A Plan?!
I reached backstage and Seth was there with the kids. I hug them and give them kisses on their cheeks. Seth stands on the end waiting for his. "Don't even think about it Colby." I tell him and take a sip of my water.
"Using real names aren't we Stephanie." He says. I glare at him, not even realizing the girls are right behind us. I grab Brook and walk off. I reach the women's locker room.
"Hey." I tell all the raw superstars.
"Hey, nice match."Bayley tells me.
"Thanks can you watch Brooklynn, while I shower?" I ask her. She nods her head and I give her Brook.
"Why not Seth?" Dana asks. She better have kept that big mouth of hers shut.
"Because he has the Dax and Brayden." I pick clothes out and walk off to the shower. I take a quick shower so I can watch Brooklynn after. I step out and change into the clothes I had previously picked out.
I walk out and Brie and the other girls from the match enter smirking. They see me and wipe it off.
"What's with the smirks?" I ask them.
"Nothing, it's just we were thinking of ways to celebrate Becky's win." Charlotte says. I nod not convinced, but shrug it off.
"Alright so I was thinking strip club." Brie says.
"Brie some of us have children." I say, looking over at Tamina and Mickie.
"Yeah, but you're the only one that brought them." She says.
"I wouldn't be able to go."
"Why not?" Alexa asks.
"I don't have a babysitter."
"That's why the father is here." She says, rolling her eyes.
"I don't know." I say, glancing over at Brooklynn who's happily munching on a cookie Bayley gave her.
"Just trust him, he hasn't seen them in over a year, it's the least you can do." Becky says. I sigh and nod.
"Fine I'll go drop her off." I say, gathering her belongings.
"Okay its settled strip club, WITH FOOD." Brie says.
"Geez you act like a pregnant lady." I say. I hand Brook another cookie and walk out.
"Fuck off." She yells. I smile and walk to the men's locker room, which is sadly on the other side of the arena.
I reach the locker room and knock on the door. Randy opens up and I gladly smile. "Hey."
"Hey." I say greeting him. He looks over at Brook and smiles at her.
"For Seth?" I nod my head and he calls him. He has a fussy Dax in his arms. I stare at Dax and he sees me.
"Momma." He yells. I put Brook down and grab Dax.
"Can you take care of all of them, Brie is being a bitch and making me go out with them." I ask him. As I calm down Dax. He nods and I hand him brook's things. Dax falls asleep in my arms and I walk in to lay him down. I set him down and walk out.
"Don't kill them and feed them." I tell Seth many instructions.
"Blah blah blah, I know what I'm doing, what do you think I've been doing this whole year." I shrug. "Probably fucking every girl I see, is that what you think?" I shrug.
"Well then." He shuts the door and I walk away. I walk in the girls locker room.
"Okay so we got you a dress, because you are not wearing that to a strip club." Alexa says. They hand me a dress and tell me to put it on.
"Woah." I say wobbling a bit, but getting the hang of it.
"You look great." Charlotte says.
"Thanks, it's been a while." I say, grabbing my phone.
"Okay let's go." We walk out and I literally almost tripped, but I caught myself.
"Nikki it's really been that long?" Alexa asks.
"Oh yeah trust me." I say finally being able to walk. We walk out the door, but first we had to follow Brie and all the other girls so they can say goodbye to their men. I sit on a crate waiting for them to finish up their lovey dovey stuff.
Makes me think back to the days when Seth and I were over the moon. When we had no problems in our lives. Before our children and after them. Whenever I would see him my eyes would light up and my heart would race. My whole world was brighter than ever before. The kids were born and it was blinding and that's how bright my life was.
When we would snuggle in bed together. We would both stare at the kids exactly how we stare at each other, with love. The day we got together. "Nikki." Someone says poking my shoulder. I look over and Brie and the girls are standing there.
"Why are you crying." I touch my cheeks, not realizing I'm crying. I wipe them away and smile. I hop off the crate.
"What's wrong?" Alexa asks.
"Nothing." I say smiling.
"Nikki, you're not fooling anyone." Charlotte says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"On the outside you're smiling, but you're missing that spark in your eye." Brie says.
"I'm happy, I have my kids I don't need anyone, except you guys."
"You need your husband." Becky says.
"I'm fine without him." I say.
"Nikki, when are you going to talk to him."
"Why does that matter to you." I say crossing my arms over my chest.
"You have to hear him out, Tuesday on Smackdown, you're going to talk to him." Brie says.
"Whatever, let's just go, we're celebrating for Becky." I say, pointing out the door.
"Okay fine, let's just go."
Seth's pov (earlier today)
Nikki was out in her match and she looked better than ever. The black hair made her even more attractive. She was stunning in her gear and I was proud of her, but she still wouldn't talk to me. She'd only talk to me if it involved our children. You never know how much you miss a person before seeing them. When I saw Nicole walk out, I had butterflies in my stomach and wanted nothing more than to walk out and hug her. I had to hold myself back, so I wouldn't go out there.
Earlier she had a call from some Daniel guy. I don't who he is, but he better stand back from my wife. Randy probably felt the same way because the veins popped out of his forehead. Guess I have competition, but when it comes to my wife, I never lose.
Anyway back to reality, Nikki tapped out to Becky's submission.
"Okay let's go see momma." I tell the kids. I grab Brook and Dax's hands. Brayden holds on to Dax's hand and we walk to the gorilla. They stand there waiting for their mom, my wife. She walks through the curtain and goes to the kids. I stand on the end as she gives them hugs and kisses. I patiently wait to see if she accidentally gives them to me.
"Don't even think about it Colby." She says coldly, ouch.
"Using real names aren't we Stephanie." I say cockily. She scoffs and walks off with Brooklynn.
"Sorry Seth." Brie says.
"It's okay, I'm used to it at this point."
"Why aren't you trying to win her back?" Alexa asks.
"She seems happy and I don't want to interfere."
"Trust me Seth, she acts all happy, but on in the inside we all know she's dying." Charlotte says.
"Why don't we help you win her back." Brie says.
"How, she would barley even talk to me." I say, slightly giving up.
"Make her jealous, it works with everybody." Alexa says.
"It doesn't in the movies." I point out.
"Seth this is real life, not a damn movie or book." Brie says. I nod and signal them to continue.
"Okay so who would be my 'lover' and what exactly will I be doing." I say.
"Hm, Renee is single and she's good friends with Nikki." Brie says thinking.
"Don't you hate her?" I ask her.
"No, she just dated my husband before me." She says, rolling her eyes.
"Hold on let's go ask her." Brie says, taking Dax with her. I grab Brayden and follow her. All the girls behind us.
We reach Renee who just got done with an interview.
"Hey Renee." Brie says. Renee looks at Brie weirdly, before shrugging it off.
"Hey." She says.
"We wanted to ask you for a favor." Brie says.
"What is it."
"Are you a fan of Neth Bellins?" Charlotte asks.
"Who isn't." She giggles.
"Great, so can you pretend to date Seth to make her jealous." She looks over at me unsure.
"She's a really good friend of mine,
I don't want to ruin anything." She says.
"You won't, trust me." I assure her.
"Okay, great we'll start on Tuesday and whenever you're around Nikki, just act lovey Dovey." Becky says.
"And NO KISSING." Brie warns.
"And be really nice to the triplets and if she asks one thing about your relationship involving the kids, say you feel like they're your own." Brie says.
"Okay got it, Tuesday it is." Renee says.
"Perfect." I say.
One step closer to getting my wife back.
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