The days were passing by and Susan's wounds were slowly healing with Jessica sleeping and waking up right next to her lover every single day. Even when no one else was around, Jessica was there, on that tiny mustard armchair, with her feet resting on the bed's edge, reading to her. Jessica's voice was not only calming her but it was the purest of sounds that Susan had ever listened to and as the days were passing by she was now sure that nothing, even the most beautiful song that exists could compare to Jessica's voice. She was determined not to lose that sweet sound.
The morning has broken and the first sun rays found Jessica asleep in the armchair next to Susan's bed. Susan was already awake, staring at her lover. Jessica felt her lover's eyes glued on her and she slowly opened her eyes letting out a painful groan, she reached for her neck and started massaging it, "Good morning"
"I don't know why you're not coming to bed anymore"
"Cause... the doctor said you still need rest"
"And I can rest alright having you by my side"
"I am by your side, we're just not sharing the bed"
"I don't like sleeping and having you sleep in that chair"
"I got used to it"
"Jess, I'm alright, why you keep doing this to yourself?"
"I'm scared of hitting you in my sleep"
"You never did, what makes you think it's gonna happen now?"
"The thing you're most scared of always happens"
"That's not true"
"If you say so..."
"Don't make me drag you in bed, please come"
"What? Now?"
"Yes, now"
"But I'm awake now, I'll tell you what, I'm gonna make us some coffee and tonight I'll sleep on the bed"
"Jess" Susan looked at her lover and just like that... with a single look, Jessica sighed and crawled under the blanket next to Susan who hugged her tightly, "See, that's better"
"God, I almost forgot how good it feels"
"I hug you every day"
"Not you, the bed"
With that, Susan chuckled, "Now that's offensive"
"You know what I mean"
"I know" she replied and kissed Jessica's forehead, "You know what else is gonna make you feel good?" she whispered with her lips attached on Jessica's scalp
"Yeah, that's not gonna happen"
"Come on, I'm feeling a lot better now"
"We're not even discussing it, Sue"
"You don't want to?"
"Honestly? I don't, I'm just glad you're good and till we go to the doctor next week we're not having sex"
"It's been almost a month, do I have to beg?"
"I said no," Jessica said angrily and stared at Susan who widened her eyes, "Okay... alright, next week it is then"
Jessica sighed and stood up, "You've got to understand that it's not like I don't want to but I was so scared of losing you that night, I panicked and all I want now is to make sure you're healing alright"
"I think you're overreacting now" she replied chuckling
"Yeah? Well, what would you do if the same thing happened to me? I thought I was gonna lose you and when Jack wasn't picking up I could only think the worst scenarios. We're not twenty anymore, Sue"
"And what's that suppose to mean? We stop living after sixty?"
"This is not what I meant"
"Then help me out a little"
"You're never gonna understand what I meant!"
"Oh, now you're calling me stupid?"
"No, all I'm saying is that you're acting childish, it's that simple"
"Well, thank you, at least I'm living without constantly thinking of dying"
Jessica shook her head and closed her eyes, calming down, finally she opened her eyes and looked at her lover, forcing herself to smile she sighed, "You know what? It's my fault for starting this, I'm sorry"
Susan looked at her confused she furrowed her brows together and stared at her in silence, "I'll be inside"
Jessica wore her robe and walked out of the room, closing the door behind.
Susan let Jessica relax and after several minutes she followed her inside, walking tentatively to her lover's side, she found Jessica sitting on the dining table reading the newspaper, she sighed and touched softly Jessica's shoulder, "What are you doing?"
"It's yesterday's news..." she said and sat next to her. Jessica closed the newspaper and looked at the date, she sighed and took off her glasses.
"I get it, Jess"
"I could only imagine how you must've felt and I..."
"Let's just forget about it"
"No, let me finish"
"Go ahead"
"If something had happened to you I know I wouldn't stand it, I know it now and it's been so long that I stopped thinking about it. We said we're gonna be together for as long as it lasts and that's kinda scary, isn't it? But you've got to stop thinking that even a cold could kill us"
"I got so scared, Sue and you couldn't see it, honestly I didn't want you to see it, I'm attached to you in a way that you're all I have now and I can't imagine even one day passing by without talking to you, without seeing you"
"But you've got to stop thinking of it that way because that day will come eventually"
"It might be me, Sue, I might go first and even that scares me, cause no one's gonna be around you and I can't let that happen"
"So what are we gonna do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are we gonna wait for that day and stop living? Or we're gonna grab our chance and make the best of it"
Jessica smiled and lowered her head, "The second one but that doesn't mean we should stop being careful"
"You think I don't see it but I do... you're so worried about me... I've... I've never seen you like that before"
"Well, I won't let anything take you away from me"
"I'm here aren't I?"
