Chapter 4
"Jisung? Jisungie?" I slowly opened my eyes and sat up before gasping in shock.
"Ch-Chenle," I whispered in horror.
"I don't feel very good Sungie," he said as he put his hand over his bloody chest. I sprung from my bed as he dropped to the ground and I quickly placed my hand over his chest to try and stop the bleeding. Why is he bleeding? What the hell happened!?
"Lele, w-what happened," I asked shakily, trying to stop myself from crying as the blood soaked over my hands.
"Don't you remember," he asked, peering up at me with glazed over eyes.
"N-No, I don't know. I don't know what happened. But stay with me, just stay awake and you'll be fine," I begged quickly.
"But you did this Jisung." Wait what?
"What do you mean I did this. CHENLE STAY AWAKE," I screamed, my heart racing as I sobbed. His eyes has slipped closed but at my words, his eyes opened slowly.
"Y-You didn't save me. You promised and you didn't save me," he whispered before going limp in my arms. No. No, no, no, not again. He can't be dead, I promised I'd save him, I promised I wouldn't let him die.
"Chenle. Chenle please wake up, don't leave me," I sobbed, squeezing my eyes closed so I wouldn't have to see the blood on him. There was a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach and it felt like a rush of air brushed past me, so I opened my eyes and was confused to see that I was sitting on some concrete. Huh? I slowly stood up and wiped my eyes, turning around to get my bearings but once again found myself freezing. I was beside a pool, and inside that pool was a body face down with familiar blond hair. Oh god. I sprinted and dove into the pool wrapping my arms around the smaller boy and desperately tugging him towards the edge. I scrambled out and quickly pulled him up and lay him down on his back. I placed my ear over his heart, my own clenching when I couldn't hear any beat. I quickly began to do CPR to the best of my ability but I've never really been taught.
"Chenle. Chenle, please don't die on me again. Please don't leave me again Lele," I begged, sobbing hysterically as I weakly tried to give him chest compressions. My arms gave out and I collapsed onto Chenle's chest, sobs wracking through my body as I clung to him.
"Lele, please don't leave me," I cried. I've already lost him before, I can't lose him again. It hurts too much to lose him, I can't do this. My eyes slipped closed and I felt another breeze but I refused to open my eyes and continued to cling to him, not wanting to have to watch him die again. It feels like I'm stuck in an endless loop of me not being able to stop my best friend from dying, I never made it in time.
"I can't do this Chenle, I can't do this. I can't keep watching you die. Make it stop, please make it stop," I begged.
"Sung, Jisung. WAKE UP JISUNG." My eyes snapped open with a gasp, my heart pounding. No, no, no. I don't want to do this, I don't want to see him die again. I squeezed my eyes closed and sobbed.
"Sungie, it's Mark. Can you open your eyes and look at me please aegi? You're safe Jisung, you just had a bad dream but you're ok." It's, over? I don't have to see Chenle die anymore? No one else was ever in those moments, just Chenle and I. I shakily opened my eyes and peered up to see Mark standing by my bed, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
"Hyungie," I whimpered. He moved onto my bed quickly and wrapped his arms around me as I begun to cry.
"Shh, you're ok Sungie, it was just a bad dream," he said softly. I sniffled and looked over his shoulder to see the rest of the Dreamies watching worriedly. Jeno had an arm wrapped around Jaemin's waist to stop my panicked Hyung from rushing over. Haechan and Renjun were holding a crying Chenle. Crying Chenle, not dead Chenle. The minute my eyes set on him, my racing heart calmed down. He's here, he's safe. I can still save him, it was just nightmares. I desperately wanted to rush over and hug him tightly for as long as I could but I couldn't, I didn't want to creep him out. But I wanted to be close to him, needed to be at least near him to feel better.
"L-Lele," I whispered into Marks ear with a sniffle. He understood immediately and moved around a little bit.
"Chenle," he said softly. Haechan and Renjun let him go and he quickly rushed over, sitting on the bed next to me and wrapping me in a tight hug. I let out a sob of relief and clung to him, the front of his shirt, my head tucked under his neck.
"You're ok Sung. I'm here. I'm not, I'm not going anywhere," he whispered. I don't know how he knew I needed to hear that but I did, I really did. I slowly begun to calm down as Chenle held me and Mark ran his fingers through my hair and down my back softly. Once I finished crying, I just sniffled and stayed holding onto Chenle.
"Are you ok Jisung," Jaemin asked me. I turned my head slightly so I could look at him, but kept it tucked under Chenle's chin.
"Y-Yeah," I replied shakily.
"You were screaming in your sleep darling," Renjun said softly as he knelt down in front of my bed. Oh crap. I mean it won't give away anything because it sounds just like a normal nightmare people might have.
"It was a nightmare," I said quietly.
"Do you wanna talk about it? You don't have to but you sounded really distressed," he said gently. I mean I might as well tell them, they'll just thing it's a once off nightmare. I don't want to talk to everyone about it though, I don't really want to think about it too much. I turned my head and lifted it up to Chenle's ear so I could whisper in it.
