Chapter 7
"Wakey, wakey you two sleepy heads. Honestly I don't understand how you guys always seem to end up in the same bed despite having a bed not even 5 meters away."
"Haechannie Hyung, go away before I throw a book at you," I grumbled and peeled my eyes open to glare at him. he chuckled and held up his hands with a shrug before quickly leaving the room, knowing I was fully serious. I may or may not have thrown a water bottle at him once when I was woken up by him. I sighed and sat up slightly, looking down at Chenle who was looking at me with droopy eyes. I frowned as I noticed that he looked tired, not just woken up tired but really needs some sleep tired. Did he not sleep well? Did I fail to help him last night? Oh my god, was he still upset? Did he stay up thinking about what they said because he still felt bad? Chenle rolled over so he was laying on top of me and snuggled closer to me, placing a gentle kiss against my neck, making me smile softly.
"How'd you sleep," he asked me.
"Good, why didn't you," I asked quietly. I really hope he wasn't beating himself up about what they said the other day.
"What do you mean? I slept really well," he lied, it was such an obvious lie.
"I know you're lying Chenle, why didn't you sleep well," I asked him again.
"I was thinking," he said with a sigh, making me tense slightly. I really didn't help yesterday, did I?
"I'm not really happy with what they said to you yesterday, and that those assholes upset you so much. I was also a bit worried you were going to have another nightmare so I stayed up to make sure that you were going to be ok. You've been struggling a lot this week so I just wanted to help out," he admitted with a sigh. I am so bad at this! I tried to help him but it didn't change anything, he just got worried about me. I was hoping that I could stop him from staying up so he wouldn't be tired today but he still stayed up late, so I guess I can't cheat the system and kill two birds with one stone.
"It's fine Jisungie, it's not your fault," he said as he sat up and pulled me up with him. I sighed but nodded, knowing there was no use dwelling on it, what's done is done. Chenle still looked tired, (and absolutely adorable with puffy cheeks and messy hair) so I decided it would be best to carry him to breakfast instead of making him walk. I slipped out of bed and scooped him up so I was holding him bridal style, making him giggle cutely and clutch onto my neck so he wouldn't fall. I carried him all the way to the dining room where everyone else was already seated and eating breakfast, making them turn to look at us.
"Get a room you two, seriously," Renjun groaned, making me roll my eyes as I placed Chenle down on his seat.
"We have our own room, where do you think we just came from," Chenle shrugged, making me freeze and go bright red as everyone looked at him. He paused and looked around before scoffing.
"Get your minds out of the gutter and stop being so dirty minded," he said, making us all chuckle. Breakfast was fun and went by quickly and before long we were in the van and heading to the dance studio for practice. I was concerned when not even a few minutes into the drive, I felt a small weight on my shoulder and I looked over to see Chenle sound asleep. It's clear that his tired, which means he's not going to go too well in practice and the other's aren't going to be too happy. Right now I have no idea how to help him today. I thought he would be fine so I haven't really thought about it which means I need to think, and quickly. When we got to the company, I gently woke up Chenle and helped him out of the van, holding his hand as we walked inside as he was still sleepy. Warm ups were quick and worrying as I could immediately tell that Chenle was off because of his lack of sleep but before long we were getting right into practice, starting off with '119'. Right off the bat Chenle was making some mistakes, they weren't that big but they were definitely there. Thankfully no one said anything about it, that was until we got an hour in and he was still making mistakes. Mark paused the music and turned to Chenle with a frown.
"Chenle we've been at this for an hour and you're still making mistakes," he said, frustration evident in his voice and I tensed, worried to see how Chenle would react.
"I'm sorry Hyung, I'm just a bit tired," Chenle sighed.
"That's no excuse Chenle-ah, we're all tired but we're not making that many mistakes. You need to step it up ok," Mark said shaking his head. Chenle sighed but nodded his head.
"Of course Hyung, I'm sorry," he said quickly. Mark just frowned slightly before pressing play as we got back into position. I could immediately tell that Chenle was trying extra hard but I could also tell that it was using up a lot of his energy and he was getting tired quicker. He wasn't making as many mistakes but he was making some and I could see the other's sending him slightly annoyed looks. I know they would never want to upset Chenle and were just slightly tired and frustrated but it was getting to Chenle, and I know he could see all of the looks sent his way after he made a mistake. It's been about 20 minutes and I've been trying to figure out a way to help him without causing any trouble but I can't really think of anything. Any hopes and cautions of not causing trouble were thrown out the door when I heard the words fall from Jeno's mouth.