"You are"
"And I'm planning on being around for many years so..."
Susan looked at her and smiled, she reached for Jessica's hand and held her, "I can take care of myself"
"Yeah..." she chuckled, "I can see that"
"Hey! It was an accident!"
"I just think that no one can take care of you as I do"
"That's true"
"Cause no one loves you as I do"
"I'm not dying, Jess so enough with this"
"God, you're wonderful, you know that?"
Jessica smiled and wore back her glasses, "And so damn hot, come on let's go inside" With that Jessica gave her a look and smirked, "Fine!" Susan shouted, "At least I tried" Susan sighed and looked at Jessica who took the newspaper in her hands again, she started looking around, "So what are we doing today?"
"What do you wanna do?"
"I don't know maybe go out?"
"Do what?"
"I don't know, let's go eat somewhere nice"
"Nuh..." Susan repeated and shrugged.
"How about I'll make us something to eat and you know... sit here, here is nice"
"It's like you're doing this on purpose"
"Excuse me?"
"Since I fell all I'm hearing is, let's stay inside, I don't feel so good, let's order something, the kids are coming in and whenever I'm going out without telling you, you flip out"
Jessica lowered her sight and chuckled, "Let's go see a movie then"
"For real?" Susan asked it was true that her lover's response took her by surprise, "You and me, out, in a public place, around people, looking at us"
"You make it sound way worse than it is"
"Alright then, let's go"
Jessica had already made them something to eat when she walked into the bedroom to wake her lover up and although Jessica's strict rules, that Susan had to rest, Jessica found her sitting on the bed, glued on her phone.
"Now, what do you think you're doing?"
"What?" Susan asked confused and glanced up from her phone, staring at Jessica who started cleaning up the room. Folding the clothes and placing them on the bed.
"You were supposed to be resting but instead..."
Susan cut her short and added, "I find you on that god damn thing, honey, you need to rest"
With that Jessica stopped and stared at her, chuckling, "You think you're smart?"
"Oh, I am..." Susan replied and closed her phone
"Alright smartass, you wanna eat something before leaving?"
"Yes please," she said but had to intentions of getting out of bed something that didn't pass unnoticed... "Well, are you getting out of bed?"
"Of course"
"Come on, you should get dressed too"
Susan smiled and finally got out of bed, she reached for her clothes and started undressing with Jessica eyes being all over her, suddenly she let out a loud, painful, groan and Jessica immediately rushed to her side, worried.
"You mind helping me a little?" she asked and stoped her actions, looking right into her lover's eyes.
"You don't even have to ask," Jessica said and started helping her lover.
Jessica helped Susan take off her shirt first and then her pants, leaving her only with her underwear and slowly started putting on her clothes, she smiled while making her wear the t-shirt, "You're not in pain, are you?"
"Not really" Susan replied with a smile "I'm just trying to seduce you"
Jessica chuckled, "Yeah, I can tell"
"So what will it take for me to get you to bed, Ms. Lange?"
"Cut it out, Sue"
"You don't want me anymore?"
"You know damn well how I feel, you think it's easy for me?"
"What's stopping you?" Susan whispered, her lips slightly touching her lover's
"I already explained how things are, we're gonna wait until you last check-up"
"What for? I'm alright. Or is that just an excuse?"
"Oh, believe me, I want it more than you do..."
"You think so?"
Jessica raised her eyebrow and took a step back, she smirked, "I should go and set the table"
"You should..."
Jessica lowered her sight and walked to the door before Susan stopped her, "Jess?"
"What?" she asked and looked at her
"We had sex on that table... just saying"
Jessica laughed, "Yeah, don't" she whispered and walked out of the room.
"Jess, relax, no one saw us and even if they did, once the lights are out no one's gonna pay attention to us"
Jessica sighed and stopped looking around. The truth is that not many people were inside but scared of someone finding out about them Jessica kept looking around worried not to be spotted, "I'm sorry"
"Well, I don't know why you suggested it in the first place"
"Because you've been saying how bad you wanted to go see a movie for so long and I wanted to do it for you"
"What for? You're clearly not enjoying it"
"But you are"
"I would enjoy it if we stayed home and watch a movie there instead"
"But I wanted to do something for you"
"You already did things for me, Jess"
"Besides taking care of you"
"We both know that it hasn't been easy for you as well"
"I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't the best but I'd like to think I did a good job these past weeks"
"I wanna kiss you"
"I know but I missed you"
"What are you talking about we're together every day"
"Promise me you'll sleep on the bed tonight"
"I promise"
Susan smiled and reached for Jessica's hand but Jessica avoided and looked back again, making sure that no one could see them, Susan chuckled and shook her head... and the lights went down... and the movie started...