"Just you," I said quietly, feeling him nod quickly.
"It's fine Hyungs, I'll take it from here," Chenle said. I could tell some of them were probably hesitant as it was quiet for a bit before I heard the sound of shuffling and the soft click of the door closing. Chenle quickly held me closer to him and buried his face in my hair. I was shocked when I felt something wet slowly seeping into my hair. Wait, he was crying. I completely skipped over that. Is he hurt.
"Chenle? Chenle, are you ok," I asked quickly as I leant back and took in his tear stained face.
"I'm here Sung, I'm here," he whispered, gently cupping my face with his hand. I leant into the comforting gesture but I was a bit confused.
"I know you are," I said in confusion. Although you weren't once and there's a chance you might not, if I don't help you in time.
"You were begging me not to leave and pleading to make it stop," he whispered, looking down slightly. Oh, right, that makes sense.
"You um, you kept dying, in front of me. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop it," I admitted. He lifted his eyes too look at mine with a sad look.
"Oh Jisungie, I'm so sorry. You know that's not gonna happen right, we're gonna be old and wrinkly together ok," he said firmly. I mean I wish I could believe that but I just can't yet, I don't know what's going to happen yet. It isn't really his fault, this Chenle has no idea what's going to happen but I think I'm going to be on edge until the end of Sunday. I just nodded and hugged him softly, taking a deep breath.
"I love you," I whispered softly.
"I love you too, very much," he replied quickly. We sat wrapped in each other's embrace for a few minutes and I got thinking. Today is the day he's supposed to be calling his parents but they tell him they're busy and he's begins to feel unwanted. I already know that there's no way to stop him from contacting his parents. He hasn't seen them in ages and no matter what I might say, he will always want to contact them. This is one that I know he has to do and I just have to be there to try and make him happier tonight. I'm not looking forward to it though, not at all. I hate seeing Chenle hurt...
Later That Night
"Hey Sung, do you mind going out of the room for a bit? I'm gonna call mum and dad for a bit," he said, giving me a small smile but I could see in his eyes how excited he was. It broke my heart knowing how let down he's going to be very soon.
"Sure, have fun," I said with a small, forced smile. I went over to his bed and gave him a quick hug before leaving the room so he could make the calls. Last time I ended up going for a walk because I was bored but I think I want to stay close by this time, make sure I'm here if something happens. I went out to the loungeroom and saw Haechan getting a movie set up on Netflix for him, Jaemin and Jeno. I walked over and sat next to him but he immediately wraps his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. Haechan does this a lot to bug me because I don't usually like too much skinship and I could tell he expected me to move straight away, given how he immediately moved his hands so I would be able to move without struggle. Today I need the comfort though, I need something to help settle my nerves while I wait for Chenle to finish up. I leant back against his chest slowly and grabbed his hands, wrapping them around my waist tightly. I turned my head slightly from where it was rested on his shoulder to look up at him and he smiled gently at me. He tightened his hold around me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, making me relax in his hold and look back to the TV. Jaemin and Jeno came into the room and Jaemin immediately pouted, crossing his arms.
"Why does Haechan get to have Jisungie all to himself," he asked with a frown.
"Is Nana jealous," Jeno asked with a chuckle.
"Of course I'm jealous! Jisung doesn't allow as to cuddle him like this often, it's really rare," Jaemin grumbled as he flopped down on the couch next Haechan and I, Jeno following soon after and hugging him. I quickly reached over and slipped my hand into Jaemin's softly, linking our fingers. His head snapped to me in surprise but quickly looked back to the TV when I raised my eyebrow up at him.
"We're watching 'Seo Bok', any objections," Haechan asked as he got ready to press play. When no one objected, he pressed play and everyone paid attention to the TV. Truthfully, I've already watched this movie and I'm a little tired so I decided to just curl up in Haechan's lap and rest my head gently on his shoulder. A small chuckle left his lips and pulled me closer to him, rubbing his hand up and down my gently. I was kind of drifting in and out of sleep as I lay in his lap but I saw Mark and Renjun go into the kitchen to begin cooking. All there is to do now is wait until Chenle comes out or they finish cooking. The cooking finished first and soon enough Mark was calling us all over to the table to eat as Renjun placed all the food on the table. We all got up and sat down, Chenle joining us a few minutes later and sitting down next to me. Seeing him now and knowing was actually going on inside his head made my heart ache. He was wearing a hoodie, my hoodie with the hood pulled up and his bangs resting over his eyes. At first glance he would just seem exhausted, but I knew better, I knew he was heartbroken and thinking he was unwanted. I wished I could just wrap him up in my arms and hold him tightly but I can't do that just yet, it'll have to wait.
"You alright Lele," Renjun asked as he finished placing the food down.
"Yeah, I'm just tired," Chenle replied with a small smile.
"Alright. Everyone knows what is going on tomorrow right," Mark asked.
