Akela was walking along the lakeside beach next to Allie. In front of them were three large wolves running riot. Ezekiel was as much a child as both his sons in wolf shape. round and in between the bouncing, playful wolves were Blossom, carefully included and occasionally saved from splashing into the icy water.
Akela had three young dogs on a leash. Yzma had accepted Kyron and Sasha without trouble, and the three of them were shaping up to be a great team. All three were well behaved and obedient. Sasha had even gone with Ezekiel to the fire station to participate in some basic smoke and heat exercises with Rocky. She was inteĺligent enough to understand the instructions Ezekiel gave her.
"So... you're human?" Akela asked Allie, careful not to appear nosy.
"Yup. I was blind and Ezekiel was my seeing eye dog," Allie chuckled.
Akela stayed silent, unsure what to say. The story wasn't hers to pry into.
"He told me that he was lycan, and I didn't believe it, but then he rescued Zion and me from captivity. And I thought he died. And I couldn't bear the thought of living without him. So when he reappeared, I let all my doubts go. He's my one," Allie said softly and stopped to tug on the ears of her golden wolf, who came running over when he felt his mate talk about him.
"20 years in and he's still my fluffy best friend," Allie chuckled and watched her mate run back to their children, just in time to stop Blossom from slipping on a wet rock.
Akela was tempted to shift and join them. She hadn't had a playful turn as a wolf for nearly two years. But Ezekiel had entrusted her with the dogs and she was with the Luna.
"Come. Sit," Allie said and pointed to a picnic bench set on a grassy bank a bit up from the beach.
Akela followed and watched Allie pull a thermos out of the bag already placed there and pour out a couple of cups of coffee.
Akela unclipped the three dogs, watching them run to join the lycans in the water.
"So. You've seen Dr Dixon, and Dr Maddox and both say you are physically in good shape," Allie said as if casually mentioning the weather.
Akela shrugged. Both doctors had been kind and respectful.
"How is your mind?" Allie asked.
Akela gave a slightly sniffy laugh. Every day someone would ask.
"I'm... okay, I guess. It feels good to be a member of a pack and Alpha Zeke is a great leader..." Akela nodded.
"You just wish you could share it with your sister," Allie nodded in understanding.
Akela nodded again with a deep sigh.
"How about Zion and Abel? Are you feeling the bond strengthen?" Allie asked, this time with a different kind of curiosity.
She chuckled.
"It's honestly none of my business. I have only ever felt a link with Zeke... I just wonder if one of them feel... clearer... Now that you are away from them," The Luna smiled.
Akela gave a small smile. It did feel a bit absurd.
"It kinda.. hurts? I don't know how to describe it. It feels like a bruise that you can't stop touching," Akela smiled.
At the back of her mind, it felt like someone was watching her. As if two people were itching to talk to her. And it felt sore.
Allie nodded. It reminded her of how it felt to be away from Ezekiel.
"But I can't say one of them hurts more. I miss them... In a weird way. And I worry that Nia will take Abel, or that some other girl is going to want Zion while I'm away," She chuckled at her own stupid worry.
Allie laughed.
"Abel won't have Nia... He was punished for that with a six-month stint as a firedog. I think once was enough," Allie laughed.
Akela lifted both eyebrows.
"Abel wasn't the fluffball he is now. He used to be the worst kind of... well. He grew up..." Allie laughed.
Akela frowned in doubt.
"Don't worry Akela. He's on the phone every day, asking about you. So is Zion," Allie smiled and Akela felt a warm heat in her middle.
The idea that someone cared about her was still slightly overwhelming. She sent a thought to both of them. Like a hug. Zion's link immediately heated, as if he was blushing. Abel's felt like he returned the hug.
"And, I'm not allowed to say too much, but you've set off a chain reaction. Some of these guys are very keen for some daring heroics. Abel wants to start an all out war against the North, but the rest of them are still in the planning stages," Allie winked.
Akela's eyes filled with sudden tears. The two men of her dreams were brushed out of her thoughts in an instant.
"They are going to save Kira?" she sniffed.
"If they can... And if Kira feels the need for rescue," Allie smiled.
Akela wasn't sure how to express her gratitude to this human Luna. She left her seat and kneeled on the ground in front of her.
"Thank you! I'll be eternally in your service, my Luna!" she said with her head bowed in submission.
Allie just sighed and pulled Akela to her feet.
"No need to kneel, Akela. Besides, we have other things to plan. I've signed you up for school. You'll be enrolled in my friend Summer's class from next week. You'll be with Hunter. The story is that you are Hunter's homeschooled cousin," Allie smiled.
Akela frowned suspiciously.
"You know how to read, and your maths seem to be at an OK level. You just need to read up on the rest of it and you'll be fine. Sam has fixed your paperwork," Allie smiled.
Akela nodded and shot a look at the blonde wolf shape of Hunter.
"Hunter and Aimee will help you. So will Emily and I," Allie reassured.
Akela nodded.
"But you can't walk around in Diana's sweatpants forever, so tomorrow we're going clothes shopping," Allie cheered falsely.
"Clothes shopping? " Akela frowned.
"Yes. my best friend Fiona owns FeeFashion. I have no idea about clothes so she gets everything I need. Besides we need to find dresses for Dixon's wedding," Allie smiled.
The next day, Akela found herself surrounded by fabric in all colours. On the till was a frighteningly tall pile of what Fiona had called "essentials". Akela had only ever had one set of clothes to shift into in their nomadic lifestyle and had never considered clothes as a means of expression. But according to Fiona, clothes was a way of bringing out personality. Allie shrugged and mouthed "just go with it," which was why Akela was dressed in a pale lilac pleated gown and some strappy sandals with a wobbly heel.
"Perfect!" Fiona announced and casually shoved a dark blue number into Allie's hands, following up with a shoo-ing motion towards the changing room.
