out the door.
Today has been a pretty hectic day.
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