I had a match against all the girls on Smackdown for the number one contender for Naomi's title. Naomi had the championship since WrestleMania of this year. I was extremely happy. Today was also BattleGround. I was in my hotel room getting ready for BattleGround.
When I finished getting ready I had to meet up with Brie. I walked out the door and walked to the elevator. I was on my phone texting Brie that I'm on my way, when I ran into someone. I look up and find Randy. (A/N 😏)
"Are you okay, I'm an idiot and wasn't looking where I was going." He says.
"It's my fault, I should've at least seen, I mean I was the one texting." I say picking my phone off the floor.
"Alright at least you're okay." He says walking off. I get on the elevator to go meet Brie.
"Hey Brie." I say walking in. She was with Dean and Seth. I can't get away from him, can I? He had the children and obviously I grabbed them. I missed them so much.
"Hey." She says back. An awkward silence overtakes the room. All of us stare at each other and then look down.
"Well Brie and I have to get going, we have to buy-." Dean says thinking. "We have to go buy condoms?" He says with more of a question. They run out, leaving Seth with me.
"They're weird." I mumble. "I uh should get going, you can keep the boys I'll take Brook." I say grabbing her.
"Wait." He says. "Don't you think we should talk." He says. I shrug.
"Yeah, sign the damn divorce papers and we can live happy." I say. He sighs and looks at the kids.
"Will you at least let me explain."
"There's nothing to say." I say bluntly.
"Baby I love you." He admits.
"And I don't love you." I lie. He looks down.
"Maybe if you'd let me explain." He says.
"There's nothing to explain, I found you with Mandy."
"Okay so what, but you haven't heard my side of the story."
"I don't want to hear your damn side of the story because I don't want to hear your damn bullshit, and even if your side was correct, I still wouldn't love you." I say.
"Maybe this will change you mind." He comes close to me and my breath stops. He leans in and kisses my lips. I can't lie, sparks flew everywhere. I must have been caught in the moment and kissed back.
I pulled away once I realized what I was doing. "This was a mistake, just stay away from me." I say, grabbing Brook and running out. I reach my hotel room and grab my suitcase for tonight. I grab my suitcase and go to my rental car. I put Brook in her seat and drive off.
"Momma momma." Brook would say. I drive to the arena trying to calm myself down. I reached the arena and grabbed my stuff and then Brook. I grabbed her by the hand and wheeled my suitcase with the other. Many screaming fans were heard and Brook was probably scared. She hung on to my leg for dear life. I stopped and picked her up. She lays on my shoulder, hiding her eyes from all the flashing lights.
"No flash." I tell the paparazzi. They are obviously assholes and still use flash. "I said no fucking flash, you're scaring my daughter!" I yell at them. They finally stop and I walk into the arena. Many fans behind me start screaming Seth's name. He was behind me. Brook looks up from my shoulder and starts screaming for Seth. Once she sees her siblings come out she starts fussing more. I sigh and hand my suitcase to one of the producers. I put Brook down and she runs off to Seth forgetting about the screaming fans.
I run after her, because passing cars were here. She runs into Seth's arms and the other two run into mine. I pick them up and walk inside with Seth behind me. I reach inside and grab my bag from the producer. I put Dax and Brayden down, who looked like twins to be honest.
"Are you taking them or am I?" I ask Seth.
"Take Brook, I'll take them." He says handing me Brook. He takes Dax and Brayden and walks off to the men's locker room. I hold Brook's hand and walk to the women's locker room.
"Hey." I say greeting them all. They all stare at me with smirks. I look at them confused. "Why are you smirking at me like that." I question them. Alexa pipes up, when the others keep their mouths shut.
"We saw you with Seth out there."
"Okay." I say shrugging. I grab Brook and sit her by my locker. I hand her my phone and let her watch her YouTube videos.
"What were you talking about." Brie says.
"Nothing, just talking about who gets the kids for today." I answer them honestly.
"Oh yeah talk about this then." Natalya grabs her phone and reads off something. "Superstar, Nikki Bella caught running to Seth Rollins earlier today right outside of the arena BattleGround is being held."
"Damn news reporters." I mumble.
"What was that." Carmella says, for the first time.
"I said they obviously forgot to mention Brook ran off and I had to go get her, and she happened to run off to Seth." I say. They all give me looks that don't seem convincing. "Ask Seth, you guys will obviously believe him." I say crossing my arms. Alexa takes out her phone and dials him. She puts it on speaker for everyone to hear.
"Hey Seth we saw this article and we were wondering if what it said was true."
"What did it say."
"Superstar Nikki Bella caught running to Seth Rollins earlier today, right outside the arena where BattleGround is being held." She reads off the article. I roll my eyes and look for my gear.