Both women walked out of the theater, avoiding to be seen until someone walked to their side...
"I'm sure he got it as a joke, Jessica"
"Oh, hell he did! What were you thinking, Sue?" Jessica shouted when both walked back into Susan's apartment.
"Because us getting married and adopting him can really happen... think straight for fuck's sake!"
"Do you realize how many people probably know now that we were out together?!" she said and let her things on the couch
"So what? We're not allowed to be just friends? We've got to be a couple to go out?"
"You don't know how these people think!"
"Jesus..." Susan whispered, calmer now she looked at Jessica, "If going out with me is that hard for you then why the fuck did you suggested it? As if I'm the black sheep! You make me feel like you're ashamed of me, Jess"
"Oh please, don't throw the ball on me, Susan, not this time, you had no reason to talk to some stranger, tell him that we could actually get married"
"It was just a fucking joke!"
"Was it?"
"You think I actually asked you to marry me in front of him?"
"No, I'm not sayin..." she started but Susan cut her short, "You're crazy, Jess, and until you pull yourself together we're not gonna talk about it. Learn the difference between joking and talking seriously" she said and stormed into her bedroom, leaving Jessica behind, tearing up.
Jessica covered her face with her hands and then reached for her bag, taking out her cigarettes and eventually lighting up one. After almost an hour she tiptoed into the bedroom, careful not to wake up her lover. Calmer now she looked at the bedside table next to Susan, making sure that she took her pills and sighed.
"I'm sorry I made you cry" she whispered softly but didn't move.
"I'm sorry I made you angry and for everything else... How are you feeling?"
"I'm good"
"Good..." she replied and stood in silence for a few minutes, "I'm gonna be inside if you need me"
"You promised me, Jess"
"You still want me to?"
"Nothing changed..." Susan said and took a sitting position, she stared at Jessica, "Come to bed"
Jessica smiled and took off her clothes to wear her pajamas, immediately she crawled next to her lover and placed her head on Susan's chest, hearing her heart racing. "We're both tensed from everything that happened, I get it"
"It wouldn't be such a bad idea you know"
Jessica looked at her, "Us getting married and adopting him" she replied and started laughing.
"I love you"
"But I'm crazy"
"Oh, I know..." Susan replied and laughed
"Fuck you"
Susan laughed again and started placing kisses along her lover's jawline, nose, and forehead, making her smile until she locked her lips with Jessica's and felt her warm breath, she bit Jessica's bottom lip and opened her eyes, looking at her before pulling her into a long, deep kiss.
Jessica capped Susan's breast and started massaging it above her shirt, she broke the kiss and took a breath, looking at her, "We should stop"
"But fuck it..." she said, making Susan chuckled and attacked her neck, nibbling her skin, her hand moved lower and she finally shoved her fingers into Susan's panties, feeling her wetness around her fingers, she started circling her clit.
"Please don't stop," Susan said and exhaled, she let her head fall backward allowing Jessica's lips to move freely on her neck. "I missed you too" Jessica whispered into Susan's ear and started sucking her earlobe.
"Fuck..." Susan sighed and furrowed her brows together, she reached for the bedsheets and grabbed them. Jessica didn't hesitate and shoved two fingers into her lover's slit, using her thumb to stroke softly her clit, she kept a slow pace at the beginning and watched Susan's expressions changing and her moans getting louder as she increased the pace.
"Ah, Jess..."
Jessica's fingers kept working between her lover's legs until Susan reached her climax and grabbed Jessica's hand, with her mouth hanging open. "Oh, God!" she shouted and closed her eyes, trying to breathe normally. Both stood in comfortable silence for several minutes, Jessica let her lover come down from her high, placing her head back on Susan's shoulder who wrapped her arms around her.
"How do you feel?"
"So good" Susan whispered and sighed, "I needed that, Jess"
"We're gonna continue tomorrow," she said and laughed, "You should sleep now"
Susan chuckled, "Goodnight"
"Goodnight, honey"
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