"Yeah, we're spending the day with our 127 Hyungs," I replied.
"We're gonna chill with no recording, just relax and fun," Jaemin nodded.
"And we aren't gonna annoy our Hyungs at all," Jeno said.
"We'll make you proud Markie," Renjun added sweetly, making us all chuckle, except Chenle. I looked to my left and saw him looking down at his bowl gloomily eating with his left hand for some reason as his right was clenched next to the bowl. I feel so bad for him, and he never shows his feelings so he won't tell anyone unless pushed. I continued to eat but slowly slid my hand over and rested it on his thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. Chenle jolted slightly and looked over at me from under his bangs. This was the first time that I truly saw him broken, the look in his eyes what not on that I ever want to witness again but there's nothing I can do about that, just help him when he needs it. I gave him a gentle smile and left my hand on his thigh loosely as he turned back and continued to eat. I was a bit deflated and considered moving my hand but when I went to, Chenle's hand shot out and grabbed my arm. I looked up to see him looking over at me with pleading eyes, as if begging me to just continue giving him some comfort. He blinked slowly before gently releasing my arm and going back to eating. I understood what he wanted though and rested my hand back down on his thigh. We stayed like that for a few minutes, completely unnoticed by the other's who continued talking and either didn't notice we were more quiet than usual, or they knew not to mention anything. After a while I felt something brush against my hand suddenly, making me startle a little but I smiled softly when I looked down. Chenle was still eating calmly but he had moved his hand down and placed it on his leg, his fingers just barely brushing mine. I quickly flipped mine and moved it under his and intertwined our fingers. He immediately gave it a squeeze and we just left our hands like that for the rest of dinner. Only once we finished dinner, did he finally let go of my hand so we could move. We put our dirty dishes in the dishwasher and said goodnight to our Hyungs before going over to our room. Chenle went straight to the cupboard to get changed but I just stood against the wall with my arms crossed, waiting for him to turn around. When he finally turned around, he paused and raised an eyebrow up at me, his clothes in his hands.
"What's wrong," I asked him, concern seeping into my voice. I know what's wrong but I need him to actually tell me before I can say anything.
"There's nothing wrong Ji, I'm just tired as I said," he said with a shrug. I'm going to take the very direct route with him, sometimes he can be far too in his head and defensive to seek help.
"Bullshit," I said bluntly, making his eyes widened.
"It's fine to not be ok Lele, not everyone can be as happy as you are all the time. It's ok for you to be sad and need to cry. I mean you literally watched me have a breakdown over a papercut yesterday and another one over a fictional dream," I told him. Ok, not all of it was just fictional but who cares. He stayed silent for a few seconds before sighing and deflating, his shoulders dropping.
"I uh, I didn't get to talk to mum and dad," he said with a sigh. I could see it in his eyes this time, the broken look that was just begging for someone to tell him what he was thinking was wrong. I can do that.
"I'm sorry, I know you really wanted to talk to them. They probably had a lot going on and that's not your fault, it's theirs for not making the time for you and they should be aware of that. We all know how much your parents love and cherish you, they just have a lot on their plate and they are shockingly horrendous at keeping themselves organised," I told him, shaking my head slowly. He needs to understand that they do indeed love him and will forever, people just sometimes make mistakes. He chuckled at me words, and shook his head as he giggled again. My heart leapt at the pretty sound. His eyes were scrunched up in the corners as he smiled and that brought a small smile to my own lips. This is looking good, hopefully he's feeling better.
"That's actually so true. I forgot how unorganised they are. They're running a business and I remember the time they both forgot their own anniversary until a week later," he laughed as he pulled off my hoodie and threw it to me.
"Sleep in it, you look cute," I said with a grin, throwing it back to him. He smiled and quickly slipped it back on and went over to my bed, flopping down on my bed.
"Do you want me to sleep here, just in case you get another nightmare," he asked, looking up at me with a gentle look. Trust Chenle to remember something like that and think of how to help when he's been upset as well.
"Is that ok," I asked, shrugging off my jacket. Chenle sometimes keeps stuff like hoodies on when he sleeps because he always get's cold but I'm apparently a furnace and I'm the opposite.
"Of course, now hurry up," he said with a pout. I rolled my eyes but went and turned the light off, walking back over to lay down next to him.
"Little or big spoon," I asked him.
"I'm never the big soon but I wanna cuddle normally," he replied with a shrug. I nodded and opened my arms, allowing him to crawl closer and rest his head on my chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist and tangled our legs together. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held him close to me.
"Are you feeling better," I asked quietly.
"Yeah actually, a lot. You really put some stuff into perspective," he replied. Yes, that's another thing I've helped him, the second one down and I'm one step closer to saving him.
"I'm glad. Let's get some rest though. Goodnight Lele," I whispered.
"Night Jisungie," he replied softly. I rested my head on top of his and gently closed my eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep...
Thank you so much for reading and let me know what you think :)
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