"God he's holding us back," Jeno mumbled but it was loud enough for me to hear and it was certainly loud enough for Chenle to hear, given how he looked like he'd been punching in the stomach. The words immediately set me off and I stormed over to the speakers, turning them off quickly. I know Chenle mentioned he said something like that but hearing the words come from Jeno's mouth just made me mad.
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Lee Jeno," I asked angrily as I glared at him. My words seemed to shock everyone as their mouths dropped and Chenle's eyes went wide.
"Park Jisung, you will respect you Hyungs," he said sternly as Jeno narrowed his eyes at me. I just scoffed and shook my head as I took a step closer to Jeno. Jeno could 100% overpower me if we fought but when it comes to my best friend, I don't care who you are, you don't hurt him.
"I will respect my Hyungs, when my Hyungs earn my respect and not when they're being absolute insensitive idiots," I seethed.
"What your language Jisung. You may be the Maknae but that doesn't mean you can just get away with being rude and disrespectful," Jeno said with a frown.
"I will not watch my language, I can say whatever I want. And disrespect? You wanna talk about disrespect," I scoffed, my eyes narrowing.
"YOU JUST CALLED CHENLE A FUCKEN BURDEN WHEN HE CAN CLEARLY HEAR YOU AND HE'S TRYING HIS HARDEST," I yelled at him. There were a few gasps as the other's turned to look at Jeno, Renjun looking almost as angry as me.
"Are you kidding me Jeno!? Why the hell would you ever say that about anyone," Renjun scolded him.
"Why am I the one being targeted right now? I know what I said was untrue and I shouldn't have said that but it's frustrating that he keeps making mistakes and we're all tired," Jeno groaned. Oh I'm about to deck his ass, stuff him being stronger than me.
"DID YOU EVER THINK TO, I DON'T KNOW. ASK HIM WHY HE WAS SUDDENLY SO TIRED, WHY HE WAS SUDDENLY MAKING SO MANY MISTAKES THAT HE NEVER MAKES," I yelled at him. I'm pretty sure everyone just gave up on trying to get me to be respectful and calm down. Everyone went quiet and turned to look at Chenle who was standing there with teary eyes and quivering lips. He slowly turned to me before his face scrunched up and a sob escaped his lips, making my heart break. Any anger I previously had evaporated the minute Chenle rushed over and hugged my tightly, burying his face in my chest as his body shook as he seemed like he was trying to hide in my embrace. I held him closely and ran my hand up and down as he cried into my chest.
"He's so tired because he was looking after me last night. He knows I've been having trouble sleeping and I've been getting nightmares so he decide to stay awake just in case I had another nightmare. I didn't ask him to but he wasn't worried about his own sleep, just about making sure I could relax an get a good night of rest," I told them with a sighed. Everyone immediately looked guilty, obviously regretting how they'd been acting today, especially Jeno. They all looked towards Chenle who was still crying in my arms.
"While many of you have been acting like insensitive self-centred brats today, Chenle is very forgiving and right now he just needs the reassurance that he isn't a burden and we all still love him ok," I said softly. I'm annoyed at Jeno, really annoyed but right now all I care about is what Chenle needs and what Chenle needs is to know that he's loved and appreciated. The all immediately ran over and hugged us tightly, surrounding us from either side. Chenle started to cry harder and he moved closer to Jeno. I let Jeno take him from his arms as I knew Chenle needed the most reassurance from the older. Jeno grabbed him and held him tightly, tears in his eyes but he didn't let them fall as Chenle cried harder and clung to him tightly.
"I am so sorry Chenle, so, so sorry. You aren't a burden, not at all Chenle. You are so talented, one of the most talented people in this group and one of the most hard working. Hyung was having a bad day and should never, ever have said what he did ok. I was in the wrong and it was so untrue. I need you to understand that you aren't a burden," Jeno said firmly. Chenle sniffled and looked up at him.
"Do you really mean that," he asked quietly, his voice cracking slightly.
"I promise, I promise I mean it. What I said was so stupid and so untrue, Jisung was right and I swear I won't ever take out my frustrations on you ever again," Jeno said as he quickly wiped the tears from Chenle's face.