"She was running after Brook, definitely not me, if she were to run to me it would be to chop my head off." He says. He's not lying. I shrug as I keep looking for my gear.
"Okay so the article is obviously fake."
"Next time believe me." I say, finally finding my gear. Alexa hangs up with Seth and they look for their gear as well. I grab my top and put it on. I change into my bottoms and look for my shoes. I find them in my suitcase and grab my knee pads. I put them on and put my socks on. I tie my shoes and look for a SnapBack. Raw superstars were here today for dark matches, so some of them were piling in.
"Hey Nikki just wanted to say congratulations on returning." Alicia says. I smile and grab Brook.
"Well I'm going to catering to find her some food." I say walking off. I reached catering and grab her some fruits. My child was going to eat healthy. I choose a table to sit at and sit Brooklynn right on the table. 'Seth better feed Dax and Brayden.' I say to myself. I feed her some watermelon when someone sits in front of me. I look over to see Randy.
"Hey." I greet him.
"Hey." He says, smiling at Brooklynn. "She reminds me a lot about you." He says.
"How, I don't really see a resemblance between us, I only see Colby." I answer him.
"Well for starters she has a beautiful smile, like you, she has beautiful hair like yours and most importantly she beautiful and she takes it from her mother, not her douche bag of a father." He says. I blush and look down.
"Thanks." I say smiling at him. He smiles back and the moment gets ruined by the one and only Colby.
"Hey guys." He says sitting down abruptly. Randy and I turn to look at him. He has the kids with him. I push some fruit over to the kids and they gladly accept it. Brook gets down so she can be with Seth.
"Hey." Randy says. I stay quiet, quite embarrassing.
"I told you to stay away." I say with irritation clearly in my voice.
"Yeah, but when my child is around, I think I'm allowed to be here." He fires back. I glare at him and he glares back. We stay like that until my phone rings.
"Who's Daniel?" Seth and Randy both ask. I roll my eyes. I answer the call and hand Brook to Colby.
"I'll be back, watch her." I say looking at Seth with a glare. I walk off to the crates and sit down .
"Hello." I answer.
"Niks!" He says cheerfully. I laugh at his tone.
"Yeah what's up." I say smiling.
"I'm here."
"You're here?"
"Yeah I'm in the arena for BattleGround." He says. I hear all the fans and I mentally face palm myself.
"That's great, you'll see me perform." I say cheerfully.
"I know, hence the reason why I came." I smirk and nod.
"Well its starting like now." I say as the pyro hits. I look over and the kids got scared. I frown a bit, but wipe it off.
"Yeah, Rusev is coming out now." He says.
"I have to get ready, hair and makeup, so I'll see you at my match."
"Okay, Bye." I hang up and go to grab Brook. I go to grab her, but she wants to stay with Seth.
"Just don't kill her." I tell him, as I walk off. I reach the women's locker room and watch the current match. Rusev versus John. My match was after two matches. I grab my makeup and do my makeup and hair.
"Okay so before we start your match, we want you guys to open fan mail for the WWE YouTube channel." A tech guy says. We all nod our heads as they give us a pile of fan mail with our names on it.
"Hey guys we're the Smackdown Live roster and we're here to open you fan mail." Brie says as they start rolling.
"Who's starting." Natalya asks.
"We'll start from the end and since Nikki's on the end open one." I grab a package and open it up. I look at it and laugh.
"What is it?" Carmella asks. I hold up the paper and Brie dies laughing.
"That's adorable." Brie says. She grabs her phone and takes a picture of it. We go around the end until it was almost time for our match.
"Okay thanks for watching guys, make sure to tune in to watch BattleGround on the WWE network for only $9.99." I say, finishing it off.
"Okay girls time for your match, so head on out there." Shane says. We nod and walk out.
We stand by gorilla. All the girls walk out before me. My music plays and I do my Bella twirl. I walk down the ramp, slapping some fans hands. I see Daniel with a 'I love Nikki Bella' poster. I smile and go to hug him. I hug him and he hugs back. I get on the apron and pose for a second. I throw my SnapBack into the crowd and flip inside. I pose and turn around to look at my competition. We all look at who we're going to attack first. I had to go after Charlotte because that's what the script said.
•••• Skippity Skip Skip, because I can't be bothered to write the match••••
Charlotte just hit natural selection on Brie and I go to break the count. I knock Charlotte out of the ring and cover Brie. Then Becky breaks the count and rolls Brie out of the ring. She grabs me and locks me into her submission. I cry in agony as she adds more pressure.
"Are you going to tap?" The ref asks.
"Yes." I say tapping. The bell rings and I roll out, as Becky's music plays. I go backstage as all the girls do the same.
"Who was the guy you hugged?" Brie asks. All the girls stare waiting for my answer.
"Just a friend." I say walking off.
Just a friend Brie, Just a friend.
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