Backstage Fights
It's been a five weeks since Seth and the others went back to work. The triplets we're now six months and we were going to surprise Seth.
"Are you guys ready to surprise daddy." They make noises which I take as a yes. I smile and pack their suitcase. They had a small one and that was enough for them. We were going to be on the road for at least three months with Seth.
"Okay let's get you guys dressed and myself and then we can leave this hell hole." I say. I grab an outfit for the kids and put them in it.
I put some grey pants on and a pink one on Brooklynn and I choose an outfit for myself.
I grab their little suit case and pack it into the car. I go and get the kids and put them in the car seat. I grab the dogs and head to Seth's parents house. I drop them off and I finally head to the airport.
"Okay now please be good on the plane." I mumble as I grab the kids.
We just landed and it was a relief. Brooklynn was the calmest out of all, surprisingly. Dax was okay, Brayden was another story. Let's just ignore that. I called Brie to come pick me up and that's what she did. I'm 100% positive she only came because of the kids.
"How are you guys." She says.
"We're good!" I answer. She stares at me and looks at the kids.
"I was talking to the babies, but great." I roll my eyes and let her drive me to the arena. We talked about how her reign was.
"So Daniel came up to me and told me I'm going to drop my title to Lexi." She says.
"You've held it for eleven months." I point out.
"True." As to where I only held it for at least six months.
We arrived to the arena and I was excited to see Seth. I grab Brooklynn and Dax. Brie gladly took Brayden and we walked inside the arena. We head to the women's locker room.
"Hey guys." Brie says entering with Brayden. I enter with Brook and Dax. All the girls squeal and run up to us. They take the kids away from me and Brie and play with them.
"They're so big." Naomi says. I agree with her and watch them play with the kids.
"Well if you don't mind I'm taking these little ones to see their dad." I say.
"Forgot about him."
"I'll gladly be the father." Sasha says.
"No I'll be the father." Becky argues. I take the kids away before they notice and run out the door.
"Hey we weren't done yet!" They all yell. I laugh and walk to the men's locker room. I somehow knock on the door and wait for an answer. Tyler Breeze opens up and stares at the babies.
"For Seth." I nod and he calls Seth. "Aye Bitch, somebody is here to see you." I can hear Seth growl at him.
"I told you not to call me that." He says approaching the door." Everyone laughs and he opens the door wide open. "Babe!" Everybody turns their heads to see the babies and I. He grabs Dax and kisses me on the lips. The guys all make gagging noises and stare at the babies.
"What's wrong." I say.
"There is actually three." Aj styles says. We may have had a 'fling' a long time ago, but we agreed to be friends.
"Why would I lie about carrying three babies." I say.
"I'm shook." Dean says.
"Dean you already knew." Seth says.
"So." He says, Shrugging. I roll my eyes.
"I'm still shocked." Aj says.
"Triggered!" The new day says passing by. They were here because of some game they wanted to do. Apparently Seth and Aj were really excited because they literally squealed when they saw them.
"Madden finals baby!" Xavier says.
"After my match, woods!" Seth calls out.
"Such dorks." Aj says.
"Whatever Styles." Seth says. He puts his arm over my shoulder as I carry our babies. I get a phone call and hand Brook to Seth.
"Hello." I say.
"Nikki." Somebody says over the line. I must have looked confused because they all stare at me.
"I'll be right back." I tell Seth. He nods as I hand Brayden to Aj. I can feel their eyes as I walk away and sit on a crate.
"Yeah, who's this."
"Why are you talking to me."
"You were right about Melanie." I smile, because I love being right. I still feel Seth's eyes on me.
"What was I right about." I say smiling brightly.
"She was a cheater, she was with half of the raw locker room." He explains to me. I laugh and Seth is still staring at me intently. "Why are you laughing?" He says.
"Karmas a bitch, isn't it." I say.
He sighs over the line. "Yeah it is."
"But for real why did you call."
"To apologize."
"What happened in high school and like two years ago." I nod, even though he can't see it.
"Okay, is there anything else."
"Yeah one more thing, you're a realtor right?" I stare at Seth watching me and I smile.
"I was wondering if you can maybe show me a few homes in LA." I smile.
"Yeah sure, when do you want me to show you."
"Like maybe next week." I smile and say yes.
"Smackdown we'll be there next week so it's cool." I say.
"Thank you, you're a life saver." He hangs up and I jump off. I walk over and grab Brayden from Aj.
"Who was that?" Seth asks.
"Nobody important." I say. He stares at me, but shrugs it off.
"Seth time for your match." A producer says. He hands me the kids and I walk off to the female locker room.
"I'm back!" I yell. I see many NXT superstars in here, including Mandy Rose. I ignore her as I say hello to everyone else.
"So what are you guys doing here." I say handing Brie, Dax and handing Brayden to Lexi.
"We wanted to see how you guys perform." Mandy says. I nod and turn on the tv. Seth was walking out and Mandy was a little to happy for my liking.
"Ooh look it's Seth, he's been teaching me many great things." She says staring right at me, adding a wink at the end. Brie holds me back as I lunge for her. I cross my arms as I give Naomi, Brooklynn.
Seth picks up the win and Mandy runs right out of the room.
"Oh hell no, bitch." I say. All the girls stare at me as I walk out the room. I chase after Mandy as she jumps on Seth. He gets caught by surprise.
"Mandy, hey."
"Hey Seth congrats on your win." She says.
"Thanks." I walk right up to them and stare. "It is not what it looks like." Seth says.
"I know." I say. I wait for Mandy to get off Seth as he lightly tries to push her off. When she doesn't come off, I take matter to my own hands. I yank her right off making her crash to the floor. She gets up angrily and tackles me to the ground.
"What the fuck bitch." I say hitting her back. She keeps punching me as I flip us over. I my was my turn to hit her. Seth takes me off her. I take out the hair that was on my hands and let Seth carry me away.
"Why would you do that." I say.
"I don't want you to get in to get in trouble." He says.
"So she deserves it."
"Yeah, but now you're getting bruises all over your face." He says. I shrug and walk off with him.
"She probably has it worse." I say.
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