"Thanks Hyung," Chenle nodded.
"I'm sorry for making so man-."
"Don't apologise Chenle. You have nothing to apologise for, everyone has off days and we should no not to act the way we did," Jaemin interrupted quickly. We all pulled away and Chenle wiped his eyes quickly with one last sniffle. He slowly walked back to me and latched to my side, lowering his head down to my shoulder and resting it there tiredly. I moved my hand to his hair and ran it through softly.
"I'm so tired and I feel so bad because I should be training right now but I don't know how long I'm gonna last," he mumbled, loud enough for the other's to hear.
"That's completely fine Chenle. You should never be scared to tell us if you aren't feeling well and need to sit out. We're never going to force you to do something you can't or don't want to and you need to be able to trust that we'll look after you. We all need to be able to trust each other ok," Mark said softly.
"I do trust you. I just don't wanna be a burden," Chenle said quietly. I saw Jeno wince before frowning but it serves him right, he does deserve to feel guilty for a while.
"You aren't a burden Lele," I said quickly.
"I know," he said, squeezing my hip gently.
"Do you want to sit out and rest for a bit," Renjun asked with furrowed eyebrows. Renjun has always been overprotective when it comes to the younger Chinese member.
"No, I'm good," Chenle said quickly. I lifted his head up and turned it to face me, looking into his still glossy eyes.
"Remember what you made me promise yesterday? That applies to you as well ok, you need to be honest. Said a good example for you Dongsaeng," I said, making him roll his eyes but gave me a quick smile. He sighed before turning his head to look at the other's.
"I'm exhausted Hyungs. Like I feel like I'm just gonna pass out and sleep for ages, I can hardly keep my eyes open," he admitted. I quickly tightened my grip around him just in case he did actually fall.
"Alright, why don't you lie down on the couch," Renjun said with a small nod. I gently walked over to the couch but he stopped me before he sat down. He said something in Chinese to Renjun that I couldn't understand but the next second Renjun was laying down on the couch and holding his arms out wide. Chenle quickly laid down on top of him and relaxed completely as his head was resting on Renjun's shoulder and the olders arms were wrapped around his waist.
"I'm gonna stay here with him while he sleeps, you guys continue," Renjun said. It took less than two minutes for Chenle to fall asleep which was really concerning but at least he's getting some sleep now. We continued on with practice, lowering the music so it wouldn't disturb Chenle too much. Renjun just continued to lay there as he held a sleeping Chenle, just giving us corrections when needed. After practicing for an hour, Jeno and Renjun switched. It took us a few minutes to gently move Chenle without waking him up and get him settled back down on top of Jeno where he immediately cuddled up once again. I leant over and placed a quick kiss on the sleeping boys forehead before getting back to practice. Chenle slept for another hour before he woke up and slowly stretched. I walked over to him and helped him sit up as Jeno also sat up. I brushed his hair with my fingers gently, chuckling as it was sitting up everywhere making him pout and push me away as he leant against Jeno and yawned.
"How're you feeling now? Are you ok to practice or do you want to rest some more," Haechan asked him.
"I'm good, just give me a minute or two to wake up," he said sheepishly as he wiped his eyes.
"You're comfy Hyung," he added as an afterthought, looking over at Jeno who gave him a small smile.
"Thanks," he replied.
"Alright, let's go," Chenle said getting up and stretching a before getting into position. This is the quickest I've ever seen him wake up and get ready in all the years I've known him. We begun practice again, this time with everyone and we got 15 minutes through before Chenle made a mistake and he froze, his eyes wide.
"Good job Lele, that's ok," Haechan said quickly.
"That's a hard move, you're doing well ok," Jeno said as he gave him a quick hug. Chenle turned to look at me and I gave him a reassuring smile and he grinned, nodding and getting back into position.
"You're doing well Lele," Renjun said ruffling his hair. Chenle looked down quickly, obviously trying to hide his face but I could see the big smile that was on his face. There were some major setbacks today and some yelling but I'm glad it worked out in the end. I'm so close, so close to saving him, just a little bit longer.
Here is Chapter 7
This chapter was a little bit shorter than usual but there some yelling and screaming so hopefully that makes up for it lol
Let me know what you thought :)
Thank you so much for reading!!
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