From the back, a young girl emerged. Her hair was the same shock of auburn curls as Fiona, but something about her face was similar to Allie.
"Homework?" Fiona asked.
"Done!" the girl replied and slumped into a seat in the shoe section of the shop.
Fiona rolled her eyes in semi-prideful exasperation.
"Dad said I could have a cupcake from across the road," the girl muttered.
"Well... your dad doesn't run a clothes shop that I can not risk you messing up with icing... so that's a no," Fiona smiled back as she shuffled through another set of tops with a sideways look at Akela.
A pair of jeans and a v-neck jumper was handed to Akela alongside some of the new underwear Allie had picked out.
"Do you want a cupcake?" Fiona asked.
Akela looked at her in surprise.
"Change into that, and you can go with Naomi," Fiona said with a friendly, caring smile.
"But... I haven't paid..." Akela stuttered.
Fiona gave a brush-off motion with her hand.
"Don't worry. Ezekiel can afford a few pairs of jeans for his long lost... what was it? Cousin's niece?" Fiona winked.
Akela simply gaped at her.
"Don't worry, kiddo. This outfit is on the house if you entertain that monster for half an hour... The rest is up to my best friend," Fiona chuckled with a nod towards Naomi.
Allie emerged, wearing an asymmetric cut gown that made her look regal.
"You don't have to," Allie smiled at Akela's insecurity.
"It's a human town..." Akela whispered. Her heart was beating like a beast.
She had never been among full-blood humans for more than a few minutes at a time. Once with her dad to get food at a shop after he had earned some money doing god-knows-what on one of their summer runs. The bright artificial lights had seemed so foreign back then, but now she looked around Fiona's shop and realised it was the same light here. It just didn't feel so glaring and weird.
"And it's a very safe town. I'll be right here," Allie smiled.
Akela nodded. She trusted her Luna. Allie would never place her at risk. Akela bowed carefully and went into the cubicle overflowing with clothes that she had found too bright or didn't fit. She changed into the clothes she had been given and started tidying up.
"Don't worry about tidying. I'll sort that out once you've got yourself dressed," Fiona said through the curtains.
Akela emerged to see Naomi practically bouncing.
She barely had time to get some shoes on before the girl grabbed her and dragged her out.
"Mum said you've never been in a town before, so screw cupcakes. We're getting ice cream!" Naomi giggled and bounced along the road towards a park. Akela shrunk back from the cars whizzing past at unbelievable speeds. It didn't seem safe.
"The cars aren't dangerous if you just follow the rules. Look. There's a crossing ahead," Naomi chuckled at the older girl's fright.
The young girl led Akela to a set of lights and stopped, waiting for a light signal to change. Akela hurried over, clutching Naomi's hand, amazed at how the cars respectfully stopped. One thing was sitting inside these motorised boxes, another was seeing them drive past and smelling the nasty fumes they left behind.
Naomi guided them into a park, where Akela felt she could breathe again.
They found a small building painted in cheerful colours and had seats along the walls. Behind the counter were ice creams in all kinds of flavours.
Akela shook her head when Naomi asked what she'd like and let the girl decide.
A scoop of salty caramel flavoured ice cream later, Akela was getting used to Naomi's stream of talking. In five minutes, she had been told that this used to be a small street vendor that had expanded and that there used to be a skate ramp nearby.
Thankfully Naomi didn't lead Akela back to the streets, but further towards the playground.
"Right... So over there is a pond. The track around it leads to a hiking trail up into the mountains and the village up there. I'm not allowed up there without Uncle Zeke," She said and pointed.
Over on the swings were several children with their parents.
"Oh. Kahn is here!" Naomi cheered and ran off towards the dark haired boy up in the monkey bars.
Akela sighed in relief as she recognised the child and looked around to see Ameer pushing Gill on the swings.
"Hey," She said, timidly approaching the large Beta.
He turned and smiled at her.
"Hey there. Looking good in your new clothes! Do a twirl?" Ameer smiled and motioned with his finger for her to turn around.
Akela did and returned around to se an approving grin.
"That Fiona knows how to dress the shadow valley girls..." he chuckled and nodded towards a bench as soon as Gill had spotted Naomi and had set off to join the other two.
"I've never seen so many clothes!" Akela said, worried that she would sound ungrateful.
"Did you get exercise stuff? Running shoes and that kind of stuff?" Ameer asked.
Akela's eyes widened and she shook her head.
"Right," Ameer said and pulled his phone out.
"Allie. Hey. Did you get running tights for the new girl? And shoes?... Good... Yeah... Soon... I'll bring her, no worries," Ameer chatted and hung up.
"Sorted!" He smiled.
Akela stared in surprise.
"As soon as you're ready, you come to my gym with me. I'll teach you to fight. Being Lycan you'll probably kick most of my boxing team's asses, but if Zeke is serious about going north, you'll need to defend yourself," he said seriously.
Akela couldn't say anything. The tears were choking her.
"You have no idea how many times I've wanted to fight Sam over Saleha... She's my sister and I'll quite happily kill Sam if he hurts her," Ameer grinned in an understanding of how much her sister meant to her.
"But he's delta prime?" Akela stuttered.
"Yup. Still married to my sister..." Ameer grinned.
Akela shook her head in an amused disbelief. He understood her worry for Kira. but he was still a human and no match for a top-trained lycan delta prime.
"Truth? Sam is faster, I'm stronger," Ameer winked and placed a pair of fingers between his lips in a sharp whistle that had his two sons running over, followed by Naomi.
¨Dinner time!" he announced with a thumb gesture towards the big SUV parked nearby.
"You're both with me. Grange has stewed up half the contents of the freezer and needs people to eat it," he smiled at Akela and Naomi.
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